Ch. 9 - Suguru's Pet

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The two of you arrived at the school the next morning together. It was a bit of a sticky morning considering it was early September. You, of course, were a bit disheveled considering you wore what you went home with him in. He was decked out in casual wear considering it was now Saturday and he usually would not be on campus.
Gojo walked with you to the large residence building and up to your room on the top floor. When you arrived, your door was left ajar and personal belongings strewn about.

"She was here, alright," you sighed, beginning to pick up some of your clothes that were piled in the middle of the floor. Gojo watched you carefully, hands in his pockets.

"Do you have any idea of when she might show up again?" He asked as you continued to tidy up. 

"No idea," you grunted, picking up the last of what was on the floor. "She likes to keep things spicy."

"Ah," Gojo smiled to himself, "I should've guessed."

"It's quite pesky considering how she can just show up wherever she wants. For all we know she could be right outside the window," you sighed, shoving the clothing into one of your drawers, not bothering to fold them. 

"Good morning," Nanami suddenly appeared, "I saw you both arriving on campus...together...and I wanted to see how you were doing," he directed his question toward you.

"Oh, yeah, fine...sort of," you laughed pathetically, "Gojo allowed me to stay the night since I was so...messed up," you were ashamed to admit. Nanami focused his vision for just a moment when he noticed the fresh hickey on the side of your neck. You quickly slapped your hand over it, flattening your lips and widening your eyes in further embarrassment.

"You didn't take advantage of her, I hope?" Nanami asked his coworker, lifting an eyebrow in suspicion. 

"Na-na-mi, what kind of guy do you take me for?!" Gojo chuckled loudly. Nanami kept his bothered facial expression, waiting for an answer. "Actually, she asked me to do it." He crossed his arms proudly and Nanami directed his attention back to you with a bit of shock behind his eyes.

"I...had some inner turmoil that needed to be released," you gulped, removing your hand from your neck in defeat. Nanami gave you a skeptical look.

"Very well, then," he adjusted his glasses and looked around your room, "what happened here?"

"That's the other part that you missed," you mumbled, looking at Gojo to avoid looking at Nanami. 

"Y/N's ex is Akui Kage," Gojo smirked as if that was something to be prideful about. Nanami's expression shifted to one of concern.

"You didn't tell me that," he nearly scolded you as your face turned pink. 

"She showed up last night," you said quietly, looking down in shame, "I should've known not to come here. It's too obvious for me to be here...I just wanted to stay close to a school..."

"There's no shame in that!" Gojo exclaimed as if he didn't just have the same low point of view the night before. Truthfully, he just wanted to support you, letting a strange new connection to you take charge. You narrowed your eyes at him and sudden decision to support you so enthusiastically.

"If anything, it means we can take care of the problem faster," Nanami explained, "that'll draw her near and then we can just take her out. One less sorcerer to worry about in relation to Suguru Geto's former group."

"Sure," you slightly agreed, still feeling bad about the possibility of putting the school in danger.

"I'll leave you to it, then," Nanami excused himself, leaving you and Gojo alone once more. 

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