Ch. 13 - Nanami

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Nanami lived in a home just outside of downtown. The homes were squished together but still homes nonetheless. 
He pulled into the driveway as the sun began to set. You felt incredibly numb, sitting there silently as Nanami got out and retrieved your bags. 

"Alright, here we are" Nanami smiled at you gently as he helped you from the car.

"Thanks again for this, Kento," you thanked him again and followed him into the home, leaving your shoes at the door as always, "are you sure I can't pay rent?"

"I'm sure," he answered, wheeling your suitcase against the island counter of the open concept, "it can get pretty lonely here, so having company may do me some good. It's bedroom so I'll take the couch until you can get on your feet."
Sorcerers typically made good money as individuals and while you had money stocked up, the market in Tokyo was a bit of a struggle to afford for you at the moment - especially since you worked for the school and not independently. Your paychecks would come to a halt having been expelled.

It was a small home, open concept so the living area, dining room, and kitchen were all one space save for a small half-bath.
The kitchen was in the back part of the main room, small and quaint with an island counter and stainless steel appliances. In front of the island sat a modern dining table that could seat six. Across from the dining area sat the living space which was down a single step, making the floor a bit more dynamic. A white sectional sat in front of a large television and a large rug covered the slate floor. Stairs likely led up to his bedroom and master bathroom.

"The couch?" You chuckled in response to his sleeping arrangement. "We've seen more than enough of one another, I'm sure it won't kill either of us to stay in the same bed...unless you really don't want that." You offered kindly.

"No, no, that's fine," Nanami's face turned a little bit pink as he removed his glasses to begin the process of getting comfortable. "I just want to make sure you're comfortable."

"Well thanks," you blushed, pushing some hair behind your ears. 

"I'm sorry that I slightly pushed you into him the other night," Nanami apologized, now loosening his tie for removal, coat already off and hanging on one of the bar stools that sat against the island. 

"Oh...yeah, well it was ultimately my own decision," you gave a tight, flat smile and looked around the room to try and settle your nerves of being in yet another new location. 

"Feel free to get comfortable, no judgement here," he encouraged, the first few buttons of his shirt now unbuttoned. He turned behind him and grabbed a drink from the refrigerator. 

"Right," you nodded and slowly took a seat on the sofa, "I think Gojo did this to me on purpose."

"You think?" Nanami gave a small chuckle and joined you, picking up the remote from the end table and switching on the television to the first news station, ANN. 

"I guess it is  pretty obvious. But if you were with us at his flat the other night," you sighed and shook your head, looking down at your lap. Nanami looked over at you with interest. "It seemed like he wanted something more between us than just one night stands..."

"Never," Nanami shook his head quickly, "he's a chronic bachelor. He'll never settle, even if his family disowns him for not producing an heir. He'll likely just impregnate a random woman just to shut them up if he hasn't already." Hearing Nanami say that stung. 

"Yeah, I guess so," you muttered, "should that not be me after these past couple of days," you added in a barely audible voice. Nanami's eyes widened with interest, the rest of his face unmoving.

"You let him do that?" He almost laughed.

"Heat of the moment," your face turned beat red.

"Ah," Nanami sighed, taking a sip of his drink. He knew exactly what Gojo had with you and he'd be lying if he didn't want another chance with treat you right.

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