De Purplelove1998

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"Fading memories and a broken heart is what I'm getting for loving you. For trusting you when I was not even... Mais

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De Purplelove1998

It was early in the morning and she was having her morning coffee in the kitchen as usual when Tae approached her.

But to her surprise there was nothing unusual about him. Just like when she saw him the last time.

She stared at him puzzled as he gave her a beautiful smile and he appeared to be cheerful and happier like always.

She inspected his face closely but there were no signs of tiredness or sadness in his face.

It was like the last two days had not even happened. He was acting as if he was not staying locked up in his room and crying for the last two days. Everything about him was fine and normal. But instead of making her relax or relieved, this sight only scared her more.

The thought of him still trying to hide everything makes her more sad. Even when he was trying to remain calm and serene, she could clearly see it. She could sense an unknown pain hidden behind that pretty smile adorned his handsome face.

That beautiful smile that she adores so much was tainted with the hurt that he was trying to hide from her. And she felt even more hurt seeing him trying to hide his pain from his mom.

But instead of bombarding him with all the questions like she wanted to do actually, she decided to wait for him to speak.

" Mom", he trailed off, lowering his head and staring at the floor.

She just hummed in response, trying not to cry seeing him again trying to act as if nothing was bothering him.

" What is it?", she finally decided to go with it whilst trying to sound firm so that he wouldn't understand how much she is feeling down and feel more guilty.

" I want to visit Grandma", he said in a mere whisper as he fixed his gaze on the floor without bothering to look up at her face.

She looked at him surprised by his demand. Of course she knows how much he likes to visit his Grandmother's house in Daegu. The boy has always had a soft spot for that place ever since he was a kid.

And growing up he still loves to visit the place whenever he gets a chance.

But she was still puzzled by the demand that came out of the blue. Why would Tae have a sudden urge to visit Daegu when the school has just started?

She looked at the boy who was still refusing to meet her gaze as his eyes were roaming around the room but never in her direction.

" I really miss her a lot. I will come back on my own. But this visit will be a little longer than usual", he said in a soft voice making her furrow her brows in confusion.

She could get a faint clue of what he is trying to do. But she decided not to interrogate or advise him.

If he was not ready to open up and be honest with her then she could only go with the flow.

" I'll come with you", she said as she looked at his face which was downcast.

But the next instant he looked at her, panic evident in his eyes and posture.

" No need", he blurted out instantly making her frown and he looked away avoiding her sharp gaze.

" You can't just leave like that. You have a company to take care", he added after a little while.

But she has already decided.

" No", she shakes her head disagreeing. " I could manage the company from there as well. I need not necessarily be here to take care of everything", she said while looking at her boy who has a distressed look on his face.

" Moreover I too want to visit mom. It's been a while since I have gone there", she said in a firm tone thus closing the door for discussion.

He frowned. " But you yourself told me that you would visit Grandma when dad comes", he said. He seems keen on going there alone.

But she was not ready to budge even though she hates to make him upset.

" There are slight changes in your dad's schedule. So I am not sure if he could make it here just as planned. So I would just accompany you instead of waiting for him", she said in a calm voice.

" But when did you want to go? Tomorrow?", she asked him, wanting to know about how this is going. But suddenly she felt a little bit tense seeing the unreadable expression on his face.

But Tae shakes his head as soon as he hears the question. " No, today", he said shortly, making her puzzled.

She cocked her brows, unable to understand the younger's behaviour.

" Pick me from school at noon. Make an excuse that it is urgent to visit her now. And also tell them that I won't be coming for a while", he said.

His voice was soft but still firm. But all these was too much for his mom who was baffled by his actions and words.

" Are you out of your mind?", she asked, trying not to yell at him for coming with such an absurd demand early in the morning after making her so worried and confused the last two days.

As expected she got no answer. He stayed quiet while his gaze glued to the floor.

" Tae, what is going on?"she pressed, feeling annoyed by everything.

But she was taken aback when he glanced up from the floor and looked at her with a tired face.

" Please mom", he pleaded. " Help me out just this time. I have only you. I will tell you everything later. But please don't ask me anything right now".

She stared at him in disbelief, unable to believe what she was seeing in front of her eyes. It seems like he has decided to stop putting up the act in front of her.

He looked so weak and drained. He was nothing like his old self. This was nothing like that confident and vibrant boy he always used to be.

What has happened to him?

Her heart clenched seeing him pleading in such a weak voice looking so vulnerable and his eyes welling up with tears as he looked at her.

" Okay", she said, nodding her head, not wanting to see those eyes brimming with tears.

He smiled at her faintly as he heard her answer. But there was no trace of his pretty boxy smile on his face anymore.

After that he went away without saying anything more.

She glanced at the clock and saw it was already six. She covered her face with her palms feeling sad and frustrated with everything happening right now.

What is happening to my angel, was the only thing that has been running around her mind as she sat there contemplating whether she should still just go with the flow.

But then she pushed away all the negative thoughts that were hurting her, wanting to stay strong for her son who seemed to be falling apart in front of her eyes.

She picked him up from the school as per his request. Much to her relief, he seems to be back to his usual self.

Nothing seemed wrong. Even though the ride was quiet and calm, there was nothing out of place. She kept on looking for some discomfort or sorrow in his behaviour. But she couldn't find anything of the sort.

She sighed in relief and smiled to herself seeing his calm demeanor. Finally it's all over. He is doing okay.

But what she didn't know was that it was not at all the ending but just the beginning.

Everything was alright when they reached Daegu. But things didn't stay the same. But it started changing soon.

Tae started doing what he was doing back at his home. He started spending his time in the confines of his room. He would step out of the room only when he was really hungry. Rest of the time he spent inside the room without letting anyone else in.

His mom was growing restless with each passing second seeing his newly found unhealthy routine and reclusive spirit.

But her mother-in- law comforted her as she saw her sorrow.

" Give him time. He will be fine. Don't try to pressurize him to open up to you. He would come to you by himself when he is ready to face you", she coaxed her once she saw her crying over her helplessness.

Even though she badly wanted to go against his decision and force open the door all the time he skipped the meals she knew she couldn't do it. She was scared that if she did anything like that it would only make matters worse than it already is.

And she doesn't want to do that. So she tried to remain calm and wait for him. But Tae is really acting strange these days. It's already been a month since they reached Daegu. Yet he is still the same, not ready to leave the comfort of his room.

But what was scaring her is his unbothered disposition towards the time that's passing by.

He is acting as if he doesn't care about anything. He seems to fully forget the fact that he is required to be back to school immediately. He doesn't even care about his own friends.

Now he is not even keeping contact with his friends back in his school.

She was shocked to the core when she realised that he shut down his old mobile and brought a new one with a new sim card. She has completely no idea why he is being like this. Why is he trying to get away from everything?

She was lost for words when some of his friends called her telling her how they can't reach him and asking her when he would come back.

Unable to tell them a proper reason, she was forced to make up excuses to stop those kids from keeping on calling.

She even said that his Grandma is seriously ill and he was required to stay back to provide her company. But fortunately when she told about her blunder to her mother-in-law, the old woman was okay with it as long as it was for Tae.

Seeing everything that has been going on in front of her, she knows that this is not going to end well if she doesn't do something about it.

She kept on wishing that he would tell her what was going on with him. And even if it's something really serious she is ready to do everything that's in her power to fix it.

But what could she do when she has no idea about even the source of the problem?

She really wants to confront him and ask for an explanation for everything. But she has no idea about how he is going to react if she ever does that.

Will he open up and tell her everything? Will he be honest with her and tell her the reason that is forcing him to be like this?

What if the reaction is exactly the opposite to what she wishes for? What if he denies her request and becomes mad or worse , becomes more closed off?

She is not sure. And she is not ready to take the risk and aggravate the problem.

That's the reason she chose to ignore her aching heart and wait for him as long as it takes.

One thing is clear as crystal to her. This is not something simple. Something serious has happened to Tae and it must have a big impact on him.

She was feeling frustrated as she is still clueless about the whole situation.

At first he thought that it must have been a fight or something like that which must have ended unfavorably for Tae. But as days passed away and the situation didn't improve a bit, but aggravated, she knew her initial assumptions were wrong.

So this is definitely not just a silly usual fight between friends. And she also knows very well that he wouldn't be upset over trivial things. So this is something else. But unfortunately she has no idea what it is.

Tae has never acted like this before. He has always been a jovial and carefree kid. And now seeing him acting as if he can't move forward from whatever that is bugging him was worrying her even more.

She knows very well that she could easily find out about the matter in a matter of seconds. She could just contact the school management or any of his teachers or even his friends and make an inquiry.

But that would be like going behind his back and trying to find out about the secret he is hiding when he has made it clear that he is not ready to let her know about it yet.

And once he comes to know about it, he may think that she doesn't trust him enough to wait for him to tell her about it himself. So she decided to discard the idea.

Never in her life she has felt so weak and helpless. But yet she decided to accept his silence and wait for him as much as he wants her to.

He sat by the bay window as he stared at his mom's car driving away.

He gritted his teeth not wanting to start crying again. But that has been the only thing he could do now.

He has no idea where he is going with this. He knows that he needs to stop this and do something other than confining himself to everyone and crying like an idiot on his own.

Even his sleeping and eating patterns are a mess. When he feels like eating he asks his mom to send his food in and they do as per his requests. And when he is tired from all the crying and wants to sleep, he sleeps.

So in total he is an absolute mess. He knows that his mom is right. He cannot stay here like this. This is not how it is supposed to go. This is not what he planned for things to go when he started from his home.

But why is it so difficult? What is he supposed to do? He cupped his face with his palms exasperated. What's he even doing? Even after staying away, things are not going as per his plan.

The only thing happening now with all this is his mom getting worried thanks to his antics.

He doesn't know what he is supposed to do now. He is making her worry about him every instant. He knows that she is trying hard not to barge in and asks him to explain.

But still she restrains herself from doing that. She is trying to stay stronger so that he could lean on her.

He feels sorry for his mom, for everything. But what's he supposed to do when he is not yet ready to face her. He doesn't want to disappoint her. He always strived to make her proud and to be the ideal son. But she must be disappointed with him already. Anyone would.

After all, what he has done and still doing is clearly childish. He stared out of the window, as the tears ran down his cheeks ceaselessly.

Sorry, mom. I know you always wanted me to be strong. But now I am falling apart. And I'm hiding like a coward in here, because I don't want you to see that and be more disappointed. Don't worry I will be fine. But what am I supposed to do now? I'm stuck. I can't stay here like this forever. I want to move forward from everything. But I can't.

There are many times he has decided to just stop with all the tears and go out and join his family. But still he is not able to do that. Because he is scared. What if he starts crying in front of them?

And he doesn't know how they would react if they saw with their own eyes what is happening to him.

He already knows that they have an idea about what is happening inside the room. But they had not witnessed it by themselves yet.

And he doesn't want them to see him like this.

Broken and jaded.

He was startled by the sound of his phone dinging. He glanced down at the screen. He sighed it was just an irrelevant notification. After all, who is going to message or call him. Because his mom and Grandma are the only people who know about this new number. Another sign of his cowardice.

He stared at the date dejectedly feeling remorse again.

What is he doing here?

His mom is right. He shouldn't be like this. He needs to think about the future.

" Tae don't be a fool", he mumbled. " Stop with this stubbornness. Please forget everything and move on. You have shed more than enough tears for that jerk. He doesn't deserve anymore. Just stop it already".

His eyes immediately jerked open. Did he just call him a jerk?

Tae clutched his head tightly feeling a terrible headache. His head is already spinning like crazy and now to add to the misery this pounding headache too.

Tae chuckled airily, shaking his head.

" How did everything end like this? He was my everything. My whole world was revolving around him. I was going to introduce him to my parents. But now everything has changed".

He sighed heavily and brought his knees closer to his chest. " Where did it go wrong?"

He snorted at his own stupid thought. Nothing was even needed to go wrong for everything to go wrong. Because nothing was right even before it all started.

He was all he ever needed. But he never knew everything was just one sided even when it was the other party who started it.

He carded his dainty fingers through his silver locks, feeling the softness on his fingertips.

He let out a tired sigh. He rested his head on his knees feeling worn down.

What could have happened if Mrs. Park hadn't asked him to go and meet her in the music room that day. And what if he hadn't been told about that important news from Vernon?

How would have things escalated if he has not decided to pay him a visit and congratulate for his achievement?

He scoffed. What? I would have become a laughing stock in front of the whole school.

He leaned back on the wall, looking at the opposite wall helplessly.

What would have happened, if I had begged him to stay? Would he have changed his decision?

" Urgh!!", he groaned.

" Tae, stop it", he chided himself. " Stop with your stupid fantasies. You know, more than anyone else that he would have never even thought of changing his decision. After All, why would he even want to stay with you?"

He chuckled dryly. " After all, the whole thing was nothing but a fake relationship for him. Everything was a lie. He has been lying to you since the beginning. He lied to you when he told you that he loved you and he was just lying when he said that he would be with you forever".

He rested his head against the glass window as he looked out, staring at nothing in particular.

" It was just a challenge for him, something he should do inorder to win the bet he has made with his friends. And then you were just a toy for him to play with until his longtime girlfriend comes back", he was mumbling to himself.

Tae stood up and walked to the bed and lied down. He didn't want to look outside and make himself feel more miserable and depressed. He pressed his face into the pillows while he hiccuped uncontrollably.

" I hate you. I really hate you. I don't want to see you again", he sobbed.

He stared at the ceiling as he woke up from another deep slumber. He didn't know when he fell asleep. It didn't matter anyway. His eyes lazily wandered around the room whose even tiny details are too familiar for him.

After all, staring at the full details of the room was the only thing he has been doing for a long time.

Why did everything become like this?

He closed his eyes tightly hoping that he could fall asleep again.

He didn't want to face another dull day.

Another day which screams how much of a loser he is.

He stayed in his position without bothering to get up.

His thoughts were already running wild.

And it unconsciously wandered to the things which he wanted to forget.

Memories are really a headache, when it is about the things which you wanted to forget.

Tae didn't know if he should wish to forget everything about a boy he loves so much.

But he wishes he certainly forgot the memories of at least that dreadful day which was the worst day in his life.

He was walking towards the bus stop when he heard someone calling his name. Slightly irritated, he turned around trying not to show his annoyance to whoever is hindering him.

As he looked for the owner of the voice, it was one of his classmates. He sighed heavily as he waited for the other to reach him.

It was a trying day. He was exhausted to the core. And the only thing he wanted to do was to reach home and sleep properly since he has not received ample sleep these days.

He was stuck with a lot of pending school work all because he was busy with other things.

He tilted his head as the other was taking a lot of time to walk over to him instead of increasing the pace even a little bit.

And after what looked like hours the boy was before him.

He raised his eyebrows questioningly waiting for the other to enlighten with whatever reason he was being held back when it's already the time for his usual bus.

" Actually I have been looking for you for a while", Vernon started, panting a bit. Seems like the boy has been running around looking for him.

" I even went to the court hoping you would be with Jae. But see I just wasted my breath going all the way up there", he said with a faint smile.

Tae looked at him puzzled.

What is Jae doing in the court? The school has already ended. And all the students are strictly asked to go back home as soon as the bell rings as the preparations are going on. And even though the extra practices for the upcoming events have been going on, he knows that there is no practice today.

Vernon looked at him surprised. Then he gasped slightly causing the other to frown.

" You haven't heard anything about Jae?" Vernon looked at him, his eyes widening upon realisation.

Tae looked at him puzzled.

Vernon looked at him really surprised.

" Actually Jae has been chosen as the captain for the basketball team for the upcoming inter school competition", he informed.

Even though the boy has been trying to hide it, Tae could clearly see the confusion and shock in his face.

He pulled out a smile seeing the attempts of the other to be less obvious. He sighed softly looking away.

" Are they still practicing?"he asked, trying to maintain the smile that was already morphing into a frown seeing the way the other is trying to hide his shock upon hearing the question.

He scoffed internally.

" They?"Vernon queried his brow, the confusion back on his face again.

Then he shook his hurry. " No. It's not a team practice", he said quickly. " Jae is practicing alone", he paused and looked at the silver haired boy with hesitation.

" Actually Tae", Vernon trailed off. " It was yesterday Jae was confirmed as the captain. But how come you are not aware of such important information regarding your boyfriend?" The boy asked with a voice coated with curiosity piqued.

Tae chuckled softly, shaking his head.

" We both were busy these few days so we couldn't catch up with each other. So that's why I am just hearing about it now", he smiled at the other.

Vernon nodded quickly. " Yeah, that can happen considering both of you are just always busy".

Tae squinted his eyes, suddenly remembering something.

" Well," he looked at the other boy. " I thought you wanted to say something.." he trailed off keeping his glance at the other, wondering if there are still things which he is not aware of yet.

Vernon let out a chuckle. " Oh sorry I nearly forgot", he smiled awkwardly. " Actually I was looking for you because Mrs. Park has asked for you to meet her in the music room", he informed him.

Tae knitted his brows as he took in the information. Why would Mrs. Park looks for him? As far as he knows there is no reason for her to look for him.

Anyway he needs to go back and meet her. What if this is about something important? He can't just ignore this and leave. Right?

Even though that is what he feels like doing now. Especially after hearing such amazing news now.

He smiled at the other. " Thanks for telling me, now I'll get going", he said as he turned around to walk back to the school building again.

But before he could take a step forward Vernon interrupted him.
" I heard that your mom is one of the sponsors again", the other said.

Tae looked at him surprised. Great another one.

" I don't know", he said merely, masking the slight annoyance at the revelation, and making the other stare back at him with an inquiring look.

Tae smiled at the puzzled boy and waved at him before walking towards the building. This is not something new. So he didn't feel any remorse hearing it from a fellow student. Just a little annoyance at the information.

His mother is always a prominent presence in the list of sponsors whenever the school organises such special events.

So the information is not a surprise. But he wasn't just expecting since she has no reason to get involved herself this time.

Because as far as she was allowed to know her son has nothing to do with this event.

After all, she has no idea about how much this event means for him. He has not told her anything yet. But he was planning on it already.

He sighed heavily, annoyed that he had to go back all the way back there after nearly reaching the gate.

This better be important. He thought as he walked lazily heading to the art block.

He knows where to find Mrs Park even though he forgot to ask which music room he was supposed to go to.

She is always in the music room in their art building since it's the main representative room for the competition.

And she is one of the in-charges responsible for the event.

Tae now gets a faint clue why she is calling him. Of course this time it's her turn for the ritual.

He was now in that specific room standing in front of Mrs Park as she went on rambling about the arrangements for the tournament.

As expected she kept on showering his mom with praises and goes on telling how grateful the school is to his mom for being a major sponsor for the event.

He didn't say anything as she went on with her rambling elatedly.

Anyway, once he reached the breaking point and had no more energy left to just stand there and entertain her he told him that he needed to go somewhere immediately and she complied and happily sent him away.

He scoffed once he was out of the room. This is one of the few things that he is upset about with his mom.

He really doesn't know why his mom is doing this kind of extravagant thing.

He actually doesn't want others to approach him and admire just because he is rich and his mom is the main sponsor for the main event.

But he knows for sure that some of his friends are with him just because of his rich background and popularity. At first when he realised that he was sad and angry.

But after some time he learnt to accept it and not show them his displeasure.

After all, what could he do about it?

Anyway he has always been careful around those people. He didn't want them to make a fool out of them.

Later on he chose not to care about their intentions. If they want to stick to him just because of his money, he would let them. And that's what he is doing now.

He doesn't care about them much. He has enough people in his life who genuinely care for him. Then why must he waste his time worrying about those fake people?

He was walking towards the exit of the art block when he remembered something.

He halted on his track instantly.

Jae is in the indoor court practicing for the competition. Maybe he should go and congratulate him. After all, finally he has achieved something big.

It's not a surprise that he is chosen to be the captain of the basketball team for the competition. Because Jae is really talented and experienced in the game. Moreover that boy works so hard trying to upgrade his skills to the point of worrying everyone close to him.

Tae still remembers how Jae has been practicing till midnight before every match. And there are occasions when Tae was so worried about him that he accompanied the boy to those late night practice sessions and cheered from the bleachers whenever the ball went into the net.

A small smile made its way into his lips at the memory. His boyfriend is the best among all. And it's just a surprise that he is not appointed as the captain sooner. It took this much time for them to realise his potential.

He walked out of the art block and headed to the indoor court where Jae is supposed to be practicing.

He is a little bit upset that he wasn't able to hear the news from his boyfriend. But has to know about it after a day from someone else. But he knows better than to be salty. There must be a reason that Jae forgot to tell him about such important news.

With his thoughts already creating bitter feelings in his mind he finally walked into the court.

He is already tired after a long day. But still he cannot go back without seeing Jae.

So he ignored the weariness and looked around. He frowned seeing the court empty.

He looked around the whole place. No one is here. Where did he go? Did Vernon give him the wrong information? What is going on?

Tae huffed irritation gracing his features. He let out a sigh. He walked all the way up here for nothing.

But as he was about to turn around and leave he remembered the locker room. What if Jae is already done with the practice and is in the locker room?

So he walked to the locker room even though there is actually no chance of someone being there. Because the whole area is awfully quiet.

But he didn't want to leave without making sure that he is not missing out on a chance to see his boyfriend if he leaves without checking thoroughly.

As soon as he entered and took a quick glance around the room he sighed heavily.

He sat on one of the benches, his exhaustion taking up his body.

He huffed sadly looking around. He missed the chance to congratulate Jae face to face. He looked around the room again hoping to see that there is some chance left for him.

But Jae's bag is nowhere to be seen. So it's clear that he left after the practice.

Tae shook his head trying to prevent unwanted thoughts from crawling into his head. He sighed softly looking down at the floor as he hunched forward resting his elbows on his knees and his head on his palms.

He knows that things are a bit tiring these days. He was actually worried about the whole situation with Jae these days.

Because he felt like Jae has been acting strange around him recently. And it's been three days since they have spent time together.

And it's been confusing and suffocating him seeing his boyfriend giving him a cold smile whenever they locked eyes in the class.

But now he feels better. He actually finds out why Jae has been acting weird. And he just worried about him for nothing. Poor boy. He must have been under a lot of pressure.

But he could have shared his worries and stress with him. Right? He has always done that.

Whenever Jae is worried or upset about anything Tae is the one whom he approached first. And that has always helped Jae to calm down.

Tae sighed softly. He must be under a lot of pressure. It's okay. Right?

But he was suddenly dragged out of his thoughts by a loud sound from outside. Probably something is happening in the court.

He immediately stood up from the bunch ready to go and check what this is about. But he stopped in his trail hearing a very familiar voice.

From what he could make of what he heard he assumed that an argument was taking place outside.

But what is happening? And Jae? He is such a softie. And fights and quarrels are not his thing.

But who else is there?

Tae was about to take his bag so he could go outside and do something about it when he heard a yell from outside.

" Explain".

Tae furrowed his eyebrows, confusion filling up his mind.


Joshua and Jae fighting? But why?

Joshua is Jae's neighbour and bestfriend. They have been bestfriends since the day Joshua moved into the neighborhood when they were ten.

The boys are like real siblings. And ever since Tae started dating Jae, Joshua too has joined Tae's friend circle.

But as far as he knows the boys never have gotten into a fight with each other. There are a few occasional arguments that have happened between them. But none has lasted more than ten minutes.

But hearing the way Joshua yelled at his friend, this doesn't seem to be something trivial.

So Tae immediately picked up his bag and walked to the door hoping to stop the fight before it accelerated into a more heated one.

But the question he heard from Joshua just when he was about to rush out of the door was enough to stop him from moving forward.

" Why are you doing this to Tae?"

It was Joshua and surely directed at Jae.

Tae stiffened, unable to move forward. He was confused.

" You guys love each other so much. The whole school knows it. Everything is going well with you two. Then why are you doing this? What happened to you to do this to him?"

Joshua was shouting at Jae, anyone could tell.

But what the two boys, arguing with each other thinking that they are alone in the court, was that they are not alone in that place.

There is someone near them just a wall separating them and that person has already heard the question.

Tae exhaled deeply not knowing what to make of the things he was hearing.

" I'm sorry".

Tae heard him. His voice is calm and soft as usual.

Tae froze on his spot. His heart was beating erratically.

" What sorry? For what are you being sorry, you jerk?"

Joshua was still shouting at the other.

" What are you apologising to me for? Just tell me why are you breaking up with him all of a sudden?"

Tae stilled hearing the words. His breath hitched in his throat, suffocating him.

" Speak up! Did the cat catch your tongue? Just spill it out already? Why are you doing this? Give me a reason"

He could clearly hear Joshua shouting at the other boy that is Jae, his boyfriend of the last eight months.

He couldn't understand what was happening. Jae wants to break up with him? But why?

His heart sank. His boyfriend wanted to break up with him. They love each other. Then what is making the other to take this decision?

" There is actually no reason".

Tae frowned hearing the soft voice of his boyfriend which in fact is echoing in the empty court just like it is now echoing in his own head.

" No reason? Then what's going on? Is it that you don't love him anymore?"

Tae winced hearing the shout. All the while he has known Joshua, he knew that he was a boy who hates to get into unwanted arguments.

But this is serious. But Tae was actually feeling a bit better knowing that Joshua actually cares for him instead of just sticking to his friend.

" I've really loved him. But I can't stay with him anymore".

Tae furrowed his eyebrows without understanding where Jae was going with this. Everything is perfect with them. They clearly love each other. Then why?

Is this the reason why Jae has been behaving strangely? He balled his fist trying to calm his mind which is already going crazy at the moment.

" Can you make it a bit clearer? I can't even understand what you are talking about".

Tae could feel the frustration that is growing in Joshua's voice.

But after that there are no more words spoken.

Just the silence.

Tae could feel his heartbeat quickening. He clutched his chest scared that the other two may hear his heightened heartbeat and realise that there is a third one hearing everything.

The silence continued and still he couldn't hear anything from the other side.

What happened? Tae stood up from the bench again wondering whether they went back. But he didn't dare to open the door and peer outside. Because he is sure that he didn't hear any footsteps indicating movements.

The growing silence was suffocating him.

Like Joshua he too was waiting for the reason why Jae is doing this to him.

But the question is still left unanswered. And Tae was beginning to wonder if Jae would even answer it when he heard the answer.

Tae heard it clearly. There is no chance for misinterpretation.

Tae but really did wish he had not heard it right despite the fact that he heard it right.

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