By Purplelove1998

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"Fading memories and a broken heart is what I'm getting for loving you. For trusting you when I was not even... More

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By Purplelove1998

The warmth of the sunny morning spread through the room.

It was a bright day. Pleasant and warm.

The air was calm and peaceful. The light of the morning sun entered through the glass windows of the room.

He opened his eyes, groaning. He looked at the window confused by the light. That's when he realised that the curtains were drawn apart last night and left it like that.

He scowled, irritated by the light falling on his face.

The boy sighed as he took a pillow and brought it over his face thus successfully blocking the light.

He was too lazy to get off the bed and walk to the windows and close the curtains. Too much work. But he is already tired.

He remained in the position for some time. But after that reluctantly put aside covers and slide off the bed.

He lazily walked to the windows and closed the curtains. Sighing, he made it to his bed and lay down again.

What else is he supposed to do?

Other than to just stay here and wait for this to be over? If it would ever be over.

He chuckled softly at the thought. Is he going crazy?

The room was warm. But he felt cold. And numb. He doesn't even don't know what to feel anymore.

Why? He wanted to ask him. But then what?

To hear everything once again. But this time from him?

No way. It's best to leave it there. At Least I won't let him say that to me.

.The air is warm. He knew it. But somehow he couldn't feel it. Was it because his heart and soul was cold.

He put his palms under his head as he laid back staring at the ceiling. Why does it still hurt? Isn't it supposed to be over by now?

Why am I feeling this way? Why can't I let go? Just I wanted to forget everything and move on. But why is it so difficult?

Everything was just a game for you. Just a mere game. All we had was nothing to you. But have you ever thought how much it meant to me?

Why did you make my heart beat so fast only to shatter it in the end? What do you take me for? Someone with no feelings?

Why? Weren't my feelings meant nothing to you? Why did you play with my feelings like that?

What did you think, that my heart is made of stone? So that it doesn't feel anything.

..But even a stone can break into millions of pieces. Just like you broke my heart into pieces and pieces.

Now I don't even know where to search for those broken pieces.

If I search for them in your heart could I find them there?

He chuckled dryly sneering at his stupid thoughts.

I'm really pathetic. Ain't I?

He sighed as his eyes lingered around the room and then it stopped at the door. He sighed again as he averted his gaze to the ceiling.

" Why is this happening to me?", he mumbled to himself.

He has been doing it a lot these days. Is this what happens when you are left alone by yourself?

He shakes his head as he looks at the beautiful scenery outside the window.

" There were enough signals he sent me. But I ignored him because I never thought that they were not something I should have ignored. Why did I do that? Why did I ignore them and forgive you each time?"

He smiled weakly. He came here in search of some solace. Something that could help him ignore everything that has been breaking him.

But these bright colours and calm atmosphere could do nothing to take away the throbbing pain in his heart.

Everything was so beautiful those days and never failed to make him feel that he is the luckiest person in the world. But see how fast it all ended.

All his happiness and excitement was long gone.

" I was thinking that I found the one for me. The one I could cherish and care about forever. The one who would hold my hands till the end", he chuckled dryly. " But you prove me wrong. I gave you my heart. But you broke it into a million pieces without even caring a bit".

He felt his cheeks getting wet. He didn't try to wipe them away. Why should he do it? They are not going to stop anytime soon.

It's as if ever since he has been secluded himself in this room, his tears has never dried.

He really wants to forget everything and move on. And show them that it didn't matter anything to him just like it is for him.

But who is he trying to fool. He thought that it would be just a piece of cake for him.

He thought that he could do it within two weeks and go back immediately. But see what happened?

He is still here, crying over someone who broke him. But what hurt like hell is that he hurted him so selfishly.

He wanted to hate him. And make him pay for everything that he has done and said.

But Tae knows it better than anyone that he would never be able to do that. Because he still loves him. And the love he has for the other is beyond everything. And it could overtake even the hatred he is trying to develop against the other.

He covered his face with palms as he started sobbing again. He was done. Last night he was crying so hysterically and he doesn't even know when he stopped crying and fell asleep.

And early in the morning, he is crying again.

Why am I so weak and pathetic? Why am I still holding on to you? Why are you still in my head and heart? Why can't I move on? Why are you still torturing me with your memories?

He kept on sobbing hard. He could feel another headache growing. But he couldn't do anything about it.

'Wow I still have tears left when I was thinking I would not have any left after all the tears I shed for you. Seems like I was wrong.

He stared at the ceiling.

I'm such an idiot. At first I believed your lies and trusted you despite all the warnings I got. But now even after knowing everything, I'm still stuck. I can't just forget you and move on.

Instead of letting go of those memories that were nothing but the remnants of a relationship whose base was all lies, I'm still trying to hold on to them and to you.

Whom should I blame now for all this pain and suffering? You who selfishly made me fall for you? Or myself for still wanting you?

But still falling in love was not a crime. It's not a curse.

But while I was falling more and more I didn't know that I was falling alone.

He sighed exasperated.

He just woke up. But he is already feeling drained and tired.

He was happy. Everything was so perfect and felt so real.

It was his first love.

Tae never considered himself as a romantic person. He was always carefree and outgoing. He liked to enjoy life without caring about getting into a relationship.

He was not interested in dating. He was hoping at least he wouldn't have to think about it until he reached college.

Everything changed in a split second. Suddenly he was dating someone who is still a stranger to him.

But still just within three weeks, he started feeling something more to that boy.

That's how Jae entered his heart and life. He was special to Tae. Because he is the first one who managed to get past all his boundaries and enter his heart.

He made his heart flutter and beat so wildly. He made him happy and excited. He was on cloud nine.

But somehow things were not what they seemed to be.

Everything shattered on that day. When he came across that secret unexpectedly, he felt his whole world crumbling down. He couldn't even comprehend what was happening.

And he still has no idea how he managed to get up and cross the school gate without causing any commotion.

But no one knows anything about all that happened that day. He kept it from everyone, even from his best friend whom he trusts so much.

He even managed to hide his sorrows and acted so strong and cool in front of everyone. Even he himself was amazed by the way he managed to convince everyone by his acting skills.

Not a single drop of tear left his eyes. He acted as if he didn't care. As if all these meant nothing to him.

And the boy who stood before him expecting a storm that was sure to come was surprised by his reaction.

But little did he know of the pain he was hiding behind that angelic smile. And all the struggles he has gone through as he prepared himself for that day.

He could clearly remember what he had said in reply to Jae.

" There is nothing I could do other than letting you go".

But only he knew how much it hurt to tell those words to the boy he wants to hold tight till the end.

What kind of luck he has. Even when he wanted to scream and tell him not to go, he told him that it's okay. That even he was not expecting it to last much longer.

Woah! That must be the most calm break up scene. Even when one of them loves that other way too much.

Everyone was shocked to the core hearing the news of the breakup which spread like wildfire in the school soon after he left.

The most endearing couple who was madly in love with each other ended the relationship without any chaos.

They just break it off without even a valid reason after being together for almost a year.

One suggested it and the other was ready to accept it without even demanding to reconsider it at least once.

Tae snorted. " I never thought my break up would be so calm and peaceful", he wiped his tears away.

But the most funny part was that he never even thought about breaking up with Jae. He thought that they would be together for life.

I thought we were going to last forever. I thought we were each other's world. Because you once meant the whole world to me.

He still remembers everything. How he told his friends in the parking lot about the break up without any kind of sadness or hurt in his face.

How he was so calm and composed even after something unexpected happened out of the blue.

And all of them who saw the way he was so unfazed even after that, were so surprised.

They were actually shocked hearing the news from him. He could still remember their horror stricken faces.

None of them has expected our story to end like that.

No shouts. No curses. No tears. Their break-up was devoid of everything that a normal break up would have. At least one of these is inevitable if during break up. Right?

All of his friends were petrified. They forced him to stop with that Nonsense. They urged him to reconsider it before ending something so precious to him.

But they didn't know how helpless he was. They didn't know he couldn't do anything about it even if he wanted to do something so badly.

But what does he do when he knows that there is no use in trying?

They kept on telling him to talk it out without ending it like that. But he just brushed them off saying they are fine.

But Tae knew for sure that if his best friend was there to witness the drama, he would have surely suspected that there is something wrong.

Because he knows too well that Tae would go crazy if something like this happens.

But no one else could see through the facade. They thought he was okay. They believed him even though it was too difficult to understand.

And he happily bid them bye because he has already informed them of his plans to visit Daegu even before Jae came up with the break up.

So hopefully they wouldn't suspect that his long absence from the school has anything to do with the break up.

So he could say that his plan succeeded. Till now.

Even though now he has no idea where this is leading him to, at least he managed to pull it off without making it obvious.

But this was not how their break up was supposed to be. Because Tae loved him so much that he would have never let him go without a fight.

He never even thought about letting him go someday.

And when their relationship is already so perfect and blissful Tae would have tried to hold him back.

He would have clinged to him and begged him for one more chance for their relationship without knowing that Jae was ready to reject him in a heartbeat.

Then that would have been the worst day in his life.

But that didn't happen. That day has never had the potential to become the worst day in his life.

Because the worst day in his life passed two days ago.

He still doesn't know how to think about it. Should he be sad or thankful?

He honestly has no idea.

But if he hadn't come across that shocking conversation two days ago, nothing would have been the same.

It would have been a different story.

His reverie of thoughts were disrupted by faint knocks on his door.

That must be his mom.

" Tae, baby", he heard her soft voice.
" Are you up?"

He knows that he should respond to her. But he didn't.

She would understand that he was crying if he uttered even a word. And he didn't want her to find out about it. At least not yet.

She knocked again, not getting any response from the boy.

He sighed as he buried his head into the pillow as he hugged it close to his heart.

She would go away once she understands that he is not going to respond to her. He has no doubts about it.

Because that has been what's been happening ever since he started doing this.

Tae has locked himself in his own room in his Grandma's house. And he rarely went out of the room. Most of the time he has been eating his meals inside the room without joining his Grandma and mom at the dining table.

He almost thought that she had gone away as usual when he heard her voice again.

" Okay, don't open the door if you don't want to", he heard her soothing voice. " Anyway, please come and have your breakfast. Don't starve yourself".

Tae sighed softly looking at the closed door feeling guilty for making her worry so much.

" Your Grandma and I are going out for a while and will be back only in the evening. So take care of yourself until then. Okay?" She was going on.

" And baby, even if I don't want to force you or pressure you, I gotta say this" Her voice was wavering. He could tell easily and he wondered what she wanted to say now.

" Actually you can't continue to be like this. You need to go back. It's already been a month since we came here. I don't know what is happening to you. But if it is something serious and you are unable to handle it you can always come to me. I'm ready to go to any extent to help you".

He bit his lips feeling sad hearing her words.

He waited for her to hear her next words or retreating footsteps.

But there was only silence.

Tae stared at the door puzzled why she was not saying anything.

He knows that she is there because he hasn't heard any sounds of movements.

" Tae, I don't know if you are listening to me. But please keep this in mind that I would always support you no matter what. You are my only son. I would never feel upset or disappointed with you, but if you ever felt that way please don't think like that. Okay?''

There was another long silence before he heard her voice again.

" I would never force you to go back. But I was just reminding you. And if you ever need someone to talk to, you could always find me. Anyway, I'm going now. Grandma must be getting tired waiting for me".

He bit his lips. He couldn't hold back.

" Thank you mom", he said in a soft voice. " And I love you", he managed to voice out in a mere whisper.

He doesn't know if she heard what he said. But he needs to say that aloud.

But then he heard her again.

Seems like she heard his faint whisper.

" I know. Take care, baby. We will come back soon", she said from the other side.

There was nothing like anger or displeasure in her voice.

But he knew that she was really worried about him.

And that's quite natural. He hummed softly, a faint smile dancing in his lips. He snuggled the pillow to his chest waiting for her next move.

And then he heard footsteps. They are going further away. Seems like she is already gone.

He is actually feeling bad for his mom. He is keeping her in the dark and making her confused and worried just because of his pathetic self.

He was feeling guilty for doing this to her. He is making her worry because of the stunt he has started ever since he has lost his mind.

He didn't know what to do with everything that has been going on with him.

But he was somewhat relieved that she is not angry with him but is supporting him wholeheartedly without trying to probe after all the strange behaviour he has been displaying for the past one month.

When he says strange, he meant it. His current patterns of behavior may appear completely strange to anyone who is made to withstand them.

No one could actually have expected this kind of a change from him.

Sooheon walks back to her room dejectedly, feeling remorse and disappointment filling her mind.

She is not disappointed with her son. She could never be. Because he is her everything. Her angel whom she loves more than anything else in this world.

He has always made her proud and happy. He has never done anything to make her upset or sad.

His beautiful smile and cheerful voice is enough to fill her heart with joy.

But now things have changed. That beautiful smile that used to adorn his angelic face is no more to be seen.

It's been ages since she heard his dulcet voice and laughter.

Too much to take in and accept.

It's been a while since everything has started but still she couldn't bring herself to get used to it. And she didn't want to.

She wants her son back. Her sunshine who used to fill her heart with warmth and comfort.

It's not like she is disappointed with his current behaviour. She is more than ready to accept him wholeheartedly. It doesn't matter how much he may change or scare her. But she just wanted him not to push her away.

She felt a pang in her heart, a feeling of heaviness was growing inside.

What happened to you baby? Why did you change so much? What has happened that caused my chirping bird to stop talking all of a sudden?

She smiled sadly as she turned back to stare at the direction where his room is located.

She shakes her head sadly but a weak smile made to her lips as she thought of his beautiful smile.

" But don't worry my little one. I will wait for you to open up and tell me everything. Take your time. But just don't forget how much I love you", she mumbled to herself as her glistening eyes stared in the same direction once more.

She blinked her eyes not wanting to shed more tears. If she too started getting weak then it wouldn't be good. She needs to stay strong till she gets a chance to talk with him again as usual.

She walked into her room tiredly and sat down on the couch staring at the opposite wall.

This is not something trivial. It is not that hard to understand. But she couldn't do anything about it when the one who should give her a clarification is shutting himself away from everyone. Unfortunately from her too.

She rested her head on the couch as she remembered everything that has been going on in the past one month.

One month. It has been a month since everything started. In the past one month they have been in Daegu, never once did Tae step out of the house. He is always staying in the confines of his room barely stepping outside.

This is the first time something like this has happened. Because in the past, whenever they used to visit the place, Tae never entertained the idea of staying in the house but always spent his time roaming around the place.

He was always full of life whenever he got the chance to be here. Nothing would have made him stay inside the house. But no-one finds it difficult to understand because he was a little butterfly always trying to find new horizons.

But that's not the case now. Tables have turned now. In the past they had to plead with him to rest a bit whenever the boy used to run out of the house mumbling excuses.

But now even after his mom and his Grandma have been spurring him to go outside and get some fresh air he wouldn't comply. He always said the same excuse that he is tired and not interested in going out.

So it wouldn't need a lot of time for one to realise that something is wrong.

Tae is not at all fine. Something is definitely bothering him and making him sad.

But all these didn't start once they reached Daegu but even before they started off from their home one month ago.

She noticed something strange and disturbing on that night when Tae reached home around nine.

That has not happened before. It's not about him being late that worries her. Because even before that day he has reached home really late after hanging out with his friends.

And she was completely okay with it. Because she knows how much of a social butterfly he is. He likes to hang out with his friends.

Ever since he started middle school he rarely stays at home even during holidays. And he was always hanging out with his friends.

But everytime he stays out late or goes to his friend's house for a sleepover she would be informed beforehand so that she wouldn't have to be worried about him when she doesn't see him in the house.

But that day there was nothing said prior so she was expecting to see him at home when she arrived home around seven as usual.

She wanted to tell him something important that she kept on forgetting to tell him and she has already decided to cook something new for him as an apology for her forgetfulness.

But when she opened the front door and stepped into the house she was welcomed with silence. There was no sign of Tae in the house.

A little bit concerned she immediately went to his room only to see it empty.

She became worried. She immediately called him wondering where he was. But to her dismay his phone was switched off.

But that's when she noticed the message that he sent two hours ago saying he would be late to reach home.

She was relieved and could only blame herself for her negligence. But she was feeling better knowing that she was just overthinking without even bothering to check properly.

She could only now wait for him to come back to know what happened. And it was around ten she heard the front door opening. She was in the kitchen trying the new recipe she just came across.

She was expecting him to come to the kitchen as usual so she could present her dish for him.

But even after minutes there were no signs of him and she felt weird. She called out to him asking him to come to the kitchen and taste the dish thinking that he would be still downstairs.

But getting no response she went to look for him and realised that he had just gone to his room.

So she went to his room looking for her son who went to his room without even bothering to come and greet her like he always used to do.

But once she reached his room and turned the knob she realised that he had locked the door.

So she knocked on the door.

" Tae, what happened? Open the door baby" , she said wondering why he locked himself in without even bothering to see her.

And he might not even have his dinner yet. So no way she would let him go to bed without having dinner.

But she felt weird when he didn't answer her questions. What's going on?

"Tae", she called him softly.

" Have you already eaten? Actually I have been trying a new recipe and it actually turned out to be perfect. Well at least for me. Now come out and taste it and then give me the feedback" , she said enthusiastically hoping at least that would make him come out.

Because Tae is always an avid supporter of her cooking experiments. And no way he would say no to this.

But even after that he wouldn't reply to her. And that's when her confusion began to grow again.

But even after how much she knocked he wouldn't say a thing or open the door.

She was beginning to feel herself getting scared as unwanted scenarios started crawling into her mind when he finally answered.

" Mom, I'm dead tired. I just wanted to sleep right now" she heard him saying from the other side.

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. What is wrong with his voice?

" Your voice, what happened?", she asked quickly.

" It's just that I just drank some cold water. It's not a big deal. I'm going to sleep. Don't call me again. Good night ", he said firmly making it clear he meant it.

But she could swear that she felt like he was lying. But she shrugged it off. Why would Tae lie to her?

He must be really tired. But still she couldn't understand why he sounded really weak. His usual enthusiasm was not there.

So having no other option than leaving him alone she walked back but soon she heard loud music coming from her son's room.

She knitted her brows in confusion. How can he sleep with such a loud music on?

But instead of going back and advise him to lower the volume so he could sleep better, she went downstairs not wanting to make him upset since he has already made it clear that he wanted to be left alone tonight.

And she didn't go to him after that to respect his decision even though she was worried about him sleeping without having the dinner.

The next morning, she went to his room inorder to wake him up because he was nowhere to be seen even when it was already half past seven.

And Tae has never slept in like this. He has always been keen on being punctual. But even though it was already time that he was supposed to head to school, the boy has not stepped out of the room yet.

Assuming that it was because of his tiredness from yesterday that is keeping him in his bed she decided to go and wake him up by herself and also she could enquire about what was all that about yesterday as well.

But to her surprise the room was still locked from inside. She frowned, confused by the sudden change. Tae has never actually locked his room like this before.

What is going on? She couldn't understand his behaviour now.

" Tae, baby", she called out whilst knocking on the door. " It's already time for school. You are running late. Are you still sleeping?"

She was worried about him. Is he alright?

Soon she heard his voice. It was very weak and barely coherent. " Mom, I'm taking a leave today. I'm not feeling like going to school today. Don't ask anything. I will be fine". His voice was like a whisper and from the way it sounded she could tell that he was straining to make his voice audible enough for her to hear.

" What happened to you?", she enquired instantly, unable to process what was happening. " I'll take a day off if you are not feeling well", she said softly, feeling concerned about what could have happened to him to become sick all of a sudden.

She was going to call her assistant to inform him about the situation when she heard him again.

" No need. I'll be fine", he asserted shortly.

She stared at the closed door puzzled by the way he sounds. She wanted to ask him to open the door and see what was going on. She wanted to get a proper explanation for the sudden turn of events. At Least she wants to make sure that he is alright.

His voice was too weak and hoarse. She was not understanding anything. She could only wonder what could have happened yesterday.

He has been a little moody for the past few days but not enough to shut himself in the room, skip meals and avoid his mom.

She was already planning to talk to him about it but she was caught up in her busy schedule. And that's the reason why she came back early yesterday. But it ended up this way.

She sighed, feeling confused and dazed by everything.

Even though she wanted to confront him about his behaviour, she didn't want to force him to answer. So she decided to comply with his request and give him the space that he needs now. She decided to let the matters go like he wanted.

" Okay", she complied. " But remember to have your breakfast on time. You have already skipped your dinner yesterday", she said, her voice tinted with worry.

There was no response. She waited for a few minutes. But nothing came.

She frowned unconsciously as he looked at her watch. It's already time for her to leave.

" Call me if you need something", she said before turning around and walking towards the stairs.

It was already ten when she came home that night. She has a trying day at the office.

But what made her feel worse was that Tae had never once ringed her during the day.

She has left him half heartedly knowing that the boy is sick. But yet she has asked him to call her if he needs her. But to think that her son has completely chosen not to update her regarding his health was eating her up.

She was thinking about him the whole day and had to force herself to focus on her work. She has been keeping on checking her mobile hoping that she would get a call or message from him.

And her assistant has become super confused and finally dared to ask her if she is expecting an important call or something. And that's when she realised how much she was getting affected because of this.

But still that much awaited call never came.

But her wish to come home early and have a talk with Tae has ended when an emergency comes up in the office and she has to stay back even later than usual to make her more worn down.

So as soon as she reached home she went to his room. But to increase her displeasure and restlessness she found it locked again.

She kept on knocking on the door while trying to control her pounding heart.

She sighed as there was no response. She couldn't sense any kind of movement inside.

Is he sleeping?

She was confused.

But that's not something likely to happen as Tae doesn't go to bed before eleven.

She doesn't know what to do next. She has not seen him for more than a day. And the thought was making her more sad.

But still hoping that he may be sleeping because he is fatigued or worn down by the illness she decided to not disturb him.

But still she needs to find out what has happened while she was gone. So she went to the maids' room to enquire about it.

And she was relieved when they told her that Tae had eaten earlier in the evening even though he had skipped both breakfast and lunch.

She sighed as she took in the information. What is he trying to do?

But she knew that there is something more to it when she saw their faces. It was clearly visible. And she raised her brow as they tensed under her scrutinizing gaze.

She looked at them as she felt more worried seeing the concern and confusion etched in their faces.

But her worries doubled up when one of them finally opened her mouth.

" I think the young master has been crying", she said as a worried expression was sporting on her face.

She was taken aback hearing the news. Her eyes widened as she looked at them, unable to believe it.

But the genuineness on their faces was not something she could ignore. And still why would they even lie in the first place?

Especially when the matter is about Tae? Because it's a known fact that absolutely none of them could even think of hurting her angel.

She bit her lips nervously as she felt more confused and remorseful.

She sat down on the couch feeling a sudden wave of exhaustion and nervousness taking over.

Why did Tae cry? Was he crying even yesterday? Was it the reason why his voice was weak and hoarse this morning?

She fidgeted in her seat without knowing what to do. Tae is not someone who would cry so easily. He rarely cries. That she knows for sure. Even while watching movies with a lot of emotional scenes he has always managed to stay without even shedding a drop of year.

He is really a tough boy even though he has the most soft and sweetest personality you could ever find in a person.

Then what is happening now? Is there something that is bothering him? That is making him act so out of line?

Should I ask Tae or should I just contact some of his friends?

She couldn't help herself from getting more restless and nervous than she already was. But how could she not? This is her precious baby we are talking about.

She started getting more restless thinking about various possibilities.

But despite her emotional crisis she decided not to seek the answers to her questions from anyone else. And she also thought it's better not to confront Tae right now.

"No", she mumbled to herself. "I will wait until you decide to talk to me yourself".

But to her horror, the next day also the boy didn't bother to step out of the room. And he wouldn't open the door no matter what.

She kept on coaxing him to open the door but all her pleas only ended in deaf ears.

But at the end of it, he announced that he is not going to school that day also making her feel more defeated.

She wants to know the reason behind this sudden change so badly. She was getting more deflated knowing that her only son is in pain and the worst part is that she has no idea about the reason for his pain.

He is struggling with something which she has no idea about yet.

She wants to be there for him and assure him that he is not alone. She wanted to hide him in her embrace and console and comfort him.

She is ready to do anything for him and whatever it takes to stop him from being hurt.

But what makes her heart ache more is that he is avoiding her. He is trying to hide the fact that he is in pain.

Maybe he is doing this because he doesn't want her to worry about it.

But how could she stay calm and not worry when she knows that he is in pain?

She feels more tense as her mind keeps on going through various possibilities of what might have happened.

She knows her son really well. He is such a sweet and caring boy. He would never do something reckless or rash.

But even if he has made some bad mistake, she is not going to be upset over him. Everyone makes mistakes. As long as he is ready to correct them, it's okay.

She won't be able to stay mad at him even if she wants to. She is going to be okay as long as he is safe and secure.

But he wouldn't open the door and let her have at least a glimpse of him. And it's been almost two days since she has seen him.

Her patience was running out. She was feeling more and more distressed and deflated with the passing of time.

She just wanted to hug him tight and assure him that everything is going to be alright.

But what is she supposed to do with him being like this?

But the only thing she could do was to give him space and time and pray that she wouldn't have to wait for too long to see and embrace him again.

But the next morning gave her utmost shock when he came to her on his own.

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Francesca Astor came to Love Island to find her soulmate, and once she sets her eyes on him, she's never letting go. Rob Rausch x Fem!oc #1 robertrau...
203K 12.4K 26
"i accidentally dropped four true love's arrows on earth which hit the mikaelson brothers. oops." IN WHICH Cupid accidentally shoots four arrows of t...
796K 48K 120
Y/N L/N is an enigma. An outgoing, cheerful, smiley teenage boy. Happy, sociable, excitable. A hidden gem in the rough of Japan's younger soccer pl...