milk & honey • jensoo one-sho...

By jensooffs

267K 12.1K 3.5K

a collection of one-shots between jennie and jisoo. mainly fluff, humour. sometimes drama with happy end, sm... More

Table of Contents
1. How To Draw (Petrichor)
2. I didn't make a mistake (Just a happy accident)
3. should this be the last thing i see (i want you to know it's enough for me)
4. See You In Your Wedding Dress
5. The Hookman🔞
6. The Hookman 2
7. Cuddles
8. Baby Mama
9. Baby Mama 2
10. Dating a Hero
11. Dating a Hero 2
12. Vampire Hunting
13. Playground
14. Playground 2
15. Playground 3
16. Not That Jisoo
17. ...As expected Chudere
18. Take care of her
19. The Other Way
22. Please Be Naked
23. A Little Party (Never Killed Nobody)
24. Potion
25. Potion 2
26. Potion 3
27. Potion 4
28. Potion 5
29. Déjà Vu
30. Déjà Vu 2
31. Déjà Vu 3
32. Familiar
33. Familiar 2
34. Fake Love
35. Fake Love 2
36. Fake Love 3
37. Fake Love 4
38. Fake Love 5
39. Loved You First
40. Guardian
41. Guardian 2
42. Guardian 3
43. Hot N Cold
44. Coffee Shop
45. Anyone But Her
46. Nerd
47. Polar Opposites
48. Bachelorette
49. Bachelorette 2
50. Lost in Time and Space
51. Lost in Time and Space 2
52. Santa Tell Me
53. Just Friends
54. Karma
55. Karma 2
56. Karma 3
57. Karma 4
58. Karma 5
59. Karma 6
60. Karma 7
61. Karma 8
62. Business Rivals🔞
63. The Case of the Red Dress
64. Omega StuCo President
65. Omega StuCo Pres 2🔞
66. Bite Me
67. Bite Me 2
68. The Sound
69. Tough Love🔞
70. Tough Love 2🔞
71. Princess' Guard
72. Never Forget You
73. I'll put a curse on her and you
74. I'll put a curse on her and you 2
75. I'll put a curse on her and you 3
76. I'll put a curse on her and you 4
77. Heat Waves🔞

20. The Other Way 2

2.5K 158 16
By jensooffs

Jisoo and Jennie were waiting in the courtroom. By now Jisoo's bump was showing against the cloth of her black blazer. It was the same blazer that Jennie once lent to her.

"You are sure this will go fine?" Jisoo asked insecurely.

"Yes." There was sadly plenty of evidence on Jisoo's body. Anyone who knew them, also knew what he did to her. It was an open secret.

Jisoo huffed anxiously. Jennie would have preferred to do this without her present since she is pregnant and shouldn't be stressed more than she already was but if she went without her client, that would make a bad impression to the judge.

"How dare you." Suddenly Suho was marching to them angrily. His lawyer tried to stop him but the man's temper was too much.

Jennie immediately positioned herself in front of Jisoo who stiffened.

"After everything I did for you!?" Suho spit out, he reached out his hand to grab her collar but both Jennie and his lawyer stopped him.

"If you keep this up, you might as well just proclaim your guilt to the judge." Jennie hissed, glancing to judge at the side who was watching them sharply.

Suho was taken aback by her words. He took a deep breath and calmed down.

"Who will provide for you? Huh?" Suho provoked. He was trying to pressure her to back out, Jennie has seen this often.

"For one, you will, as you are going to pay custody." Jennie responded for her, glaring at him.

Suho snorted, folding his arms. "There's no way I will."

"We will see." Jennie shrugged and grabbed Jisoo's arm, putting more distance between them and him. "Are you okay?"

"I-I'm starting to think this was a mistake..." She teared up.

"It's not, I promise. This is just the most painful part. I can't tell you that's it's going to be easy after the verdict since even if the physical scars heal, the mental ones will still be there. But at least I can promise you, the pain will get smaller, one day, and that's not going to happen if you stay with him."

Jennie retrieved a handkerchief from her suitcase and let the other blow her nose with it. She patted her back and went to get her a bottle of water from a vending machine.


During the trial all the cards were playing in their favour. Of course they were in the right, so this is how it should be but that changed when Suho started bringing in so called witnesses which were all his friends and they were clearly lying for him.

"Suho is a gentleman, he always treated his wife right."

"Not once has he hit her. He always bought her flowers and cooked for her."

"I heard her say how kind he is. A respectable man."

Jisoo was getting more anxious by the second, Jennie had to calm her down by placing a hand on her thigh and giving her a reassuring squeeze.

At last came a witness Jennie knew very well. He was wearing a grey suit and glanced at her shortly.

"We had them over for dinner." Kai started. "My wife was a bit tipsy so she thought she had seen things that weren't there. She was drinking too much wine. All of our guests can confirm that."

What the hell? Jennie scowled at Kai, pure hatred in her eyes. Why is he doing this? She never expected him to be such a scumbag and felt deeply betrayed.

The judge was at first on their side and had his sentence settled but after those statements, he told them it would take another day at trial and they would meet again next week.

Jennie immediately rushed outside and confronted her husband.

"Why did you do that!? Why are you lying!?" She fumed, pointing accusingly at him.

"I told you not to get involved..." He mumbled, annoyed.

"This is wrong!" She cried out. "What you and your friends are doing is despicable and also a federal crime! You can't lie in court!"

"So what if I did? He is my friend, me and the others are just doing him a favour because you rudely interfered in his marriage. Do you get how embarrassing that is?" Kai looked down on her.

"I want a divorce." Jennie demanded, no room for discussion.

"Over this!? I stood by you even when we found out you were infertile and you want me gone because I don't want us to get involved in someone else's marriage!?"

"I want to divorce you because you don't seem to care about the victim. No compassion, empathy, nothing. That scares me honestly." She admitted, turning around to leave him for good. "I will sent your stuff to your mom."

Jennie wasn't worried about the trial anymore. After all she recorded her entire conversation with her husband. If they play dirty, she will too.

That's why she is sending his belongings to his mom as she knows Kai could face up to five years for his actions today. Ironically that's more than Suho is facing.

"Jisoo." Jennie found the woman sitting outside on a bench, having trouble catching her breath. "It's all settled, we pretty much won this." The brunette told her.

"R-Really...?" Jisoo took quick breaths.

"Yes. Trust me." Jennie confirmed, wrapping an arm around her. "Breathe with me."

They sat there for half an hour and just focused on relaxing and breathing until Jennie took Jisoo home with her.

She offered her the guest room while they waited for the verdict, and told her to ask the maid's for anything. She also drove her to the doctor's appointments and yoga group for pregnant women.

"You really don't have to be here." Jisoo told her softly while Jennie was sitting on the chair next to her as Jisoo was lying down, waiting for the doctor to enter.

"I want to see the babies too." Jennie pouted. "Unless you don't want me here."

"No that's not it." Jisoo shook her head firmly.

"Then there is no problem." Jennie smiled happily which made Jisoo reflect the happy expression. "I was thinking of turning one of the rooms into the baby's room too. Except if you don't want to stay of course. I mean you might want to move back to your old house or maybe you think that's too much and--"

"Jennie calm down." Jisoo giggled which made the attorney blush in embarrassment and lower her head. "That would be great. I'm not moving back. I signed a prenup and also there are too many bad memories..." Her voice trailed, causing Jennie to look up and hold her hand.

"I'm sorry." Jennie frowned. "You are welcome to stay as long as you want. I divorced Kai, so I would get lonely anyway."

"You divorced?" Jisoo's eyebrows lifted, she had no idea.

"Yes, I hated how he acted lately and I'm not tolerating such behaviour." Jennie confirmed.

"I hope that wasn't my fault..." Jisoo sighed.

"Don't forget that you are the victim okay?" Jennie asked, receiving a weak nod.

She suggested Jisoo to go to a therapist but the raven told her she didn't want to currently as she focused on the twins and tried not to think about her own state. Maybe after her pregnancy she would.

The doctor finally came and apologised for being late. The two didn't notice at all because they were busy talking and holding hands.

Then they watched the sonogram of the babies, smiling from ear to ear and gushing already. Jennie was hoping the babies would be exactly like Jisoo and nothing like Suho.

"You and your wife can come again. You might see more by then." The doctor exclaimed.

The women blushed and fumbled in their spots, all bashfull suddenly. The smiles wiped from their faces.

"W-We are not..."

"Y-Yeah w-we aren't..."

They muttered sheepishly, making the doctor chuckle.

"After you." Jennie held the door open for Jisoo when the appointment was done.

"Thanks." Jisoo said and walked ahead but Jennie was quickly by her side, smiling at her.

They were happy and it almost seemed like nothing ever happened that scarred Jisoo. At least that's what Jennie thought but when she once walked past her room to get herself a glass of milk, she could hear the pregnant woman crying.

She shouldn't have tried to see the positive side in having her stay with her. The woman was still heavily injured and that won't heal anytime soon.

She shouldn't look away from that but she also didn't want to be too pushy. The other might get sick of her. She will try to be supportive but not overbearing.


It was their last day at court and as Jennie predicted they won easily with the confession of Kai.

Of course she showed him the recording beforehand so that he confesses himself. She told him he might get a less severe punishment if it comes from him personally.

Suho's friends were forwarded to another trial where they would be prosecuted for perjury. Suho faced a year in prison and had to pay a huge fine to Jisoo, he also got a restraining order. They reached all their goals and were happy with the outcome.

Jisoo was hugging Jennie when they left the courtroom. They didn't give the men another glance. They just noticed how scared and frozen they appeared.

"Thank you..." Jisoo muffled into Jennie's shoulder.

Jennie blushed, wrapping her arms around her. "I didn't do much."

"You didn't look away."

Jennie felt warm tears prick her eyes as the other spoke softly.

She isn't sure whether it was the happiness knowing the pregnant woman was free of that man, or maybe the fact that her husband was going to jail or the adoration in Jisoo's eyes as she looked at her, but whatever it was, it made Jennie feel very emotional and she now was crying freely.

Jisoo also sniffled as the tears cascaded down her cheeks, the two women just hugging for minutes.

Months later

"Don't cry babies~" Jennie cooed as she was holding both of the newborn babies in her arms. "There's no need to cry. I'm here~"

She kissed their small noses and cheeks and serenated them until the cries ceased. Afterwards she laid them back into their cribs.

Then she looked at the baby monitor and made a peace sign, smiling.

In their bedroom Jisoo chuckled as she saw the other on the baby phone.

"I'm back." Jennie's weight dipped onto the mattress and she wrapped her arms around the raven, kissing her shoulders.

She could still feel her shudder whenever she touched her bare skin and she knew that it wasn't a sensual shudder that equalled a moan. It was fear. This didn't make Jennie upset, she knew why she reacted this way and always made sure to hold her gently.

Some scars were still visible on her back, they look like they were made by the metal part of a belt. Jennie instinctively kissed them whenever they were exposed.

"Welcome back." Jisoo closed her eyes and allowed the brunette to spoon her, pressing her back against the other's chest.

Jennie snuggled up to her and left soft kisses all along her cheek, her jaw, neck and shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Jennie asked when she felt the raven grow tense.

Jisoo nodded her head meekly.

"Please tell me." Jisoo could feel the pout forming against her back.

"Sometimes I'm scared..." She admitted, the raw shame evident in her voice.

"I know." Jennie acknowledged. "But I won't hurt you. Never intentionally and never in that way." She promised, pecking her cheek which made the other sigh.

"I know." Jisoo echoed. "But I'm still scared. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, okay? I'm no therapist but that's called having a PTSD, I think. Although I'm willing to listen you should definitely talk to a professional about it."

"I guess you got a point." Jisoo agreed.

"I know a few, I could arrange you appointments and then you choose where you feel comfortable." She suggested. "If you want, that is."

"Thank you sweetheart." Jisoo closed her eyes, her hands searching for Jennie's and clasping them together over her torso.

"No problem babe." She also closed her eyes and smiled, feeling her petite hand.

Suddenly the crying of babies interrupted their slumber as the baby phone notified them.

"They really can't sleep for one hour." Jisoo pulled a face. "I guess it's my turn--"

"I'll go." Jennie planted a kiss on her hand and then got up.

"How do I deserve you?" Jisoo mewled.

"You deserve everything." She winked at her and strode to the other room, leaving her in awe.

Jennie spent many nights either comforting the twins or comforting Jisoo since she also sometimes feels the trauma hit her at once. She cursed that man for it but only inside her head. She only treated her girl and the newborns with utmost care.

She hasn't felt this happy with Kai and she didn't miss him. Her new family fills her with enough love and devotion.

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