Prince Not-So-Charming And Hi...

By zeetheshipper

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"...You and I are never going to go anywhere farther than this right here. You with a glass in front of you... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Not A Chapter✌🏾
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 37

28 1 1
By zeetheshipper

Louis rolled his eyes when he found the other half of his bed missing his other half. Who knows where the hell Harry went off to and forgot himself, this time. It would be nice to give him a break from wedding planning with Liam and Zayn, anyway. They weren't quite sure when they were going to get hitched since Liam still hadn't even told his family he was bi yet, not that they were homophobic yet Hazz didn't care. He just wanted everything prepped to give them the best small wedding they could have.

He went into the kitchen after brushing his teeth, smiling when he saw Harry left him some breakfast. Hard to believe he would find someone who would pamper him like this or anyone at all, really. He hesitantly put on his phone, ignoring notifications from the couple of social media apps he had. It was already February, the fourteenth to be exact. A month and a fortnight before, he was at the top of a skyscraper, contemplating ending his life. Funny how time flies.

Louis had never believed in Valentine's Day but it suddenly occurred to him that Hazz might. Begrudgingly, he called him up, not able to help the smile that graced his face when Harry picked up with a cheerful, "hello, love of my life!"

"Wow, that's new."

"But it's true, innit? C'mon, there's people around me, I've got to rub the fact that I've got a boo bear in all their faces, it's what couples do on Val's day silly. Can't break a universally accepted tradition."

"You... Are an idiot."

"You love me."

"Mm. And I went and got myself psyched up to ask for nothing. Great."

"Oh, no, wait, can't put all that effort to waste so you're totally free to ask?" Free to? It sounded like Harry wanted him to. He could hear his giddy breathing over the phone. Such a dork, he thought with a smile.

"Alright, princess... Wanna be my Valentine or something?"

"Of course! Why'd you even ask over the phone, you silly goose, I wanna kiss you...! So mean." Louis heard ruffling over the phone, putting him off but let it go since he would no doubt find out what was going on, what with his new roommates penchant for rambling. He did wonder what Hazz was up to this time, though.

"Your fault for disappearing before I woke up. I still think it's a dumb holiday but whatever, just hurry back, you big baby."

"Your big baby. Who you love very much." Louis blew his hair out of his face and muttered "yup, bye", about to hang up. "Woah, wait, I just remembered!"


"Let's go on a date."


"We've never really been on one."

"Harry, that sounds-"

"You can't refuse, m'outside and I brought you flowers, bitch."

"I was going to say okay, actually," he muttered as he opened the door, rolling his eyes at Harry's sheepish expression. "Sounds different and I guess I should've seen this coming, mister free spirit. A heads-up would've been nice, though."

"Shit, I thought you were going to refuse, so that's why I ambushed you instead- take as much time as you need to get ready," Harry whispered with a nervous smile. Louis fondly ruffled his hair and kissed his forehead, flicking his nose and strolling to his room. There was something behind his back but he was sure he was about to find out, anyway.

When he came out of his room, Harry revealed his gift. It was... Well, a cactus. Louis held it up in his hand. He could have pretended if he wanted to but that wasn't his thing so instead, he gazed questioningly at his boy. "Love... Please explain. It's not that it's not cute but I'm still kind of at a loss."

"Cacti seem all prickly on the outside and people say it's an easy plant you can just leave for a long time, that you barely have to take care of but they need more love than they let on. And that reminded me of you. I know your mind makes things hard for you but in that fog, when you feel like you're all alone, remember that you are more loved than you think. Just like this cactus, cutest thing I've ever seen- after you, of course."

Louis stared at Harry, then at the cactus, inhaling deeply through his nose. He lowered his head, lower lip trembling and placed his hands against Harry's face, pulling him in for a kiss. After some seconds, he pulled back and gave him a sweet smile that just about made the dizzy boy fall in love all over again. Then he returned to staring at the plant with a childlike fondness while Harry stared at him with a childlike fondness.

"If I knew you would react this way, I might've bought you one sooner. It's been on my mind for months... Kept forgetting so I went out the moment I woke up and recalled to get it."

"God, you really should be saving up, shouldn't you?"

"The price wasn't much, really, I... I'm just really glad I made you happy."

"Their name shall be Green."

"Green? That's lazy, Tommo."

"No, no, not cos of its colour. Green cos of you, love." Harry melted and Louis smiled again, giving him another kiss before he gently placed the cactus on the table and intertwined their fingers, pulling Hazz out of the house. Harry took the lead, dragging Louis eventually in his excitement and Lou tried to keep up, unable to stop staring at him. Maybe, just maybe, Valentine's day wasn't completely, utterly stupid after all.

They came to a stop and Harry did jazz hands, pouting when Louis frowned slightly. "Babe...! You're supposed to love this!"

"Oh, no, I do, I just... You know, it's a pastry shop. Are you trying to make my stomach even bigger than it already is?" Harry's entire body stiffened, jaw suddenly clenched and Louis knew it was too late to take it back once their eyes met. He knew fully well that if they weren't in public, he would have been in a full-body tackle, getting smothered in kisses but Harry wasn't able to do that so he contented himself with squeezing Louis' hands and kissing his cheek.

"I love your stomach. I love your entire body, don't even talk like that, please, boo bear." Louis nodded softly, hating the warm feeling that enveloped him when Harry beamed at him and kissed his cheek.

"I know you don't like hearing that... M'sorry, I'm trying."

"It's okay... let's just go in, alright? Have as much as you want, too cos I don't give a flying fuck about your figure, you're a beautiful man and I want to see you happy, okay?" Louis flushed and nodded, resisting the urge to jump on Hazz and koala bear hug him, never to let go again like his brain desperately wanted him to. That would just be too weird. He was being treated way too well, it was overwhelming in the best way.

Harry pulled him into the shop gently, watching Louis gaze around the cozy space. It was a fusion of old and new, in a way, what with there being both chalkboards showing the menus and bean bag chairs on one side. He liked it. Harry seemed more confident with his surroundings and pulled Lou to the counter, glancing at the different selections.

"You've been here before, Hazz?"

"Maybe...?" That was a yes or no question, now Louis just felt suspicious. He narrowed his eyes, about to poke for answers a bit more but Harry's saving grace came in form of a thicc, gorgeous African American woman with bright gold eyeshadow who smiled at them both.

"Well, hello, beautiful people! Nice to... Meet you, wow, can I just say I love your hair?" Harry giggled and thanked her. Louis thought that would be the end of it, of course but she was unrelenting. She asked him about the products he used, then switched her attention to his fashion sense, twirling one of her braids with bright eyes.

"Excuse me, ma'am? There's probably gonna be other people, maybe just get our orders instead of doing whatever it is you think you're doing-"

"Louis, come on, don't be rude to her! This isn't like you! She's just trying to be nice." Louis was a second away from committing murder, so really it wasn't the smartest thing for Hazz to be on her side. "Right, Liz?"

"Mhmm, totally, Harry. But hey, if you want more of a party, I'll be finished around 7pm?"

"Umm... Wha-"

"Excuse you?"

"You can pick me up, yeah? When you're done having breakfast with your friend, maybe you can pop by after hours for a Valentine's special, on the house just for you? Here's my number, I'll just write it on your menu so you can see it whenever you want, give me just a second, lemme find a pen-"

Louis chuckled, his eyes widened at her audacity. Harry was frozen and slightly flushed, trying to explain that he wasn't interested but she was still writing down the digits and he got fed up really fucking fast of how often she was blinking up at him seductively through her fake eyelashes.

"He's my boyfriend, you cunt, now shut the fuck up!"

"Lou- oh my God, she didn't know, she was only just-"

"You better shut up, too, I'm sure as hell not going to apologise for letting some random know I'm yours and you are one hundred and one percent mine, right, princess?" Harry blinked again, flushing as he tried to stammer out something that made sense. To prove his point further, Louis roughly gripped his neck and kissed him right then and there, only just remembering someone else was there when Harry whimpered his name pleadingly against his parted lips. He sharply pulled away and folded his arms but to his surprise, the two just burst out laughing.

"Well, I expected something when Hazz told me how you reacted when Cole was being a little too sweet for comfort but I did not expect that... Damn. I'm Melissa Jefferson but people I know call me Liz or Lizzo. Nice to meet you, Louis-"

"Styles, you've got about five seconds to explain yourself and the clock is fucking ticking before I dive out the door right now."

Harry giggled, a little guilty when he mumbled, "Lizzo kinda wanted to see how you would react when jealous, again cos I told her about Cole? And I mean, I kinda did too although she did go totally off-script at that last point so... Anyway... It was all a prank, and m'sorry, and I love you?"

"I see. Excuse us a second, Melissa."

"Oh no, no, after what you just did for Hazz, you are more than welcome to call me Lizzo baby, that was amazing! I'll be waiting for my own dream man who will go for the throat to protect me, preferably Captain America but I guess we'll see."

Louis kept his head down, even when Hazz poked him, grumbling to himself. God, he was going to make him pay for that. He lowered his head onto the table, letting out a long groan that had Harry just a little worried he had overdone it. And Louis just knew Hazz might be thinking in that direction so despite the fact that he really just wanted to wallow in his frustration right then, he muttered, "fuck. I did not just do that. Completely your fault, by the way but whatever."

"But you did, you totally did! It was soooo cute and funny and that kiss- wow!"

"Dammit. Why am I like this? Why do I switch from excessively confident and possessive to shy and embarrassed about PDA? Make up your mind, brain!"

"But why? It's super fun to watch... Especially since Lizzo is actually my coworker." The blue-eyed poet sat up at that, gazing at Harry who giggled, also perked up.

"Wait... What do you mean, exactly?"

"Well, technically she's more of my boss but she's so nice to all of us that you would hardly tell! See, the owner is this old lady, Martha Stewart and her boyfriend who everyone calls Snoop dog, I dunno but like she's retired more or less so Liz is in charge now and I got hired like some days ago! Wanted it to be a surprise! Now I can help out around the apartment more and buy stuff with my very own monry, once I get my first paycheck! I could've started work today but I really wanted to just be with you."

"Okay, well, give me a second you spoke a little fast there. So you work here, huh?" He nodded, feeling even more proud of himself when Louis grabbed his hand and kissed his knuckles with a huge grin. "Fucking proud of you, princess. You sure as hell are a force to be reckoned with."

"Thats what Lizzo said when I showed her my baking skills. She says I'm a natural and I can start with recipes first but I'll be able to do all these things off the top of my head, eventually. I'm so excited! And she knows who I am- you know, obviously but she doesn't judge. And I'll be working at the back the whole time with a couple other bakers so I totally won't be at too much risk of my identity being exposed!"

"Huh. You like her a lot, eh?"


"She seems nice. And gorgeous, too."


"And she probably wouldn't do something so weird if she saw you being flirted with by someone else."

"That's up for debate, she's pretty damn crazy," he said with a laugh. Louis forced a weak smile. He wished he could be confident in himself, in Harry, but this was all his mind needed to throw doubt on things all over again. But he would fight it. Harry loved him so much it hurt sometimes, seeing it in his eyes when that look should have gone to someone who deserved it more. Harry loved him. He did. The least he could do was have faith in their relationship, as hard as it had always been for Louis to trust. It was hard but God, he really was trying.

"Okay, then."

"All these questions... You don't feel insecure, do you?" He stared into Harry's eyes and let himself lose sight of everything else but his boy, who was subconsciously drawing hearts on his wrists.

"No. I don't." And he meant it. At least, in that moment. Harry beamed at him, kicking his shin under the table and laughed when Louis glared playfully at him. "What the hell, Styles?"

"You called me boyfriend back there, you know..."

"Oh? Did I?" He scratched his stubble but relented before he got kicked once again. "Huh. Well, we are, aren't we?"

"I dunno, Lou bear, are we?"

"Fine, Hazz. Fine. I get it. On this great day of Valentine's, where there is an international celebration of love in all its kinds, ways and perfect imperfections, I have one question to ask you, Harold Edward Styles. I am already yours, and you are already mine so be my boyfriend?"

"As if you even have to ask, of course, silly!" Harry reached over the table to drag him into a hug and not too long after, Liz came by with two red velvet cupcakes with a chocolate heart stuck into each. They were on the house, as it was a Valentine's tradition at their bakery that every couple got that free dessert. Louis listened to Harry rant about its richness and texture, then about how psyched he was to work there, a smile on his face the whole time. This really was the best way to spend the day of love, watching the man of his dreams rant incessantly about something that made his entire face light up with joy.

Harry stopped talking at a point and he stopped digging into the chocolate waffles they'd ordered for their breakfast, frowning. Lou grabbed his hand and Hazz blinked twice, forcing a smile until Louis deadpanned and he gave it up. "Sorry. I got into my head. I was meant to get married to Taylor, today. Can't believe it... Just bloody horrific, that thought."

"That whole thing was fucked up. You didn't know each other well enough, she didn't know you. Not like I do.
You were so jealous, oh my gosh, even now I think you're getting angry...
Why wouldn't I? She doesn't know how soft and flustered you can get, how strong and brave you are when you're fighting back against your demons, she never saw anything other than the facade you put up for those royals. But I know you and I love every single part."

He pulled Harry's hand to his chest then let his lips roam over his fingers and knuckles, whispering, "mine, mine, mine..." until he was satisfied.

Harry flushed. Louis was right. When he was jealous, he definitely did get a spike of confidence. Maybe it was a little toxic but he kind of liked it. "Y-yours, Lou, yours. Forever and always."

"I really can't handle it when you say things like that to me, you know."

"Well, learn to handle cos it's the truth, okay?" Louis smiled, suddenly feeling shy and got up to pay, kissing Harry on the lips. He snapped out of the daze and called out that it was meant to be his treat but Louis pretended he didn't hear, giving Liz the money. Harry pouted because he didn't like to be ignored but he could always buy Louis something else when he got his very first paycheck, soon enough.

"Thank you for making him happy, by the way." He looked up at her, confused and she sighed and continued. "What? I know I haven't known him for long at all but he is a special guy and I feel so fucking lucky to know him. I'm glad you two found each other. He deserves all the joy in the world."

"Yeah, well, he's about to get even happier..." He remarked absentmindedly. He realised what he had said when she arched a brow at him, his face flushing. "I... Umm... Sorry, we kind of have to go. Thanks for everything."

Lizzo, being Lizzo didn't waste time and texted Hazz about Louis because that just sounded suspicious as hell. He held onto Louis' hand on the walk home, wondering what the surprise could be. Louis opened the door for him, both of them now a ball of nerves as he shut it behind him. Then he grabbed Harry's hand and led him to their bedroom, backing away from the entrance so Hazz could look inside.

There were red origami roses on and around the bed, candles let as well in a couple of strategic places. Louis bit his lip and stared at Harry, waiting for him to say something.

"Umm... What's going on?"

"Just because I don't have a thing for Valentine's day doesn't mean I won't make it special for you. You mean more to me then anything and anyone in the world. So... This is all for you. I didn't want to use real roses cos I knew you'd get sad that they wilted so I had Zayn help me and we made these, instead, some days ago. He snuck in while we were out and helped me set it up, guess I owe him now but he owes me for all the times you've spent with them talking wedding plans. Out of everyone in our friend group, he's the one I trusted most not to crack under pressure and he did. The guy is a vault, really."

Louis was definitely right because Hazz visited him and Liam only a couple of days before but nothing was given away. He wanted to be upset but how could he when they had gone through all this trouble? He felt like his heart was about to burst with love and Louis felt the same, except his irregular thumping was based on anxiety at how this was going to go. It was a really big step for their relationship.

"Aww, Lou, I love you so much. You seriously went through all this trouble for me? You're fucking perfect, it's bloody unfair. Meanie. So should we start... Cuddling or something?"


"You... Well, the flowers, the candles, we're gonna snuggle, right? Watch movies? I think there's a new one out on Netflix-"

"Oh, Harr, I adore you, my love but err... No. That's not what's going to happen here." Harry stood awkwardly, still unsure although a small part of him had an idea. If course, it couldn't be that. He had never even seen Louis' lower body unclothed, there was no way that was the plan. Louis watched him struggle to figure it out in his head while maintaining a crappy attempt at a smile on the outside, letting out a dreamy sigh because his boyfriend was a complete and utter idiot and he was so completely and utterly idiotically in love.

"Come here, baby."

Harry inched closer, sighing when Louis wrapped his arms around his torso and pulled him into a kiss. His movements got a little more feverish and Harry couldn't help a moan when his boyfriend grazed his teeth over his lip, pulling back with a flushed face to apologise.

"I'm sorry, th-this is too much. I need a minute to... Calm down, if you know what I mean."

"Calm down? We're going all the way, Hazz so don't even think about it." Harry just about short-circuited at that and Louis held him close, sitting them both down on the bed. "Baby... Take off your shirt for me, okay?"

Wordlessly, he did as he was told, still looking to Louis with utter confusion in his eyes. Louis didn't know when it was going to click but resolved to hasten the process. He stood up in front of Harry, making sure he was being watched and pulled off his shirt, glumly letting his hand roam over his stomach for a minute which only got Harry hotter. He took in a deep breath and reached for his pants, stopping when Harry spoke up finally, his voice thick and strangled.

"I... Umm... Lou... Lou, are you sure you want to do this? You don't have to sleep with me just cos it's Valentine's day. I don't want or need that as a gift, we can do all that whenever you're ready, we have our whole lives to go for it so you don't have to force yourself, okay?"

"Thank you for making sure I'm alright with this but I know all that. I'm ready, now. I want this. I want... To please you. And if that means forcing you to your knees or being forced on mine, I don't care. Whatever you want from me, Master Styles, your wish is my command."

Harry frowned at him, still unsure and Louis huffed. He had been preparing himself for days, even watching videos to help and now, all of a sudden, Harry was doubting him? He looked him in the eyes, not breaking eye contact as he pulled his pants and underwear down to his feet, forcing himself not to cover anything up as Harry drank it all in.

"What do you want, Harry? Tell me what you want. Or I'll do whatever the fuck comes into my head, got it?" How? How had Harry not seen this for so long? He thought he loved Louis' body enough but now he felt like absolutely worshiping whatever divinity granted him such a monster. He would make sure to make full use of this gift, to show his gratitude the only way he knew how.

He got down on his knees, already feeling the thrill of the shame that came with being just as down bad as he was. "Please... Do whatever you want to me, Master Tomlinson? P... Please...?"

And he did.

Ahem... Well, umm... Yeah. Sorry I don't write like full on smut, it's just not my thing bby. I have not updated for like a while so there's a double one for you, heh. Been swamped with school rubbish, ewwie. Anygay, the gays are gaying, I'll see yall in the next chapter. We're almost done‼️

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