Fluffy Harry One-Shots

By 17blackcherry

53.2K 475 180

Harry Fluff stuff. Hope you enjoy!!! More

Feeling Sad
Sickies (ageplay)
Beach Days (kidfic)
Puzzles and Friendships
A day with Harry
Six Flags
Grumpy and Sick (age regression)
Home Sick
Night Time

Untitled Part 14

1.8K 18 19
By 17blackcherry

**This chapter deals with age regression, not age play. they are two different things, age regression is not a kink so, please, do not treat it as one**

It's been a while since I updated this book so here y'a go! 

Louis- 100
Harry- 19, regressed to 2 years old

EDIT: Hey, so I'm reading this a while after it's been posted and realizing that I don't even remember writing it, it's only like 800 words, and there's no title. So what I'm saying is, I'm going to add on and edit it to make it better and I hope you enjoy it!


Louis woke up to a small sniffling sound beside his head. He tried to ignore it and go back to sleep but, for some reason, his mind wouldn't let him ignore it. 

Three minutes later, Louis groaned and rolled over to find Harry sitting up in the bed and sniffling, tears on his cheeks and eyes red and puffy. Louis sat up and when Harry felt the bed move, he looked over at Louis and sobbed. 

"Hey, hey, hey. Shh, love, what's the matter?" 

He couldn't yet tell if Harry was crying because something was wrong or if he had regressed when he woke up and had gotten scared or something. 

When Harry climbed into Louis' arms and buried his face in his chest, shaking a little. Louis assumed he had regressed because of the actions but, at the same time Harry was always a cuddly person. 

"Hazza, can you look at me for a minute?" Louis asked gently. 

Harry sniffled and shook his head in Louis' chest. Louis gently pulled away from him and lifted Harry's chin with his finger. "Can you tell me what's wrong, love?" 

"Wouwou." Was all he mumbled out. By now, Louis knew Harry had regressed, he just didn't know how much he had regressed. Usually, he could be anywhere from an infant to a five year old. He was talking so Louis guessed that he was probably around 2-4 at the moment. 

Louis quickly changed the way he was holding Harry and picked him up from the bed. 

"Hey, love, should we go put some jammies and a nappy on? Wouldn't that be more comfortable?" 

Harry just buried his face into Louis' neck and nodded his head. It was definitely going to be a slow morning for the pair. Harry was probably still tired so, Louis would just get him changed and they could go back to bed and relax for the morning. 


"Alright, Hazzie," Louis smiled down at Harry from his place on the changing table in the nursery they'd put together. He gave Harry's bare tummy a little rub which made the sad boy giggle a little (Louis counted it as a win for the morning). "Let's get some jammies on you, mister. which ones would you like?" 

Harry wiggled around a little, Louis had come to the conclusion that he was probably closer to two years old from the way he was talking and fidgeting. 

"Pwincessies, Wouwou." 

Louis nodded. "Do I have a little princess with me today, baby?" 

Harry giggled and squirmed around, putting his thumb in his mouth. Louis let him suck his thumb for the time being because he didn't have a pacifier close by and he didn't want to deal with Harry crying. 

Once Louis had gotten him into his nappy and the princess onesie, he lifted Harry from the changing table and held him on his hip. 

Harry yawned and rubbed his eyes, "Sweepy, Wouwou." 

Louis cooed and rubbed the back of Harry's head. "Should we go back to bed and have a snuggle then, Love?" 

"Snuggies wif Wouis!" Harry perked up a bit at this, he loved his cuddle times regressed or not. Louis chuckled at the sudden mood change. 

They went back to bed and got comfy, Louis holding Harry in his arms. 

Louis rubbed Harry's tummy gently and closed his eyes, hoping they could both get at least an hour more sleep before they started their day. 

Louis was just about asleep when he felt Harry roll over and poke him in the eye gently. Louis opened his eyes and found Harry less then 30 centimeters from his face with his wide green eyes. 

"What's up, Haz?" 

"No sweep, Wouwou," Harry sighed. 

"Would you like to watch a show?" Louis asked. 

"Big Couch, Big Couch!" Harry cheered. One of his favourite shows was always The Big Comfy Couch. Louis chuckled and rolled over to get the tv remote. 

He found an episode and turned it on for Harry. "Haz, Lou's gonna rest for a while longer, alright? If you need me, just wake me," Louis told him. Harry nodded and slipped his thumb into his mouth again, completely focused on the tv. 

Louis grabbed a pacifier from his bed side drawer and quickly replaced it in Harry's mouth. Then, he took Harry's hand in his own and rubbed small circles on it as he closed his eyes and fell into a light sleep, Harry content and the house quiet. 


When Louis woke up again, he found Harry with his arms and legs all over the place and his pacifier hanging out of his mouth. Louis smiled and ran his hand through Harry's hair. He knew he should wake him up soon because if he was still regressed, he wouldn't sleep later. 

Louis decided against waking him up just yet because he was probably still tired from being awake so early and also randomly regressing. He would have to try to figure out why Harry had regressed so unprompted because that hadn't happened in so long, but that was an issue for later. 

Louis was still pretty tired too, so he just stayed in bed and scrolled on his phone, waiting for Harry to get up. 


Soon enough, Louis felt Harry roll over in the bed and looked over to see his baby rubbing his eyes and grumbling sleepily. 

Louis sat up a little more and rubbed Harry's shoulder. 

"Morning, my love!" He said. "How are you feeling today?" That was his subtle way of asking if Harry was little or not because if he wasn't, he knew big Harry might be a little embarrassed. No matter how many times Louis told him it was okay, Harry was always kind of uncomfortable the first day or two after he came up because his mind was always still a little foggy and he needed extra help with things he didn't normally need help with, he was also pretty clingy after coming up, but Louis loved every second of it. 

"Fine." He heard Harry mumble. He was big again. 

This is not edited at all cause I'm lazy so I'm posting it as soon as I'm done writing the A/N

I don't know what this is or why it's so short but I hope you enjoyed it I guess. I literally just felt like writing but I didn't have any ideas so I wrote as I went haha :) 

xx L

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