You, Me and a Bed Makes Three

By ButterfliesInTheSky

325K 2.3K 290

okay so don't laugh but my name is Harley Davidson. okay i guess you can laugh. you think i'm joking don't yo... More

You, Me and a Bed Makes Three
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (2)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (3)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (4)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (5)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (6)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (7)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (8)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (8 - sex scene)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (9)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (10)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (11)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (12 - sex scene)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (12 - without sex scene)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (13)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (14)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (15)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (16)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (17)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (18)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (19)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (20)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (21)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (21 - without sex scene)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (22)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (23)
You,Me and a Bed Makes Three (24)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (25)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (26)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (27)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (28)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (30)
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three - 31
You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (32)

You, Me and a Bed Makes Three - (29)

5K 44 8
By ButterfliesInTheSky

 - School Days -

“miss, miss, miss...” a little girl with short blonde hair, kept calling me, tugging on my jumper impatiently.

God these kids were annoying. Why was I here again? Oh right because I'm the stupidly nice girl that likes to help. Well at least it was Friday so I only had what? Four hours left.

I turned to face her with a fake smile plastered on my face. “yes Jess? And I thought I told you to call me Harley?”

“sorry Harley.” she blushed. “can you come help me paint? Pretty please?” she asked giving me a cute little smile.

That smile would be breaking hearts in a few years. Heck I probably had my own version of that smile. It was definitely something she used a lot to get her own way.

I sighed and put down the piece of wood I was sanding for my project and followed her to her work station.

They were working in groups to make their miniatures and I was in charge of three groups of four. It was totally crazy I mean I wasn't a teacher nor was I capable of looking after anyone. Heck I couldn't look after myself most of the time. What on earth made them think I would be able to keep twelve kids alive for three days.

So far there hadn't been any accidents so I guess I was doing okay. But like I said before I still had four hours left till my sentence was up. And a lot can happen in four hours

The group of four girls were sat around chatting as they did the finishing touches to their project. They had decided to re-create the pyramids and sphinx's. It looked pretty good. The display unit it was housed in had Egyptian hieroglyphics which was the section Jess was currently working on.

“so hows it coming along girls?” I asked as I stood beside their table.

“great. Thanks for that tip about mixing paint with sand definitely made it look better.” Sarah said smiling as she continued to add more detail to her pyramid.

“Harley?” Eve asked looking at me with curious eyes.


“do you have a boyfriend?” she asked biting her lower lip.

“nope. Free and single.” I stated proudly, smiling broadly.

“don't you like boys?” she asked confused by my happiness I assume?

“of course I like boys. My best friend is a boy. I just don't feel the need for a boyfriend. Why do you ask anyway?”

“I dunno. Just curious I guess. I mean you're like super pretty and all the boys in the school talk about you. I just thought that maybe you had a boyfriend.” she shrugged going back to the sphinx she was painting.

“you know having a boyfriend isn't the bee all and end all. It's all about girl power these days.” I stated picking up a paint brush and making a start on helping.

“have you ever had a boyfriend?” Jess asked.

“erm... sort of but no not really.”

“so if you've never had one how do you know that your not missing out?” Emma asked me from across the table.

“I don't I just know it's not for me.” I shrugged.

“But how do you know? For all you know having a boyfriend could be the best thing in the whole world and you're missing out.”

“trust me I am definitely not girlfriend material so it really isn't for me.”

“is it true that your sleeping with Shaun McHottie from sixth form?” Sarah asked me giving me a cheeky smile.

“err... not any more. How do you know about that? Aren't you a little young to even understand what that means?” I asked confused. I mean when I was what eleven or twelve I'm pretty sure I was only just starting to find out about sex. I wouldn't have had a clue what sleeping together meant. And what was the McHottie about? Did they just not know his last name? Or was that what they called him. Hmmm maybe I should ask him if he knows that his nick name is Shaun McHottie.

She snorted at my comment. “were not young and naive.” she rolled her eyes at me. “and everybody knows about it. Like everybody knows you slept with Mr Wilson.” she said casually as though it was a normal thing.

Hang on did she just say I slept with a teacher? Why that little... I'm gonna kill Shaun! I thought he was joking when he told me he was going start that rumour. “don't believe everything people tell you. Because I have definitely not had sex with any teachers. I mean sure Ste... I mean Mr Wilson is hot but a girl has gotta have some morals. Lines she doesn't cross.”

“shame. He is hot though.” Jess said as though it was an excuse.

“totally has rape me written all over him.” Sarah added with a dreamy look on her face.

“and he's actually really nice. Not a jerk at all. Surprising isn't it.” Eve said still painting, focusing most of her attention on that.

I sighed. “girls. Having a relationship with a married man would be wrong. Heck having a relationship with a teacher is wrong. So promise me you wont think or consider doing either when you start to ... well you know do things with guys.”

“no harm in looking but not touching.” Sarah said with a small shrug.

I nodded absent mindedly and continued to paint the pencilled pictures. The girls continued to talk as they painted about the hot guys in their year and I learnt that Sarah had a boyfriend of two weeks which was a big deal for them.

What I would give to be young again. So innocent and thinking that making out was the best thing that could ever happen. Not wanting more or knowing what more would be like.

The lunch bell rang so I dismissed the small class. I watched as the group of twelve kids hurried out talking animatedly about their lunch plans.

I walked around the room to look at the other two projects to see if they were almost finished. One of the groups had decided to make a mini Stonehenge. It was finished by the looks of it but then again it wasn't the hardest of things to make. I think that was why the group of boys had chosen it. The last group had chosen the Easter Island heads. They had made mini heads out of clay and they looked really good. Each of them had worked on their own head so they all looked slightly different but it was still a good little display.

“Harley?” someone called out making me turn to address them.

James was stood at the door with Shaun behind him texting. He smiled at me and stepped inside leaving Shaun lagging behind.

“hey. You all right?” I asked picking up my bag.

“yeah. Just came to see where you were. You didn't hang with us at break.” he shrugged looking at the work on the desk. “these are great. Did they do them all on their own?”

“pretty much.” I shrugged.

“you coming or what?” Shaun asked not looking up from his phone.

I rolled my eyes. “come on let get Mr cranky fed.” I joked ushering James out of the room before locking up.

I still felt a little strange sitting in the common room at lunch. People still looked at me like was a ghost or something but today wasn't too bad. I was slightly sad to find that the girls were away with the school along with Vince, Stuart and Tom. I wonder if Tom had been slapped by one of them yet? Because lets face it, it's inevitable.

I sat down next to Greg and bumped him with my shoulder “hey lover boy.”

He smiled at me. “hey. You want any?” he asked pointing at his chips.

“nah I'm good. Gots me an apple.” I stated as I pulled it out of my bag.

“you coming over tonight?” Shaun asked as he sat down beside me, putting his feet up on my lap.

I had been sleeping at Shaun's all week. It was for convenience more then anything. He would cook for me and give me a lift into school and wait around when I was cleaning up. Plus it meant I could see Scrappy. I could have slept at Greg's I guess but then I would still have to go to Shaun's for Scrappy so it just made my life easier.

“dunno. What's the plan?”I asked knowing that Shaun was planning on going out tonight.

“pub?” he suggested.

I nodded slowly taking a bit of my apple thinking about it. “maybe. Depends when I finish up today.”

The other down side to helping out, other then the slightly annoying kids, was having to stick around and clean up after them and prepare for the next day. Geoff had told me not to worry about it but it just made more sense to do it. Unfortunately it meant I wasn't getting home till fiveish and I was starting at half eight. Being a fake teacher was hard work.

To be fair though Geoff hadn't intended on making me a sort of teacher it just ended up that way. Paddy was supposed to be the teacher for the group I was working with but he came down with a stomach bug on Monday and hasn't been back since. I just hope it isn't something serious.

“.... hello earth to Harley?” Shaun said waving a hand in front of my face.

“huh? What?” I asked snapping out of a daze I didn't realise I was in. funny that.

“I said Jake called earlier and said can you ring him.” he said a bit peeved.

Seriously what is this boys problem. He's been off with me all week. Sure he's been nice by letting me stay over and driving me but really is the rudeness necessary? No it's not. If he has a problem why can't he just say it!

I nodded and slowly got up to make the call. What did Jake want anyway? I pressed dial and held the phone to my ear as it rang.

“Hello?” he answered.

“hey Jakey. Shaun said you wanted me to call?”

“oh hey Harley. Yeah it's just you never phoned about doing your room and I'm back at work next week.” he said sounding apologetic.

“crap I totally forgot. This weeks been a bit hectic. I've had a school thing.” I explained. “Greg said he would help me so don't worry about it.”

“I can always come over on a weekend?” he offered.

Weekends wouldn't really work. My mum would be there for one so that was definitely a no no. “really it's fine. Besides Ford is always around and I'm sure any of the other guys will be willing to help. I'm pretty sure I over heard Tom saying he would love to see the inside of my room.” I joked with a small chuckle.

“okay then if your sure?” he said sounding a bit disappointed.

“maybe we can hang out some other time?” I offered thinking that maybe he was sad because he just wanted to see me. I mean we used to hang out all the time and now I barely saw him.

“yeah. That would be great.” he chirped happier.

I smiled to myself. “I'll ring you next week and let you know when I'm free.”

“promise?” he asked using one of my most dreaded words. Like Shaun he knew I hated breaking promises.

“I promise.” I sighed, but a happy sigh. “look I got to go. Lunch is almost up.” I said glancing a the clock.

“okay then.” he said sadly and I can just imaging the pout he's sporting right now. “you around this weekend?” he asked quickly.

“I think so. You gonna hang out with the guys then?”

“yeah. Told Shaun I would pop over on Saturday night.”

“great. Guess I'll see you then.”

“see ya.” he replied before I closed my phone.

Slowly I made my way back to the common room and plonked myself down in my seat.

Shaun gave me a funny look before going back to his phone texting away. Seriously what was his problem?

“you free after school?” James asked smiling at me.

I had been helping him with his Physic coursework over the past few days. He had got pretty far with it so I guess he was planning on finishing the experiment today.

I smiled back at him. “ yeah. I'll just be cleaning up but I'm hopefully gonna get the kids to do most of it after lunch.” I told him.

“cool. Could you swing by the science department before you leave?” he asked hopeful.

I nodded. “Of course.”

“great. Well I best head off. See you guys later.” he said to everyone before getting up.

I glanced at the clock. We still had ten minutes left till we had to be back in class. Time seemed to be flying past way too quickly these days. It felt like only a minute ago that I first sat down to eat my apple.

I looked at the table in front of me. The apple was sat there on a napkin with only two bites taken out of it. Blimey I really did daze off. Normally I would still eat if I had something in my hand.

“you all right?” Greg asked me worried.

I smiled at him. “yep. Just a bit tired. These kids are a handful.” okay so they weren't exactly a handful in fact they were pretty well behaved. I think it was because I was almost the same age as them so they just felt more at ease with me. Or maybe Geoff threatened them. I dunno.

Greg just nodded in understanding. “mum wanted to know if your coming over for dinner on Sunday again?”

“sure if I'm not busy.”

He smiled at me and got up form his chair. “ Mike, you coming?” he asked.

Mike looked over at us and smiled “yeah.”

“I'll see you later.” Greg said before moving to leave.

A few other left leaving just me Shaun and Bradley, who was talking to a girl in his year. I smiled at the little scene across the table from me. They looked so cute. Bradley was flirting with her in a sweet way making her blush and giggle. He could be such a charmer when he wanted to be. Such a little heart breaker.

With lunch nearly ending I grabbed my bag and meekly waved bye to Bradley not wanting to disturb him. He shot me a smile and went back to chatting up the innocent girl.

“what no goodbye?” Shaun said in a snide voice.

I looked at him in disbelief, what crawled up his but and died? The boy had issues and some frustration he needed work out. And I thought I was bad. “bye.” I said pointedly and turned to leave.

“wait.” he called out making me stop and turn to find him grabbing his things.

When he caught up with me I started walking. “what is your problem?” I asked as we exited the room.

“what you on about?” he asked confused.

“you've been off with me for the past few days. Did I do something? Or not do something?” I asked stopping and turning to face him. I gave him a cold hard stare showing him I was not impressed.

“no I haven't.” he retorted narrowing his eyes at me.

“yes you have. You just snapped at me for not saying bye when I hadn't even started to leave.” I stated crossing my arms over my chest. “if you've got a problem with me then just say it.”

I stood there waiting for him to say something. Anything, but he just kept his eyes fixed on the ground chewing his lip as though he was having some kind battle with himself. What was so bad that he couldn't just tell me? Did I give him something? Nah he would have told me that. Safe sex 101 and all that jazz.

The bell rang making me jump. Students suddenly started to fill the small hallway talking loudly and cutting the tension that had grown between us.

He looked up at me and smiled his carefree smile. “I'll swing by after class.” he said as he turned.

“don't bother. I'm helping James after school.” I said in a hard voice.

There was no way he was going to get away with this. Pretend everything was fine when clearly it wasn't. Something had happened or not happened between us and I wanted to know what it was and I wanted to know now!

He turned, his face full of hurt. “fine. I'll see you at mine later then.”

“maybe I'm not gonna be there later.”

“yeah well maybe I don't care.” he shouted back at me.

A few people stopped and stared at us. God we probably look like a couple having a tiff. Just brilliant I can hear the gossips already. 'they really are dating!' Stupid bloody moody Shaun!

Instead of shouting back I just glared at him and then turned dramatically flicking my hair like they do in the movies. Okay so I was going a bit over board with this whole thing but he started it. And people were going to be talking about this no matter what I did so why not play up to it? I never did anything by halves anyway.

I stormed off toward my class room grumbling a few choice words about a certain jack ass as I went. When I reached the room I plastered a smile on my face pretending to be happy. Afterall now was not the time to be questioned by little kids.

All of them stood out side the door chatting and waiting for me to open the room.

“sorry I'm late guys.” I apologised as I unlocked the door.

“we don't mind waiting for you Harley.” Ben replied giving me a cheeky smile.

I chuckled at the little kid. He was such a sweetie. And Geoff had told me to keep an eye out for him. Something to do with being disruptive? I dunno, all I knew was that he was pretty well behaved like the rest of the class and got on with his work. Okay so maybe the work was fun so that might have had something to do with it, but the kid was pretty good. He even offered to help me a few times with carrying in equipment.

“okay guys so I want you to start finishing off your projects. Today is the last day so you're gonna have to start cleaning up as well.” I said as I placed my bag on the desk.

They groaned as I expected so I turned to face them with a smile. “come on guys if we work together it will be done in no time and as soon as your finished you can go. It is Friday after all.” I offered, hoping they would take the bait.

They all whispered excitedly at the prospect of going home early or being able to roam free around the school. With that a few started to head for the cleaning supplies and made a start on sweeping up and putting things away.

I walked over to the girls table. It was almost finished. Jess and Emma were now doing the last of the hieroglyphics and the other two were deciding on where to place the pyramids and lone sphinx.

“looks good girls.” I praised them earning me big smiles from each of them.

“thanks.” Eve beamed before going back to telling Sarah how she wanted it to look.

I chuckled as the two argued over which way round the pyramid should go. I mean it looked the same on all sides, did it really matter?

The boys were sticking on the last of the fake grass to their Stonehenge, well two of them were Ben was cleaning paint brushes in the sink and Carl was sat texting on his phone. I frowned at that. The school had a no phone policy. Sure I was a little lax on the rules with them but it wasn't fair that his friends were working hard and he was just sat there not even attempting to help and openly texting.

“Carl I think you need to put your phone away.” I said in a soft voice.

“in a minute.” he said not looking up.

I stood there with my arms crossed and waited for him before I told him off. Finally he hit send and closed his phone and looked up. At first he was smiling but as soon as his eye's landed on my face he gulped and looked a little scared.

“er... sorry. I was just telling my mum that I was going to be home early.” he said chewing his lip.

“yes well you wont be going home early if you don't pull your weight and help will you?” I said sternly.

He shook his head. “sorry miss.”

I sighed. “you know I feel like I've aged about twenty years when you kids call me miss.” I smiled at him. “just go and clean something and next time try and text in secret. If a teacher had walked in we would have both been in trouble.” I said before turning to see how the others were doing.

Carl skipped past me, yes actually skipped, to go help Ben.

“Harley do you think we need to add anything else?” Trey asked me as I neared the group.

I looked at their finished project. It looked great to me. Better then I thought it would be. I mean I had imagined all the different miniatures but they were what I would have made. In reality year eights really aren't as skilled as me, seen as I've had a few years practise and all.

I smiled at him. “it looks great. I think you guys have done a great job.” I praised them.

All four of them looked at me with excited eyes, beaming with pride.

“do you think we'll win the competition?” Lucy asked me excitedly.

“sure why not. If you like you can go round the other class' to check out theirs as well.” I offered.


“sure why not. You've finished so why don't you go show Geoff. It will give you an excuse to go looking.”

All four of them nodded in agreement before clambering off their stools. The two boys carried the display box with the girls holding the doors open for them making sure they didn't knock anything over.

Happy that my little class was in order I went over to my desk to finish my sanding.

The piece of wood was laying haphazardly on the table with the sandpaper. I plonked myself down in the comfy swing chair and began to smooth out my work. Next week I was going to finish off my final year project. Because you guessed it my monthly was due to turn up any day now, which also meant I was going to be going yet another week with no sex, chuffing brilliant.

All three projects were finished and now in Geoff's office for him to asses. The room was as clean as they could get it and they were sat at their table filling in a little worksheet Geoff had given them. As soon as that was done they were free to go. Which meant I was free to go too!!! well I was free to go help James but still I would no longer have to pretend to be responsible. That was definitely worth celebrating.

“we're finished.”Jess said standing at my desk.

I looked up at her from my sanding and smiled taking the four worksheets from her. “thanks. You can go.”

“are you going to be helping out more?” she asked shyly.

“erm... I'm not sure maybe.” I lied. Okay it wasn't a total lie I probably would help out when I was around but seen as that was next to never I probably wouldn't be around to help out in her class.

“great. See you soon then.” she chirped turning to leave with her friends.

The girls waved and said goodbye to me as they left the room.

I looked up at the clock. There was still fifty minutes left of school. My class was on fire! As far as I was aware the other classes were no way near finished let alone close to completing the worksheet Geoff wanted them to do. I guess a lot of kids were going to be doing it as homework.

I stood up and walked over the table of boys. They were all focusing on the paper in front of them. Carl had his tongue stuck out as he concentrated on his writing.

I peered over and looked at how far they were. Most of them had the last question to do and then they were finished. I smiled to myself, things were definitely looking good.

As I wondered over to the other table the small group were just sat chatting.

“how you lot doing?” I asked, curious as to why they weren't doing the work.

“oh we've finished.” Lucy told me with a big smile.

“that's great.” I smiled back picking up their work. “you can go now if you want.”

“nah it's cool we have to wait for the bus anyway.” Trey told me with a shrug.

Crap I hadn't thought about that. Now what was I gonna do? “well you have free reign of the school. You can go do what ever you like. I have passes?” I offered hoping they would take my offer. I really didn't fancy sitting and waiting till half three.

“really? Are we allowed to go anywhere?” Lucy asked me.

I nodded. “sure why not. Just show your passes and the teacher should be cool with it as long as they're not doing a formal lesson.” I explained.

As far as I knew there were no formal lessons today. Especially with it being activity days. Fridays were always a free when I was in the lower part of the school. I doubted it had changed much in two years.

“come on guys we can go sit in the canteen.” Lucy said excitedly.

They all nodded in agreement and began packing up their things. Talking about how cool it was being able to go early from class and also getting a free pass. Kids are so easily pleased.

“Harley I'm done.” Ben called out as I handed out the passes and said goodbye to the others.

I turned and smiled heading over to the table of boys. Ben produced his work with a big smile. “thank you. You going or do you need a pass?” I asked.

“nah I'm gonna hang out in Geoff's class. My mates are still working.” he told me picking up his bag.

I nodded. “cool. Well have fun.”

“I will. And thanks for this week. It's been fun.” he smiled up at me before turning and leaving the room.

See he is such a cutie. I would so keep him if I could. Okay maybe I wouldn't because then I would have to feed him and what not and actually have to look after someone other then myself and lets face it it was a miracle I managed to do as little as that most days.

The final three finished and asked for passes. Carl's mum had told him he had to stay in school. He was a bit peeved by it but happy that he could go play football with the older kids instead.

I did a quick once over of the room making sure everything was in it's place, neat and tidy for next week. Happy that it was how I found it I gathered my things and stored my work away for next week and locked up the room.

With a spring in my step and half an hour spare I headed to Geoff's office to hand the keys over. He was going to be teaching so I had written him a note saying I would pop in next week.

I placed it on his desk and then headed for the science department. It was a bit strange walking into the usually quiet science block to hear loud music coming from the main room. All of the doors to the rooms were open and students were talking loudly as they carried out fun experiments. I stood and watched as a two boys played with a flame making it change colour with different chemicals.

“what you doing here?” Alex asked suddenly appearing from no where. He looked hilarious in his lab coat, gloves and goggles. I didn't even know he did a science. Was he even smart enough?

“er.. come to help?” I said slightly off guard.

“oh right.” he smiled at me. “which class?” he asked.

“physics. James wanted me to check something.” I smiled at him.

“fair enough. Come see me when your done. I'm doing a demonstration for the year ten's chemistry class.” he smiled excitedly.

I chuckled at his expression. “okay mad scientist.” I said heading to my physics room. Well not really my physics room cause I never go to lesson but you get the idea.

The room was the last one in the hall and was the only room with the door shut. Quietly I entered the still room. The class was strangely quiet compared to the other side of the door. Groups of students were bent over their experiments taking readings and talking in hushed voices. Mr Newbury was sat at his desk with his glasses perched on the end of his nose as he graded work.

I put my bag down and tied my hair up so that when he did notice me he wouldn't have anything to tell me off for. James spotted me and smiled before quickly turning back to his work to take another reading.

I walked over smiling at people as they looked up. A few gawked and nudged their partners, others just smiled back in hello.

“hey. Hows it going?” I asked motioning to the experiment.

It was pretty simplistic. Just a test on the resistance of a wire. James had chosen to test the effect of increasing the heat. He didn't really need my help, he pretty much had the basic idea and understandings. After all we had done something similar for our GCSE's. It didn't really matter I was happy to help like always.

“yeah good. Almost finished the third set of results.” he smiled at me.

His partner Harry kept his focus on the thermometer and stop watch. He was shy boy, I had known that before this week but I had hoped he would warm up to me over the past few days seen as I had spoken to him a lot.

“you all right Harry?” I asked sweetly.

He glanced at me and I noticed his cheeks turning pinkie red as he nodded slightly.

I gave James a funny look to which he just shrugged. I guess Harry wasn't one for making friends.

“time.” Harry said in a clipped tone. James looked at the monitors and wrote down the readings.

“so what was it you needed me for?” I asked when he put his pen down.

“oh er right. Could you give me a hand with the calculations. I'm rubbish at the math bit. Its all gibberish to me algebra.” James said blushing slightly in embarrassment.

I shrugged casually. “sure. You know you can just put it all in the computer and let it do all the work for you though? Just do one calculation and then let the software do the rest.”

“really?” he said confused.

“yep. Tell you what, you finish up and then come get me. I'm gonna get some work done, maybe wonder around.” I said with a smile.

“cool. Thanks.” he said before being told 'time' by Harry again.

I chuckled as I walked away and headed to Mr Newbury's desk. Noticing someone he looked up from the stack of papers on his desk with a kind smile on his face ready and willing to help.

“oh hello Harley. How can I help?” he asked in a soft soothing voice.

“I was just wondering if you had looked at my proposal for my experiment?” I asked hopeful.

He looked around on his desk. “ahh, yes. Here it is.” he said picking up the document I had given him two days ago. “I've looked it over and it all looks perfectly fine. However.” he said with a pause. Somehow I didn't think this however was going to lead to good things. They generally never do. “you will need to be supervised for this one. It's apart of the assessment I'm afraid. Something I can't overlook this year.” he told me looking upset by this.

I didn't understand why he was upset though I mean it wasn't his fault. “okay so when do I have to do it?” I asked hoping he would be willing to stay after school of something for me.

“ideally during school time.” he said with a heavy sigh. “but I know you prefer to work in the quiet when school is deserted.” he added scratching his head in thought.

I stood there waiting for him to tell me when and where he wanted me to do my work. He sat there with the piece of paper in his hands looking it over and over again. Pursing his lips and trailing a few words with his finger. Finally he put the piece of paper down and took of his glasses placing them on top.

“I'm sorry but there is no way around this. Your going to need a technician on hand anyway so I'm afraid you will have to come into school at some point before the end of February.” he said gravely.

I nodded. “okey doke. Is there any chance I can do it in one of the small lab rooms that isn't used much? Just so I can do it undisturbed.” I asked hopeful. I mean if I was going to be doing this when school was in full swing the only option to go unnoticed would be to just lock myself away, hidden from the rest of the school. It would only take me two days to collect the data for my coursework. I would be able to arrive early and leave late so it would all work out fine.

“I think that can be arranged.” he smiled up at me happy with the compromise.

“great. Just email me when there is one free for a few days and I'll come in.”

he nodded in thought. “it probably wont be till after Christmas break now.”

“that's okay. It wont take me long to finish it.” I smiled at him.

“of course.” he agreed. “was there anything else?”

“nope. I think that's everything.” I smiled before turning to leave the room.

With that all sorted I headed off to find Alex. If I could get most of the writing done before I did the actual experiment I would have it finished the same week I did the thing. Everything was falling into place nicely. The only coursework I had left to finish for my A-levels was my music piece. Something that should have been easy to do yet was proving to be the most difficult. Go figure.

I walked back out into the hall and headed for the room Alex had appeared from. The room was now quiet and seated. All the students were leaning forward in their seat watching something or someone at the front of the class.

Alex's booming voice carried over the class which was strange because he was usually such a quite guy, unless he was drunk but even he wasn't stupid enough to go to school drunk. “... and if you do this” he said before a loud hissing noise filled the room. “you get that reaction. Good huh?” he smiled enthusiastically looking like he was really trying to make this interesting.

I chuckled at his expression. The teachers' head whipped round to scowl at me. When her eyes landed on me she pursed her lips and went back to watching Alex's demonstration.

I slid into an empty seat next to a boy with floppy brown hair. The boy turned and sat there openly checking me out, I wasn't even wearing anything that was deemed worthy of such looks. I had made sure that I dressed appropriately all week, high neck lines, jeans, nothing too tight. At the sound of a small explosion the boy returned his attention to Alex.

Alex continued to show the class different reactions. He even set up a small experiment for each table to do so they could have a go. It was interesting watching him. He seemed to be in his element showing the younger students what he had learnt. Like he was a natural at teaching, almost.


thanks for reading =) hope you liked it... let me know

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