The Genius Within The Shadows...

Par Kuragari_Mei

325K 10.8K 5.1K

I Honestly Don't Know How to Describe this Story anymore. But if You Wanna Know, then you're welcome to try o... Plus

Act I - Chapter 1 - [Start of a New Life]
Chapter 2 - [Life as an 'Ordinary' Student]
Chapter 3 - [A Glimpse of His Power]
Chapter 4 - [Unwanted Attention]
chapter 5 - [The Devil Within]
Chapter 6 - [Calm Before The Storm]
Chapter 7 - [A Small World]
Chapter 8 - [Prologue]
Chapter 9 - [Interaction]
Chapter 10 - [Lingering Doubt]
Chapter 11 - [Light]
Chapter 12 - [Epilogue]
Bonus Story - [Hiyori's Melancholy]
Bonus Story - [A Tyrants Obsession]
Act II - Chapter 1 [Relations]
Chapter 2 - [Gathering]
Chapter 3 - [Pride]
Chapter 4 - [Chance Encounter]
Chapter 5 - [Welcomed Return]
Chapter 6 - [The Normal Life I Want]
Chapter 7 - [A Normal Highschool Student]
Chapter 8 - [Rest Of Summer]
Chapter 9 - [New Look]
Bonus Story - [A Different Perspective]
Chapter 10 - [Preparations]
Chapter 12 - [The Seed Of Curiosity]
Chapter 13 - [Change]
Chapter 14 - [End of Summer]
Chapter 15 - [A New Beginning]
Chapter 16 - [Loopholes]
Chapter 17 - [War]
Chapter 18 - [Trouble on the Horizon]
Chapter 19 - [Plans Set in Motion]
Chapter 20 - [A Change of Pace]
Chapter 21 - [Individual Thoughts]
Chapter 22 - [A Delightful Meal]
Chapter 23 - [Opportunities]
Chapter 24 - [One of Many]
Chapter 25 - [An Unusual Pair]
Bonus Story - [Resolve]
Chapter 26 - [Passage of Time]
Chapter 27 - [A Sudden Turn]
Bonus Story - [Perception]
Chapter 28 - [Vow]
Chapter 29 - [Thereafter the Cold]
Chapter 30 - [Sports Festival]
Chapter 31 - [Accumulating Pain]
Chapter 32 - [Acceptance]
Chapter 33 - [Confrontation]
Chapter 34 - [Unveiling]
Bonus Story - [A Highschoolers' Heart]
Chapter 35 - [Connected Dots]
Chapter 36 - [Unrequited Trust]
Chapter 37 - [Glass like Heart]
Chapter 38 - [A New Tomorrow]

Chapter 11 - [Summer Paradise]

5.2K 198 76
Par Kuragari_Mei

Ayanokōji Kiyotaka POV

Time Quickly closing in to end the Summer. The day arrived. The day being the time we - me and some of my classmates - go to the pool.

I was still in my room for various reasons. Preparing and overall, relaxing before this expected to be, tiring day.

Browsing my phone. For no particular reason and thinking about LIFE. Ain't that exciting....

Ofcours, as if there's a pattern here. The doorbell suddenly rang. You could probably guest who it is. Being one of the people who would do things like this.

And also Ofcours ,I'm talking about Chiaki.

Getting up my bed and expecting who I expected. I opened the door without second thought and welcomed whoever it was.

"Good afternoon Kiyotaka-kun" as expected. It was her. Smiling warmly as she greeted me.

"Sighhhhh why are you.....guys here?" Noticing some people behind her. I asked.

"Matsushita-san here said that she was going to fetch you on the way. So... We also came!" Onodera. One of Chiakis friends answered.

There was also Sato with her, but she just nodded repeatedly. Agreeing.

I checked the time and it was certainly closing in to the scheduled hour.

But.... Coming here.... Yeah I don't care anymore.

"... I'll... Give me a second to get my stuff. You can come in if you want but.... It's your choice"

I gave then the option of coming in. Being just slightly over noon. The sun was still burning fiercely up in the sky after all

Leaving the scene and coming in my room. I prepared to double check everything.

The Three also came in. Two of them, full of curiosity for some reason.

"Woooww... Your room is so clean Ayanokōji-kun" Sato made the first comment. Scanning everything up and down

"Rather than clean.... It's practically empty..." Onodera also made a comment "ahhh-! Not that it's a bad thing ofcours.... Are you a minimalist Ayanokōji-kun?" She asked

"Hmmm... Maybe? I don't really know- or rather... I just can't decide on what to do for my room"

I answered as I closed my bag. Preparing to leave.

I didn't exactly lie. For one, I just don't know what to buy. I do have the points to, if needed. But I still can't decide.

I mean it's not really necessary so... It's not worth much to think about. But maybe in the near future, I would reconsider. Who knows

"That's cool" Onodera stated.

...what is?

"Are you ready Kiyotaka-kun?"
Chiaki asked. Upon seeing me take my bag.

I nodded. Signalling the time we leave. Not missing a beat. The three made their way to the door.

Chiaki, for some reason, waiting slightly for me.

Locking the door and facing the three high spirited girls. My day began.

° ° °

The four of us walked towards where everyone we're gonna meet up.

I don't know why we didn't just meet up infront of the dormitories. But I guess that how it is.

"You guys really are close huh?" Onodera suddenly asked. Aiming the question at me and Chiaki walking side by side.

"I noticed that too... Are you sure you guys aren't dating?" Sato also asked turning her head towards us .

We were in a standard four man position. Onodera and Sato being the one infront.

Regarding there question. I just didn't do anything. I'm sure they already received some explanation from Chiaki like she said just a few days ago.

"Like I said... We're not..." Chiaki answered them with a smile.

The two just shrugged it off and continued facing forward. Walking to our destination.

After a few minutes or so. We arrived.

"You guys are like so late!" A certain Blonde girl with a ponytail instantly complained upon our arrival.

I checked the time and.... Nope... We're just on time. What are you talking about?

"Wee were here like 30 minutes ago" Karuizawa continued ranting to us.

"Now now. Karuizawa San. It was our fault for coming in Early" Hirata... Being the good boy that he is. Calmed down the wild Pokemon like a pro.

"Hello Ayanokōji-kun. Glad you could make it" he turned his attention to me. Greeting me with a smile.

Yeah... Glad I could make it. After you totally forgot to invite me!

"I was sorta forced into it. But yeah...."

Leaving the three with Karuizawa. I made my way to Hirata and the others.

The others being... Ike and Yamauchi who were somewhat a little quiet. But excitement was still visible on their face.

"Where a-" I tried to ask where were the remaining of us. But looks like there's no need.

"Sorry we're late!" Kushida arrived with quite unusual pair slightly behind her.

"Nor really Kushida-san" Hirata greeted her as he did with me "ohhh and looks like Horikita-san also joined"

He pointed out the black haired girl. Walking towards us. Beside her was - ahem a very very happy man with noticable red hair.

"Yo! Sorry we were late" Sudō stated happily.

With them joining the fray. There were now eleven of us.

Me, Chiaki and Kushida. Surprisingly Horikita With Sudo. Ike and Yamauchi. And Hirata with Karuizawa. Ofcours we can't forget about the other two being Onodera and Sato.

As I was reviewing everything. Horikita walked naturally towards me.

"Yo. I'm surprised you actually came." I said what was on my mind.

"Sigh... I had no choice" She said looking tired.

"Now, we just wait for Ichinose-san and the others!" Kushida suddenly voiced out.

Looks like since the two classes coincidentally had the same plan. Might as well join together. Was what there plan was.

Hmmm the more the merrier I guess.

Of course the wait didn't last long. For the aforementioned class arrived.

"Hello!" A girl with a bubbly demeanor stood out. Greeting us as a whole.

Class B has Arrived.... Mostly the girls tho...

"Hello Ichinose-san!" Kushida took the lead

"Sorry if we made you wait"

"Nope! We just arrived ourselves"

And so on. They had their conversation as we finnaly started to move to the pool.

"Ohhh! Ayanokōji-kun!" As if noticing me. Ichinose called out.

I raised a hand to greet back and continued. It's not that I'm ignoring her. It's just that considering everything until now. I don't want any more trouble


"So we'll just change first. Well meet up at the pool!" Kushida shouted with excitement

"Alright!! Let's goooo!" For the first time since we arrived. Ike shouted enthusiastically.

Following him was Yamauchi. And surprise one after another. Sudō for once just didn't care. He was happily walking calmly towards the changing room like a proper mature man.

"Sighhh I guess that worked."

° ° °

Breathing a little heavily, as if Aroused. Ike and Yamauchi walked faster than necessary towards the locker room.

"They sure are excited huh" Hirata beside me. Oblivious to what was actually going to happen. Made a comment.

"I guess. I could understand their feelings tho." I answered.

In the plan the 3... well - it's just two now. Good job Sudō!

They said that Hirata is by far the biggest obstacle here.

I can quite agree with them actually.

Hirata is... Just too good to be true. Which is not a bad thing.... Maybe.

But like anyone would say. Too much of everything. Isn't always good.

He's like that. Maybe borderline Naive even.

That's why - for some reason - they made it my role to distract him.

Uhmm okay.....

"Heeeh? Well. It is nice to have fun with some friends so I can also understand the feeling" Hirata answered.

While I kept him occupied. Ike and Yamauchi went to the back of the locker room like the speed of light.

Luckily for them, it was just us occupying the room right now.

With my role being fulfilled they did what they had to do.

[I won't be explaining much how exactly they're going to peek. Since you probably already know. We good? Okay. ]

While the rest of us did the natural thing to do in a changing room. We change into our swim wear.

....I wish I brought a brought a rash guard.... Sighhh

Not considering the option. I changed into simple shorts as the attire. I could wear a shirt but that's understandably prohibited. So yeah..

"I'll be going on ahead Ayanokōji-kun" Hirata gave me a heads up. I just nodded at him. Making my role more convenient.

I waited for Hirata to leave before making my way to the back side of the room. Where all the magic is happening.

Sudō after finishing to change, did the same

"Ohhh Good job you two! We're almost done here..." Ike gave us a glance before Continuing what he's doing.

Yamauchi was hopeless. As he was solely focused on the work.

... creepy

"Haaahh... You guys take too long I'm goin on ahead" Sudō as if uninterested, gave a few surprising words "Look. You guys should really stop that and think about it" giving off his final piece of advice, he left.

"What's up with him?" Ike murmured without giving a glance.

"Leave him. We're going further than anyone else right now! We can't back down from paradise!" Yamauchi licked his lips and continued.

I just continued to watch them do what they do, holding a certain something in my hand.

Without them even noticing. I left. Following Sudo and the others.

"Sighhh they're on their own now"

° ° °

The large pool facility, normally used for club activities and regular
practice, looked completely different today.

A number of students crowded
the area, but food stalls were also everywhere. Snacks and junk food were in abundance: hot dogs, yakisoba, okonomiyaki, and more.

Whatever was going on, it certainly seemed festive. It's nice that I joined. Since this certainly seems fun.

While we - well I. stood around, waiting for the girls, I observed my surroundings.

Everyone was certainly having fun. Laughing, chatting. Without a care in the world. They enjoy the remaining time of Summer.

... Not to mention that.... Ahem. A lot here really are beautiful. That's just my opinion. Pay it no mind.

But it's No wonder Ike and Yamauchi were so.... sex-mad.

A few seconds later. I noticed Almost all of the male students suddenly focused their attention on a a single point.

"Whew. This sure is a huge crowd, isn't it?" Ichinose caught up with
us, apparently oblivious to everyone looking at her.

"Ohhh Ayanokōji-kun!" She made her way towards me cheerfully. Leaving me with no other choice.

"heyyy...." Unsure of where to look. I resolved myself to look at her face and her face only.

Fighting with every inch and Fiber of my body to stop my eyes from wondering around.

"Where are the others?" She asked upon arrival.

"Hmmm Hirata and Sudō went somewhere for some reason. While the others are still changing" I explained.

Sudō said he'll be on the bathroom for a sec. While Hirata just straight up went somewhere.

"You got change pretty quickly huh" I tried to start a conversation. But contrary to my expectations, Ichinose didn't answer.

Infact, she just looked at me. Frozen in place.

"... Ichinose?" I called

"Ahh-! Ahahaha.... Yeah. I'm pretty confident in my changing abilities..... Hahaha..."

Ichinose for some reason became a little figety. A tint of pink visible on her cheeks

"You okay?" I asked. Making sure.

"Yeah... It's just... Ayanokōji-kun do you work out?" She pointed out.

Ahhh that.... I see....

"Well.. not really. But I do exercise if I feel like it" I explained. Mixing up some truths in the process.

... And this is why I regret not buying a rash guard

"Is... That so....?" She peered closer, eyeing me intently "hmmm you're pretty hard....ah!- no! I mean you're mascular!"

Ichinose got flustered trying to explain herself quickly. In turn, I just cocked my head. Confused about what going on.

"Is that so...? Thanks... I guess" I thanked her. Albeit akwardly.

Ichinose coughed dryly, regaining her composure. We talked for a while. Waiting for the others.

Not long after. The others arrived. There were Some of the Class B students and of course the students of our class. All together forming a little group.

"Sorry we took so long"
Ohh god I need to calm down.

With them finnaly arriving. This makes me the only boy here. Not to mention the fact that they are all in a swimsuit. Makes this much more worse.

....This is so akward.

I stood there. Out of place. As the little group disperced. The class B students going out there way. And Kushida and the others also meeting up.

Chiaki was kina late.... For various reasons. But that doesn't matter for, now, two boys full of lust arrived..


Seemingly back from the mission. Ike couldn't help but exclaim when he saw the wondrous spectacle the
girls presented.

"Gah, ah! I can see them. Their breasts , underneath those thin
swimsuits! I can see them!"

Ike and Yamauchi stared at the girls as if they both had X-ray vision.
They seemed to be having the time of their lives.

At the same time. Sudō arrived. Giving both of them a smack to the head.

"You guys.... Don't make a fuss!"

The girls were already giving them death glares. So Sudō stopping them was quite the save.

"Nice job Sudo-kun" I could hear Horikita compliment him. Which was a surprise.

I this case. Looks like Horikita here just Straight up supervises Sudō.

After a while of waiting.... She Finnally arrived

"Sorry I took so long Kiyotaka-kun" Chiaki walked towards me. Apologizing all the while.

"Yeah..." Similar to Ichinose's case. I tried to focus my attention else where. A little akward about the situation.

"Hmmm?" A teasing smile rose up her face as she drew closer "Kiyotaka-kun. How do I look?" She asked.

With a standard top and short, skirted bottom. Giving off a more sexy feel. Chiaki, was of course very beautiful in this case......... In any case.

In fact I could notice some of the guys around us, Gawking at her very intently

Which was - for some reason - a little akward for me. Being the fact that we're painfully familiar with each other.

Addressing her question.... I just nodded. Turning my head to the side. Not giving a specific answer.

Chiaki giggled cutely. Enjoying herself from teasing me.

Fine... she wins this one...

But not coming down without a fight. I karate chopped her head, resulting in a cute sound escaping her mouth.

"What was that for..?!" Chiaki held her head.

"Just felt like it"

"What does that even mean?"



"They're so close to each other don't you think?" I suddenly heard, what it seems to be a Class B student making a comment.

"Yeah. Are they perhaps dating?"

"That's Ayanokōji-kun right? What do you think Honami-Chan?"

"Ahhh...... I... Don't know..."

"Don't worry Honami-Chan. All is not too late!"

"Ehh-!? What are guys talking about?!"

Laughter rose. Our group was certainly lively. Everyone was having fun. For the sole exceptions of absolute disgust the girls are radiating because of two crack heads.

Hirata after a while Arrived. "Sorry. I saw some upperclassmen I knew" he apologized, scratching he's cheeks akwardly.

"Okay, how about we get going? Looks like that spot at the far back is

Ichinose led the way as we went to secure a place where we could hang

The guys fell in line right behind the girls, their objective to ogle the
girls' gently bouncing buttocks.

However, Sudou didn't move from
Horikita's side. They looked good together. I actually thought they would be a surprisingly good couple.

As usual, I just casually walked by Chiaki's side.

"Are you having Fun Kiyotaka-kun?" She asked.

"Hmmm more or less. Nothing really started yet"

"That's true. Well we have the whole day for that" she hopped with joy. Excited.

"Ichinose-san. You guys came here too huh?"

As we looked for a spot. A voice called out to us.

"Yoo-hoo Shibata Kun. You're here with the guys?" Asked Ichinose.

Looks like there were other Class V students who came. Except, This consist of boys.

Consisting of People like Shibata and Another one I know being Kanzaki.

"Yeah" he - Shibata - walked towards us. Glancing at our group before smiling broadly "looks like a fun group. Is it okay if we join?"

Ichinose looked at us first before answering. Noticing what was up. Hirata answered on behalf of us

"We don't mind"

"Yeah! It's more fun if you join!" Kushida followed. Leaving Ike and Yamauchi who looked like was going to refuse. No other choice but to comply.


And so our already fairly big group. Got even bigger. I didn't really mind, but if this gets bigger, then it's gonna get troublesome.

Finnaly finding a spot. We made our plans.

Since this was a pretty big facility. It wasn't actually necessary for us to really be together all the time.

So our plan goes like this: Do whatever you want

Some split up. While some of us kept together. Mostly the Class B students - being the bigger group - split up.

While others. Like me, Chiaki, Horikita and Sudō were practically glued together.

Ichinose, Shibata and Kanzaki was also with us for some reason.

As we talked about what to do. We suddenly heard a loud cheering slightly up ahead.

"Looks like they're fired up about something" Sudō muttered.

"Let's check it out" Ichinose suggested. Obviously, we followed suit. Since even I was slightly curious.

There were three pools in the large facility, all currently being used for
various activities and games. One pool was for standard swimming.

Another was built to function like a lazy river with a current.

The final pool was mainly geared toward activities like sports.

A large crowd of screaming girls surrounded the sports pool, in which
students were playing a fierce game of volleyball. I'd never seen many of
them before.

The majority looked a little older than us. They were probably second or third-year students.

One male student, in particular, stood out.

"He's awesome." Shibata said in admiration.

I could see why. For one, he was very well refined. Beautiful, like a leaf dancing in the wind.

Contrary to his delicate appearance though. Was a monster hiding within. Each spike he performed, packed a punch. Enough to immobilize an unlucky bystander if hit.

I saw the sharp gleam in his eyes as his attention focused upward. The familiar young man soared into the air to meet the ball that a teammate passed him.

Most of the onlookers went quiet, as though they'd forgotten to cheer.

Everyone watched with bated breath. The handsome student shot the bullet- er, the ball-at a sharp angle and with high velocity. It assaulted the enemy team.

The student who received the ball was clearly skilled, too. He responded quickly and dove to try to keep the ball in play.

Everyone screamed in unison as the beautiful young man's team earned
a point. His physical abilities' superior nature was obvious.

Looking at how developed the lower half of his body was, I guessed that he focused on a sport in which he used his legs. Maybe track and field? I could imagine baseball or soccer as well.

"He's good" Horikita made a comment. Observing the game in play.

We were at the side of the court making it easier for us to observe

"That's Nagumo-senpai from Class A. A second Year" Shibata stated answering our questions.

"Looks like he's quite popular with the Girls" Chiaki beside me, also layed out her thought.

As they talked about the senpai. Ichinose looked disturbed. I can't blame her. After all she, me and this senpai. Had a past.

Nagumo Miyabi. One of the student here I need to look out for.

I'm already on his radar after what I did last time. But it was worth it if in exchange I gained the trust of President.

"If I remember correctly. He's the Vice President of the Student Council" Shibata added

Horikita flinched upon hearing the words 'student council'. Looks like she's still interested in that. Being that the President is in fact, her Brother.

"Then Ichinose-san. You should know him right?" Chiaki asked

Ichinose was in the council herself. So that was normal "Y-Yeah.... I meet him sometimes in the office" She answered. Slightly troubled

"W-"Chiaki was about to ask something else but suddenly, someone shouted catching all of our Attention.

"Watch Out!!!"

We turned our heads in unison, towards the voice only to see a high speed ball approaching in our direction.

More specifically. Towards Chiaki herself

"Matsushita-san!" Ichinose exclaimed

Time seemed to slow down as I sharpened my senses. Grabbing Chiakis hand with my left. Pulling her to the side.

While the other try to catch the ball Approaching at breakneck speed... Incase too my attempt was too late

A loud Snapping sound reverberated in the pool. As the deadly bullet stopped in the palm of my hand.

A painful sting rose up my arm. Being the backlash from catching the ball.

The once cheerful pool became dead quiet from the spectacle that transpired.

Chiaki was close to my side. Safe from what would have happened. The others, frozen, not prepared to react.

I gripped the ball tightly. Thinking about what happened;

Was that an accident? Considering the sport. It isn't unlikely. But just after what we saw....A mistake like that was nigh impossible.

Especially considering our position.

Thinking about everything. I could have only come up with one conclusion

It Was Intentional

"Heeeeh... Nice catch Kohai" The blonde haired boy rose from the pool. Facing me and our group.

He alone spoke, as a deadly quiet atmosphere took it's place.

"Ohh and Ichinose. Long time no see" he addressed her in a familiarly creepy tone.

"H-hello Nagumo-senpai..." Ichinose greeted.

"Hahaha... Now. How about you give back the Ball.... Ayanokōji" He glared at me openly.

as a tense atmosphere enveloped us. I tightened my grip on Chiakis hand. Reassuring her of what was happening

"Do... You ...know him Ayanokōji-kun?" Horikita asked

"Heh. Ofcours I don't. It's my first time meeting him.... Right?... Senpai"

Lowering my hand that grabbed the ball. I changed my approach

"Ahahahaha you're funny Ayanokōji. Interesting too... That's why I like you.." He attempted to put his hand on my shoulder. But I stepped back. Causing him to miss.

"What a rude first year!" I could hear someone from the crowd make a comment.

On the contrary, Nagumo just laughed mockingly with a deadly glint in his eyes. "That was a nice catch Ayanokōji. Why don't you join us in our Game" he asked

"I'll have to decline. I don't want to get intentionally hit in the face after all" I answered.

"A-Ayanokoji-kun..." Ichinose was getting worried. So was the others.

Nagumo peered closer. With a ominous green on his face. Whispering something;

"It's too bad I missed though"

"Yeah, too bad. Since that was your only chance"


His grin faltered. Causing him to back up more seriously. I also took some step back. Widening the distance by a little bit.

An atmosphere so heavy, befell around us. He glared at me more seriously. Why I remained apathetic about it.

I offered the ball in my hand. Giving it to him. He looked at the ball with a smirk, placing a hand on top.


I could hear someone gulp. Everyone was tensing up. From what was seem to be happening. A fight could broke out at any second.


( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ ) Ayanokōji sure changed attitude fast huh. Any guesses why?

Hahahaha.... Anyway. I wasn't actually planning on adding the last part. But I got bored midway of writing this Chapter.

That's why I experimented on what I could do. Welp....

Continuer la Lecture

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