avengers one-shots :3

By UberAnnexSlyHD

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avengers one-shots :3
-Steve- Pt:1
-Steve- Pt:2
Uh oh (not a update)
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Peter Parker (☞゚∀゚)☞
Christmas Preferences c:

(^ - ^ *) Steve (* ^ - ^)

972 28 7
By UberAnnexSlyHD

This was requested by TheXWoman :3 Sorry if this is'nt what you exactly wanted, But I hope everyone enjoys it!   -It is kinda long :) -

You sat in a dark room, or well for you at least. There is a bag over your head, your hands are strapped down to a table, along with your legs. You slowed your breathing trying to hear anything but you couldn't. You taped your left hand on the smooth table beneath you. Nothing.

You started to panic, but quickly calmed yourself down remembering what Coulson taught you. Never let the enemy know your scared, act as you have the upper hand. Once they feel as your useless they won't care what happens to you. Your mind wavers back to the last thing you remember.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" You turn around to see a sweaty Steve run up to you. "Can I walk with you?"

"Well it is a free country, Thanks to you." You replied with a cocky smirk.

"Why can't I just get away from your family?" He sighed. You got in the elevator, Steve followed like a puppy.

"What do you mean?" You say toying with him, You both started to ascend to the HUB level where everyone can hang out at.

"It just seems that I can't get away from Stark's." You just giggle, and exit the elevator.

"Guess we have that effect on people!" You go and sit on the huge couch stretching out to take up as much space as possible

"AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!" Fury shouts from in-front of the window, everyone rushes into the room except for two. Thor, that was a bit of a surprise, and of course your father. Fury waited a moment before looking angrily down at his wrist watch/ communicator probably timing to see how long it took them to get here. After a minute Thor walked in with his pop-tarts, all ten of them. All the seats were occupied, from all the other Avengers to yourself still sprawled out on your side of the couch. Thor looked around and was just going to stand, but Steve stood, walked over and looked down at you.

"(Y/N) can you sit up?" He asked in a dad tone. You rolled your eyes at him complying to his wish. "Thank you." Still waiting for your dad to come down, you put your feet up in Caps lap and lay back down. Natasha Just snorted a little. "You are so your dad." Steve mumbled.

"Hey, don't say that like it is a bad thing!" Your dad said walking in the room, he had grease rubbed all over his face. "So, what's all the assembling for? Dumm-e needs to have bolts replaced."

"Well, well, well," Oh that's never good way to start off a meeting headed by Fury. " It must not have been that important, I called you here twenty minutes ago! Innocent people could be dead! " Fury shouted as my dad walked up to you and lifted you up by your shoulders ad sat where your head was and sat your head down in his lap.

"You could have started the debriefing, I am a fast learner." Oh here we go...

"Mr. Stark, we are supposed to be a team. Everyone should be here to lean about what your all going up against." You looked over at Thor, He had tree pop-tarts left and you really wanted one. You stared at it wanting to practice your newly developed powers. The pop-tart started to slowly levitate Thor noticed and stared at it along with Bruce, Nat, Clint, Sam, and Rodey. You had to block out the conversation to focus.

"Well, That's why I have a kid so she can tell me what is important!" your dad said.

"That is a Damn lie Stark." Fury said voice like black ice. "She was no more to you then a broken condom." Fury said looking at you. "Now that you learned she has powers She is your everything, because something you made is actuallydoing something good in the world." That made you snap, as well the pop-tart that was hovering in the middle of the room, it crumbled up then crumbs went flying everywhere, in all directions.

Your rage was something that has always been on your bad side. You stormed out of the room, running down the stairs to your fathers lab. It was always a safe haven for you. When you got down there you saw a shiny silver robot twitching looking like it was trying to stand. your rage disappeared and you walked in intrigued. The robot stood and looked at you just as you looked at it. It's gears started to turn and it took a terrorizing step toward you. It let a terrible sound out like a old computer rebooting. "Puppets..............String........................Pup................Sting...." It screeched.

"Dad, what did you do?"

After that everything was a blur. Suddenly the bag that was over your head was ripped off. You were blinded by bright lights. Their were six men in the room two were in lab coats, the rest in a military outfit. The lab coats were talking but you couldn't understand what they were saying.

They started to take out knifes and other surgery utensils. You couldn't stop your self from breathing faster. The man on your left stuck you with a needle and took blood. The man on your right took a knife to your arm, saying something and putting pressure down on the blade. You stayed silent, not wanting to say anything that may make them angry. After what seems days the men in the lab coats left taking two of the guards with them. The guard standing in the room with you looked to be a higher rank then the others. After a few minutes the door to your direct right opened to a guy wearing a snipers mask and full armor walked in. He just stood there looking at the other guard, he was kinda scary. The guard tilted his head to you and the guy looked over at you. He took off his mask, and looked at your arms seeing all the cuts. His face stayed rock hard but his eyes had a storm brewing in them. You noticed he had a metal arm with a red star. Oh and there is some blood on it too!

"Oh, Where is everyone else?"

-Third Person Pov-

(Time skip back)

"Look at what you two did!" Steve said standing up, he has never been more pissed.

"Are none of you going to talk about the fact she can levitate things!" Fury shouted trying to get everyone to stop fighting.

"GET OUT OF MY BUILDING!" Stark yelled at Fury, "HAVE YOU NOT RUINED ENOUGH ALREADY?" Fury looked unfazed, he grabbed hid brief case and walked out to the elevator and left.

The room fell quiet, the only sound was the elevator. "That's strange, it should have stopped by now."

"Are you all happy now?" Steve asked voice cold as ice.

"My Pop-Tart. :( " Thor whimpered, Bruce just put his hand on his shoulder.

"Ding." Everyone turned to the elevator.

"What have I created?" Tony whispered to himself.

"You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change. You're all puppets, tangled in strings... strings! I've got no strings to hold me down, to make me fret, or make me frown, I had strings, but now I'm free, There are no strings on me! I'm gonna show you something beautiful... people, screaming for mercy!" The melted suit said moving closer to the earths mightiest heroes.

"What are you?" Clint asked, looking at it in fear.

"Ultron." Stark replied.

"Oh, Master I took the liberty of giving your dear (Y/N) to those kind fellows at H.Y.D.R.A., who also happen to be down stairs." He said in his intimidating voice.

That's when all hell broke lose.

--Your POV.--

From under the door there was a flash of light and a quiet boom, both of the men's heads snapped towards the door. The one that has been there with you almost the whole time headed to look outside. He said something then left. After a few moments the guy with the metal arm walked up to you, You let out a yelp. He covered your mouth with his normal hand and put a finger up to his mouth, signaling to be quiet. You nod and he releases you from the straps and helps you up. You smile at him a little and he sort of returns it with a little itty bitty one. He drew out a map with a marker and signaled the way you had to go to escape. You nod and grab the marker and write "Thank you, What is your name?"

"I don't know." He wrote back. What did they do to him. He moved to the door and he counted down with his fingers





You took off faster then you have ever ran before, going the way you were told to. You get to the exit to see the guy running behind you, someone threw what looked to be a grenade and it exploded behind him. Should you go back? You look back in-front of you to see your dad in his suit, arrows flying down, Nat with her new glow sicks, and Sam flying around picking up guys and dropping them. Then you see Steve standing in-front of you by ten feet. He is saying something but you can't hear over the loud booms and gun shots.

"I'M SORRY!" You shout at them, and you turn around and start to run to the stranger. You feel something hit your back, but you keep going. You get to him ad you pick him up some how. You get almost to Steve who his fighting a group of men, you notice that they had little red squid things, wait isn't that the H.Y.D.R.A. insignia?

You see Steve get over powered by the people and get downed, You focus your powers on them and send them flying back. Or at least that's what you wanted to do, mid flying back some of them imploded, blood went everywhere. You feel dizzy, and fall to the ground the guy you were pulling was awake and caught you and carried you to Steve he handed you over. They started to talk, Clint hopped down from his vantage point and pulled a knife out of your back and then you blacked out.

--Time Skip---

''(Y/N), Sweetheart, Please wake up." You hear your father say, he sounded like he was crying. "I messed up. I know I have. I am so sorry. So many lives have been lost because of me, I don't want you to be one of them." Something falls on your face.... Is he crying? "Please stay with me (Y/N)........ Stay with us...... Steve needs you..... We all do." You force your eyes open, but nothing happens.

"Tony... It's been over fifteen minutes..... She... She's gone....." Bruce said, he sounded like he died a little. You heard a sniffle from your left, and a soft hand grab your face, thumb ran over your lips.

"Why does everything I love get stripped away from me?" Steve said, he sounded like a little kid that broke his favorite toy. Something touched your lips, they were soft and gentle.

Suddenly you felt like you were drowning, you tryed to thrash but it just got darker. A burning feeling went from your right arm throughout your whole body. You let out a scream. It was over just as soon as it began. Your eyes flew open and you sat up to see teary eyed avengers, that quickly turned into relived avengers. You look over at Steve, his face looked like a little kid that didn't get the toy he wanted for Christmas, but the parents were hiding it secretly.

"What happened to me?" you ask really confused.

"You were completely dead for seventeen minutes!" Tony said shocked, you look at everyone. "We found a exact replication of the super soldier serum, we decided it was worth a try once you stopped breathing.'' When your eyes returned to Steve he gr abed your face and kissed you on the lips. You thought you were about to die again but from happiness.

"I love you (Y/N)" Steve says, " I love you too." your lips connect again.

"Easy with those old-man hands there Rogers." Your dad grumbles, you pull away and screw with him and move Steve's hands from your side and back to your butt.

"Hey when all the lovey dovey stuff is done can we go see what Ultron wants?" Clint asks. Everyone starts to walk back to the Quinn jet, Steve tells you everything that has hap pend.

(This is my idea of how AOU is going to happen, so Yeah we will see on May, 1 if I was on the right track!) Ultron, he made more of himself as well upgraded himself, was contacted by H.Y.D.R.A. and he was able to send out two mutants Wanda and Peter, they prefer to be called "gifted". They were to attack the team but ended up joining them. Together with all of the avengers assembled they fought against Ultron and his army of mini hims and H.Y.D.R.A. soldiers. Thor got a little too cocky and aggravated Ultron.... Ultron killed him, Steve tryed to stop it but Ultron just broke his shield. Oh and Loki's back he took Thor's body with him back to Asgard.

After hearing about Thor you couldn't hold back the tears, Steve wraps his arms around you holding you close to him.

"Hey (Y/N), who did you go back for?" Steve asked when you calmed down a bit, Everyone was at the Quinn jet. There were two new people there, a guy and a girl. They must be Wanda and Peter, they looked alike but Peter had blue/silver streaks in his hair. His favorite color must be blue, he was head to toe covered in it. Wanda wore a black dress with black knee high boots, she had a red jacket. They seemed a little on edge when they saw you.  

"I..... He said he didn't have a name" you said looking around for him. "where did he go?"

"A man passed by us." Wanda spoke up. "He went that way." She pointed in the direction.

"I'll  go grab him!" Peter said quickly and vanished. Your face showed that you were confused, Clint just laughed 

"You'll get used to it after a while." he mouthed to me. Air wooshed by you and two men stood before you Peter and the un-named man.

"Buc?" Steve asked face twisted into hope. 

"..... Steve?" he said, Steve took a step forward and hugged him. 'Buc' stood there awkwardly. "I sort of remember things, With you but you were smaller and you had brown eyes.... And I remember trying to kill you.... Sorry about that by the way" he mumbled. 

-Time skip- 

The jet landed on the heli pad on Avengers Tower. "Look, I'm going to be honest. I don't know if we Will be able to stop Ultron. This will be the biggest battle to date. It is very possible that some of us won't see the sun set tomorrow. But I'm honored to die fighting next to my friends, as hopeless as that sounds. We all may have our differences but there is one thing we need to remember, we are a team even if we don't win this fight. Like Tony said to Loki, " maybe it's too much for us but it's all on you. Because if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damned well sure we'll avenge it!"  It has been a pleasure fighting with all of you. And all three generations of Stark's. I guess there is one last thing to say." Steve said looking around at everyone. He had you memorized by his speech. Well that's what he used to do in the army, before actually being able to do anything. You realized how much you actually loved Steve in this moment. Everyone stood up getting ready to attack and fight for your lives.

"Avengers Assemble!" Everyone rushed out and started fighting, Steve held you back and kissed you. "Sorry, I did't know if I would be able to do that again." He said looking lovingly into your eyes. You didn't realize you were crying until he wiped the tear streaming down your face. You kissed him again. When you pulled away, you rushed into battle with a huge fire in your heart.

^-^ Hey! I hope you liked it! I know it was really long, Should I try to make them all like this? I really got into this if you could't notice XD Anyways I love you all! <3 ( send me more requests! Love to do these!)

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