Burn to flame and Reborn from...

By kanzakiciel

1.1M 33.6K 7.9K

Harry Potter. The Boy-Who-Lived, Hero of the Wizarding World, Master of Death. He was loyal to his friends. H... More

Chapter 1:"Betrayal!" [✔ ]
Chapter 2:"Travel back to Past..." [✔]
Chapter 3:"Black Manor" [✔]
Chapter 4:"Diagon Alley" [✓]
Chapter 5:"Hogwart"
Chapter 6:"Slytherin" [✔]
Chapter 7: "Deal with Dark Lord" [✔]
Chapter 8:"Chamber of Secrets"
Chapter 9:"Begin of War"
Chapter 10:"Past and Truth!"
Chapter 11:"Malfoy Ball"
Chapter 12:"Revival..."
Chapter 13:"Marvollo Lannister Gaunt"
Chapter 14:"Twin..."
Chapter 15:"End of 1st Year
Chapter 16:"The Explosion of Truth"
Chapter 17:"Neville Birthday Party"
Chapter 18:"Little Hope"
Chapter 19:"Lord Gaunt is existed?!"
Chapter 20:"Second Year"
Chapter 21:"7th Horcrux"
Chapter 22:"End of Gilderoy Lockhart"
Chapter 23:"Heritance Reveal!"
Chapter 24:"Gratitude Feeling"
Chapter 25:Valentine"
Chapter 26:"Lost and found.."
Chapter 27:End of 2nd Year
Chapter 28:"3rd Year"
Chapter 29:"Bellatrix Lestrange"
Chapter 30:"Foreign Student"
Chapter 31:"Hogwart Ball"
Chapter 32:"End of the 4th Year"
Chapter 33:"5th Year!"
Chapter 34:"First step to Orphanage"
Chapter 35: Incoming Blizzard
Chapter 36: "The Trial"
Chapter 37: Madness of the Dragon
Chapter 38: Revolution
Chapter 39: "Hail to the Wolf King"
Chapter 40: "New Era"
Chapter 41: Incoming End-Game
Chapter 42: END GAME
Chapter 44: "New Generation! NSFW"

Chapter 43: "END GAME II"

11.4K 443 37
By kanzakiciel

Madam Bones cleared his throat, "We have come in here of an Urgent Emergency Trial of Mr Albus Dumbledore who committed a crime that can not be overlooked again..." Some of them shout in protest, especially the Supporter of him until Madam Bones takes the Orders, "Please bring the Charge!!"

Auror Kinglsey bring Dumbledore in the middle of the Hall with the people look at him whispering to each other

"You have numerous Charges against you, Mr Dumbledore. Please state yes or no.." Madam Bones begin the Session, "Child endangerment, Child neglect, Abuse of Position, holding Wills and other legal documents, forging magical Document, thiefing of money, knowing willful neglect of charges, attempted murder, Manipulated Child Emotion, Stealing the Sacred Artifact, Imprisonment of an Innocent Person and, Illegal use Illegal Legilimency in Minor. How do you pleas of these accusations?" Amelia Bones asked

"I am severely disappointed that anyone would think-"

"Mr Dumbledore, Guilty or not guilty" Madam Bones cut his in

"Not Guilty..." He muttered petulantly

"Very well. Let us hear from the first witness..." Madam Bones calls, "Lord Potter Heir Black.."

Hadrian walks into the Court ignoring Dumbledore who snap look at him glaring at him into a Death Glare, He is 16 years old and thus, He already can take his mantle as Lord Potter.

"Now, Mr. Potter-Black, Can you talk about Mr.Dumbledore as witnesses..." Madam Bones said

Hadrian looks at Madam Bones who gives encouragement, He glances around the Wizengamot. He can see the other Lord of Houses, He can Uncle Lucius and Sirius who sit together. He can see Marvolo who sits on the Throne of Sigvard House

He knows this is the Time of his Last Attack, The moment when the last revolution happened.

"Lord Potter-Heir Black..." Madam Bones cleared his throat

Hadrian stood up and took out his Palm, "From now on, I'm gonna tell you all of the words I speak are true... I, Hadriana Liliane James Potter-Black vow to tell the truth or not I lose my magic, so mote be it...Lumos..." A Glowing light came out from his hand, making the people gasping in astonishment, "Nox..." The light disappears

The people whisper to each other when He gives a Vow, Hadrian stand in the middle of the court with his head held high and his back straight with his Presence of Royalty, Anyone can see that this Person is a Leader

"I hate you, no, I loathe you. Albus Dumbledore..." Hadrian declared locked eye with him

Dumbledore want to open his mouth only didn't have sound come out from his throat

"You have no right to responses right now..." He said to him, He exhaled, "Child endangerment, Child neglect, Abuse of Position, holding Wills and other legal documents... All of that I pass through my Life. You know about the Abusive muggle family, You know that my Beloved Mother didn't let me stay with her Sister no matter what and yet you ignored her will and left me into that Hell-Hole...

thieving of money, knowing willful neglect of charges, attempted murder, Manipulated Child Emotion, Stealing the Sacred Artifact, Imprisonment of Innocent persons. You know that my Godfather, Sirius has no trial and yet why you didn't do anything? You know how terrible it is in the Azkaban and yet you didn't do anything. You manipulated the Innocent Children of the 'light' view, You manipulate them that the Dark Magic is Bad, Evil and yet look at you... You also steal the money from the Potter Vault and give some of the money to Molly Weasley...

Attempted murder... You know that Lord Voldemort is possessing Prof.Quirrell in our 1st Year and you didn't do anything. You even let the Troll come inside the School full of Innocent Children, You let the Cerberus in the School... You even try to persuade me to fetch the Philosopher's Stone in the third corridor where it got guard by the Cerberus but thankfully I refused, therefore, I managed to live didn't need to encounter the Three Head Dog but unfortunately, the stair managed to move and I, with my friends manage to go into the Forbidden Floor and managed to encounter the Cerberus for a few minutes..."

Hadrian ask Kingsley to  Projected his memory after give permission from Madam Bones, He shows the People in Wizengamot of him watched the Cerberus who growled in him make the people gasped

"I see that he is Starving therefore I give him food every day so the Dog didn't need to hunt the Students.." Hadrian admitted

(His memory showing he give the Meat from the Kitchen to the Cerberus make the People stunned by his action then the memory is finished)

"Then on Halloween, The Troll...." Hadrian said

(He shows the Memory who Prof. Quirell burst into the Great Hall screaming Troll in Dungeon, Troll in Dungeon with Hadriana who pointed it out that Hufflepuff and Slytherin Dorm in Dungeon.)

"You know that Troll was in Dungeon... Slytherin and Hufflepuff Dorm are in Dungeon..." Hadrian point it out

"Thank you, Lord Potter-Heir Black..." Madam Bones said to him

Hadrian took a deep breath, this is the moment of the Gambling, "Not yet. I have a lot of responsibility for him as his role on Lord Voldemort..."

Madam Bones snap to look at him with the People who gasped, Hadrian give an assured nod to him

"Lord Voldemort of Tom Riddle is a Child who was raised in Muggle World... I'm not defending him or anything but I just state the Truth, If you forget. I already vow to my Magic to state the truth..." Hadrian remembered them

"Tom Riddle is a Magical child from the Direct Descendant of the great Salazar Slytherin. He was raised in Muggle Orphanage who feared his Magic just like Me who was raised by people who feared my Magic. We are the same, We got abused and neglected... Finally, at age 11 years old, He goes to Hogwarts, Finally, he going home to his Home, Wizarding World. He goes into Slytherin House where at that time there was a Pure-Blood Supremacy. A Foolish Thought I say. Tom Riddle was a respected person in Hogwarts and yet Albus Dumbledore spread a Rumour about his Parseltongue is a Dark Art, Evil and thus the people feared him again... He got shunned again by his Friend... Albus Dumbledore abused his Position to the Slughorn Professor to give an idea to Tom Riddle to make the Horcrux, He manipulates his Fear of Death because at that time the Muggle Word has a war with Nazi Germany, There a Bomb everywhere. Tom Riddle who feared his safety in the Muggle World asked Albus Dumbledore to let him stay in Hogwarts and yet He refused to let Tom Riddle stay in Hogwarts...

Tom Riddle who already knew about the Horcrux, a Way to the Immortal he managed to make Horcrux but he didn't know the Consequence. IN the end, He lost his Sanity because of his soul who split into seven...

I managed to kill all of the Horcrux therefore there is no Lord Voldemort again and that I assure you that..."

The People in Wizengamot are stunned in silence, They listen to Hadrian who speaks in Passionate and desperately hoping to make them listen and Dumbledore who can not take off the Silencing Spell only glare at Hadrian

"Did you know how many Magical children got abused, Neglected and feared?" Hadrian asked with a gentle tone to make the people silent, "I see many of the Children, Muggleborn, Halfborn in the Muggleborn who got feared and neglected and abused because of their Magic. I bring them into the Magical World and give them a Shelter, Loving House. I was disgusted by the Ministry who overlooked the Magical Children, They are the New Generation, they are the New Hope, They are the Kings. They are supposed to cherish, Loved and yet look at what you all have done..."

Hadrian looked at Dumbledore, "You are my Magical Guardian and yet you never check on me. I didn't know who you were until I was 8 years old and ran away from that Abusive Muggle House... I got chained, I got beaten, I got wiped, I got slapped, I got abused, I got treated like a Slave far worse than House-Elf but what makes me stand up like now without breaking apart. Faith... Not in any gods, not in Myths and Legends- in myself and my Magic. in Hadrian Lilian James Potter-Black. I have a Seat in Peverell House, I am the owner of the 3 sacred artefacts and you already try to steal the Invisibility Cloak, You have the Elder wand but that is not yours that is belong to Peverell House and the Resurrection Stone is belong to Gaunt Family..."

The People were in silence stunned, Hadrian stood in the middle of the Court like a Leader/ King. He has a Fire in his eyes without wavered, A Strong, Clear and Firm Voice that makes people can see a Crown in his head with Dumbledore who fuming

"You must be disappointed that I can not become your Puppet. The moment I come into this world and see how Disgrace and How Low our Britain Wizarding World has been fall in your Reign, I make a Revolution along with other Children in Hogwarts. I can not do it alone, I have a Friend who I proudly declared as Family.." Hadrian looked at the Lord and Lady of Houses give them a Nod who their Children study in Hogwarts the same year as him

"I'm grateful that I have Friends, Family who stand beside me... I am still young, My Fiance, His Majesty Marvolo Gaunt-Sigvard helped me but I didn't burden him because he has his Duty as King and yet he helps me, He supports me. He helped me to make the Orphanage, I am grateful to my Godfather, Sirius Black who let one of the Black Houses become the Orphanage for the children... I said again, I was still young, I didn't know much about the Law, I only just become a Lord of Potter House, I didn't know much but I asked Lord and Lady of Houses to help give a path to the Brighter Future, You all has suffered through the War of Grindelwald, War of Dark Lord Voldemort but now they are Gone. It is up to you to help fix this World or not..."

"How to fix this world?" Lord Brown asked

Hadrian gave a smile, "Easy... Let's restore our Festival and Holiday then let's make the Law to protect the Sacred Magical animals like Centaur, Unicorn and perhaps give respect to Goblins. We also let's make a Law to make all of the Creature treat Fair, Vampire, Werewolf, Sirens, and other Dark Creatures who got shunned. DO you think they desired to be born into the Dark Creature? No, They can not pick their Birthright because it has already been decided. Please do not Judge sin of their Ancestor to the Next Generation..."

MInister Fudge spluttered in silence want to protest only got silenced by the Auror

"Our Festival and Holiday, It is our own. I desire to have the Future Children know our Culture and everything not a Muggle Culture. We have our own Society..." Hadrian said to them, ''Look at Dumbledore, "your reign is finished and it's time for the next generation to take over the World and turn it into more Brighter and Free..." Hadrian declared

Hadrian can see the People whispered to each other about the Festival and everything. He can see that everything is great until Albus Dumbledore managed to unspell the Silencing charm and take out the Elder Wand

"YOU!!" Dumbledore shouted, showing his true personality point the Elder Wand to him, "AVADA KEDAVRA!!"

"Protego Hobillis!!" Hadriana shout back to make the Curse Spell got blocked

"Auror!!" Madam Bones shouted

4 Aurors managed to freeze Dumbledore and take the Wand, The People in the Wizengamot in shock saw the True Dumbledore and Hadriana let the Elder Wand in his hand who was singing in joy.

"You already committed a great Crime, Mr.Dumbledore..." Madam Bones declared in anger, "You dare to do that Spell in the Court?!"

"He is supposed to be my Scapegoat! He is supposed to be my Soldier to kill Tom Riddle!!" Dumbledore shouted in a crazy glint, "He is supposed to Die in the War!! He was supposed to join the Gryffindor House and become my Puppet!! Where does it go wrong?"

Everyone was shocked by his confession, It was Hadrian who break the silence first

"Everything... The moment I went to the Wizarding World and saw the Block/Compulsion/Charm and you stole the money, All of my thought of you was gone..." Hadrian said to Dumbledore who kneel on the ground, "I was 8 years old and I ran away from that Abusive Muggle House. I have no desire to contact them again because I already have my family here. I managed to go into the Leaky Cloudron because of a Voice in my head..."

"Voice?" Madam Bones asked

Hadrian took a deep breath, "Did you know that Peverell House has a Blood of Death especially the Direct Descendant of the Peverell House... I who was the direct Descendent of the Ignotus Peverell has a Blood of Death. I was Death Child... At that time, I got beaten and whipped by Belt because I was late to finish my Core, I thought I was gonna die in that house before my 10 years old but DEATH helped me by saying that I need to go to my World. It help me to the Gringotts and told me to learn more about the Wizarding World in Acesstor Hall of the Black House... I learn many things indeed...."

Hadrian walks to Dumbledore and holds out his hand, "You have the Resurrection stone in you. I shall take it back to me..."

They see Dumbledore who become weak and a Gem come out from his Chest make People shocked, Dumbledore look like a Skeleton with the Media who took a picture

"You try to use the Elder Wand but you are not the True Death Master, Death is cunning, they will take your Soul, Tainted Light..." Hadrian declared

The next thing is a shocking scene, Hadrian put the 3 Artifacts in the Ground. Elder Wand, Resurrection Stone, Invisibility Cloak. Hadriana look at Madam Bones who wide eye, He huffed

"Death... It's time..." Hadrian said to nowhere

A Sudden Cold like a Dementor has come to them, The Auror was shivering until a Hooded Figure come out out of nowhere in front of Hadriana make the people gasped frozen in their seats even Dumbledore frozen

"You are Indeed a Magnificent Child, No wonder Lady Fate and Lady Magic blessed you, My Dear Beloved Child..." DEATH said tonelessly

"I take that as Compliment..." Hadrian responded ignoring the Pale and stunning look from the audience

DEATH Look at Dumbledore who has wide eyes, "Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. You have many crimes in you, Mortal... You already make the Unbalanced in your World, Lady Magic is furious in you Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore... You dare to make Dark Magic banished from your World. You dare to make the world go Unbalanced, You dare to play the Prophecy sent by Lady Fate herself, You dare to make a Fake Prophecy..."

"Fake Prophecy?" Madam Bones inquired

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies... That is the Fake Prophecy made by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore that led to the death of the Potter Family.." DEATH declared

They all gasped in shocked some of them has broken their Mask of Lord by the Declaration, Today has many of the revealment

"Then... Then what is the true Prophecy?" Lord Longbottom asked

"The one with the power to stand along the Dark Lord approaches...Born in the seventh month, the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal...Heir of the Serpent and Eagle will stand beside Heir of the Lion and Badger who will become a King...He who stands and is marked as him will bring back the former glory of the Wizarding World and the Long Lost Forgotten Britain Royal Magic will appear...The Kings who bring back the Wizarding World of the former glory will be blessed by the Lady Magic Herself...Either must not die at the hand of others or either can not live without the other to survive...He, who is stronger than any Wizard in Britain since Merlin to defend his Kingdom from any threat using his brilliant mind and He who is gentle like a Mother of Lady Magic herself with the courage and wisdom to protect the Innocent...

At last, the peace of the Wizarding world will come under their Reign..." DEATH said the truth Prophecy make some of the Shiver by the power in the words, "That is the Truth of Prophecy..."

"Who is the King?" Lord Greengrass asked

DEATH looks at Hadriana then at the King Seat of the Pendragon/ Emrys House with an Exciting Marvolo. DEATH taps his Scythe into the Ground and Boomed


The 3 Royal Houses exploded an Old and Ancient Magic with Gold/ Crimson and Black Color with a Magic Dragon appeared in there in the shape of the Astral in blazing Golden Eyes, He flew towards Hadrian who stare at him who closed his eyes let the Royal Magic engulfed him and indeed a Crown appeared in his head with a Dragon Sign make them gasped

Marvolo who saw it reminded him of the time he got crowned, He also felt like that except the Astral is not a Dragon but a Wolf. He also got the Royal Magic to enter his Vein and Core with his Magic who purring in Joy.

The people in Wizengamot can hear the Singing of Joy echoed through the Hall from the Magic and with one Last Roar the Dragons disappear make the Hall in stunned silence

"Once someone asked me why I do this?" Hadrian breaks the silence and straightens his back showing his Golden Eye of Merlin make them gasped looking at the People in Wizengamot with DEATH who stand beside him, "It was because this is my Kingdom, My Subjects. What kind of Kings if I overlook my Subjects need. The True King is not Me but the Next Generation, the Children...

I asked you all to cherish and love the next generation, I saw many of the Children who got abused and that is the Truth. I didn't want the Next Generation to know the Pain of War, the pain of Losing...

I also wished that Our World could be hidden from the Muggle World. It was Foolish of Grindelwald to take Seize control of the Muggle government. I wish that Wizarding World MInistry and Muggle World MInistry can work together without any conflict..."

"Why?" Lord Nott asked

"Great Question..." Hadrian said in nodd ignoring DEATH who looked at him in amusement, "You know that I was raised in Muggle World and of course I follow them growing. and I can assure you that they will soon become a great threat to our society and way of life if we get exposed and you know that Muggle is afraid of our Ability and marked us as a Threat...

Their technology is evolving rapidly, and their weapons are able to kill us quickly, and they breed faster and faster, unlike us, and I can assure you that for a wizard there are a hundred muggles. I suppose fifty years from now there will be one wizard for a thousand muggles..."

The wizards around him widened their eyes, shocked. Most of them had lost contact with Muggles

"Well, It was the Truth... Since I speak the Truth and I already vow to my Magic if you all remembered..." Hadrian remembered them to make them 'Ah' and remembered, "did you know that seven years ago muggles put an end to a world war that began in 1914?" Some of them shake their heads and make Hadrian nodd, "I shall tell you why we need to stay hidden and don't provoke the Muggle that you all look down upon...

During this war, they developed dangerous weapons. The rifle is capable of firing several projectiles at short intervals, quickly killing its opponents. To give you a glimpse, think of a wand firing ten Reducto per second without s' Stop.

And again, I'm not talking about the planes they started to develop in order to drop bombs similar to Bombarda Maxima or their armoured vehicles running on fuel without using horses. I tell you, muggles evolve very quickly..."

The Wizards begin pale knowing the Muggle Power and with Hadrian who showing the Project from the Old Newspaper

"Is this reason to eliminate them? No! That was a Foolish move to Kill the Muggle, We only have a War with Muggles and in the end, we only get massacred by their Technology. The only solution is ''Let 's stay Hidden and Low and Take the Mugleborn Magical Children who got Feared back into their Home, to the Wizarding World where they can happily use their Magic!" Hadriana declared, looking at Dumbledore, "That shame that your plan is failing.."

"Now, Can I take his Soul to another World? He has many judgments..." DEATH said to make some of them jolted in surprised

"You know our Life is in Your Hand..." Hadrian said to DEATH and Look at Ministry Cornelius Fudge who pale, "I also asked you to resign. You Got bribed by this Old Man can not lead the Minister of Britain Wizarding World..."

"What?!!" Madam Bones snapped at the Pale Minister, "Bribe?!!"

"Oh Yes... the Old Man bribed him to cover his Crime..." Hadrian said nonchalantly

"Mr. Cornelius Fudge you hereby got stripped from the Ministry Seat!" Madam Bones declared

DEATH who see the Drama of the Mortal give a laugh out loud make them look at the DEATH in a shiver, it was hollow, rasp voice, He who laughing in amusement

"Ah, How amusing the Mortal World indeed..." DEATH said to Dumbledore take out his Scythe, "time for you to get Judge by the Furious of Lady Fate..."

DEATH slash his body but there is no Blood come out only a Small Ball of Fire comes out from his Back to DEATH skeleton hand. Everyone can see it was Dumbledore 'Soul'

"Well, then I already got my Targeted I shall go back to my Kingdom..." DEATH Said open the Portal of Darkness

"Wait..." Hadrian halted him, He swallowed, "What are you gonna do with him in the Underworld?"

DEATH stay silent look at his Beloved Child, "If he has Redemption like Gellert Grindelwald he can move on and go to his family..."

"Oh..." Hadrian muttered clenching his hand

DEATH can understand, He is Peverell. He is Immortal therefore DEATH come into a decision he floats into him and tilted his head with his Skeleton Hand in his Jaw make Hadrian stare at those Hollow skeleton Head and silver eyes.

"Do not fear... Lady Magic is staying with you, Lady Magic and Lady Fate still haven't abandoned you..." DEATH pat his cheek, "You are Peverell, Champion of DEATH, Son of DEATH. I decided I shall take your Immortal away from you..."

Hadrian gasped and covered his mouth in surprise, "R-Really?"

DEATH nod and with glowing gold from Hadrian absorbed into DEATH hand, "You can stay with your Beloved Person and die... You didn't need to look at your Beloved People to die. You're Free already..."

Hadrian bowed to him in gratitude with tears falling from his eyes, He finally can be free. He can finally become a Mortal.

"Thank you..." Hadrian whispered bow to him and wiped his tears, giving a smile, "Old Friend..." he gathered the artefact and gave it to DEATH, "You can take these Hollow with you, These Hollow is too strong to stay in Mortal World..."

DEATH took the 3 Hollow and let it to engulfed in darkness and disappear from his Skeleton Hand, He walk into the Portal only halted look at Marvolo who stand up

"Take care of my Beloved Child..." DEATH commands him to make Marvolo bow to him, He looks at Sirius Black who sits next to Lucius who stiffen, "James Fleamont Potter and Lily Potter Nee Evan nee Pendragon give you the Last Message.." He showed a Ball and the voice of Lily and James echoed through the Hall, making the people gasped, 'Hadrian... My Beloved Child, I am proud of you. We heard everything from DEATH and Lady Faith, everything that you did. I'm sorry to let you bear the Burden of the Crown in your Head... I'm sorry that you are burdened by the expectation of the people to kill Lord Voldemort... I love you, Mother didn't regret saving you from Voldemort. Sirius and Moony, James and I are thankful that you two are taking care of our Little Prongslet. I have many things to say to you as Last Word. I regret that we can not see you grow up but I can imagine that you grow up becoming an amazing person. Don't be picky about your Food, eat a lot so you can grow big and don't stay up late at night, you'll need your sleep. Make friends. Do your best in School and Magic, Respect your Teacher and Senior in Hogwarts. Don't drink any alcohol until you're Twenty. You might be interested in Women or might be Male but make sure to not get caught into a Bad one..."

The Voice is shaky and wavering showing that Lily is crying recording the Message, Hadrian who was in his Mate arm silently crying, He didn't know when Marvolo walked to Him but He was grateful that his Anchor was on his side. Marvolo can see the other People also crying in silence and some of them look away dapping their eyes.

'I heard that you are Engaged already with your Soulmate, I'm glad that you have someone to stay beside you until the end. Listen to Sirius and Remus and Listen to Gran Augusta since She is your GodGrandmother, Listen to Severus and Minerva in the Hogwarts. Don't believe what Albus Dumbledore said to you and don't accept anything he gives to you...' Lily's voice gasped to hold the Tear but her voice is wavering'Believe in your Dreams and believe that your dreams will come true! I'm sorry I can not stay beside you, I love you...'

They can hear Lily's voice break down in sniffle and sobbing,' I'm sorry James, I spoke too long...'

'No... Hadrian, Prongslet. My advice as your father is everything your chatty mother said... I hope that you didn't have your mother's temperament...' James chuckled with a wavered voice

Hadrian who heard it chuckled listened to his Father jokes even the people in Wizengamot chuckle

'I hear everything from DEATH, I'm proud of you for managing to befriend Malfoys and United the House in Hogwarts...' James chuckled, 'I am grateful that Narcissa and Lucius are taking care of you, Remember that We look over you always. Sometimes Samhain calls us will you...'

"that what they said," DEATH said let the Orb disappear from his skeleton

Some of them are already crying listening to their voice, full of Emotion especially Lily voice who is full of Mother Love and it makes them remember that this Child didn't grow with the parents and they can understand why he focused on the Children who got neglected, abused.

"Thank you..." Hadrian said in a hoarse voice clutching to Marvolo clothes, "Thank you. Tell them that I love them too..."

"I will..." DEATH said, walking toward the Portal halted, "This is the Last time I meet you. Perhaps this is why Lady Magic and Lady Faith are blessed to you. The Prophecy is already null because it already got fulfilled. When the Time comes I shall take your Soul along with your Soulmate. Let's meet again at the end of your time, Child of Dragon, Magic and Death...Also..." DEATH take out a Palm showing the Crown in his Skeleton Hand, He put it in Hadrian's head, "Now, You are the Proper Crown Prince of the Britain Wizarding World and next year you are King of the Britain Wizarding World, Continue the legacy of King Arthur and King Merlin..."

"I will..." Hadrian bow to him

DEATH give a nod and disappear into the Portal as there nothing happened except the Deceased Skeleton Body of Dumbledore in there. Hadrian who stands beside Marvolo give a smile to his Mate who Marvolo embraced him kiss his forehead

"Are you happy now?" Marvolo asked

"I am happy..." Hadrian nodd

All of the Lord Houses, Light, Dark and Neutral all of them stand up and kneel down toward Marvolo and Hadriana. Everyone kneel down with the Photographer took the picture and the Journalist write everything at a rapid pace

"HAIL TO THE KING!! HAIL TO THE KING!!!" They say in unison

Marvolo and Hadrian can see the Respected and Adored, Fondness in their eyes. These People acknowledge them as their Rulers, not because of their birthright but because they respected him.

Finally, the Darkness in their Kingdoms faded away and the Sun finally come out to their Blue Sky.




Hey, Guys. Finally, I finished the ending of this story! God, It took so much time indeed. Hope you all like this story though. Dumbledore is deserved to die!

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Thank you for reading, Hope you all have a healthy day!

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