Mockingbird // 5sauce

By feminestt

3.8K 342 444

there are 11 people in the room. care to guess who is who without basing it on their labels? © Copyright badl... More

Mockingbird // 5sauce


322 23 24
By feminestt


"Bye, see you tomorrow!" Lindsay and Courtney walked away laughing and left Frances alone at her locker.

Frances Richardson sighed and carelessly threw her stuff inside her backpack and closed the locker violently getting judgmental looks from all students.

She shrugged her shoulder and walked away scratching her wrist where it was tattooed the word Different in bold black letters.

Someone tapped her shoulder as she exited the building and she turned around to face the person.

"Your parents are coming over for dinner tonight, right?" Calum Thomas Hood, the Jock and one of the most popular guys in the year asked her.

"Yeah, sure." Frances sighed again.

"Then see you later, I guess." he returned to his friends and left Frances alone yet again.

Calum's and Frances' parents had been friends for years. Frances and Calum never got along. As children, they'd constantly fight ending up hurting each other. Once they got labeled, things got worst. They barely talk to each other at all and if they do most of the time they'd end up arguing.

Frances started making her way home, ready to get out of school and go to her room where she could be herself and not be stared at with disgust because she was different.


On the other end of the hallway, a petite girl with lilac hair was being shoved against the lockers.

"Innocent little bitch," Lindsay spat. "How dare you talk to me like that with such filthy words?"

"Just leave me alone..." Kelsey cried as her wrist hit the locker with such violence she thought it'd broken. She got out with a scratch on the word Innocent there tattooed. Not that she minded, she'd been through so much worse but she knew how to put up the perfect act and get the right words to come out of her pretty lips.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" a tall blond boy asked furiously. "That's my sister you're messing with, you little bitch."

"Luke..." Kelsey let out a sigh of relief as her brother showed up.

"What are you gonna do? Sing a song?" Lindsay mocked as she grabbed Courtney's hand and ran away laughing cruelly.

Luke wrapped Kelsey in a hug and ran his fingers through her hair as she silently cried on his chest. They were awfully close siblings and cared about each other more than anyone. Their parents had passed away when Luke was only seven and Kelsey five. After being adopted by an old couple, neither trusted them enough so they took care of each other. Their adoptive parents didn't care all that much anyway.

Luke was labeled as Singer. He loved to sing and play the guitar. Life wasn't very hard for him but he saw how the label tore his sister apart. He knew that even though Kelsey never really told him, even she was getting tired of constanly pretending to be innocent.

"Don't let that Mean bitch get to you, Kel." he whispered. "Let's get home."


In the detention room with Mademoiselle Marianne was Daniella Simpson, Michael Clifford, Atiya Yechive and a few other kids.

Daniella was there because she threw tiny balls of paper at her french teacher, Mademoiselle Marianne who hated her to death.

Daniella drew circles on her wrist where the word Rude was tattooed on. She smirked as she thought of everyone around her.

Stupid fools, she thought, thinking they know all about me. She pitied those people who never stopped for a minute to question if what they were taught was right. She questionned everything she was told and she had a hard time understand how others didn't.

"So, Mademoiselle Marianne how are you enjoying detention?" Daniella smirked. She despised that teacher. "Are you going to tell me to speak en frances?"

"You just got yourself another hour of detention this week, you rude girl." Mademoiselle Marianne fixed her glasses as she stared at Daniella with pure disgust.

"Sure, mon chèrie." Daniella mocked.

"That's very stupid of you. Getting yourself into trouble for this." a boy laughed behind Daniella. "It's freaking pointless."

She turned around and faced a purple haired boy. She remembered his face from seeing him in the school halls.

"What do you want, Freak?" she spat angrily.

A part of her felt guilty for using his label against him when she knew that he probably had it harder than her. But she had to fit in, she had to pretend.

"You're one hell of a cute girl for such a dirty mouth."

"No flirting in detention, Mr Clifford!"

Michael Clifford just laughed and then returned back to what he was doing before. The boy couldn't care less of what he did. He knew he was doomed, no one would want a freak being near them in the future. He gave up on society and life long ago, he knew his life ended before it even started.

"Miss Yechive, what do you think you're doing?" Mademoiselle Marianne was extremely angry, as usual.

"Using my phone? What the hell does it look like?" Atiya Yechive replied rudly as it was usual.

"No phones allowed in detention! Hand it over."

Atiya reluctantly gave Mademoiselle her phone and stared at the blank walls in boredom.

"What a little Rebel you are." Daniella commented.

"You have no idea." Atiya smirked and returned to her drawing.

Atiya hated breaking rules. She didn't find it necessary or satisfying. But society told her otherwise and that made her blood boil and her thoughts clouded with anger. However, she had to stay quiet. Until she found someone she could trust, she had to stay quiet and do what she was expected to do.


Meanwhile, Ashton Irwin was listening to music with his headphones on quietly in his room.

He had a "talent" for being quiet. So quiet he'd go by unnoticed by everyone. When he was labeled as Quiet when he was just ten years old, he felt extremely angry with it.

Just because he was shy and found it difficult to talk to people didn't mean he was quiet. He was just starting to change when those fuckers had to tattoo a meaningless label on his skin.

When he yelled, people would weirdly stare at him because he wasn't supposed to do that. And because of society he was forced to keep his mouth shut forever.

And he hated himself for that. He was tired of being told what to do. He wanted to break free from society's expectations and shout loud enough everyone could hear him perfectly.


Hannah and Katie Mallei were twins. But very different. Hannah was a Nerd and Katie was a Slut.

Hannah would stay inside all weekend studying for tests as Katie would sneak out every night to go to a party or just meet up with friends and eventually end up fucking one of them.

"I'm going out tonight, can you cover it up for me?" Katie asked Hannah as she tied her shoelace.

"Whatever." Hannah scoffed. "It's Monday you shouldn't..."

"Yeah, right, go back to your studies, yeah sis?" Katie closed the door violently behind her and left her sister alone in the house.

The truth is that both girls envied each other. Katie despised how intelligent Hannah was and how gorgeous her blonde hair and blue eyes were. Meanwhile, Hannah envied how popular Katie was, her cute freckles and how her smile could leave anyone enchanted.

Katie was lost. She walker in shame to the party. She believed no woman should be labeled as a slut. Who cares about her sex life? It's private and it shouldn't define her. She was tired of being seen as a sex object just because she had sex with a lot of people. It wasn't fair, her worth shouldn't be defined on what her body could do.

In the party, Katie met up with Maya.

Maya was a beautiful girl who everyone at school looked up to because of her popularity. But what made her so interesting was her label. Baby. Why would someone be labeled as Baby? It made no sense to them.

"Hey, baby!" a boy shouted over the loud music. "Wanna hook up?"

Maya got extremely annoyed when people called her by her label. It disgusted her. But the guy was hot and she had a reputation to maintain.

"Fuck it." she said as she leaned in to kiss the random guy.

She also wanted to understand her label and many other things in her life. Unfortunately, her childhood was a blur and she had a feeling that all answers she needed about her family and herself could be found there.


sometimes i regret having 11 main characters but ill cope bc each of them is very important in the story.

so here's the new story i hope you like this version better rather than the old one.



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