Tiny Sparks

By lunabooklover1

70.3K 1.6K 408

Shinso and Kaminari have been through a lot together but they hadn't imagined throwing a surprise pregnancy i... More

Chapter 1. Prolouge
Chapter 2. Research
Chapter 3. Stomach Bug
Chapter 4. Nests
Chapter 5. Games
Chapter 6. Nightmares
Chapter 7. Date Gone Wrong
Chapter 8. Save Your Strangth
Chapter 9. The Wait
Chapter 10. Wake Up Soon
Chapter 11. He's Stable
Chapter 13. Who to Tell
Chapter 14. Movie Hang Out
Chapter 15. Family Dinner
Chapter 16. I'm Pregnant
Chapter 17. Forever and Always
Chapter 18. Two
Chapter 19. We'll Do This Together
Chapter 20. Ultrasound and Names
Holiday special
Chapter 21. Happy Birthday
Chapter 22. I'm Overreacting
Chapter 23. Baby Shower
Chapter 24. But I Apologized
Chapter 25. You're Going To Be A Great Dad
Chapter 26. Tiny Sparks
Chapter 27. No Looking Back

Chapter 12. To Soon To Know

2.9K 56 17
By lunabooklover1

Though his parents were reluctant, Kaminari went back to the dorms after his stay at the hospital. He was still sore but he could walk around and go to class.

After the initial rush of people wanting to talk to Kaminari when he got back to the dorms, Shinso and he went to their room. Even though he hadn't talked to many of them for a while the omega just wanted to be in his room and with his boyfriend.

They lay on the double bed, facing each other. Kaminari was curled up in Shinso's chest and the alpha had an arm protectively around his boyfriend. Recovery Girl had just come by to work her magic, making Kaminari very sleepy. She had healed mostly everything but that didn't take away from the soreness in his chest.

"Toshi?" Kaminari asked quietly. Shinso hummed, nuzzling his face a little further into Kaminari's hair. "Do we keep the baby?" He asked. Shinso detected a hint of fear in the omega's voice, making him pull back and look worriedly at him. "I-I mean we're not even out of high school, a-and I don't know what we're supposed to even do and-"

Shinso kissed him to shut him up and stop him from spiralling. "Denki, I love you, and I do want to have a family with you, but I think this is your choice. I'm going to be here with you no matter what." Shinso placed a small kiss on the other's forehead. "I think we should keep the baby, but it's up to you you're the one carrying them after all."

Kaminari looked down, avoiding eye contact. He knew Shinso had a similar mindset to him when it came to abortion and adoption. Of course, they both believed that if someone needed to get an abortion because they either weren't ready or had health risks or something else then yes, do what you need to do. But it felt so different when it came to their kid. If they went through with abortion then they would both have a hard time calling themselves heroes, even if it was for the best.

Kaminari curled around his stomach. Silent for the longest time. "I want to keep the baby."

Shinso nodded. "Ok," he said quietly. It was quiet for another moment before Shinso spoke up again. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

Kaminari visibly stiffened in Shinso's arms and the omega looked up at Shinso then back down to his chest. "I-I just didn't know how to say it. You mean everything to me and if I lost you I-" he pulled himself closer to Shinso. "I don't know what I would do." Shinso ran a hand through the omega's hair. "I knew you wouldn't leave me like that but everything in me just didn't want to risk it."

"Well you don't have to worry anymore," Shinso muttered, placing a soft kiss on the top of Kaminari's head. "You're not getting rid of me that easily."

Denki huffed out a laugh. "Thought that was usually my line," the omega said, smiling a little.

The alpha hummed. "Yes, but I thought it was fitting. I'm sticking this out with you."

"I love you so much Hitoshi," Kaminari said looking up to his boyfriend.

"I love you too Denki. Now sleep, you must be tired after Recovery Girl healed you."

The omega hummed, nodding his head a little before snuggling his face into Shinso and closing his eyes. Kaminari fell asleep not long after that.

They were told that tomorrow Recovery Girl would be able to heal Kaminari completely, so he needed his rest.


Shinso woke up to an empty bed, and if that wasn't alarming enough, he heard Kaminari throwing up in the washroom. The alpha was quick to action and ran into the washroom finding his boyfriend hanging over the toilet.

Kaminari coughed and spluttered, the bile still forcing its way up through his throat. He felt Shinso's hand on his back rubbing small circles as he pulled the omega's hair out of his face with his other hand. "You ok Denki?" Shinso asked quietly.

"Morning sickness," was all the omega said before leaning back into Shinso. He was pale and a few tears ran down his face. "God I hate this."

Shinso wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and released a calming scent. "Is there anything I can do?" He asked.

Kaminari pressed his back a little harder against Shinso and the alpha thought he heard a soft purr coming from Denki, telling him he was content. "Just be here."

"Ok, well I'm here."

Kaminari looked like he was about to say something again but instead, but purring stopped and he lurched back towards the toilet and gagged up more bile. "I hate throwing up," he rasped out. "At least I don't have to try and hide it now though," he muttered.

Hitoshi's eyes widened slightly. How often did this happen? To Shinso's knowledge, Kaminari hadn't thrown up since a few days after their small fight a while ago. "How often does this happen?" he asked.

Kaminari thought for a moment. "Umm, about once a day, sometimes more if I eat something wrong."

Shinso took this information slowly. He hated that he hadn't noticed sooner. "You ok now?" Shinso asked, rubbing his back a little more.

Kaminari looked back at him with tired eyes, something Shinso wasn't used to seeing on the omega. "I just threw up my guts, plus my chest still aches from my surgery, how ok do you think I'm feeling?" Denki sighed at himself before falling back into Shinso. "Sorry, that came out harsher than I meant. I'm just tired."

"It's ok," Shinso whispered, leaning down and kissing Kaminari on his cheek. "Hormones probably don't help either huh?"

Kaminari shot a small glare up to the alpha. "It's your fault," he said. Shinso wasn't completely sure what he was being blamed for but if he was following Kaminari's train of thought correctly then it was the pregnancy.

Shinso felt so bad. The condom must have broken without his realizing it. "What's my fault?" Shinso asked quietly.

"Making me pregnant and hormonal and sick," he said, crossing his arms.

"Takes two to tango."

Kaminari just hummed, though it sounded more like a groan. Denki knew Shinso was safe when they did anything in bed so honestly, he had no idea how it happened, he was just tired and wanted to place the blame on someone. Thankfully Shinso didn't take it as an insult and understood his boyfriend.

"You should brush your teeth, then we need to get you to Recovery Girl so she can finish healing you."

Kaminari nodded but was slow to get up. Everything in him just wanted to stay in Shinso's arms for a little while longer. "And then we cuddle."

Shinso nodded. "Sure, but don't you want to catch up with your friends? You've been in the hospital for almost a week."

Kaminari shrugged. "They're going to be asking a lot of questions and if I'm ok and what happened and blah blah blah and I just don't want to deal with that right now."

Understandable. "Ok, you'll probably want to rest after Recovery Girl finishes healing you up anyway." Kaminari nodded before squirting some toothpaste on his toothbrush.

The common room was quiet when they headed downstairs and they were able to get to the school without any problems.

Recovery Girl worked her magic and asked Kaminari a few additional questions on how he was feeling. She must have seen something off in Kaminari because she asked him to answer a few extra questions while Shinso waited out in the hall so they would have some privacy.

This gave the alpha's brain too long to wander. If Shinso was being honest he hadn't spent much time thinking about Kaminari's pregnancy and what that meant. In half a year they were going to be parents and that was absolutely terrifying. They were going to have to deal with school and a baby and Shinso wasn't sure if they could do it.

He wanted to stay positive for Kaminari's sake, he knew how fast the omega could spiral, especially if he was panicking as well. Shinso leant his head back against the wall and let out a long, suffering, sigh. He's always been good at rational thinking, but rationality seemed to want to leave the building for this topic.

"You ok?" Someone asked, pulling Shinso from his thoughts. He looked over to see Sero holding his swollen wrist to his chest, keeping it steady.

"Oh, uhh yeah, what happened to you?" Shinso asked, trying to divert the attention off of him.

"I was trying to do something with my tape and fell, I think I broke my wrist but it could just be a sprain." The alpha shrugged as if it was something he did every day. "Don't get distracted while hanging upside down by tape."

"I'll keep that in mind," Shinso laughed a little.

Sero eyed him for a moment, sensing that something was bothering the other alpha. "So what are you doing here?" Sero asked finally.

"Recovery girl's finishing healing Denki," Shinso said. "She had to ask him a few extra questions so I'm waiting out here."

"And you're sure you're ok? You seem way off compared to normal. Your 'vibes' as Mina would put it, are all off."

Shinso sighed, rolling his eyes. "Just a lot on my mind," he said leaning his head back against the wall and looking up at the ceiling.

Sero didn't seem satisfied with that answer. "If you ever want to talk, just alpha to alpha, I'll be here." He rested his good hand on Shinso's shoulder making him look back at Sero. "I'm your friend too, you know, not just Kami's."

Shinso couldn't help but let out a small breathy laugh. "Yeah, I know," he said. "I just don't know if I can say anything yet," he muttered the last part and looked down at the ground.

Sero gave him one last pat on the shoulder. "Well my door's always open," he said.

The door to the nurse's office opened and Kaminari came out looking paler than he was going in. Shinso's brows creased as he pushed off the wall. "You ok?" He asked.

Kaminari opened his mouth to speak but closed it again when he saw Sero watching closely. "Yeah, I'm ok." He was forcing a smile. Shinso figured it was because he didn't want to say anything in front of Sero.

"Ok, then let's get back to the dorms," Hitoshi said, intertwining their fingers. Kaminari nodded and they started their way back to the dorms. "What's bugging you?" Shinso asked when they got outside.

Denki looked at the ground. "I guess Recovery Girl figured something was off with me so when you left she asked a bunch of questions and stuff," Kaminari started to say. Shinso was only 80% sure he knew where this was going. "And I didn't want to lie, and she found out I was pregnant." Yep, there it is.

Shinso thought about this slowly. "Ok..."

"Is it too soon for people to start knowing?" Kaminari asked, looking up at his boyfriend.

"Well... your scent is probably going to give it away, so I'd say it's only a matter of time till more find out," Shinso said, trying his best to think rationally. He wasn't sure how he felt about people knowing yet, he only just found out a week ago. And it wasn't only that, he had a lot of conflicting feelings towards the pregnancy, misting wondering if he would be a good enough father for them.

"I know, but that doesn't mean I want people to know," Kaminari shrugged. "I mean, we haven't even told our parents and our classmates are more likely to find out before them because we live together."

If their classmates paid attention they would know that the omega was pregnant faster than they both wanted. But they were their friends, they shouldn't freak out too drastically. Right? Shinso sighed. "Let's just go back to the dorms, we can talk about it there."

Kaminari's hand tightened around Shinso's a little as he nodded. "Ok."

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