An Alien In Alola

By cookiemuncher4

212K 3.8K 1.7K

The story is about a young person who was once a hero and a human in his dimension, but was stabbed to death... More

Alien Voice
The story begins
Alien VS Alien
Melemele Island
Pokemon VS Alien
A new day
Another day
Under the sea
A new alien
New friends
Pokemon School
Pikachu VS Scorpiblow
Meeting the parents
Tapu Guardians
A haunted Pokemon school
First Z-Crystal
Water Crystal
A day at the city
Alola, Alola!
Heart of Fire, Heart of Stone
A Wild Yungoos Chase Part 1
A Wild Yungoos Chase Part 2
A Wild Yungoos Chase Part 3
A Wild Yungoos Chase part 4 finale
Memories in the Mist!
Secrets out
Tapu Fini VS Alien
A grand debut
Floors on lava
A game of golf
Show me the metal!
Got Meltan?
UB-02 Beauty
The dealer of destruction!
Fist punch part 1
Fist punch part 2
Fist punch part 3 final
Drawn with the wind!
Aiming for the top floor!
The nightmare challenge
Run while you still can
Survive the night
In a nightmare
Tapu Bulu VS Alien
๐ŸŽ„A Christmas Special๐ŸŽ„
The one that didn't get away!
Alien VS Pokemon friends
Living on the cutting edge!
Pokemon Battle Royale
Finding out the truth
Save me
Underground city
Drill battle
Night at the club
Cuban Pete
In control
Dragon battle
I'm here, I'm there, I'm everywhere
Sled race battle
Bug fight
Fly racing
Hard as steel
Fashion competition part 1
Fashion competition part 2
Fashion competition part 3 final
Important News
Tapu Lele VS Alien
Beach fun
๐Ÿฆ‡๐Ÿ’€Tales of the Pokecrypt๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿฆ‡
Freaky Thursday
Freaky fight
Who was I?
The truth
I wanna party
Mating Season part 1
Mating Season part 2
๐Ÿ‹Mating Season part 3 final๐Ÿ‹
Christmas video and pictures
โ„๐ŸŽ„Christmas Tales๐ŸŽ„โ„
Ice, ice, baby's
10,000 In Alola part 1
10,000 In Alola part 3 (short)
10,000 In Alola part 4 final
Electric cat and Electric mouse
Surfs up
The ice pack
Pancake time
The mall
Kids day out
Under the rag
In the shadows
Running with the Lycanroc's
๐Ÿ‹Hot night~๐Ÿ‹
Evil Shiny arrived at Alola
Brother vs Brother
Friends with benefits
More friends with benefits [WARNING]
Final stand
A heart
Shiny (short)
Full alien house

10,00 In Alola part 2

660 9 4
By cookiemuncher4

In the RV, Pop explained everyone on what's going on. They are 20 years in the future and the town their on is Underground City, but was renamed Omnitrix City, as Digger decided to rename it for Frank, sadly he passed away. Next, those hybrid Pokemon they saw are called Hybridmon, two difference species of Pokemon fuse into one. Pokephilia is now legal and now humans and Pokemon's can be in a relationship, as long as they treat them kindly and love and not just a slave or s*x toy.

Pheromosa: wow... so much has change in 20 years.

Marowak: I got a question. How old is Kenko?

Kenko: I'm 26 years old.

Marowak: shouldn't you be like 20 in this year?

Kenko: yeah, but me and my siblings had a little growth spurt, turning 6 years old.

Marowak: also, who's the Shiny Zoroark?

Zorro: hi, the name Zorro and I'm Kenko's girlfriend.

Lycanroc: that's nice.

Pheromosa: but you still haven't answered about why are we hear.

Pop: oh, that's because I asked a Celebi to bring some of Frank's friends from the past.

Greninja: why?

Pop: we'll... 20 years ago, Frank had a battle of him and it did some serious damage on him.

Sylvia: and who's him?

Pop: I rather not say his name.

Kenko: none of us wants to say that name, it's a reminder of the horrible battle. *sigh* so many loses.

Pop: yep. ChamAlien fought for his life, protecting everyone from him and he won. But it only made him... change.

Tsareena: what change him?

Kenko: we'll, you saw how my dad acts towards you guys? Yeah, ever since that fight he became so strict, cynical, and serious about the hero business to point where it's almost obsessive.

Pop: yeah, he rarely spend some time with me or the kids or any one he knew. He's always XLR8, patrolling the Alola Region. The only times we get to see him is home and bed, that's it.

Kenko: *sigh* I miss the old dad.

Pop: we all do sweetie. That's why I asked Celebi to bring some friends from the past. So they can change Frank back to normal, that's you guys by the way.

Pikachu: wait, so you told that Shiny Celebi to bring us here in the future so we can change him back to normal?

Pop: yep.

Pikachu: but why not the past you or past Frank here instead of us?

Pop: Celebi said it's against time travel law and it will cause some major problems in time.

Pikachu: oh... by the way. Kenko, where are your other siblings?

Kenko: the others are somewhere doing their own things. You know, the things that adults do.

Suddenly, Pop's belt started beeping.

Shaymin: Pop, what's up with your belt?

Pop: it means Sector-D is being attacked!

Lycanroc: what's Sector-D?

Pop: Sector-D contains DNA samples from all over the world, even Hybridmon.

Lycanroc: why is that a thing?

Pop: no time for answers! Kenko, take us there!

He drove them all till they made it,he parks the RV near the entrance and everyone gets out. Kenko said he needs to go somewhere and wishes them good luck. Once they got he has a feeling of sadness now.

Kenko: *sigh* I really miss how dad was back then, all happy and filled with hope. Now he's like... like someone different. I hope they can change him back.

Zorro: they will sweetie, and he will go back to normal. And... I don't blame him after what happened 20 years ago. Ever since he came.

Kenko: yeah... I still have nightmares about that, and what he did to dad. I saw it, me and everyone saw it.

Zorro: but he survived.

Kenko: *sigh* yeah.

He drove off from this place and somewhere important. Meanwhile, the other were inside the sector, running towards the entrance.

Pheromosa: what is this place?

Pop: this place contain some DNA's of Pokemon and Hybridmon.

Tsareena: why does this place exist and why build it?

Pop: I don't know actually.

Once they made it inside they saw the same Magikarp who somehow escape and was fighting future Four Arms, who appears to be now older and has some armor on his shoulder and tattoos.

Pop: how did Magikarp escape?

Four Arms: I don't know! He somehow got out of the Prison Ball and used Splash to get here.

Magikarp: and you won't stop me from getting the DNA's for the boss!

Sylvia: why would he need DNA's?

Pop: so he can create monstrous minions to bring chaos all over the world!

Magikarp: and I'm in charge of doing that. By getting the DNA'S!

Pikachu: oh yeah? Not on our watch!

He used Tackle and tries to ram him, but Magikarp used Aqua Jet and it's a really strong one. So strong that he flew back and hit Four Arms. Four Arms got up and furious, he ties Pikachu's tail with a ground pipe.

Four Arms: stay out of my way!

He shouted at Pikachu's face and went back fighing Magikarp. In the background, the others are watching the fight.

Lycanroc: should we help him?

Pop: *sigh* no, he prefers to do this on his own.

Sylvia: wow, he totally became a b*tch in the future.

Pop: heh, I forgot how much of a b*tch you were, Sylvia.

Sylvia: what?

Pop: nothing!

Back to the fight, Four Arms was was having a bit if trouble with Magikarp using Water Gun and Aqua Jet at the same time. He quickly transform in an alien that color ligh-green with blue and some springs on him, the Omnitrix is green and located at his chest.

He jumped high up in the air and dodged Magikarp. He then landed behind him, grabbed him by the tail and thrashed jim like a rag doll till he throws him up in the air and once he was about to fall down, Frank punched him to the ground, but Magikarp is still standing. He then transform into Cannonbolt.

He curl up into a ball and roll towards Magikarp and ram him, sending him crashing and knocking him out. In the background, the others just witness the fight and was awed.

Greninja: wow, he's gotten a lot stronger.

Pop: you have no idea.

Marowak: hey Frank, what do you call that alien? Do you call it... Springy?

Lycanroc: or Sprocket?

Marowak: oh that's a good one.

Cannonbolt: their not pets, I don't name them anymore.

Greninja: but... but you used to do that.

Sylvia: yeah, you even said it was half the fun. Even though it doesn't sound fun to me.

Pikachu: hey guys, little help here please? My tail is still tied up and it's starting to hurt.

Ignoring them, he turns back into Four Arms and tie down Magikarp with the pipes.

???: ahem.

A voice was heard behind them. First, there was a Machamp with a scar running down his chest. Then there's a human with and his brain is exposed but is protected by tuff glass. And the last one appears to be a Hybridmon, it's a hybrid of a Gardevoir and Decidueye.

Sylvia: who the f*ck are they?

Pop: those three the the Fantastic Three. There's Champ the Machamp, the leader and the strongest. And there's Nedd, he's a brilliant scientists with telekinesis power. And there's Arrow, she's a hybrid of a Gardevoir and Decidueye and a sharp shooter, never misses her targets.

Champ: need some help?

Four Arms transform into XLR8.

And zoom close to him.

XLR8: your too late.

Champ: you know, it's a big world Frank.

Nedd: yeah, you could always save a couple of bad guys for us you know?

Arrow: and I really want to try some of my new arrow tricks that I've been practicing.

XLR8: sorry guys, but no bad guys for you. But you can clean up this place and bring that Magikarp to the Null Void.

Tsareena: Null Void?

Pop: it's basically a dimension prison for the worst criminals.

Pikachu: guys! My tail! It's starting to cramp! And I think the blood stopped  flowing!

XLR8 unites him and decided to bring him and everyone to headquarters. He gathered everyone around and turn into Endread, which he looks a lot scary now.

And once they teleported, the Fantastic Three walked towards Magikarp, he woke up and sigh.

Magikarp: *sigh* I guess you caught me.

As they were about to clean up, Magikarp pulled out a ball and it exploded, releasing knock out gas. He hold his breath and The Fantastic Three was instantly gets knocked to sleep. Once the gas is gone, he use Aqua Jet to free himself. He then rips open a nearby champer and inside was holding some remains of a dangerous Hybridmon. One of them is the most dangerous one and today it was supposed to be sentence to death for the horrible crimes it had committed.

Magikarp: heh, how convenient.

He pulls out a tube with a glowing liquid and pours it on the Hybridmon. The Hybridmon body started glowing and his body started twitching like its coming back from the dead. Once it's done, he woke us and took his first breath, back to the real world.

Magikarp: rise and shine, time to complete the mission.

???: the... mission!

He let out a rour and jumped out of the chamber with pure anger in his eyes. But that's nit all, it was also wearing a clothing that it was revealed that this Hybridmon is a part of Team Skull.

To Be Continued...

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