By ak_author

1.5M 41.3K 5.7K

[MATURE CONTENT] Everyone tends to outgrow their childhood memories as they become adults but not Trinity. Th... More

Last ❤️ Chapter


31.6K 1K 191
By ak_author

Andrei 👆

Jolting awake from a sense of deja vu, a familiar feel causes my heart to beat at an incredible speed looking about the empty room. Straining my ears to listen for running water in the shower welcomed by the silence which is very unusual. Picking up my phone from the night stand 12:05pm.

My mind points at the unexpected known familiarity that I can't still seem to figure out.

Stepping down the bed I went for a quick shower rushing back out in a sweat pant and tank top to investigate the reason behind the commotion in my head. Passing the security who greets me with a nod and a blank stare, maids going on hurriedly with their activities greeting me as they scurry away.

What's going on and where is Tusya?

My little bundle of energy greets me every morning he wakes up with a kiss; so why does today seem aloof? Where are the boys for christ sake?

A tall figure in a black tux blocks my way, having me shrink back in panic till I see it's one of the guards. "Excuse me, Miss. The Madame is waiting for you at the gazebo." He says, monotone with a heavy Russian accent.

Prying. "Have you seen Tusya?"

The man stares at me blank and void of emotion. "I will take you to her, now." Okay. If that's not creepy following behind him till we get to the gazebo where she lay on a couch reading a vogue magazine.

Weirdly, my heart beats and this time I do know why. That is because I don't know how to explain myself to the woman whom my mother assigned as my guardian on her death bed; and right here, right now, I wish I am anywhere but here. Alone with her.

"Trinity! Come sit, child." She calls smiling so beautiful I ponder on the fact age never catch up with her. In her forties and she looks nothing pass my age. Golden brown skin glowing under the sunlight, honey brown eyes beaming with happiness as she looks up at me dropping her magazine on the stool where her drink sits.

Mrs Sonia is flawless; truth be told, she and Mrs Rosie are the most beautiful women I have come across. No wonder the men are protective of them.

"You look healed well enough. How are you feeling?"

My eyes can't stop admiring, watching as she sits upright in a relaxed stance plopping an elbow on a throw pillow for support and her fist tuck under her chin looking at me with a perky smile. Brown lush curls dancing with the wind, her hand smoothen her fleece maxi dress reaching for her glass of lemonade.

Sighing, plopping my ass down. "Better. I think." Turning my head to see if I will catch a glimpse of auburn curls playing somewhere in the estate.

"What has your attention?" Flitting my gaze back at her amused one. Like she knows something and waiting for me to figure it out.

"Nothing. Just...uhm, have you seen Tusya?" Her smile grows wider placing the glass gently on the side table.

"He is with his father's." She answers throwing her legs on the couch. "In Spain." Whiplash, I stare at her.

My eyes grows wide as my mouth falls open in shock trying to decipher if the older woman is actually pulling my legs seeing her with apt concentration focused on her shoulder blowing off an invincible dirt then smoothening the area with her index looking back at me with yet another beautiful smile.

"Spain?" I repeat, stupefied.

"The conglomerate, why of course. They boys made me baby sit you till they are back." She says it so casually like she's talking about the weather. I explode.

"What! They took Tusya with them and left me here? How dare those stupid Russians do that to me. How dare they take my baby from me? God! I hate them so much."

Those two devils. Controlling motherfucking sexy Russian devils.

My heart pounds against my chest wondering if it's because of my safety or they still being mad at me. They took Tusya so it doesn't count; and left me in fucking New York with their mother to babysit me. Anger boiled in my veins thinking of what to do next. Like, how dare they do that to me?

Breathe, T. Breathe it out.

A loud slurp distracts my fury back to the older woman in front of me who stares poker at my outburst sipping her drink giving room to a very thick tension that can be sliced by a blunt blade making it awkward for me upon releasing my flare.

Not only did I make it obvious of my entanglement with their Ivanov sons but also the once secret child I hid from them whom popped out of nowhere.

Chewing my bottom lip nervously. "Uhm, I know I have something to say to you and everyone and with everything happening I don't know how to, uhm... To, you know. I know you have some questions for me."

What the hell am I saying? She just looks me dead in the eyes while I fidget feeling perspiration bead my forehead knowing what I said made no sense to the sane. My head falls forward in a bow twiddling my thumbs like a child caught in the act unsure of what to say.

Expelling deeply. "I'm sorry." Two words that interprets my heart.

"Did my sons force themselves on you?"

Snapping my gaze up to her again. "No. No. No." Shaking my head violently, the act bouncing my hair. "They will never do that to me. Andrei and Vadim worships the ground I walk on." I correct shocked at the fact she asks such a question.

She shrugs sensing the unspoken words of my surprise. Then asking. "And do you?"

"Do I what?" Meeting her big brown eyes.

Mrs Sonia states in a motherly tone searching deep in my eyes for answers. "Worship the ground they walk on."

With clarity. I profess. "I do. I'm sorry that..."

A soft grin begins to crawl on her lips giving way to a mischievous smirk watching me closely. "Why are you sorry? You tend to say it a lot even when you were a baby." I blush.

She was my second mom, always defending me when Sir Elijah decides it is Trinity day to be locked up in the house which was basically everyday. I was never out without security that is if he let me out. And when he is off on business trips, the boys tends to follow his footsteps. Commanding me up and down, controlling my everyday activities. Thanks to them, I almost never had a normal teenager to adult life.

But Mrs Sonia was here for the save. It was a huge fight when I decided to leave on campus and not go from home or choose any of the local university close to the house.

After threatening the boys to take me far away and never to set their eyes on me again; and Sir Elijah that he will lose me from such overprotective fatherly acts. They men decided to let me go to a college of my choice but must be home every summer. Rough times.

She was everything to me and I repay her back with lies, deceit and above all having sex with her son whom I grow up with. I deserve the babysitter of the year award. It's still confusing why she hasn't lashed out on me yet on the obvious.

Breathing out. "Having an affair with the boys. Pregnant. Running off. Tusya. You know, the list goes on."

She chuckles. "Don't we all love running. Taking the easy way out." What?

Her amused grin makes my eyeballs dilate. "You too?"

She laughs. "Trust me. Many times." Dropping her legs down, crossing one over the other. "But Elijah won't have it. I even shot him but that Russian didn't die." What? How is she so calm saying she shot her husband. The words ready to fly out of my lips very much interested in the love affair.

"Story for another time. Tell me, how are they treating you?" Patting the space beside her. "Come, sit beside me."

Smiling at the fond memory I have with the Ivanov sons walking the short distance to where she sits. "Controlling for the most part, it's kinda annoying and tiresome. Above all they treat me like a Queen."

Occupying the space beside her. She asks. "Do you love them? My sons, do you love them?"

My brows furrow. "I- I don't know." Truthfully.

Love is a strong word and I don't know if that equates to what I have for them. Quiet alright, I know I care deeply for them and feel a deep sense of ownership towards them if I call it that way. But love, I'm not sure yet.

"Do you hate them?" She asks again.

And yes, majority of the time because they seem to love ticking my wits off. "Yes. I do hate them." She smiles watching me rise up ready to leave. "Excuse me, I have to get my son back."

"Perhaps, Vadim or Andrei gets killed one way or another, will you still hate them?" What is this woman driving at? Why is she on about death?

"They can't die." I stated firmly.

She pries longer holding her smile while I lose myself to the thought of either boys dying. "But what if they do, any one of them dies. Will you still hate..."

"They promised me they will never leave me. They cannot die and leave me alone. They cannot leave me. They are mine." By the end my heart palpitate and my voice hoarse breathing hard.

Angry over the fact this woman succeeded in riling me up seeing the sweet satisfied smile on her face at my outburst.

"So you do love my sons?" She taunts reaching for her lemonade glass taking sips out of the straw.

Ugh! I'm done with this family. They are all so crazy and annoying.

Turning on my heel, I take my leave just to hear her say. "Your dress is on the bed for the party. The jet is waiting for you." My sharp gaze snaps to her pointedly. She did it purposely, just like Vadim. So sneaky and cunning.

Made it seem like you know it all just to figure out you made a fool of yourself playing into their claws.

Turning back on heel. She points out hearing her footsteps meet me in the distance and passing me by. "And Trinity, when you do see my sons don't forget to tell them how much you hate them."

I glare at her retreating figure seeing as she pulls out her phone. She laughs to the speaker. "Rosie, I think our sons finally got their Queen." Someone shoot me, please.

I am just about tired of the Ivanovs'.


Touch down Spain felt good this time of the year. The long hour flight in one of the private planes owned by the Russian mafia under the Ivanov rule has my feet jet lagged. The cockpit door opens hearing the pilot alert us of our arrival.

Picking up my Fendi shades fixing it on my eyes and then holding my Fendi mini neon green clutch which compliments my all white jumpsuit that contrast my skin tone stepping down the plane.

Five Mercedes Benz cars awaits our arrival on the empty airfield. Men in black scattered everywhere telling me this is now my life. The Mafia way.

Landing my gaze on the two annoying Russian who stood side by side. Vadim rocks a trench coat, dark jeans and white tee meanwhile Andrei has on a jean jacket, white tee and jean pants. Sexy, jaw dropping alpha males dripping in finesse. Yet, dangerous and deadly. The psycho and the dominant.

And in a few given hours, they will be known as the next Kings of the Russian mafia and I am their stripper. Their Queen.

Matching towards them, a flirty smile on my lips. Andrei tilts his head dipping his hand in his pockets wearing his crazy grin; Vadim's face stares back unreadable giving me more courage causing my lips to grow wider.

Slap! Slap!!

Once close I use my whole energy to slap some sense into this tall hulk of a Russian. And with the prints of my hand, I say I did quite a nice job watching him flex his jaw back and forth.

Not wasting time, standing on my tip toe pulling his lips to mine. Strong arms wound my waist drawing me closer to him. Fuck, I miss him.

Breathlessly. "Don't you ever try that again or I'll kill you myself." For the first time in a long while Vadim gives me a beautiful smile making my heart thump louder. He nods kissing me more as I fall into his embrace before we begrudgingly pull apart panting hard. My face heats up watching him watch me, my lips tingles from the aftermath of our shared kisses. Snapping my gaze to the other brother who raise his hands quickly in surrender.

"Álainn, you know..." Slap!!!

"The next time you and Vadim tries to gang up on me, you will see the devil you both created." I warn sternly poking his chest. He quickly nods.

"No kiss for Andrei. It hurts." Rubbing his cheek, I almost burst out laughing at his fake pout and innocent eyes.

Walking towards the closest car. "No. Take me to my son...Andrei!" Yelling as he pulled my arm slamming me to his chest.

A naughty grin playing on his lips."Mi casa es su casa, baby girl." Planting his lips on mine feverishly. Damn, this man is such a good kisser.

He pulls away watching me devilishly. "You don't give one brother a kiss and leave another hopelessly dying for your lips." Tracing my lips with his thumb, my mouth voluntarily opens watching him heatedly yearning for more kisses. More...


"Don't get all cozy in front of your mother boy, I don't want to see you making more babies. I'm too old for that and let the damn girl breath." Once again Mrs Sonia for the save with her slipper in hand.

Andrei groans holding the back of his head while Vadim smirks watching his mother fix back her slipper on her feet.

"Now, who missed me?" She says smiling at both boys while I try not to laugh my poor heart out.

She truly is a handful.

Abbie cares

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