Town Witch

By Tasergirl

212K 6.5K 4.2K

Bonnie Bennett: Daughter, High school student, best friend, and last but definitely not least Town Witch. Aft... More

The Begining
The Invitation
The Ball
The Unexpected Meeting
Arguments and Broken Furniture
Lines In The Sand
Dreams and Destinations
New Orleans Part 1
New Orleans Part 2
New Orleans Part 3
Best friends
Always And Forever
Catch up
She's Stronger Than Us All
Homecoming Part 1
Homecoming Part 2
Wreak Havoc
She Dreamed Of Paradise
Making Plans
Making It Work
Hanging On
Find Me
Believe Me
Dinner With The King
Draw Your Swords
Maybe More
What To Do
War Zone
Soul Bonds
Never Be Free


1.7K 46 17
By Tasergirl

⬆️⬆️⬆️ So that video is basically a preview of this chapter I was bored at work and busted it out in like 30 mins lmao if it's bad that's why😂😂😂⬆️⬆️⬆️

The sound of sirens invaded Caroline's ears as she ran. Headed towards the hospital, where she hopes Damon had taken Bonnie, though for what she wasn't sure. Caroline had attempted to run in as another explosion occurred, only to be stopped by Stefan, the man had to restrain her completely. His arms wrapped around her from behind, holding down her arms, and turning her away from the explosion before she was hurt. Half his face burning off in the process. As soon as they'd walked into the room they were shocked to find Damon of all people leaving them all behind, the unconscious witch in his arms, leaving a puddle of her blood behind and a slowly healing, yet still knocked out, hybrid.

The sight made Caroline's blood run cold. She stood frozen in fear for a moment before she ran. Tyler caught her before she could get to close to the hospital, reminding her to slow down, that they still had to be careful of ousting themselves. Rebekah easily caught up with them, with a conscious but deeply wounded Klaus, and agreed with him. Telling her to calm down, trying to keep a brave face by commenting that Damon finally made himself useful, but Caroline could see through it. They were all terrified.

As Caroline bursts through the doors of the ICU she ran towards the front desk. Her entrance making the nurse jump slightly. The older woman's hand going to her chest as she looked up at the blonde in surprise.

"Bonnie Bennett, she would've just gotten in" Caroline blurted, not caring about niceties. Her panic preventing her from giving a damn about the indignant look on the nurses face. The nurse opened her mouth, ready to reprimand the blonde, but Rebekah was at her side in an instant.

"Where is Bonnie Bennett?" Rebekah said, compelling the older woman. Caroline didn't even blink as the nurse went about searching her name.

"Bonnie Bennett, 18 years old, in for a knife wound to the heart" she said an even through the compulsion, compassion was heard in her voice. "She just went into surgery" the nurse told them. Caroline nearly screamed before hearing her name being called. Turning she found Damon coming towards her.

"Damon! What happened? Where is she?" Caroline asked, her voice panicky. Caroline walked swiftly towards him. Everything feeling too slow around her.

"She's in surgery, you can see it from there but Caroline I don't think-" Damon started but the blonde pushed passed him. Rushing into the room he pointed to and immediately wishing she'd headed his warning.

Caroline felt the breath leave her lungs as soon her eyes found Bonnie. The witch laid on the operating table with her eyes closed. A cap covering her hair and tubes going in and out of her. But the most traumatizing thing was her open chest. The doctors performing open heart surgery on her best friend.

A choked sob escaped Caroline as she looked at Bonnie. Pain erupting all throughout her chest. The blonde vampire felt hands on her shoulders, attempting to push her out of the room, yet her eyes couldn't leave Bonnie.

"Come on, you shouldn't see this, we can't help with this" Damon muttered, yet Caroline shook her head, turning to hit Damon's chest.

"Why'd you bring her here? Why didn't you give her your blood?!" Caroline nearly yelled at him. Her fear and worry causing her to lash out. Damon narrowed his eyes slightly but attempted to tamper down the anger. Knowing just how worried, and heartbroken, she was.

"I tried, it didn't work, and I was running out of time" he told her, his face breaking down slightly. Showing Caroline a different side to the blue eyed vampire."The knife was literally inches from her heart, if I didn't get her here in time, she'd already be dead" he nearly whispered. The vampire deflating as his mind went to the witch. Seeing her so close to real death was something he couldn't imagine happening really. She always seemed to scrape by in the end.

The young witch had become so close to him without either of them really realizing it. The voice of reason whenever he was going to make a horrible decision. She'd become the annoying little sister he never knew he needed. If something happened to her it would break them all.

Rebekah felt her undead heart constrict as her eyes found Niklaus. The hybrid staring stone faced at Bonnie through the glass. Rebekah could clearly see her brothers heart breaking. Klaus loved Bonnie more than he ever loved anyone before. What she was feeling couldn't compare to what he felt. Bonnie Bennett had to live, not only because it would break their hearts, but because she was sure Klaus would burn the world down in his quest for revenge. Looking around, she frowned, they all would.

Shock coursed through all of their bodies when the doors burst open once more. Stopping the hospital for a moment as everyone turned to see what had happened. The group turned to find more bad news.

"I need help!!" Dean yelled out in a panic, carrying Zoe in his arms.
Liz Forbes had seen many things in her time as sheriff. Even more so these last few years when vampires returned to Mystic Falls. Yet this was different from what she'd encountered before. She'd dealt with monsters before, a sentence she'd never thought she'd ever have to say, but gods was something none of them thought they'd ever see. Not to mention Bonnie Bennett was one. She'd just gotten used to the young girl being a witch.

As Liz looked around she took a deep breath. Bonnie was still in surgery, Liz was nearly counting down the minutes before she could run to Caroline's side, hopefully before the young girl woke up. If she woke up. From what she'd heard the damage was extensive. Not only was the knife imbedded inches from her heart, she'd also had broken bones, not to mention internal bleeding. The thing that scared her the most, other than losing her two girls, was the fact that vampire blood had done nothing for her.

With the small witch incapacitated most of the gang was at the hospital. Liz wished she was with them but she had to deal with the aftermath. Make sure no one who didn't already know about the supernatural wasn't sucked in without warning. Or worse, dead. The Mikaelson Mansion was a disaster area. Luckily for her, and the small fire department, Klaus's pack stayed behind to help.

"I don't think there's going to be much to salvage" Liz heard, turning to find a young deputy behind her. He was new. Just graduated from the academy and still didn't know about the towns dark secrets. Liz wished she could keep it that way. Unfortunately she didn't have the luxury of thinking about his feelings at the moment.

"Yea well, luckily, the Mikaelsons have enough money to take care of this easily" Liz muttered lowly, her eyes on the burnt mansion. The deputy frowned as she pointed over his shoulder.

"We found sand about a quarter of a mile that way, which is strange but-" he started making the blonde woman frown. Sand? Where there are Egyptian gods and monsters? What the hell is that about?

"Does it look like that matters deputy? I've got the house of a prominent family burned down and 2 kids in the ICU, unless you have something I can actually go on, stay here and help the clean up, I'll check the perimeter myself" she told the man seriously. She felt bad when she noticed the crestfallen look on his face but brushed it off quickly. He didn't need to know yet. Hopefully he didn't need to know at all.

As Liz made her way into the woods she immediately saw the Imapala wrapped around a tree. The Winchesters family car was totaled. Frowning Liz went up to it. As far as she knew, according to Caroline, those boys learned how to drive as soon as they could reach the pedals. In Deans case maybe sooner. Someone, or something, made them crash.

"Did you find anything?" Liz heard. Jumping, the sheriff turned, a hand going to her gun. Yet in front of her she found Klaus's blonde hybrid. Erica.

Her clothes looked a bit banged up but everything else seemed clear. Well, other than the obvious tremor in her hands. Liz sighed softly as she noticed it. They were all just kids. They shouldn't be dealing with this.

This shouldn't be thrust on the shoulders of these kids, most of whom she'd seen grow up, who had sleepovers with her daughter. Hell she talked Bonnie through her first period. The poor girl was scared her Grams would talk about a 'moon goddess' or something like that. Back then they all thought Sheila Bennett was a crazy drunk. Liz let out another sight at that thought. If only they'd heeded the woman's words years ago.

"No" Liz said, seeing how Erica was waiting for an answer. "Mind telling me what happened over here?" Liz asked softly, pointing towards the banged up car. Erica frowned as she looked towards it. In her mind she could still see Zoe floating above them- no. That wasn't Zoe. The goddess had taken over in that moment. That was Nephthys.

"Sam and Zoe were ambushed, I guess they knew we'd try to get Zoe out of there and there was no time to think of a better plan" Erica said lowly. Her mind still on the goddess that emerged in this spot.

"And that?" Liz asked, gesturing towards the trees. Some of them taken out at the root. That hadn't happened since the storm of '87. Worse storm this town had seen while Liz was alive. Even at that time it had only been one or two.

"That was Nephthys" Erica said seriously. Liz looked over at the hybrid in shock. Nephthys? Another goddess. "Even with everything I've seen lately, I can't- I can't explain what happened here" Erica admitted. Her shoulders slumping slightly, a frown on her lips as she looked around, thinking of the things that fought for Nephthys.

"It might help to talk it out" Liz started softly, shrugging her shoulders slightly. "I need to know what happened here anyway" she added seriously. Erica nodded but continued looking around with wide brown eyes. Her mind stuck on that situation. Liz sighed as she looked at the young girl.

"How about we grab you some coffee while you tell me, or tea?" Liz asked softly, putting a hand on the girls shoulder. Erica nodded again, letting herself be guided away, though her eyes stood on the sand. They weren't trained for this. None of them had.
Zoe let out a groan as she began to regain consciousness. She attempted to bring her hand up to her face she let out a small gasp. Everything hurt. Her arms, her back, and especially her head. The bright lights around her certainly didn't help the issue.

"You're awake, finally" an accented voice whispered, though Zoe noticed that it was hoarse. Turning she found Rebekah. The blondes eyes were bloodshot. Her nose red and Zoe felt her heart sink immediately.

"What happened?" Zoe asked softly. Rebekah shook her head as she leaned forward to grab hold of the young girls hand. Her other going to Zoe's head to stroke her hair gently.

"Don't worry about it sweetling, the only thing that matters at this moment is that you are safe, you're alright" Rebekah breathed out, a heart broken smile forming on her face. Zoe felt her chest constrict as she looked around, noting that Bonnie wasn't there. Nor Klaus. She could see Dean and Sam's shadows through the closed window. So at least she knew they were safe.

"Where are they?" Zoe asked seriously. Her voice even though she felt like screaming. Rebekah shook her head slightly.

"I should've known" she whispered, looking down for a moment. Taking a breath, Rebekah closed her eyes, though she squeezed Zoe's hand reassuringly. "You've always been more observant than most" she trailed off for a moment before looking up at her with a small grimace. "It's um- it's Bonnie, she's been stabbed, she's in surgery now and should be getting out soon, but don't fret love, Damon got her here in time" Rebekah whispered, scooting closer to the small witch. Zoe didn't say anything for a moment. Simply nodding as she looked at Rebekah. Though her face was closed off Rebekah could see she was hurting. She simply was not comfortable showing her emotions with others. Just like Nik.

"She'll be out soon and I've been listening in the entire time, nothings gone wrong, she will be fine" Rebekah reassured her gently. Zoe could only nod again at her words. Something deep inside of her breaking. She could feel the pain erupt in her chest. Seeing that Zoe wouldn't let herself feel it all in her presence Rebekah let out a soft breath. "I'm going to get you some water, I'll send it in with Niklaus, he and Dean have been waiting for you to awaken" She whispered to the girl as she stood. Kiss her forehead before walking out of the room.

As Zoe looked up at the ceiling she felt tears begin to roll down her cheeks. Bonnie was in surgery. Open heart surgery. No matter how Rebekah tried to sugar coat it that's what it was. She could die at any moment. She could lose the woman that gave her a home. More tears began to slide down her eyes as she looked up. Unsure of how to continue. What would they all do if they lost Bonnie?
"Finally" Dean muttered, walking up to the doctor that had been operating on Bonnie. His green eyes showing the determination he felt, making the doctor stop in his tracks, realizing just how many people were there for young Bonnie Bennett.

"You're all here for Bonnie Bennett?" He asked, making Damon roll his eyes.

"No, we're here for the parade" Damon quipped, causing Caroline to hit his arm. Irritation clear on her face. Though the vampire rolled his eyes once more, he crossed his arms, shutting his mouth for once.

"We're sorry about him, he's just... worried" Stefan told the doctor, stepping forward. The older man nodded towards Stefan, trepidation clear on his face, noticing the cloudy look on Klaus's face. The dark energy around him. He may not have known exactly what happened but he knew a dangerous man when he saw one.

"Well, I'm sorry to say this but he has good reason to be, in layman's terms Miss Bennett was stabbed through the chest, though it mostly missed her heart there was a small tear that should've been contained by the membrane around it" he started, though seeing the looks around him he knew to hurry it up. These were not patient people. These were dangerous people worried about their friend.

"My point is that though it mostly missed her heart she lost a tremendous amount of blood, luckily your friend here got her to us just on time, though there have been a few complications, she had a seizure during the operation and then again after, there was also worry of a blood clot but we've taken care of it, unfortunately she does have a bit of a fever, in most cases like this..." he said, trailing off towards the end. Worry for his own safety growing with every words. Sam, realizing what he meant immediately, took in a breath.

"They die?" The large man asked. His words earned a nod from the doctor.

Once the doctor gave them the affirmative , you could've heard a pin drop. They all stood still for a moment. The doctor took that as his cue to leave. The atheist prayed that Bonnie Bennett would be okay. He had a sinking feeling on his gut that if she wasn't something very bad would happen.

Before anyone could speak Niklaus left the building, his sister looking after him in surprise, and betrayal. He simply left? Taking off after him she didn't realize that Damon had done the complete opposite. Walking swiftly towards Bonnie's room.

"Dean?" Sam muttered, watching as his brother moved. The older Winchester shook his head. Not even looking at Sam.

"I just- I need- I need to breath" he told his brother. Seconds before he rushed away. Sam felt his heart twisting in his chest. First Zoe. Now Bonnie. Those 2 sentences were the only thing going through his head as he sat down. Repeating them in his mind. Worry tearing at his insides.

Stefan watched Caroline as she stood in one spot. Unmoving. Her hand on her heart and her eyes unfocused. He could see her breaking. Cracking under the weight she felt. As much as she loved Tyler, Bonnie was her person, Bonnie was her family. She was her sister.

"Caroline" Stefan whispered, taking a step towards the blonde. Her blue eyes sprang to his immediately. Filling with tears as she looked at him.

"Bonnie's dying?" She asked, her voice breaking as she looked back and forth in panic. Shaking her head quickly a delirious laugh escaped her lips. "No, that's not possible, Bonnie always gets up" she said, her hand going to her heart. It was like she couldn't breath.

"I mean it's- it's Bonnie" was all she said. Before she could even attempt to stop it a strangled cry left her lips. Nearly falling to her knees before Stefan rushed to grab her. He'd never heard a sound like that leave Caroline's mouth before.

This girl had endured torture from a pack of wolves, fought tooth and nail on more than one occasion, been tortured by her own father, she was even killed yet he never saw her break down like this. Shoving aside his own pain, Stefan sat on the floor with Caroline, soothing her hair as she cried in his arms.

Damon heard Caroline as he walked towards Bonnie's hospital room but his brother was handling it. His brother always handled that. It was his job to protect the witch. One that he'd failed time and time again. He wasn't gonna just let everyone leave her alone now. Even if he understood why, Bonnie deserved more than to be left alone, he knew more than anyone just how much she sacrificed. What they'd all put her through. Damon's footsteps stopped as soon as he laid eyes on her.

The witch's normally glowing skin was dull and he noticed a spot of red near her temple. Her heartbeat was erratic. That worried him the most. Stepping forward slowly, he took a seat beside her, scooting closer to the witch. Before he could help himself, Damon held her hand, looking at Bonnie.

"You are a terrible friend do you know that?" Was the first thing to come out of his mouth. He half expected her to say something back. To respond with a snarky comment as she usually would. When she stood quiet he let out a breath. "Do you know what would happen if you died Bonnie, how many people you'd be leaving behind, and you're willing to throw it all away over the hybrid" he said semi-angrily. Squeezing her hand before he looked at her sadly. Feeling the weight of her situation suddenly on his chest.

"You'd be leaving us all behind, Caroline, Elena, Stefan, even you're favorite little psycho daughter and her two dads" he muttered lowly, leaning his head on his other hand, sighing heavily into it. Listening to her breathing for a moment. "You'd be leaving me too Judgey" he whispered. His eyes closing.

"You're special to everyone, in some ways- hell in some ways you're kind of my best friend too, the absolute first person I'd pick in a battle, you let me be honest but still tell me when I'm being a jackass, more than that you make sure my moral compass doesn't get anymore skewed than it already is, you never miss an opportunity to tell me when I'm doing something wrong and I need that Bonnie, we need you" he admitted to the unconscious woman. Rolling his eyes he leaned back making a sound of disgust. "Now you've got me talking like St. Stefan, so you see you gotta wake up witchy, because of you don't- if you don't we're all gonna be different"
Klaus didn't get far from the hospital. Stopping when he heard Caroline's cries. The normally bubbly blondes cry of agony somehow making it even more real. Making it worse. As if he could see flashes of Bonnie's face with every cry he heard. Her smiling face. Her full smile as she laughed. Bonnie holding Zoe. The two of them sleeping together. Both of them bloody and unconscious.

He didn't realize he was letting out a loud yell until he was nearly on his knees. His voice already hoarse from the loud roar erupting from him. The dried blood on his face cracking and flaking off as he finally closed his mouth. Bonnie Bennett was dying.

"Klaus!" He heard behind him. Turning the hybrid faced his sister. Her blue eyes full of unshed tears. "You have to go back" she whispered, almost pleading, her voice hoarse as she looked up at him. Walking towards him slowly. The hybrid shook his head at her.

"No" he said strongly. "Ive dealt with a lot in my very long life but I refuse to watch her die!" He said seriously, his voice raising without meaning to. He stopped when he saw his sister flinch. Taking a breath. She was still scared of him.

"I know" Rebekah whispered. Attempting to remain calm. Wishing that she could just force him to go back. To be with Bonnie. To not leave them alone. He shook his head at that.

"No, Rebekah, you don't" he told her lowly. "If she were to die you would miss her, you would grieve, without her, without Zoe, my life would lose meaning, I've loved her in every life we've shared" he told his sister, shocking her into silence. "As much as you love her, you don't know the pain I will feel if I were to lose her, again" he finished with a small whisper. Rebekah nodded as she looked down.

"You're right" she told him softly. Her tears spilling over. "But I do know what it's like to need your father, or father figure, and have him nowhere near" she added, making the hybrid look at her in surprise. He sighed for a moment before nodding. "So scream if you must, throw trees, drain these miserable people dry if that's what you must do but get back to Zoe, get back to Bonnie, we all need you, but them more than any of us" she whispered. The blonde didn't wait for a response before she rushed back. Presumably to Zoe's or Bonnie's side.

"So I have to watch her die alone?" He heard suddenly. The air around Klaus suddenly cold. He turned to find Dean staring at him angrily. His broad shoulders tense. "I have to comfort Zoe alone? I have to explain why the one person who brought us all together is dying and we can't do a damn thing about it?" Dean said angrily. "You know at the very fucking least I respected you but Bonnie deserves more than  this shit, they fucking both do" he told the hybrid, turning angrily. Klaus's eyes turned amber, ready to attack the hunter before he stopped, his shoulders slumping. They were right. Bonnie did need him. They both did.

Dean walked angrily back into the hospital. His eyes hard as he looked at the floor. Rage flowing through him. Klaus Mikaelson was the supposed to be the one other person he could depend on to do right by Bonnie.

"I'm sorry Miss Gilbert but there's nothing I can do about it now, we've done everything we could, the only thing left to do is pray, it's in God's hands now" he heard nearby. Turning to find Bonnie's doctor talking to Elena quietly. Her doe eyes wet but am usually determined look on her face. Dean felt anger pool on his chest at the doctors words.

"It in God's hands now? Pray?" He asked incredulously, his voice louder than he meant it at first. Yet seeing that he had the doctors attention he continued. Walking towards him now. "The hell do you mean 'It's in God's hands'? Aren't you a damn doctor, God's got nothing to do with this equation at all" Dean growled angrily. God had done nothing but spit in their faces so far. Leaving them to fight gods and monsters on their own. The death of his parents. His upbringing. Being stuck in purgatory. Everyone they'd lost. Ellen, Bobby, Jo. He'd lost them all. Hell he'd watched his brother die more than once.

"I didn't mean-" the doctor started, his face showing both surprise and worry. They hadn't even seen the elder Winchester walking near them before they heard his angry voice. Dean's anger was surprising to both the doctor and the doppelgänger.

"No, that's not good enough!" He yelled, before Elena shoved him back.

"That's enough Dean!" She yelled, her red eyes staring at him. Shock and anger clear inside them. Dean looked passed her and at the doctor. Trying in vain to reign in his rage. When he looked at Elena, the doppelgänger wasn't surprised to see the heartbreak behind them, yet she was surprised to find remorse. Wether it was for yelling at the doctor or something else she didn't know. "This is the last thing Bonnie needs" she added lowly. Dean rolled his eyes at the newly turned vampire before walking away. Leaving them both to stare after him.

He didn't know where he was going as he walked. After a while he realized he didn't even know where he was anymore. Dean wasn't even sure how long he'd been walking. Yet when he looked up he saw the hospital church. The hospitals shrine to a God he didn't think existed most of his life. Who abandoned him at every turn. His legs moved without him meaning to. Forcing him through the doors.

It was empty inside. Moving towards the front he sat in one of the church pews. They were small, especially compared to other churches he'd been in, but just as uncomfortable. He turned his head up to observe the statue in front of him. Jesus looked back at him from atop the cross. Dean noted that the eyes seemed to follow his every move.

"I can't believe I'm even in here right now" he sighed, leaning forward, putting his elbows on his knees. Taking a breath he closed his eyes and did something he hadn't done since Sam died the first time. He prayed.
After leaving the grille, and telling Sheriff Forbes everything she saw, Erica went back to the cabin. The kids were with Klaus's pack now. Klaus thought they'd be safer with the bigger numbers. Spend time with more people. Erica could feel the empty nest syndrome even now. Everything around her felt empty.

"Erica" she heard behind her. Turning she found Derek. The former alpha looking at her with worry. "Are you alright?" He asked softly. His light green eyes watching her every move. Like he was waiting for her to break. The blonde shrugged at him for a minute.

He was still a mess from the battle. His t-shirt torn and dark with dried blood. Not to mention it was on his face and arms as well. She wasn't sure how much of it was his and how much was the enemy's. Either way it showed just how much they'd all gone through tonight. She could only be glad that he was alright.

"Everything's so quiet here now, the kids are with the pack, Malia and Peter are doing patrol, Bonnie's in the hospital, Boyd's- Boyd's gone" she whispered. Tears springing to her eyes. The feeling of pack was beginning to fade with everyone they lost and that scared her more than anything. "I feel like everything is falling apart" she said. Her voice beginning to break.

"Erica I-" he started, walking towards her, yet the female hybrid stopped him with a raised hand. Wiping her tears away with the other one.

"You know how I feel about you Derek" she said suddenly. Surprising him. The turn of conversation leaving him in shock. "You can't keep coming to my rescue, comforting me, following me if it's not going to go anywhere, I know you're doing it because we're a pack, I know you don't do it on purpose but god Derek it hurts" she said putting a hand to her heart. The man opened his mouth to say something but in the end nothing came out.

"We're losing people left and right, losing our friends, our family, we could lose Bonnie now, and if this doesn't show you that you every second is precious I don't know what will" she told him seriously. Shaking her head she sighed. Trying to calm herself. Walking towards him she took the tall mans hands in hers. Holding onto them gently.

His green eyes looking down at her in shock as she brought them closer together. Sighing softly before bringing herself up to her tippy toes she kissing him gently. Her lips only meeting his for a moment before she went back down. Smiling sadly.

"I want love Derek, I want someone who will love me openly, all the time, who isn't afraid of loving me, and I want it to be you but you refuse to love me how I love you and I don't know how much longer we even have to live anymore" she said quietly. Her voice sad. "So I'm going to start living my life like I should, like tomorrow isn't promised, because it isn't and I'm going to find someone who'll love me the way I deserve before I don't have that chance anymore" she whispered. The blonde hybrid didn't give him time to respond before she left. Leaving him standing there in the living room of their cabin. Alone.
Bonnie wasn't sure what was happening at the moment. She wasn't sure what she wasn't seeing. She sure as hell didn't know how she got here. The last thing Bonnie remembered was fighting for her and Klaus's life. Trying to get out of the burning mansion. Was she unconscious? Did she die?

She was in a long, golden, hallway lit by torches. Egyptian hieroglyphs were all over the walls. She wished she'd paid more attention when Alaric was teaching them this. Maybe then she'd understand what they meant. She could've figured out where she was. Looking to the side she noticed someone was nearby. Though they were turned away from her it was a familiar back. One that she didn't think she'd see again. Especially not so soon.

"Anubis?" Bonnie called out in confusion. Her eyes widening when he turned around and she saw that it really was him. "What's happening?" She asked softly. Scared of what would come out of his mouth next.

The god of the underworld let out a sigh. One that showed Bonnie just how tired he must be. It came from so deep inside of him. When he offered her his hand Bonnie didn't waste a moment in taking it. It might've been her past life but she felt safe around him.

"Do you remember your last battle with Ra?" He asked softly. His voice low even though there was no other sound around them. Flashes of fire came to her mind before she remembered what happened. He stabbed her through the chest.

"Am I dead?" She asked lowly. A lump forming in her throat at the thought. She didn't want to die. She was still young. She had so much to do. Not to mention the people she would leave behind. The world she would leave behind. She wasn't ready to die.

"No, but unfortunately, it's still a possibility" he said softly. His other hand going over hers. Bonnie sucked in a breath at his words. The weight of them falling into her shoulders.

"So what is this- is this some kind of limbo?" Bonnie asked him, wishing she could just know. Everything felt so strange here. Familiar yet completely foreign. Safe yet dangerous. Everything around her felt like a contradiction and it was tearing her apart yet she somehow felt completely calm.

"In a way" he told her gently. Already feeling her anxiety's. Taking a breath he gestured for her to look over through a door. "This is more my own special doorway, you have two choices, one where you go to a peaceful realm, where you can wait out your time until you either die or wake up" he started. Bonnie had a feeling a very different choice would be presented to her next.

"Or?" She asked, pulling her shoulders back, readying herself for whatever was next. Taking a breath he looked down at her. Something close to affection in his eyes.

"Or, you can see how you died, and why you were brought back"
Damon wasn't sure how long he was staring at the unmoving Bonnie. Yet he noticed Kol had wandered in at some point when he hadn't been looking. The youngest male Mikaelson staring at Bonnie as well. His face a stony mask.

"Have you gone into her yet?" Kol asked him. The originals voice was low. Almost a bit scratchy. He knew that was something Damon did often.

"No, wasn't planning on it" he told Kol. Watching as the original pushed himself off the wall and walked closer. He'd seen a lot of death in his time but for the first time in a long time he worried for someone who didn't carry the last name Mikaelson. It was unnerving.

"Why not?" Kol asked, though he was sure he knew the answer already.

"I'm not sure I'm gonna like what I find" Damon said softly. Minds were always different. Especially at this stage. You never knew if it was already breaking down or not. Ready to die. If Bonnie's head was like that what could he do? He'd already tried to give her his blood and that didn't work. There was nothing else he could do.

"Well if you're too cowardly-" Kol started but never finished. When Damon looked up he realized the original was on the floor. Completely unconscious.

Damon sprang to his feet immediately. Standing in front of the witch protectively. Yet it didn't take long for his vision to get blurry. The vampire felt himself getting dizzier and dizzier. Before the darkness claimed him, he saw feet walk in, black boots going towards Bonnie's bed. He was unconscious before he could yell out.

Blue eyes looked at Bonnie sadly. Taking in the frail looking witch in the bed. He'd been watching from afar this entire time. Waiting for the moment to reveal himself. Yet it never came. Even now wasn't the right time. Unfortunately he knew if he did nothing she would possibly die.

With simply laying a hand on her chest he noticed her eyes beginning to open. Green with flecks of gold. Tiredly she looked up at him. He felt a smile begin to form on his face. The small witch tilted her head slightly.

"I know you" she whispered, frowning slightly. She could barely see him. The lights behind the man making his features hard to see. She noted that he had curls on top of his head. What looked like a beard. The one thing she was completely sure of was his blue eyes. Staring down at her kindly.

"Yes, you do, but you need to rest" he whispered, placing a hand on her forehead. She tried to fight it but in the end she was unconscious once more. Leaving him to a quiet room. "You'll see me again soon"

I have updated!! I have no excuses for not updating in so long other than the usual. Life is freaking stressful. Anyway I hope you guys liked this chapter and I haven't lost any readers🥺
Thank you all so much for sticking with me and my stories
I'll be updating Released sometime this week hopefully tonight if I can get it out☺️
But anyway this chapter is basically like to show how everyone would react if Bonnie died and also to scare everybody a little bit lmao I hate it when shows make it so that there's no real suspense and everybody's safe when there's a "war" or something going on that's probably one of the reasons I like GOT lmao like don't get me wrong I'm sad I cry sometimes but I like that there are real stakes and anybody can die at any moment obviously I wouldn't kill off Bonnie (at least not yet/ or not permanently/whatever) but I like my characters at least to have a good reason to be worried one thing about TVD was that they got away with waaayyy more than they should've because of plot amor and I get it but they could've made it more realistic I mean come on the only one that should've/could've survived all the Mikaelsons were Bonnie and Elena and Elena only because Klaus wanted her as a bloodbag🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ lmao okay anyway rant done now🤣🤣🤣
Well as usual please be safe out here and be kind to people🥰🥰🥰

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