Perpetual Infatuation

By xoxomarbil

234K 16.8K 1.7K

A Clumsy girl, crushing over a guy since 4 years yet never talked to him. Now, when finally she has his atten... More

Character Sketch
1: Embarassment
2: Nan-dii-Niiii
3: Stare
4: Chocolate
5: Giving a Try
6: 41 Minutes 33 seconds
Character Info.
7: Mother of Dragon
8: Talks
9: Not so Fav
11: Best or Worst?
12: Butterflies Died
13: Texts
14: No One Important
15: Meeting Again
16: Tag Along
17: Train
18- Loser?
19: Engaged
20: Fever
21: Go Home
22: Dinner
23- Mehendi
24: Blank
25- First Night or First Kick?
26- Manik's pov
27- Biryani
28: Club
29: Paparazzi
30: Back to square one?
31- Regret
32: Love, Like or Leave?
33- Back to Palace
34- A new to way to apologise
35- Emotions
36- Embarassment
37- If and what
38- Punishment??
39- Study
40- Moonlight
41- His Monkey
42- Result
43: Perpetual Infatuation

10: Bus

3.7K 319 5
By xoxomarbil

Sorry for the mistakes

Nandini's pov


I pushed Manik's leg to his side, but this guy is made up of iron I think, he didn't budged, not even a little and continued doing whatever he was doing on his phone

I've been trying to sit comfortably from so long but he has taken all the space

I Again pushed his shoulder but as usual failed.

" Manik, I'll fall down. Please move " I said politely but as always he ignored me and closed his eyes

This jerk of a crush is getting on my nerves!

Its already 11:00 pm and we aren't going to reach Goa till 8: 00 am, everybody has already slept, I was also feeling sleepy but Manik was not letting me sit.

He is behaving like he's the owner of both the seat, If anymore speed break would come, I would definitely fall down.

" Manik, no one is staring at you. You don't need to act this mean " I almost begged in a hope that he might have some sense left but no

The bus skid a little and I fall down with both my hands and legs on the floor. Embarassed, I looked around to see did anybody saw me falling, fortunately no one saw. Then, I turned my head towards Manik who continued acting like he's fast asleep, but I knew he isn't.

Sighing, I stood up and looked around at my Friends seat, all 3 of them were fast asleep, not only them almost everyone was sleeping because of all those shouts amd games we played.

" Manik, I know you're awake. Just move Please, I need to sleep" I hissed irritated

He didn't moved, if possible he took the whole seat leaving next to none space for me.

What does he want? Does he want me to stand whole way to Goa.

No response, Again!!

Thinking and looking around the bus once again in a hope to find any vacant seat, I didn't found any.

What should I do now? I'm sleepy

Taking a deep breathe, I looked at Manik, who was still acting like he's asleep

" Fine Manik Malhotra, if that's what you want. Now Don't blame me for the consequences " I gritted my teeth and slowly removed my shoes

Putting my feet on the seat, I sat on his lap with both my legs at the either side of his waist.

The second I sat he opened his eyes wide in shock and whisper yelled "What the Fuck? "

So much of sleeping, huh?

" I requested you a zillion times to move but you didn't, now save your popularity " I stated

Hearing me, he gritted his teeth and pushed me so hard that I lost my balance, but fortunately I got hold of the seat behind me which saved me from getting hurt.

Balancing myself on his lap, I took no time to hold him by wrapping both my hands around his neck like my life is dependent on him.

" Nandini, don't test my patience " he hissed in a dangerous voice which can't be ignored even if someone want to

Yet I ignored him, now he will taste his own medicine and will see how does it feel like being ignored.

I put my head on his shoulder, and closed my eyes

I couldn't help but my dirty mind started thinking how our faces are only inches apart and if any movement from either side will happen, I might get an accidental kiss.

Right now he must be thinking about ways to kill me and here I'm thinking about my impossible accidental kiss. What the hell is wrong with me.

Stop it, Nandini!

He was shocked and angry beyond limit when I put my head on his shoulder, he jerked me off again but I sticked with him like my second skin

" Nandini, move. Fuck off from my Lap " he groaned trying to remove my hands from him, I plainly ignored him and his groans

He continued in jerking me off until he realised that I'm not going to leave him anytime soon.

" Urggh " he let out an angry groan.

My eyes were already closed, the heat from his body was keeping me warm and I couldn't help but snuggle more and more into him.

If anyone would look, they would surely assume that we are making out or something.

After few minutes or so, I started sleeping for real this time, and involuntarily my hand held his neck.

I have a habit of holding someone's neck while sleeping, if there is no one beside me then I hold my own neck and sleep as it gives me a sense of safety.

Again One of my many weird habits.

Sensing my hand on his neck, he jerked my hand away from him

" Are you trying to choke me? Get off from me" He whisper shouted

" No, I'm sleepy " I muttered ignoring his warning and held his neck only to get jerked off again

" Keep your hands with yourself. Don't fucking touch me" he said pissed off

As I was already half asleep, I didn't replied anything and again, move my hand upward but this time to hold my own neck.

I felt him groaning in irritation which I plainly ignored, few moments later I heard a phone ring. The caller tune wasn't mine, so I continued with my sleep

" No Mom" Manik uttered softly

" No need for that, I will take the Bus only. You don't worry. " I heard him and after that everything went blank as I was already in deep slumber.

Sometime in the middle of night, I felt two hands wrapping my back and the feeling which I get surpassed any kind of butterflies or summer salts in my stomach.


" Nandini, Nandini " Someone whispered in my ears making me groan, with closed eyes I raised my hand in air to hit whoever disturbing me

I snuggled more into my pillow after hitting the person. Damn its so warm, I don't want to get out of bed not now, not ever.

" Manik, Manik. we have reached " I again heard someone saying loudly

I know who's trying to tease me by his name, that bitch of my roommate Zara.

" Zara, let me sleep. Please I'm begging you " I whined making a crying face

After few minutes or so, I felt something moving under me, and in a blink of eyes I got jerked off from my warm pillow.

Lazily, I opened my eyes only to shout on Zara but stop when I saw Manik, looking here and there in confusion, his eyes were half open, like he just woke up.

I couldn't believe my eyes, this dream is too real to be true.

I stared at him with wide eyes and slowly raised my hands to touch him

With my index finger, I poked his mole above his lips and he didn't vanished.

All this time, he was busy staring me with no emotions on his face like he was trying to recall what happened.

Still Not able to realise is he real or not, I took my palms and cupped his cheeks, only to remove it in a second

He is real!

" You-you are real! " I said shocked

My mind was blank, while my eyes and mouth were wide opened.

A click sound brings me out of
my thought, I looked around only to saw mine and his friends with their phone or camera in their hands. That's when everything started rushing back.

God! Why didn't I thought yesterday that not only him even I will also have to face the embarassment and teasing.

I looked at Manik, who was giving me his famous irritated look.

Slowly, I got up from his lap and met with teasing glares of my friends.

My face must be red, as I could feel the burning sensation on my face and my palms were wet with sweat because of nervousness.

In my defense, last night I didn't had any other option other than to sit on his lap. He was being mean for no reason and I was very sleepy.

I was avoiding my friends smirks by looking for my shoes when I heard Manik saying arrogantly " Are you guys done with your shitty teases? "

" No one teased you, we are just looking at the cute couple " Cabir said chuckling

I moved my head slightly to see that his friends were seeing the video on their camera and commenting on Manik as how he held me.

I tilted my head more towards Manik and saw anger, irritation and embarassment, all at once. He closed his eyes like he was controlling himself from outbursting.

A few seconds later, he opened his eyes and looked straight towards me, he was spitting fire from his eyes and if looks could kill I'd be 10 feets under now. Gritting his teeth, he was about to say something when the Professor who was with us said " All right Students, we are Here. Lets Move "

Thank God!

I don't have any guts left for Manik's anger so, I hurriedly look towards my friends and said " what? Lets go! "


After settling our stuffs in the room, I laid straight on the bed and closed my eyes thinking and replaying last night about how safe and content I felt in his arms, it was the most intimate I have ever been to anyone, its special because that someone was my crush. My first ever Crush.

I was playing last night again and again, just for my silly heart when I heard Divya's chuckle

" replaying huh? " She asked laying beside me

" Wh-what? " I asked acting oblivious about what she's referring to

" Want to see the pic I have clicked? " She asked smirking

" Divya, this is not good habit to click anyone's pic without their permission" I told her

" Ok then, I will just delete it " she said shrugging her shoulder

" What no, show me " I said hurriedly

" Why? You just said that Its not a good habit then? " she asked me acting all innocent

" No, show me please " I sat on the bed almost pleading her

" Fine, enjoy " she winked giving me her phone

I saw the pic and god, it was just awesome. I couldn't help but blush seeing Manik's hand on my back. He looked adorably cute.

Me, at the other side was looking like some drunken cat with hairs sprawled all over my face, how does people look beautiful while sleeping also.

This Divya has not clicked good pics of mine

" What the hell? Can't you clicked at some angle, he is looking so handsome and I'm looking so dumb infront of him " I said angrily

" Well, this is what I could do. I was busy ogling the live mms rather than caring about photo angle " she said taking her phone back

I pouted

She showed me another pic which was so good, that I lost all the adjectives just by seeing that.

It was taken from a little distance, my face was on his chest, while he was snuggling into my hairs. Both of my legs were either side of his waist and we looked Cute

Cutest, in my eyes!

I was busy blushing when Divya whispered " Zara made a video "

I blushed hard just then Jovi and Zara came and plopped on the bed

" Looks like the redness is permanent" Jovi said teasing me and I blushed again

God! My jaws are hurting because of all these non stop blushes!

Not wasting much time, I looked at Zara and said in the softest voice possible " Zara, you're the bestest roommate anyone could ever have "

" I'm not showing you the videos " she said rolling her eyes

" I wasn't asking for that, I just thought to let you know that you're my bestest friend forever " I said still acting all sweet

" Nandini, I'm still not showing you the video." She said looking at me

This girl!

" You know what, you're a bitch, bitchiest friend anyone could ever have " I shouted

" Tell me something I don't know " she said chuckling

" Divyaaaa, ask her" I whined at Divya to help me but she just chuckled

" Guys lets go for breakfast " Jovi said

I left my bed reluctantly and followed them


The hotel in which we stayed was nearby the beach, the view around the hotel was exotic and worth looking. After having breakfast, our faculty who accompanied us said that we will go out for sight seeing at 4 pm.

For now we all are free to roam, rest and just do whatever we can as long as it doesn't contain doing illegal stuffs.

So here I'm, trying to sleep but sleep is nowhere in my eyes. Beside me Jovi is fast asleep, while I'm replaying last night again and again.

I need some distraction from Manik!

Sighing, I came out of my room and wandered here and there in the hotel when I saw a familiar figure laughing.

So much of distraction!

I stood still in my place, and watch how my Crush is laughing with a small child around 4. He was talking to him animatedly and looked so care free and cute at the very moment.

After few minutes, The child parents or someone came to take him. Before going he hugged Manik and kissed his cheeks.

Manik kissed him back making me smile wide

Well the arrogant Malhotra do know how to be kind!

Once the kid left, the Manik who was all happy changed into the arrogant one again. He stood up, wore his ray ban and left like he owns the world.

No one who will see him now, would know that this guy was laughing a few seconds ago.

Bipolar enough!

I hid behind the pillar so that he won't see me, as I'm sure he would scold me and humiliate me again for the bus stunt I did.

I was busy in hiding when I heard his voice from behind me" After letting me go through all those embarassment, you're hiding here "

I slowly turned back to see him angrily looking at me, Like I have stolen something precious of him

" Wh-wh-what? " I asked shrugging but my legs were literally shivering from the way he was glaring at me

" You- " he said pointing his fingers to me venomously but fortunately Dhruv, his friend called him.

He turned back to look at Dhruv, and before anything I ran off from there saving myself from his ruthlessness.


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