True Mate

By shanybabii

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Quinn is just trying to survive all while protecting her her sister. But what happens when an accident forces... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chaper 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapert 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 33

102 2 0
By shanybabii

       "What's are you doing?" I heard Tegan ask making me jump a mile in the air. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked clutching my chest. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" She said putting the coffee on. I looked around and saw it was almost morning.
        "So how was it?" I asked looking at her. "It was" she smiled sighing "it was nice." She blushes staring off into the distance. Earlier while doing interviews Tegan found her mate, and she was with him all day today. She made me promise not to tell her family since he was a rouge. Which meant he was bad news.
       "What did you guys do?" I smiled wagging my eyebrows. "Nothing" she smiled touching her lips making me smile "we just talked" she said just as the coffee maker went off. She grabbed two cups and poured us some and got some us creamer with sugar. "Thanks" I said sipping the caffeiney goodness feeling it wake me up.
       "So, what are you doing?" She asked looking at the papers. "Well I've been piecing this puzzle together. Trying to see where Paul is, and who his partner is" I said. "So far, I figured that as much as Paul hates the werewolf community, he's working with the rouges to get inside the boarders. Because without them you guys will tear him to shreds. Also, I figured that of all the recent rogues that came through here six stayed, and of the six four of them has a sketchy past." I explained to her.
      "Wow. You've been busy" she said looking at the paper. "So, what now?" She asked looking at me. "Now I just have to find out which of the four is the leak and we can work from there" I said. "But enough of me. When are you going to lets us meet this mate of yours?" I asked. "I don't know" she shrugged. "He says he wants to take things slow" she pouted taking a sip of her coffee. "I mean your brother and I took it slow and look at us now" I smiled.
      "Yeah but eight months is too slow" she frowned "I've been waiting for him for so long" she exclaimed "I want him now. What's us waiting going to do we have the rest of our lives" she whined putting her head down making me chuckle.
       I was at the diner when I heard the bell ring signaling that someone came in. I looked up and saw It was Tegan. "Hey" I smiled at her. "Did you even sleep?" She asked. "Nope. My brain has just been working nonstop" I said hyper. I mean I did have at least three shots of espresso. "Wow you're super hyper" she laughed. "What are you doing here?" I asked her. "Looking for a certain someone?" I asked wagging my eyebrows.
       "No" she blushed. "Yes" I replied. "Fine. I'll leave you alone. Besides he seems nice" I smiled. "Here" I stated giving her my notepad. "This is going to be our new menu, and I have to talk it over with Adrian. So, get in there and work your magic" I smiled. "Wait" I called making her turn around. I popped a button on her shirt exposing a little more cleavage than usual.
       "Now go" I smiled pushing her towards the kitchen. I peeked through the little window and watched them. They were so cute. He turned around and his eyes went straight to her cleavage making her blush. "Wow" I heard V say looking around. "I can't believe you did this" she smiled looking around. "I know" I smiled looking at her. Her stomach has gotten bigger and she had a glow to her. "So, it's true you finally did it" she smiled. "I did what?" I asked confused. "You guys mated" she smiled making me shush her looking around to make sure no one heard but I know they did.
      "Are you coming to the grand opening tonight?" I asked and she nodded. "Yeah. I think almost everyone in town is coming" she smiled making me smile. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah ever since your Halloween and your birthday party people have been looking to get invited to your shin digs" she exclaimed. "You're the talk of the town" She smiled making me smile. "Speaking of talk of the town. When is your mating ceremony going to be?" She asked. "I don't know" I was supposed to meet Tristan soon so we could talk about it" I smiled thinking about it.
        I walked into the house and made my way to Tristan's office. I saw he had a meeting going on and I looked at him ignoring the people in his office. "Please excuse me gentlemen" he smiled and got up following me. "Did you forget something?" I asked him annoyed. "Um no" he said dumbfounded making my Irritation even worse. "Did you forget that we were supposed to meet for lunch today" I semi yelled. "Shit" he exclaimed.
      "Babe I'm sorry I got wrapped up in this meeting. Plus, we've been discussing a plan for Paul." He exclaimed. "Fine. Let's go" I said walking into the office. I sat in Tristan's chair looking for the paper I was writing on earlier.
      "Gentlemen" I smiled. "Have you had an influx of rogues lately?" I asked and they all just looked at me. "We have" one guy said "but they're just passing through" the guy finished. "Which one of your packs are the closest to ours?" I asked, and two of them raised their hands. "And did any of the rouges stay?" I asked, and they nodded. "So, I figured out that the only way Paul can get this close to the packs is through the rogues. So, he's working with them and the ones in your towns are the moles that we need to dig out quickly and efficiently" I said as they looked at me walking out the office.
        I stood in front of the mirror trying to put on my necklace. Tonight, was the grand reopening of the diner and I was adding the finishing touches on my outfit. I had decided to wear some jeans and a wrap like blouse. "Here let me help you" I heard Tristan say from behind me referring to my necklace. "I got it" I exclaimed annoyed pushing his hand away.
         "Why are you mad?" He asked confused. "I'm not mad. I'm just annoyed" I exclaimed. "Is it because I didn't meet you today for the ceremony?" He asked. "No" I exclaimed getting annoyed with the necklace. Honestly, I was a bit agitated, but I think it was mostly due to my period coming soon and also because he never showed up.
        "I'm sorry the meeting was more important" he exclaimed closing his eyes realizing what he had said. "Wow" I said grabbing my purse and going to the car. The whole ride there I was silent. I mean I understand the meeting was a bit more important but so was our ceremony.
        "Babe I'm sorry" Tristan begged "I didn't mean it" he said parking the car. "It's fine" I clipped getting out and walking inside to find the wait staff bustling about as Tegan yelled at them.
        "Thank god you're here" she said looking at me. "We have a small problem" she exclaimed looking at me. "What?" I exclaimed worried.
         "We Don't have enough fries" she said. "Do we have any potatoes?" I asked walking into the kitchen. "No" she exclaimed. "Ok what are our other side options?" I asked. "Mozzarella sticks, onion rings, and hash browns" she listed. "Ok. Well give fries to the kids only. Everyone else we'll offer them the substitutions for two dollars extra" I offered. "Now let's go get this thing done" I prayed looking at the ceiling hoping to get this night over with.

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