Helluva Boss: New Workers

By KLigers98

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In the lands of hell, is a startup assassination business called Immediate Murder Professionals or I.M.P. Th... More

Prologue: Misfits of hell
Chapter 1: Shit getting done and resolved
Chapter 2: History of a snake
New Workers of I.M.P Bios
Chapter 3: Alcohol, Violence, and Sex
Chapter 4: A Ground Breaking Union
Chapter 5: Going to the Vatican
Chapter 6: Tai's Intervention / Viper past
Chapter 7: A child is born / The Big Payback
Chapter 8: Hell's Disneyland
Chapter 9: Spring Broken
Chapter 10: Fucking Angels
Chapter 11: The Harvest Moon Festival
Chapter 12: A Party To Remember
Chapter 14: Brother and Sister Reunion
Chapter 15: Truth Seekers and Guests?
Chapter 16: A deal gone wrong
Chapter 17: More Guests?
Chapter 18: Pin Drop
Halloween Chapter: Vega's House of Chaos
Chapter 19: Work and Life

Chapter 13: Hazbin Hotel

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By KLigers98

(I do not own Helluva Boss or any of the art and characters except Tai. All art and artwork belong to their respective owners. Also, the music belongs to their artist)

(Warning Dark Humor, sex, alcohol, drugs, and other mature themes are in this story. Please don't read if you cannot handle it.)

(This story was created by KLigers98 and .)

KLigers98: Hey everyone, I hope you all are ready for this chapter because this one will be hectic! Tell them, Toja!

Tojamaru: Things only seem to keep escalating. Now Viper has a job from Lucifer himself. This can only mean mass destruction.


I.M.P Building (Work Shop)

Inside the I.M.P workshop, Tai was seen upside-down hanging by some chains while Breaker was sitting on a chair where Verosika was going down her, if you get what I mean, behind a desk.

Tai: What the hell, Breaker! I thought we were cool?

Breaker: I'm a vindictive bitch, Tai! You should've never crossed me!

Tai: You are mad because I went with your girlfriend to do a music video with her? She asked how come she's not getting punished?

Breaker: You haven't been listening. I'm a vindictive bitch! No one is shown mercy!

As Breaker said, she pulls Verosika up from under the desk and let her look at Tai.

Verosika: Oh, she is punishing me, Tai. She's not letting me get off until I fill her needs and if I do, she freaking shocks me with a car battery attached to my nipples!

Verosika said which Breaker smacks her ass and shocks her, moaning in pleasure and pain.

Breaker: Shut up bitch! I didn't say you could talk!

Tai: Oh dear Satan some someone, please help me!

Breaker: Oh, no one is coming to save you pussy cat!

As Breaker said, everyone then hears the elevator going down, and out came Viper and Silva they both see what is happening and are perplexed about what to say.

Silva: Hiss?

Viper: Sis I was unaware it was Friday night already, and you invited Tai, that's unlike you. Usually, it's a private affair.

Tai: Viper help Breaker is mad because I did a music video with Verosika? One I did not ask she asked and then when the music video got out social media decided to be a bitch and say I was her new boy toy! Now please let me down?!

Viper just looks at Tai and then Breaker with a surprising look on his face.

Viper: Breaker, we talked about this, misunderstanding is shattering kneecaps, not mental torture.

Tai: Oh hell no! I need my kneecaps!

Verosika then comes up from under the air and looks at Breaker.

Verosika: Wait I am getting my kneecaps broken?

Breaker: Not you, I already knew how I wanted to deal with you. Let's just say we're already doing it.

Verosika understood and went back under the table which Breaker smiled and then turned to Tai.

Breaker: Now then, what about you Pussy Cat?

Tai: Come on Breaker you really going to bust my caps over a music video in the human world? I didn't grind on your girlfriend or anything to her? Yet I got dragged away from my home when my wife was in a maid outfit ready to give service to me? Why the hell do you do that? Do you know how hard it is to have sex when Taivan is asleep?

Breaker: You really don't learn do you, sometimes it's better to shut up than run your mouth! Besides, I promised Viper I wouldn't bust your caps since we need you for that secret job. You make an ass of yourself in front of you know who, then I shatter your kneecaps.

Tai: Really? When have I ever in the past few weeks have I been an ass?

Breaker: Let me get the list, every time you open your mouth, every time you do something, every time you suggest something, should I go on?

Tai: Oh come on how long could the list be?

Breaker then showed the list and saw it was pretty small until it opened which stretched out the whole room.

Tai: Wow... Hey! I thought you liked that trip when we went to Carnival in Rio?

Tai said pointing out on the list of this he has done.

Breaker: I did, just because I enjoy something doesn't mean you aren't making an ass of yourself.

Viper: Yeah your kneecaps are screwed.

Tai: How was making an ass of myself when I suggested Rio as a vacation spot?

Viper then places his combat knife near Tai's throat as he gives him a serious look.

Viper: What part of learning to shut up do you not understand? Do you know how many people die down here because they don't know how to stop running their mouths?

Tai: Let me see about-

Viper smacks him with one of the Orochi snakeheads to shut him up.

Viper: And if I were your enemy, you'd be dead. This is what I'm talking about, learn to shut up.

Tai: I only talk with you guys? You are my friends. I never once talked to the targets I killed?

Viper and Breaker were quiet for a bit as he did have a point there but still continued to integrate him.

Breaker: Yeah, we're your friends now, if you piss us off, who's to say we won't off you on the spot?

Viper: If you upset our person of interest, I'm obligated to kill you.

Tai: Really? You think when I run my mouth with you guys I would do it on the job?!

Tai was angry when Viper and Breaker looked at him.

Tai: I been killing for a while before I met you Viper as well as your sister. I have done my job with effectiveness! I have partnered up with you and you saw what I am capable of yet you don't trust me when it comes to this?

Breaker: So? Hate to break it to ya Tai, you don't hold a candle to Dejango, the man could shoot someone through the eye from two hundred yards out with a revolver.

Viper: Plus you're not exactly stealthy, I could do most of the jobs on my own without anyone even knowing I was there. Plus there's one detail you're forgetting.

Viper & Breaker: You always talk when one of us is on the job with you.

Tai was silent and then the chains came off and he descended to the ground and landed on his feet.

Tai: Really, just because I fucking talk. Fine, then you don't want me to talk I won't talk.

Tai then just leaves the room and went up the elevator leaving the brother-sister duo alone.

Viper: Well it looks like we finally broke him. Honestly, he doesn't get how Hell works, he's down here because he deserves to be, we all are.

Breaker: I was born here, it's all I've ever known. You don't think Pussy Cat will blab to the others about our little mission do you?

Viper: If he does, well you can shatter his kneecaps.

Breaker: Fuck yeah!!

Next Day

Both Breaker and Viper were at the parking lot waiting for Tai to do the mission.

Viper: So how much you wanna bet he'll run his mouth.

Breaker: Easy one hundred on that one, and you?

Viper: two hundred he won't, the bastard is surprisingly determined when angry.

As the two were talking Tai came and he wasn't talking effectively making Viper the winner.

Breaker: Shit!

Viper: not looking good for you sis.

Tai was silent and said nothing.

Viper: Alright, now let's get out of here before the others show up, I don't want them in Lucifer's crosshairs because they know about this. Or getting yelled at, fuck that noise.

Breaker: We're here early, let's get moving before the others have time to show up.

Tai said nothing and got on Breaker's truck and strapped himself in.

Viper: Looks like this is a losing battle for you sis.

Breaker: The day is still young bro.

Breaker and Viper get in the truck and they head out to meet Charlie.

Pentagram City

On the road to meet Charlie Viper and Breaker were chatting while Tai said nothing which was being noticed a bit.

Viper: Son of bitch is actually doing it.

Breaker: I hate it when you're right, you know that?

Tai still kept his mouth shut only pointing his finger which both turned to see a familiar hotel.

Viper: Oh sweet innocent Charlie, I really do question how you're a demon sometimes.

Breaker: Happy Hotel? Give me a second to vomit, honestly, I'm gonna have to talk some sense into her!

Tai just said nothing and just shook his head. Breaker then finds parking for the truck and all they got out and headed to the hotel.

At the front doors of the Hotel Viper was explaining what the mission was to Breaker and Tai.

Viper: Okay you two will stand guard here at the hotel, I have to go off on my own in about an hour to kill that bitch. Make sure Charlie doesn't find out what I'm doing, you know how she feels about violence.

Breaker: Right, sorry Pussy Cat, we got the boring job. Who knows maybe Charlie doesn't have anyone in her hotel yet! That would sure make things easier.

Tai just gives him a lazy thumbs up.

Tai then walks to the door and knocks on it and all of them hear the door opening and the one to open it was some female spider demon.

Spider Demon: We don't want anything from you except maybe you kitty you look nice~

Tai said nothing, only turning to Breaker and Viper with a confused look on his face.

Breaker: Is that a man or a woman?

Viper: We're looking for Charlie, it's business-related.

Angel Dust: I am a guy and also yeah she's inside the name is Angel Dust toots.

Angel said as he swayed his hips as he went back inside.

Tai just turns to Breaker and points at Angel.

Breaker: Yeah I thought he was a girl too!

Viper: How'd you know that's what it meant?

Breaker: I've listened to Tai blather so much I can guess what he says before he even opens his mouth.

Tai then gestures to get inside which both Breaker and Viper did. Once inside the hotel, they see Charlie talking to a mouth demon.

Charlie: You think anyone would come to the hotel?

Viper: Depends Princess, you got rooms available?

Charlie turned her head and saw Viper and smiled but faltered as Vaggie tried to attack him only for Tai to cut her off and put her in a chokehold.

Vaggie:¡Déjame ir bastardo!

Viper: Let her go, Tai! Listen hear sweetheart you don't want to go attacking one of Charlie's friends. Especially when he's known by the name Orochi.

Vaggie: Wait your Charlie's friends I thought you were an assassin? I mean you smell like you have death on you.

Viper: You are aware I'm one of the Four Beasts of Oblivion right? One of Charlie's father's personal assassins?

Vaggie didn't say anything, only that she was embarrassed.

Vaggie: I see now can you tell the cat to let me go?

Breaker: Tai, remember what I said about the kneecaps.

Tai lets go of her and then goes to the bar and rings a bell where a Cat demon with wings appears and looks at Tai.

Husk: Hello, there the name is Husk what do you want?

Tai pointed at a can of soda which Husk nodded and he poured him a glass which Tai gave him a thumbs up and drank it.

Charlie: Your friend doesn't say much, does he?

Breaker: Actually it's damn near impossible to get him to shut up! The only reason he's so quiet is that we dared him not to speak for an entire job.

Tai then signed something to husk which he laughed at what Tai said which made Breaker look confused.

Breaker: If he's talking shit, his kneecaps are mine.

Husk: He said no talking with my lips you never said hands. Also, he said I wouldn't look at the tv.

Breaker then turned to the tv and looked red with anger at what she was seeing on the tv.

On the tv was Killjoy talking about Tai and Verosika new music video which made her angry.

Breaker: You promised Viper, you promised Viper, if he talks, then you break his kneecaps.

Katie Killjoy: Hello my name is Katie Killjoy and I will like to say that Verosika new music video My Oh My is a real hit and not only that who is this mysterious stranger that singing with her? Is he some new boy toy or is he her new man?

Breaker then gets mad while Tai nervously signs for more soda.

Breaker: Your calm, your calm.

Katie Killjoy: Fan's guess as well as report suspect that he was a secret side piece for that later bloom to something more and I have to say I wouldn't mind get plowed by that cat meow~

Tai then chokes on his soda and coughs at what the reporter said. Tai then signed to Husked which he agreed.

Husk: I agree buddy I wouldn't touch that bitch even if I was paid to do her.

Breaker: You know what, tell me when the news is off! I'm going to cool down!

As Breaker tried to stay calm the reporter said something to break Breaker no pun intended.

Katie Killjoy: This just in new sources have said that this man is indeed Verosikas new man.

When the reporter said that Breaker turned to Tai who minded his own business before removing the skull decoration from her belt as it transformed into her hammer. Breaker then smashed the TV before leaving the room.

Tai then sighed and pulled some money out of his wallet and handed it to Husk plus a little more.

Husk: Yeah looks like you need the strong stuff.

Husk then grabs a bottle of rum and makes a rum and coke for Tai who gives Husk a thumbs up.

With Breaker

Breaker: He's getting his kneecaps broken after this mission I swear to Lucifer himself!

As Breaker was yelling she feels a tap on her shoulder and turns around to see Charlie with a smile on her face.

Charlie: Hey Breaker you okay?

Breaker calms down and sighs at Charlie.

Beaker: Yeah, just some dumb personal stuff. You should probably talk to Viper, you've missed out on a lot these past few years.

Charlie: I see well you seem angry with your friend when Verosika is mentioned for some reason, care to explain why? Also, how are your dad and the rest of the gang doing?

Breaker: Your old man probably didn't tell you, but Dad, Dejango, Gizmo, they're all dead. The stupid faulty holy weapon turned into a holy hand grenade and vaporized them! Then Viper and I had a falling out, he lived on the streets with Silva, I locked myself in the scrapyard and built myself some new legs.

Charlie was shocked by the news and hugs Breaker who hugs her back.

Charlie: I am so sorry I didn't call you sooner. I was so busy with the hotel and didn't know one of my friends was hurt. I am so sorry.

Breaker: It's not your fault, besides it worked out in the end. Viper just showed up at the scrapyard one day with a group of idiots to get some scrap for weapons. Next thing you know, Mr. Loner made a whole new group of friends.

Charlie: So that Tai guy was one of those people in the group?

Breaker: Not the one that visited the scrapyard, but he was one of the people I met when I decided to join them. Bit of an idiot that doesn't know when to shut up, but he's not the worst asshole I've met.

Charlie: I see but-

Before Charlie could say anything the noise of Vaggie was being heard at the other room where both Breaker and Charlie went and saw a little girl with one eye trying to get in Tai's pants who trying to remove her while Vaggie was doing to same.

Vaggie: Down girl down!

Viper: Sorry shorty, my dumbass best friend is already married, go find some other guy's snake to charm.

Tai was trying to pull her off and was looking for help without talking.

Charlie: Man, that guy really is keeping his promise huh?

Breaker: He's a dumbass, but even he's not stupid enough to cheat on his wife when she would tear him to ribbons.

Charlie: Wait he is married yet the media thinks he is dating Verosika?

Breaker: I swear I will crack your skull wide open if you don't shut up!

Charlie: Sorry, just what is your relationship with the pop star anyway?

Breaker: I'm her girlfriend!

Charlie was stunned as well as everyone in the room.

Breaker: Shit, didn't mean to let that slip.

Charlie: Oh damn!

Vaggie: You're dating Verosika?!

Husk: Huh, that's surprising.

Tai was silent while also trying to remove the midget who was humping his leg.

Viper: Alright tiny, time's up.

One of the Orochi snakes came off of Viper's back, still looking like a tattoo before biting down on the back of her clothing and lifting her off.

Nifty: Let me go! I want some of that Cat dick and also want to get a baby as well!

As the one-eyed girl said that Tai backed away quickly and hid behind Vaggie.

Viper: Look either you chill the fuck out, or your snake food!

The other seven Orochi snakes appeared out of Viper's back before hissing at the one eyed girl.

Charlie: Viper no we are trying to help her get into heaven!

As Charlie said that Tai looked at her and started to chuckle which confused her.

Charlie: Why is your friend laughing?

Viper: His dumbass thinks that god isn't in heaven, keep in mind the prick decided to have that conversation while Orochi was rampaging. Frankly I wish he would stop obsessing over heaven and accept his place in Hell.

Tai then signed to Husk which he translated for him.

Husk: Your friend said that God left heaven in charge of the those nice angels and people on earth or hell can't get in.

Charlie: Nice angels?

Viper bit back a hiss as the seven Orochi snakes not holding Nifty surrounded him.

Viper: Tai, who the fuck cares?! God hasn't done shit for us and never will! He sent guys like me and you down here, for good reason, but as far as I'm concerned he can do whatever he wants as long as he doesn't vaporize anymore people I care about! So why don't you forget him and just accept that we're all stuck down here?!

Tai just sighed and Husk just poured him another glass of soda.

Charlie watched the friends argue before noticing that Orochi was under control.

Charlie: Viper, when did you learn to control Orochi?! I thought you didn't like using him because he would.

Husk: Tai, said he learned to control it at Wrath which then transformed at a party at Stolas place. Did I say it right?

Viper: No actually, Orochi was about to kill that prick and my sister, so I struck a deal. If they didn't fall in line, I would off myself.

Silva let out a hiss to confirm Viper's statement.

Husk as well as the rest of the Hazbin crew all turn to see Silva and back away only except Charlie, Breaker, and Tai.

Husk: Where the hell did a snake get in here?

Viper: Sorry, she probably went off on her own to hunt rats. Don't worry, she doesn't bite, unprovoked.

Tai then signed to Husk which made him pale.

Husk: Tai said the snake ate an entire demon in one gulp when someone was messing with you?

Viper let what could only be described as a predatory grin spread across his face.

Viper: What can I say? She's protective of those she likes, plus do you see the size of her? You think a snake becomes ten feet long from just eating rats?

The Hazbin crew shook their heads no until all of a sudden an oink could be heard in the room and everyone turned to see a cute little demon pig.

Silva turned to Viper and hissed.

Silva: Hiss?

Viper: I don't know, hey Charlie does that pig belong to anyone?

Viper then hears steps and Angel dust appears.

Angel Dust: Hey Charlie I need more batteries for my vibra- OH GOD IS THAT A FUCKING SNAKE!

Angel Dust grabs his pet and hugs him tight while standing behind Charlie.

Angel Dust: Don't let that thing near my baby!

Tai then signed to Husk which he turned to Viper:

Husk: Your friend said now we know who the pig belongs to.

Viper: Silva wouldn't eat something that belongs to someone else, unless she hated them. Silva, you hate this guy?

Silva: Hissss...

Viper: She says that she's more confused whenever she looks at him. Yes I told you, he's a guy.

Angel Dust: I can be anything you want for the right price~

Tai then just looked at Viper who then turned to Husk and signed at him.

Husk: Your friend said is he a prostitute? Which I say yes.

Viper: Alright, we gotta get back on track here. One is there anyone else in this hotel we should know about before I try and get down to business?

A knock on the door could be heard which he decided to be helpful and opened the door and was shocked who was at the door and then closed the door and then put a barricade and then pulled out his guns.

Tai then turned to the others who saw he was frightened beyond belief.

Viper also sensed something as a sadistic smile spread across his face.

Viper: I know that feeling anywhere, looks like it's time we dance once again you smooth talking son of a bitch!

The door then busted open and an elk like demon appeared which both Tai and Viper got ready to fight only for Charlie to block them.

Charlie: Hold it! He is my business partner.

As Charlie said that Tai and Viper were shocked when she said that.

Breaker: I'm lost, who is this guy bro?

Viper: Someone who I've been dying to see ever since I got a handle on Orochi!

Tai just dropped his jaw.

Alastor: Well, well, what a fine day indeed. If it isn't Viper holder of Orochi still got those scars I gave you snake boy?

Viper: Don't know, you still missing those teeth I knocked out of your skull? Or what about those stab wounds? They close up alright?

Both demons looked at eachother ready to kill each other only to once again be stopped by Charlie.

Charlie: Viper stop! He is helping with my hotel so please don't try to kill each other.

Viper lowered his Combat Knife as Alastor lowered his microphone.

Viper: Dammit Charlie, always ruining my fun! Besides Alastor and I go way back, this bastard is one of the few people in Hell that can give me a good fight! So how've you been, Radio Demon?

Alastor: Great, though times have been boring! I mean compared to the turf war going on here in Pentagram City it's just uneventful.

Viper: Don't worry, next day off I get we can go back to one of the craters we created from our previous fights. I have full control over Orochi and unlocked it's true form, so no more handicaps required!

Alastor gave his demonic smile and chuckled.

Alastor: Oh this will be a remarkable day for sure.

Anyway, while Alastor and Viper were chatting Tai was back at the bar drinking which Niffty decided to stare at him.

Niffty: You look very handsome~

Tai just shrugged and kept drinking.

Breaker: Hey Tiny, you wanna get sent to the moon?

Niffty turns to Breaker and saw she had a hammer which she decided to leave not to anger her.

Breaker: That's a good girl. Now run along before I make you.

Tai then gave her a thumbs up and signed Husk for him to give her a drink.

Breaker: Consider it a favor to your wife, she doesn't need some half pint stalking you.

Tai then shrugged and kept drinking.

Charlie: Viper, you said you had business here?

Viper stopped talking to Alastor for a moment before facing her.

Viper: Yeah, your dad gave me a call a few nights ago, wanted me to come down this way.

Charlie looked confused as to why Viper was asked by her father.

Charlie: I see but why vist me?

Viper: Simple, make sure you're alright, see how you're doing. Then the fun part, making sure no one tries to take a hit out on the King's Daughter. So I'll be looking into these gangs, I'll pay them a...what's it called?

Tai then signed to Husk which he translated.

Husk: Your friend said a vist. A very thorough vist?

Viper: Slaughter! That's the word I was looking for!

Tai then sighed again which Husk tralanted again.

Husk: Your friend said that Slaughter does not do the justice for you do your targets. What does he mean by that?

Viper then looked at everyone in the room with a thoughtful look on his face.

Viper: You really wanna know? Like genuinely want to know?

Tai then looked at Husked and signed to him which made him pale.

Husk: Your friend said it be better not to know unless you want to be scar by the horrors you do.

Viper: Well I do have some time before I need to go after my target, I could show you what I'm like firing on all cylinders.

Vaggie: Wait, target? I thought you said you were investigating the gang wars?

Viper: Oops let that slip didn't I? Oh well, it's not like it'll matter much when it's all said and done.

Breaker: Me and Tai are just here to keep Charlie safe as well as all of you while Viper kills the target.

Silva then coiled around Charlie before resting her head on the princess's shoulder and giving a hiss of agreement.

Charlie: Aww I forgot how cute Silva can be also Viper you sure its a good idea the Overlords of hell are not to be taken likely.

Viper: Oh Charlie, I'm just going to kill a stupid bitch that crossed a line, I would've done this even if your father hadn't asked. The only difference is I'm getting a paycheck for it.

Breaker: As well as me and asshole over here.

Tai just flipped her the bird and drank.

Charlie: Who crossed the line?

Viper: Killjoy, now who wants to see what that news anchor has to look forward to before I head off to finish this mess?

Everyone raised their hands while Charlie guilty raised her hand as well.

Viper: Good, but let's go outside so I don't damage the hotel.

Hotel roof

Everyone wasat the roof of the hotel where Viper was getting ready to get the party started and by party I mean a massarcure that can't be explain by just words.

Viper: Okay so this is like the second time I'm using this, and apparently there's an activation cantation.

Viper took a deep breath before his eyes glowed a sinister purple color.

Viper: I am a creature of pure destruction, eight heads filled with razor sharp fangs, all those who dare enter my sight will be slaughtered without mercy! Come forth! Yamata no Orochi!!

Tai then turned to Husk and signed which Husk asks breaker a question.

Husk: Does your brother always look this terrifying when he rants like a snake ready for the hunt?

Charlie: That isn't insane rambling.

Alastor: No my uneducated friends, that is a chant to summon one of the Four Beasts of Oblivion. This will truly be an entertaining show!

Breaker: Yeah, Bro is completely sane right now, he's in full control of the power granted to him by Lucifer.

Suddenly all eight Orochi snakes shot out of Viper's back. As they extended further into the air, their bodies became larger as white scales formed over their bodies. They were no longer tattoos, but a living creature coming out of Viper's back just like at Stolas's party.

Tai then grabs a tub of popcorn and starts eating it which Breaker turns to him.

Breaker: When the hell did you have time to make popcorn.

Tai just shrugged and kept eating.

Vaggie: W-What the hell is he?

Angel Dust: I have no fucking clue but I wouldn't mind get some of that~

Alastor: Well now, that's it, I must say I heard stories of the full power of the Beasts used by that Captain and Dragon woman, but I never expected it to be like this! I look forward to our next dance Viper!

Viper: Alright kids the rules are simple, that bitch has probably every lowlife guarding the way to the news studio. Anyone gets in my way, they die, anyone tries to run, they die, anyone begs for their lives, they die. Luckily I don't cause property damage like the captain and dragon bitch, so most buildings will remain standing. Any questions?

Tai then signed to Husk which he translated to Viper.

Husk: Your friend said should we play taps or not yet?

Viper: Professionals don't need music, all they need is their weapons, and a target.

Breaker: I bet five hundred he makes it to the news studio in four minutes flat.

Tai then signed to Husk.

Husk: Your friend said 3 with guards being a bloody stain.

Viper: Alright, well let's see what type of welcome party they have for me. Hopefully his Majesty doesn't get pissed when he sees me ripping through half a city!

With that Viper jumped off the roof of the hotel and down to the streets below.

Charlie gently pet Silva on the head as she had a look of concern on her face.

Charlie: Will he be okay?

Silva then patted Charlie back with her tail and hiss with a yes.

Charlie then nodded and watched Viper head towards the studio.

666 News

Katie Killjoy was currently getting ready for her standard broadcast when an urgent news report came in from the city streets.

Katie: What the hell is going on?! Did some asshole start another gang war?!

Katie then hears screams coming from outside and turned to the window and saw fire and bullets flying in the air while also blood being splattered.

Katie: What the fuck? Someone pull up the cameras on the streets!

One of the people in control room did what they were told and showed the monitor of Viper killing the guards and turning them into blood stains.

One of the Orochi Snakes appeared on camera before swiping up the cameraman as he dropped his camera to the ground before being swallowed whole.

Viper approached the camera with a cracked lens before picking it up and holding it up to his face, revealing his glowing purple eyes.

Viper: Hello people of Hell! You're probably wondering what the fuck is going on right? Well let's just say a little spider got a little too big for her insect size, now the snake is here to remind her of the food chain!

With that said, Viper dropped the camera on the ground before crushing it with his foot, completely cutting the live feed.

Katie looked shocked and then became terrified and took out her phone and called every security guard they got to kill the snake bastard.

Katie: I don't care how you do it, just kill that bastard!

Guards surrounded the building as they blocked off the entrance. Viper appeared on the other side of the street as he stared the guards down.

Viper: So, are you going to risk your lives for this spider bitch, or are you going to get out of my way?

One of the guards fired their gun only to miss which Viper just laughs and gives the guards a wicked smile.

Viper: I'm not one for guns, they're loud, jam, and need to be reloaded. Now knives are where it's at! Unfortunately for you guys, I always have plenty on me!

The Orochi snakes opened their mouths as they spit out multiple of Viper's throwing knives, as the guards were turned into pin cushions. and then turned into blood stains as the snake heads grabs the knives and slice them at a rapid pace.

Viper: Alright boys that's enough, now collect the knives and go take a nap. The spider is all mine!

Orochi shrank as it reverted from living creature back into a tattoo before being sealed onto Viper's back once again. Viper let out a tired sigh as he put his throwing knives back in his jacket and other holding areas.

Viper: The power of the Beasts is great, but man does it take it out of you!

Viper then looked at his stopwatch and saw it landed on three minutes fifty nine seconds.

Viper: I really shouldn't, but since sis is already going to lose our bet from this morning.....

Viper started the watch and stopped it so it landed on four minutes.

Viper: Alright, now let's go rip the legs off a spider.

Viper then entered the news studio as he could see the employees were cowering in fear. Viper then turned to the receptionist.

Viper: Excuse me, which floor is the recording studio on?

The receptionist was scared but spoke.

Receptionist: Thiirrdd fffloorr!

Viper: Thank you, I'll take the elevator up, if you hear screaming, that's completely normal. Alright you have a nice day now.

Viper left for the elevator and the receptionist fainted out of fear.

Channel 666 Studio Room

Katie heard the elevator ding as the door opened to reveal Viper standing there with a bored look on his face.

Viper: So how much did you pay those guys anyway? Cause I would say get your money back, but they're all dead.


Viper stepped out of the elevator as he cracked his neck.

Viper: I have a question for you, you remember when you humiliated some poor girl on live television? You do know who you were screwing with right?

Katie then looked shocked and now know who Viper was talking about and tried to run only for her leg to be caught by one of Viper's snake heads.

Viper: Now you see, you should've started running the moment you embarrassed the princess of Hell on live television. Don't worry you won't be getting the Orochi treatment. I was given explicit orders to make this painful.

Viper then quickly threw four knives, one into each hand and leg, pinning Katie to the floor. Viper then pulled up a chair before sitting down in it and looking at Katie.

Katie: You can't do this I am Katie Killjoy hell's number one anchorwoman!

Viper: You know they say the earliest sign of a psychopath is when a child will rip the legs off a spider. Ripping isn't really my thing, I prefer cutting.

Viper pulled out his combat knife as his face was reflected in one side of the blade, while Katie's was reflected in the other. Viper twirled the large weapon in his hand before throwing it into the floor next to Katie's head. Viper then got up and walked to the side of Katie where his combat knife was.

Kaite was scared speechless and tried to crawl away only to be grabbed by Viper.

Viper: Now then, which leg should I cut off first?

Kaite: No, no, no, let me go, let me go!.

Kaite screamed for help which no one answered which Katie started form tears which then fell before her eyes.

Viper: Funny, you made her cry, now you're crying. I would say you're going to a better place, but we're in hell, there is nowhere after here!

Viper then turned to the camera and then winked at if sending a message to his employer and then turned back to Katie.

Viper: Any last words?

Katie: Some one he-

Kaite was then cut off by Viper as he slowly cut off each spider leg before looking Katie in the eye.

Viper: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Katie Killjoy signing off for the final time!

Viper then brought the knife down on her throat, killing her. Viper removed his knife before sheathing it on the back of his waist again.

Viper: Well that should've been good enough, hope my associates didn't see this broadcast, or worse the guys back at the office! Oh well better head back.

Happy Hotel

When Viper came back to the hotel both Breaker and Tai were sitting on the floor with Loona and Felicia screaming at them.

Felicia: You went on a mission without us knowing and didn't tell us it was from Lucifer!

Tai said nothing and was silent while for Breaker she squealed like a pig.

Breaker: Oh this is too good! I don't know how this could get any better!

Loona: Shut it Breaker you knew and didn't say anything you know what that means!

Breaker paled and knew what Loona meant.

Breaker: Not the dress anything but the dress!

As Viper saw this he tried to back away only for Angel's pig to rat on him.

Everyone turned to see Viper and he was just waving.

Viper: Okay look, I can explain.

Loona: Oh you will explain at home also how we found out easy. We saw the news and the only place you could stay without being murder was this place since you are friends with the owner.

Viper: Look, I just had to deleg a spider, after all no one talks shit about his Majesty's daughter and gets away with it. Speaking of, where is everybody?

Everyone heard screaming and turned to see Millie and Niffty fighting over Moxxie while Blitzo was laughing his ass off with Angel.

Millie: Find your own man bitch!

Nifty: Never he is the right size for me!

Moxxie: Someone help!

Viper: I swear, does Stolas know I have another boss? Like this could only get worse if I had to explain it to him or if one of those other two assholes saw the broadcast.

Tai then signs but Breakers hits him on the head.

Breaker: You can speak dumbass! The deal was if you talked about the mission to the crew I bust your kneecaps but since you didn't you can speak!

Tai then sighed with relief and spoke.

Tai: Fuck sakes I can talk again. Well I didn't break my promise but shit I didn't think Viper would get the crew on our ass.

Angel: That's what you sound like kitty I like it~

Felicia: Back off his dick, body, and tongue are mine.

Viper: Alright, let me go tell Charlie we're done here before we end up damaging anything. Gotta make sure to coordinate a day Alastor and I can fight too.

Loona: Oh you have time to do that after I fuck your brains out after putting me through this shit as well as the baby!

Viper: Look I promise you'll have me for the rest of the damn week, just don't do it when Charlie is around. Poor girl probably blew a fuse watching me march my ass over to the news studio.

As Viper said that Charlie was seen Vaggie consoling her who was traumatized by what she saw on the news.

Viper: Vaggie, who let her put on the news channel? And who do I have to castrate for it?!

Everyone pointed towards the Nugget which Angels defended him.

Angel: Hey, I didn't know Nugget was playing with Charlie and well she just came in and saw that.

Viper: So you're saying the pig turned on the news or did you turn on the news, leave the room and Charlie walked in? If you don't answer, both you and the pig's prostitute days are over.

Tai: Fuck all us turned on the news and had it on lowest setting so Charlie couldn't hear but little did we all know she would walk in seeing your death parade.

Viper: Alright, I'm feeling generous, I won't castrate anyone. Vaggie since I'm assuming you and Charlie are a thing, who's ass do you want me to kick?

Vaggie pointed at Tai and then Breaker.

Vaggie: Both of them said it would be hectic.

Tai and Breaker: Traitor!

Both of them felt a shadow loom over them as Viper stood there with a sadistic smile on his face.

Viper: Breaker, Tai, we've all been through a lot, but you did traumatize Lucifer's daughter, I can't let that one slide.

Both Tai and Breaker hugged each other in fear as to what was going to happen.

Tai: Breaker I am so sorry I acted like an idiot!

Breaker: Tai I used your knife to have sex with Verosika!

Tai then turned to Breaker with shock on his face.

Breaker: You did what with my knife.

Viper: How about you take a look at these knives instead?

Viper then held up five throwing knives in each hand as he smiled at them.

Tai: This is going to hurt isn't it?

Breaker: Yep

Tai: Bring it on.

Viper: Would now be a bad time to mention, I've mastered a very special kind of torture? One thousand paper cuts.

Tai and Breaker then looked at each other and closed their eyes.

One thousand paper cuts later

Both Tai and Breaker were in the infirmary while Felica was taking care of Tai's kid while Breaker was being consoled by Verosika.

Tai: That was horrifying.

Breaker: I think we got off lucky.

Tai: I mean god damn he is worse than you.

Breaker: One where do you think I get it from, and second he has a worse version of that bullshit.

Tai: Oh god I don't want to know.

Felica: At least you two not to act like idiots next time.

Verosika: Agreed though next time try to be civil next time babe. Anyway me and Felicia will go grab some food. Also, think about what I said babe.

Both Felicia and Verosika left the room.

Breaker: I only promise to try, I am my father's daughter after all, but this dumbass is lucky I have a soft spot for my friends.

Tai: Really I am friend? I thought you kill me?

Breaker just turned to Tai.

Breaker: Well yeah, what else would I call you?

Tai: Well I don't feel like a friend, you always make fun of me, you always think I am an idiot where I make it count and not only that you would be willing to kill me and as well as not trust me!

Breaker rolled her eyes before leaning back in her chair.

Breaker: You don't know when to shut up do you? I used to antagonize everyone in our little family of misfits. I used to tell Gizmo the only big thing about him were the explosions he caused. I used to tell Dejango that the only thing that would show him love was something that fired caliber or buckshot. I would tell Viper he would rather spend all his time with a some dirty snake he found then the people that took him in. Finally I used to tell my dad that only he would be fucking dumb enough to raise a child in a scrapyard.

Tai didn't say anything and just became silent.

Breaker: You gotta get it through your furball brain that demons aren't sappy cocksuckers, we throw insults, beat each other up, and treat each other like shit. The people we don't kill are the ones we care about.

Tai: Then why would you say you would kill me?

Breaker: It was a warning, don't make me kill you, your a filthy, motor mouthed, Pussy cat, but for some stupid ass reason I kind of actually like you.

Tai then chuckles at what Breaker said.

Tai: You know the funny thing is, I like you too. You remind me so much of my old life that you reminded me of my sister.

Breaker snorted at that statement.

Breaker: What kind of psycho bitch was your sister that I of all people remind you of her?

Tai: She wasn't a psycho but an outspoken girl ready to rumble. You remind me so much of her because she was strong willed and a smart ass.

Tai said with a sad look on face remembering his sister.

Breaker: Viper told me she overdosed, guess she was a little too stubborn.

Tai: I knew she had a problem. I tried making she stay clean. I don't know how she even got the cocaine until I found out that a drug dealer gave it to her for free after that I found her on life support. I felt so helpless and rage came over me and you know the rest. Fuck I don't even know she in the human world or Hell.

Breaker: Probably somewhere down here, last time I checked overdosing doesn't get you into the pearly gates.

Tai: True but I want to check first. Breaker I know we got beef but can you help check if she is still on earth or in Hell.

Breaker: I guess, I mean I do have an idea of where someone like that could be down in Hell. Although I don't necessarily want to go there.

Tai then looks at Breaker and saw that it's not a good place.

Tai: Let me guess it's too fucked up to even go there?

Breaker: Nah, it's just an entire section of hell overpopulated with junkies, I just get sick of them asking me for spare change.

Tai then looks mortified at what Breaker said.

Tai: Fuck then I got to go to the human world grab something that belongs to my sister and use a spell from Stolas book to track my sister.

Breaker: You got something of hers on you now?

Tai then nodded.

Tai: Yeah, I do. I kept it hidden most of the time I was with the team.

Tai then pulled a necklace from his neck that said Maria and showed it to Breaker.

Breaker: Alright, I might have something that can help, but I need the necklace.

Tai then stared at the necklace for a bit and then nodded and took it off and gave it to Breaker.

Tai: Keep that safe when you do the search, please.

Breaker: Yeah, yeah. Now I just need to make a trip home and grab one of my old inventions.

Tai: Then we should start tomorrow also we ain't getting out till tomorrow so goodnight.

Tai then closes his eyes and goes to sleep while Breaker looks at the necklace and smiles.

Breaker: Alright, let's see if I can make this work. Now little mystery sister, let's find out where your hiding!


KLigers98: Well that was a bit hectic and I mean damn the spider bitch died horribly, Tai and Breaker got torched by Viper and both came to terms with their friendship. Man, things just get better and better well now with that said please liken comment, and follow this story of Helluva Boss: New Works. Liger's out!

Tojamaru: Viper's rapid mastery of his Beast could spell trouble for the others. Although there are more pressing matters to attend to at the moment, such as the search for Tai's sister. Until our paths cross again everyone!

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