Affinity- GMW Farkle Fanfic

By Cheerios1234567

37K 1.5K 409

Aviana Lucía Pérez has been always been in the dark.. She wasn't like her older siblings... That's when she d... More

Girl Meets Aviana
Girl Meets Boy
Girl Meets Sneak Attack
Girl Meets Mariana Pérez
Girl Meets Maya's Mother
Girl Meets The Fathers
Girl Meets Smackle
Girl Meets Flaws
Girl Meets Hidden Persona
Girl Meets First Date
Girl Meets Kayden vs Two Mothers
Girl Meets Getaway Pt. 1
Girl Meets Getaway Pt.2
Girl Meets Getaway Pt.3
Shawn Meets Kayden (And The Kids)
Girl Meets The Last Straw
Girl Meets Sisterly Fights
Girl Meets Apologies
Girl Meets Tension Pt. 1
Girl Meets Tension Pt. 2 : Farkle's Breaking Point
Girl Meets Tension Pt 3: Aftermath and Delusions
Girl Meets Secret of Life Pt.1
Girl Meets Secret of Life Pt.2 : Her Story
Girl Meets Secret of Life Pt. 3 : Oliver Luca Diaz
The Protector
The World Meets Oliver

Girl Meets World

1.9K 66 15
By Cheerios1234567

"Sofia I can't wear this and I'm not trying be killed by Mateo." I told her as she did my hair.

"I'll handle our brother and we never got to do this since Mateo and I have been traveling a lot." She said sounding guilty.

"Hey.. S it's okay.. I mean you're here now right?" I said making her smile. She did some final touches before she was finished.

"All done, you look beautiful." She said with tears in her eyes. I laughed before kissing her cheek.

"Gracias." "De nada, now let's go give Mateo a heart attack." she suggested and I grabbed my bag and phone before walking out with her.

"Teo ready to see our little sister?" Mateo was on the couch, looking at his phone. He turned and looked at me making his eyes widen.

"What the fuck is she wearing Sofia? Aviana go change." He pointed to my room and I pouted, knowing it was his weakness. I moved closer to him making his breath hitch and I made my lip quiver.

"Please Teo.." I whimpered and he tried looking away but I knew I had him hooked. I heard sofia snickering behind me, like shh I'm trying to get out of this alive.

"I hate when you use that against me, come on I'm bringing you to school." I hugged him and he kissed the top of my head. I texted Riley and Maya that I was going to meet them at school.

"adiós hermanita, que tengas un buen día." I blew Sofia a kiss and left with Mateo. I told him the way to the school and we headed off.

"So I forgot to ask last night but how have you been Ana?" He asked glancing at me before looking back at the road. I looked out the window, trying to find something to distract myself and not answer his question.

"You know you can talk to me about anything right?" I just clenched my eyes shut before opening them back up and looking over at him. I sent a fake smile his way and I knew that he knew it was fake. Mateo and Sofia were the only ones that could tell when I was lying.

"Aviana.." He said but we arrived to the school

"Thanks for the ride Mateo." I said placing a kiss on his cheek and before I could leave, he locked the doors.

"Aviana Lucía Perez." He said and I winced.. He was serious now, he pulled out the whole government name.

"What happened while Sof and I were gone?" he just had to ask..

"I don't wanna be late Teo.." I said, I had to get out of this conversation. There was no way I was going to have this conversation... I just couldn't.

"Is it mama?" I looked at him with pleading eyes, silently telling him to not ask about this.

"Please Teo.. I know you're worried but I don't want to talk about this. Please.." I begged, I just didn't want him to get mad at her. If he knew half of the stuff that I went through... He wouldn't hesitant to confront her about it.

"Just one thing and I'll let you leave.." He said and I sighed before nodding.

"Did she do something to you?" I nodded quietly making him grip the steering wheel tightly and I placed my hand on his arm, making him relax under my touch.

"Please I don't want you driving angry.. Te amo hermano mayor." I said

"Te amo demasiado hermanita.. Have a good day at school." I nodded before getting out of the car. I waved at him before heading inside and I noticed there was no one in the hallway. I cursed Mateo in my head and headed to the office for a late pass.

"You know it's not good to be late on your second day." The secretary jokily said making me chuckle.

"My older siblings missed yesterday so they wanted to help." I told her as she handed me the pass.

"That's sweet." "Yea until my brother starts his 'no boyfriends you're 80.' speech." She laughed as I smiled and walked out, heading to Mr. Matthews' room. I walked in with a sheepish smile while he gave me an amused look.

"Ok hear me out.. It wasn't even my fault, I was attacking by a bear and had to fight it off on the way over here." He shook his head with a smile as I handed him the pass.

"Glad to see you alive Ms. Perez, have a seat." I went to sit, noticing a new boy sitting behind Riley. He looked over at me and my eyes widen as his did. I quickly looked away and turned forward to see Farkle facing me. Why the fuck is he here?

"You look beautiful Aviana." I felt my face getting hot as I smiled at him

"Thank you Farkle." "No problem pretty lady." I stifled a laugh as Mr. Matthews turned his head forward.

"So, I'd like you guys to open your books to page 48. Now, I'd like you to turn to page 1. Now, I'd like you to read from page 1 to 48." I groaned along with everyone else.

"Oh, too bad on you. Okay, so for tonight's assignment, I'd like you to write me a three page essay on anything. Anything at all, that you guys believe in so strongly, you fight for it." He finished and Maya hit her desk while standing up. I knew this wasn't going to be good.

"That. I'd fight for no homework. I come here every day; why can't you teach me everything I need to know while I'm here." She says

"Woo!" Riley's dad gave her a look "Not Woo."

"He gets our days, let's take back our nights. No homework, more freedom! Who's with me? No homework, more freedom! No homework, more freedom! No homework, more freedom! No homework, more freedom! No homework, more freedom! No homework, more freedom!" She starts chanting after whispering something to Riley and the class joins in except Farkle, Lucas.., and I. Riley goes to stand up and I just shook my head.

"What are you doing Riley?" I asked her, because I thought she would've tried to get Maya out of this instead of encouraging it.

"I'm making a choice about who I want to be, about whose world I want it to be." I sighed, now I see why I didn't have friends before. These type of things are tiring and completely, utterly not my problem. What? I got my shit to deal with, they'll be fine. Hopefully...

"Riley, I know you. You know exactly who you are." Her dad told her

"Then who am I, Dad?" she asked and he smiled

"You're just like me." Bad thing to say, didn't help the situation at all.

"Oh, yeah? Would you do this? No homework, more freedom! No homework, more freedom! Farkle, are you with us or not? No homework, more freedom! No homework, more freedom!" She started chanting and asked Farkle before leaving the room.

"My education? My current women? Or stay with my new woman? My education? My women? Or stay with my new woman? My education? My women? Or stay with my new woman? Oh, it's happening again, sir." Farkle fainted into Mr. Matthews' arms.. I just blinked before getting up with my stuff.

"Vi.. Can we talk?" I huffed before glaring at Lucas.

"No Lucas, leave me alone.. and tell him to stop calling me." I said before walking out, leaving a defeated Lucas and a confused Mr. Matthews. I pulled out my phone, dialing Mateo's number.

"You okay Aviana!?" He answered on the first ring

"He's fucking here Teo!" I said

"Who?" "Lucas." I heard something fall in the back so I was guessing I was on speaker.

"If Lucas is here, that means.." He trailed off

"Our asshole of a father is here too." I finished for him.

"This is fucking great, just great." Sofia said

"You need me to pick you up?"

"Vi please just hear me out." I turned to see Lucas, not hearing Mateo and Sofia getting into their car.

"Lucas leave me alone, I don't want to talk to you or him." I told him

"Invite him over." I looked at my phone surprised, is she crazy or stupid? I think it's both.

"Are you insane Sofia?! So our father can know where we stay at? Yea no thanks." Mateo said to her.

"This isn't about him, this is about us.. Please.." I huffed before pulling Lucas off.

"Mateo come get us." I said as we made our way out of the school. But I looked to see them outside in the car.

"Yea, I was already on my way." Mateo said making me laugh a little. Sofia didn't stop at anything before giving Lucas a big hug making me roll my eyes and I got in the car. Lucas got in the back with me with Mateo and Sofia in the front and we headed back to the apartment.

"How have you been Lucas?" Mateo asked

"I've been alright.." We could tell he was lying but didn't comment on it. Once we got to the house, we sat on the couch.

"Talk." I said

"He twisted my words Vi, you know how he is.. You know that better than any of us." He said making the others look at me but I kept looking at Lucas.

"Once I found about you guys, I was so excited.. to finally have siblings.. But he wasn't expecting us to get along so well. What you heard in the office.. it wasn't like that.." He claimed, making me scoff.

"Then what was it like Luke? 'Aviana isn't worth it... She's not the rest, nothing like them.' Isn't that what you said?" I asked him and he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Vi, he bribed me.. well tried to.. He knew mama was struggling with money and It was getting hard for us. He wanted me to hurt you.. He wanted me to throw you away like a trash.. He wanted you to be alone.. But I couldn't do it.. I wasn't going to do it, not to my little sister. When I said what you heard, I meant you weren't worth losing.. I couldn't lose you.. You're not others.. You're different.. Unique. I wasn't going to lose you for money.. But I ended up losing you anyways.." He said and I just stared at him blankly while our siblings stared him in shock. I moved towards him and hugged him, he wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm sorry for not hearing you out.." I said against his shoulder.

"It's okay Vi.." He said as we pulled away.

"Where is the jackass?" Mateo asked

"Back in Texas.. I only came with mama." He said making us sigh in relief, we did not want to be dealing with him.

"Not that we're not happy that you're here but why exactly are you here Luke?" Sofia asked

"I did something so we had to move.." He said and it was clear this was bothering him. I held his hand, giving it a squeeze.

"You don't have to tell us now, come to us when you're ready." I told him making him nod.

"Well now that all of that is over, let's go see Mama Friar. I am her favorite son after all." Mateo said causing him and Luke to start arguing while heading to the car. Sofia and I shared a look.

"idiotas." We said unison chuckling and headed to the car with our brothers.


I walked into the lunch room with Lucas, talking and catching up. I didn't notice the group surprised looks as I pulled him over to sit with us.

"Hey guys, Lucas is sitting with us.. if that's okay." I said

"Yea! it's fine." Riley said smiling.

"Pretty Lady." I looked over at Farkle with a smile.

"Hey Farkle." I felt Lucas hit my arm and I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes. Both him and Mateo are always so overprotective.

"So how do you guys know each other? Are you guys dating?" Lucas and I looked at each other and busted out laughing. I had to hold on to Farkle or I was gonna fall. I hadn't noticed he placed his arm around my waist to hold me up.

"Why are you guys laughing?" Riley asked confused and I smiled at her innocence, she likes him.. Hopefully Sofia doesn't kill her, that would be unfortunate for Mr. Matthews.

"Sweetcheeks.. he's my brother.." I said shocking them."


"Yea we have the same dad so that would be nasty if we dated." I said, grimacing at the thought.

"That's how you're so close." Maya pointed out and we nodded.

"Yup, she's my baby sister." He said pinching my cheek and I slapped his hand away.

"Shut up Luke." I said and Maya looked over at me

"Aww you're the youngest? How cute." I flipped her off as Mr. Matthews came over to us.

"Wrong finger Ms. Perez. How ya doing?" He says before turning towards Lucas.

"Dad, you have a choice here. You can either understand that this is just a boy talking to me in the cafeteria..." Riley says

" I'm gonna do whatever you say next." He says

"But this is so innocent!" "Yea Mr. Matthews, Luke wouldn't even hurt a hair on her head.. He's a punk." Lucas flickered my forehead.

"Hey! I'm trying to help you out!" I exclaimed making him laugh. I looked over at Farkle whose been quiet this whole time. He noticed I was looking at him and looked at me.

"You okay Farkle?" I asked quietly, not trying to draw attention to us. He smiled at me, curse hi, for making swoon over his smile.

"I'm okay Avi." I smiled at the nickname, the second person to call me that.

"You promise that you'll tell me if anything is wrong?" I asked and he smirked

"How can I do that when I don't have your number?" I blushed lightly and looked down making him laugh a bit. Where is this overly confident Farkle coming from? I knew he was a flirt but this was beyond me.

"Can I have your phone for a second?" He asked and I handed it to him. I watched as he typed something into my phone with one hand. I looked at his other hand and noticed it was around my waist. My eyes widen as my heart flutter at his touch. He handed me back my phone

"I put my number in your phone and texted myself." He said and I nodded, not trusting my voice at the moment. We just sat there, looking into each other's eyes.

"Hey lovebirds! Time to go back to class." We looked over at Maya who was smirking and Riley had a wide grin on her face. We got up and started walking with the girls ahead of us.

"Hey Avi, you didn't eat anything." Farkle said concerned and I smiled at him

"I don't always eat lunch and I had a big breakfast this morning." I told him

"No need to worry about me Farkle." I added, seeing his facial expression didn't change.

"You're my friend, more importantly you're my wife.. I have to worry about you." He said

"How about this.. You text me in the morning and ask if I had breakfast or not. Then if I didn't, then you'll make sure I eat lunch.. Okay?" he nodded

"You know your arm is still around my waist?"

"Am I making you uncomfortable?"

"Of course not, it's actually comforting.."

"Do you know what happened to Lucas?

"No idea."


"Okay. So, today we're gonna find out if anybody here believes in something so strongly, they'd fight for it. Maya." Mr. Matthews looks over at Maya

"Yes, Sir."

"Present your homework." I was really hoping Maya was done with the whole rebellion but this is Maya we're talking about... She's not done.

"Can't do that, sir."

"Why not?" He asked

"Didn't do my homework, sir." She says

"Why not?" He asked again, a bit more frustrated.. This isn't going to end well.

"That's what I'm fighting against, sir."

"Oh, this could go on for a while." Farkle says and puts on a sleep mask. "Farkle Farkle Farkle Farkle. Farkle Farkle Farkle Farkle." I shook my head at him and turned to Riley who wanted to add fuel to the fire.

"I didn't do my homework, either." I shared a look with Luke.. Mr. Matthews wasn't happy with any of this.

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah. We're the same, now. I don't believe in homework." She said to him, this girl needs a reality check fast.

"Riley since I'm your friend, I'm gonna tell you some home truths.. You're nothing like Maya and you can't become like her just because you stopped doing your homework. You just making it worse for you and Maya. You're suppose to be the light at the end of tunnel for her but you blocking out the light right now.. And it's not helping either of your cases." I told her, getting a thankful look from Mr. Matthews. Maya then raises her hand.

"I have something to say." Mr. Matthews looked at her shocked

"Wow, I don't know what to do, I've never seen this before. The floor's yours, Ms. Hart." For a teacher, this guy sure is dumb. I just face palmed and gave up at that point.

"Get up, Farkle. You're gonna wanna be awake for this." She says to him, pulling on the sleeping mask. He stood up excitedly

"Is it me and Avi's honeymoon?" I looked at him in completely shock while Lucas glared at him.

"No, you haven't even given her the ring yet. Now it's time to hand in our essays." she tells him

"Oh! Farkle goes first, Farkle always goes first!" And he ran out of room.

"Alright, everybody who did their homework, put it on your desk." Maya started collecting everyone's papers but I wasn't going to have anything happen to the paper that I spent hours on.

"Careful there, Ms. Hart." She walked over to me

"Avi, your paper." I gave her a look

"Maya please stop whatever you're doing.. I can help you with whatever you need.." I told her sincerely making her eyes widen slightly before walking away from me, walking to Riley.

"Are you sure about this?"

"I got this."

"Okay." Is this girl dumb? I need to stop asking questions I already know the answers to. Farkle enters with this over the top project.. I thought we only had to write an essay..

"The branding of Atlanta led to the end of the Civil War, and of peace. I believe that peace is worth fighting for." He starts but Maya takes a sparkler off of his project and Farkle says to her

"Hey, that's a pivotal part of my diorama!" She just took another one. "And there goes Virginia."

"The burning of the homework led to the end of the Homework Rebellion, because there was no more homework." I stood up worried as she stands on a chair, about to burn the homework with the sparklers.

"Maya get down.." my words just went into one ears and out the other. Mr. Matthews takes the homework from her.

"Alright, alright. That's far enough, Maya. I get it."

"No homework, more freedom!" The fire touches the sprinklers, which sets them off, then the fire alarm rings.

"Okay, so those work."

"Is this all part of your presentation, or is this actually going on?" Farkle asked as Everybody flees the classroom. I just pulled him into me as Lucas placed his jacket over us.

"Why didn't you stop your friend?" Lucas asked riley and I want to know the same thing.

"That's not what I do anymore!" She says

"And look where that got her, you didn't even try to stop her. This is on you." I said to her as Farkle pulled me more into him, wrapping his arms around me.

"You're better than that!" "I'm just letting her be her."

"Ms. Hart, you have detention. The principal will determine if it goes farther than that." Mr. Matthews said as Maya steps down. I just wanted to give her a hug but everything has consequences.

"Ms. Matthews, please leave." "I deserve detention, too."

"No, you don't. You didn't do anything. And Because you didn't do anything, your best friend is in very big trouble." Her dad told her and I took that as the time to go because this was getting tense..

"Come on Farkle, Luke.. Let's go get dry.." I said

"Ms. Pérez." I looked back at him

"Thank you." I smiled

"Just helping a friend." I looked over at Maya

"Come by my house, we have something to talk about."


So of course Luke planned something with Mateo because I ended bringing Farkle back to my place. And once we got there, the boys dragged Farkle away.. I looked over at my sister.

"Do you think they're gonna kill him?" I asked her and she thought for a second

"Most definitely." I groaned before heading to my room with her laughing at me. I got out of my wet clothes and changed into some dry ones. There was a knock at my door and I knew it was Farkle because no one in this house knocks. I opened the door to see Farkle wearing something of Mateo, which was a bit big on him. I moved by so he could come in. I closed the door and saw him looking around my room.

"They didn't hurt you, did they? Because I can kick their asses for you." He just laughed and sat down on my bed. I sat down to him

"They didn't hurt me Avi, we just talked about some stuff." He vaguely said and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What kind of stuff?" He smirked

"Sorry guy code, can't tell you." I rolled my eyes at him

"Whatever." I said before our phones went off

"They want to meet at the subway station." Farkle read the text and I flopped back on my bed.

"I'm staying home and taking a nap." I said closing my eyes while he chuckled. It got quiet and I was slowly fall asleep when I felt someone's lips on my forehead

"Dulces sueños hermosa.." was all I heard before falling into the darkness.


"Aviana, there's a Maya at the door for you." I heard Mateo and walked out to see Maya gawking at my brother.

"Hey Maya, let's go to my room." I said and she just looked at me.

"Your brother is hot." Mateo just chuckled while I gagged.

"First, that's my brother and second, he's 18."I told her and she shrugged.

"A girl can dream." "Ok ew, come on." I pulled off to my room and we sat down on my bed.

"Nice room." she said

"Thanks.." "So what did you want to talk to about?" I looked over at her in all seriousness.

"You know you could've asked me for help." I said

"W-hat are you talking about?" She looked away from me and I placed a hand on hers.

"Maya, I'm your friend.. I'm here to help you. My brother and sister could even help you understand it in a different way. It's not bad to ask for help.. It doesn't make you weak.." I told her and she looked at me.

"You would really help me? Your siblings too?"

"Of course, anytime." We looked at the door to see Sofia and Mateo. She just looked down at our hands and started playing with mine.

"My mom is just too busy with work to help me or even pay attention to me." She said making my brother and sister sit on the other side of her.

"Our mother is the same way.. It's the people who you have behind you that can help you fill that missed void. Aviana speaks highly of you.. We wouldn't mind help you at all. Another younger sister, sounds like a win-win to me." Sofia says shocking Maya.

"We're here for you okay?" Mateo told her and she just hugged him tightly.

"Thank you.. all of you." we smiled

"No problem hermanita.."

"Does that mean I have to learn spanish?"

"Oh yea, of course." "ugh more learning."

Hey guys, I decided to give you guys another chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, comment down anything, I like talking to you guys. I'll see you guys next saturday or if I decide to post before there.

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