The Second Flash And The Wind...

By eddies19

22.3K 390 63

Naruto is a boy that possesses the Nine Tail Fox making the young boy known as a jinchuriki. He was looked do... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.

Chapter 4.

2.2K 31 11
By eddies19

Naruto and Hiruzen stared in bewilderment at what met their eyes. There were a couple of items that were there. Naruto was surprised at the items that were left for him by his parents being what was left of his parents legacy. There were two envelops, two swords one with black wrapping on it, the other sword with a white wrapping on it, one sheath being for the sword with black wrapping, the other sheath being white for the sword in white wrapping, a small box containing what could maybe be family heirlooms, and a box containing a cloak with a hood attached to it. Naruto in his thoughts "I don't know what to say right now Kurama. All of this stuff my parents left for me to have. Perhaps it's the feelings last night I experienced. The emotions are clouding my judgment right now."

"Don't worry about it, Naruto. Feelings and thoughts such as that never truly fade away. You just learn to live with them. Besides, it happens to the best of them", Kurama reassured.

Naruto noticed how Kurama excluded himself from the "best of them' and rose an eyebrow mentally, "It doesn't happen to you Kurama?"

Kurama arrogantly puffed up his chest and declared, "Of course not! I'm the Nine Tailed Fox, child! A being such as I am is above petty things! And don't you forget that Naruto!"

Naruto ignored the pompous rambling of the fox and turned his attention back to the items. He quickly took them from their place and checked carefully if there was anything left. Seeing he had taken all there was, he closed the portrait. The seals glowed again, signifying the portrait had been locked back.

A sudden thought struck Hiruzen and he had to resist the urge to smack his forehead for what he was about to do. "Why didn't I ask this earlier?! Darn the forgetfulness that comes with this age!"

Hiruzen felt really bad but he had to do thus right now. Tentatively, he placed his hand on Naruto's shoulder, knocking the boy out of his trance. He was gazing at the items as if they were the most precious things in the world to him, which they were.

"Naruto, why weren't you at your room back at my home yesterday in the evening?" he asked as if afraid to find out the answer to that question.

Naruto couldn't help the flinch that the question brought. When he had told grandpa about he found out his parents' identity last night, he had conveniently forgot to mention about why he wasn't home last night. He had hoped that grandpa would not ask him about that.

"It's because of the Nine Tailed Fox inside of me." Hiruzen's eyes widened when he heard those words. Hiruzen in his thoughts "It's my fault that Danzo leaked the information about Naruto possessing the nine tails." "Grandpa. Besides wanting to know the truth about my parents' the villagers kept on calling me a freak, a monster, a demon, a beast, the fox, fox boy and they called me The Nine Nails." Hiruzen lost for words not knowing what to say. "Everyday the villagers kept calling me those names that since I was born and yesterday I wanted to know if I possessed The Nine Tails so I left my room and went to my favorite spot to find out the truth and I communicated with him. His name is Kurama. He's not bad, he's nice, he's just misunderstood by others and he's my friend." Hiruzen calmed down and smiled. Kurama growling "I heard that brat! But then again I really do appreciate your words that you care about me Naruto." Kurama smiles at the end. Hiruzen speaks "I didn't know he has a name and he's nice Naruto." Naruto speaks "He is grandpa."

 Hiruzen speaks "Naruto since you know the truth about Kurama and your family what will you do now? Will you be living in your house that your parents have left for you and reveal your true name? What will you do now, Naruto?"

 Naruto ponders and then answers "I can't live here grandpa. I'm not ready to reveal my true name. Because like you said my dad has made many enemies, especially the Hidden Stone Village and they would want to go after me to eliminate on what's left of my father's legacy. I'm not ready. I need to get strong when I soon reveal my true name. I need to be strong protect my home, my friends, my love ones and the kunoichi of my dreams. I will reveal my name when the time is right grandpa. When the time is right. For right now I want to go live in a apartment until I'm ready to reveal my true name to the world and live here."

Hiruzen speaks "I see. Naruto you must understand when you live on your own you will have to cook by yourself, bring food for yourself, clean your clothes, keep your home clean and when you have guests over or when you find any of your Uzumaki clan relatives." Naruto answers "I know grandpa. Right now I want to prepare myself for when I soon start living in my real home. I will want to start living in an apartment." Hiruzen speaks "Alright Naruto you can live in an apartment until you reveal your true name. Now give me one hour, I'm positive I can find an apartment big enough for you and your house guests. Until then, I assume you want to read the contents of the letters and take a look at the items your parents left for you and want to explore more of your house. You could find something very interesting at the house." he said giving him a significant glance, complete with chin down and eyebrow raised. Naruto suddenly seemed to remember about the letters and the items. He looked and replied "Yes, that will do, grandpa." Hiruzen nods at Naruto and then leaves to start finding an apartment for Naruto.

Naruto then looks towards at all of the items his parents left for him. He picks up the first letter and Naruto looks at the envelope reads the kanji symbol with wide eyes and it says "Mom". His hands shaking because of nerves, he opened the letter.

Naruto was a pretty fast reader. Not because he was eager to finish the books early, more like he was forced to become a fast reader. The people at the orphanage would give him books, but would then take them away very quickly. Which is why he forced himself to become a fast reader, besides having an eidetic memory he also has a photographic memory as well how he remembers all the stuff he has read or seen. This letter he read very slowly, wanting to read each word his mother said in her letter.

Dear Naruto,

Oh, my sweet little child, how I wish that I were still alive to see you grow into a fine young man like your father. I'm writing this letter in case something happens to us and you are left alone. If you are reading this, it means that we are not among the living. We are so sorry for leaving you, baby.

First things first, I love you with all my heart, Naruto. A mother never stops loving her child, even in death. Know that I am still watching over you, and another thing, don't you dare visit me unless you are a hundred and ten years old! I want you to live a full and happy life and only die of old age.

Second, when you become a shinobi. remember the three vices the shinobi life. First is alcohol, please be responsible about it and don't become a drunk. Second is money, use it responsibly and try not to waste it. If you DO want to waste it, better do it on the kunoichi of your dreams, who is your girlfriend and that she is your wife. The third is women, and as your mother, I absolutely GOD almighty forbid you to become a pervert and a womanizer! Respect women and also, find the kunoichi of your dreams that you love and want to spend the rest of your life with. Don't settle for anything less!

I have left you two of my swords if you're interested with learning kenjutsu and if you do I hope you become a strong kenjutsu user and that you pass on your skills to your own children when you're married, you can also teach your girlfriend/wife if she is interested in kenjutsu. Another thing I left for you is the Uzumaki clan necklace and the Uzumaki clan ring that you'll wear in memory of me and I have also left an extra ring and necklace for you that you will give to the woman you love when you're married. The last thing I left for you is a ring with what your father proposed to me with, give it to the girl you believe will love you for the rest of your life.

Once again, your father and I love you, no matter what. Remember that Naruto.

With love,

Kushina Uzumaki.

P.S. Learn sealing jutsu. The Uzumaki's were known for it and your father mastered it as well. I have left ten volumes of sealing jutsu that I got from the Uzumaki clan archives, everything you need to become a master. When you have a family of your own Naruto teach your children sealing jutsu as well. Best of luck, baby!

Naruto was numb after reading the letter from his mother. He could not find the words to express how fulfilling and satisfying and amazing it was to hear words from his mom, even if it was on a letter. He smiled his face-splitting grin at the letter with tears from his eyes. His mother was awesome!

He was so hyped up from reading his mother's letter that he almost forgot about his father's. He put the letter down gently as if it were made of glass and picked his father's letter up.

Dear Naruto,

If you're reading this letter, then it means that I'm no longer among the living. I desperately hope that your mother is with you, but if that is not the case, allow me to explain a few things to you.

My name is Minato Namikaze, and as you probably have guessed, The Fourth Hokage. If you already know this, then you are probably in the ninja academy. If not, it is good to read. Keep it up! If you didn't know about my identity as your father before this letter, please don't be upset at Lord Third. I left him specific instructions that you were to be told about my identity only if you were churn or married. I made many enemies during The Third Great Ninja War, especially from The Hidden Stone Village.

If people were to know about it, you would be a prime target for all of my enemies.

I just want you to know that even if you're yet to be born, I love you with all my heart. It was the happiest day of my life when your mother announced that she was pregnant with you.

Since I was an orphan, I really don't have any special jutsu to give you. But what I have left, I hope you will master them. The improved notes I made from scratch in my quest to learn and master The Second Hokage's Flying Thunder God Jutsu are in the first kanji at the bottom of this letter. When you have a family of your own pass this knowledge onto your children to learn and master the flying thunder god jutsu. Also, I leave the Rasengan to you, in hopes that you will master it and maybe discover more skills about it and take it to new heights where I couldn't. I also hope that when you have a family of your own that you will pass this on to your children, a student of your own, as well your girlfriend/wife when you find the one you love and if she is interested with learning the rasengan. What ever chakra nature you have you can create your own version of the rasengan. The instructions on the rasengan are located in the second kanji  below the letter. I also leave you my Namikaze clan ring and Namikaze clan necklace that you will wear in memory of me . There's another ring and necklace for you to give to your wife when you get married. These were the only items I had left from my family before I became an orphan. I also leave you a cloak that you could wear it's almost like my hokage cloak but I had this made special just for you to wear when you believe you're ready to reveal your true name my son.

Your mother was Kushina Uzumaki, she was the most loveliest, most beautiful and most compassionate woman I've ever met in my entire life. She is perhaps the only one who loves you more than I do Naruto.

I have left you another surprise in the basement of this house. Something of my own design and perhaps my greatest sealing jutsu achievement yet, other than mastering the Eight Trigrams Sealing Style. The details are in the basement. Enjoy!

With all the love in the world,


Naruto did not know when he had started crying, but he did not care. he could feel his parents' love from the letter's, he could almost see them smiling down on him from heaven. He wiped his tears away, a determined glint in his eyes. He will make his parents proud!

He looked up at the clock and noticed that only a little over five minutes had passed. "Good a lot of time to check out the items and and explore more of the house!" He nudged his partner mentally, "Hey Kurama, are you awake? We can finally check out the items my parents left for me and explore more of my house!"

All Naruto heard was a deep snore reverberating in his mind-scape that caused Naruto to sweat drop. How the heck was Kurama asleep?! It's impossible to fall asleep that quickly when all you do is laze around and not even get tired. Naruto decided to leave the snoring fox alone and check out the items his parents left for him and explore by himself. 

Naruto walks towards the items his parents left for him and look at them. He took his mother's swords, he unsheathes them and looks at the remarkable weapons "Perfectly balanced" Naruto says out loud to himself. He looks at the Uzumaki clan symbol engraved on the swords, he then puts the swords back in their sheathes.

Naruto takes the box that has his family heirlooms, he opens the box and sees the Uzumaki clan and Namikaze clan necklace and rings left for him and the other set being for when he is married to give to the woman he loves in the future and sees the engagement ring his dad gave to his mom when he proposed to her. He puts the heirlooms back in the box and closes the box. 

Naruto then goes to the other box that contains the cloak that was made just for Naruto. He opens the box and looks at the cloak it's just like his dad's hokage cloak except on the back side there's kanji symbols that spell out "The Second Flash" and also containing a hood that Naruto could put over his head when on stealth missions or facing the weather conditions. Also on the sleeves of the cloak one side had the Uzumaki Clan seal and the other sleeve had the Namikaze Clan seal. Naruto was fascinated at the cloak his dad left for him and he says to himself "Thank you dad." Naruto then puts the cloak away and closes the box containing the cloak.

(Uzumaki Clan Seal)

(Namikaze Clan Seal)

After Naruto was finished with looking at the items he started exploring the house. He found out that the bedroom he slept the previous night in was his parents' room. Surprisingly, he found out that it was a little easier to not cry now. He found out that there were twenty nine bedrooms in total, his parents' and his were on the second floor, the guest bedrooms were located on the first floor and second floor. One good thing about his and his parents' bedrooms was that they had balconies attached to them.

He got out of the house and was stupefied at the space at the back of the house. There was a huge training ground, the training ground had spots where you can practice your chakra nature elements, the training ground also had a spot for sparring, another spot to practice kunai and shrunken target practice and jutsu, a spot for stealth training, and a spot for kenjutsu training, there was then a gigantic pool, a hot spring, and a large garden. After exploring the backyard Naruto then finally decided to explore the basement, curious about the gift his father left for him.

Climbing down the stairs, he saw the basement and whistled lowly, impressed with his father even more. He connected the dots and had to chuckle at how clever his dad was.

The basement was almost the size of their backyard, if only a bit smaller. But what as interesting that there was a glass screen separating a large part of the basement from him. Just below the screen, there was a panel with seven kanjis, each representing the number one to seven. He was a bit confused at that and further when he saw a large seal array on the ceiling of the basement on the other side of the glass.

He turned around, hoping to find something that would explain what the heck he was looking at. He spotted a notebook labeled "Training Manual" and picked it up. He opened it and found another note from his dad.

Dear Naruto,

This is a training manual for what you are currently looking at. My greatest achievement till date.

This is a Taijutsu training room I have designed to improve my Taijutsu. While not weak at it, I was not exactly strong either. I designed it and incorporated several Taijutsu styles into this room, courtesy of Might Guy and Kakashi Hatake. If you ever meet Guy, just be a little cautious. He's always a bit too much.

You must have noticed the seven kanjis on the panel. They are the seven levels of training, each more difficult than the rest. I must advise you not to immediately go in there, even if you have learnt Taijutsu style already. I have designed this training room in synchronization to resistance seals. You must only start if you have mastered the sixth level of resistance seals. If you are able to move comfortably at that level, you may begin from the first level. As you move onto a higher resistance, you can move onto the next level. For example, if you have mastered the seventh level of resistance, you can safely try the second level of the training room.

I have left a scroll of the Taijutsu I created for myself. If you want, you can learn it. It's up to you or you can create a style for yourself.

Remember, whatever fighting style you learn. It should have the symbolization of the five main elements of nature. It should be as aggressive as fire, as sharp as the wind, as fast as lightning, as strong as the earth and as fluid as water.

Good luck Naruto!


Naruto was amazed at the end of the letter. His dad created a whole training room with simulations with sealing jutsu! From what he read until now, sealing jutsu was perhaps the most versatile art among all ninja arts. Anything is possible with sealing jutsu! He started making plans on how he was going to proceed. On what to do to when he starts training. He saw everything in the house and decided to back upstairs to the living room.

 He's back upstairs and starts walking to the living room where he notices a closet door slightly open he opens it and sees a book that he never saw before he grabs the book and he sees the text on the front reads "Photo Album". Naruto takes the book with him to the living room and sits on the couch to start looking inside the book. 

Naruto looks through the book and sees pictures of his parents when they were kids, when they were teenagers and then when they became adults. He smiles with tears in his eyes knowing he has more pictures of his parents now. He goes through the book to see the friends they have in the leaf village and sees his dad's picture when his dad was a sensei to a team.

 Naruto smiles looking at the picture, his dad was a leader of his own team before he became Hokage. Naruto now hopes to have a student of his own where he can pass down his knowledge and skills to his own student.

He saw a boy with silver hair wearing a mask covering the bottom half of his face and had a glare look  in the picture that would be Kakashi Hatake, Naruto knew him as he would keep an eye on Naruto and protect him from the angry mob villagers.

The other boy in the picture had black hair and wore goggles and had a tooth pick in his mouth and was smiling that was Obito Uchiha, Kakashi's best friend and one of Minato's students. Obito had dreams of becoming the hokage and wanted to be the first Uchiha to become hokage and cared a lot about his team, his friends and his home.

Sadly though Obito died during the third great ninja war when he sacrificed himself to save Kakashi from being crushed by a giant boulder, his teammates tried everything they could to save Obito but unfortunately it was no use, in Obito's last moments he gives Kakashi his sharingan eye as his dying wish giving Kakashi the power of the sharingan and giving him a new eye since Kakashi lost his left eye during the third great ninja war when a hidden stone ninja slashed Kakashi's left eye with a kunai and Kakashi avenged Obito's death by defeating the enemies that were attacking him, Obito and his other comrade.

The girl in the picture had purple markings on her face and had both of her hands up waving peace signs and smiling in the picture this girl's name was Rin Nohara the final member of the team. Rin was a kind and genuine person. She cared a lot about her friends and her village.

 It was told Obito was in love with Rin, but sadly never had the courage to tell her as he didn't know how to approach her to tell her. She would have to play a peacemaker role when it came to Obito and Kakashi's rivalry but always remained on task for her missions and for the safety of her comrades.

Rin had feelings for Kakashi but Kakashi didn't have feelings for her as he looked at Rin as a friend and Rin understood and they both maintained a good friendship.

Rin was saddened by Obito's death during the third great ninja war and the sacrifices he's made to ensure his teammates safety. It was also told that Obito's last words to Rin he said he loved her and she was heartbroken by his words and wished they had more time as she started to grow feelings for Obito overtime when her and Kakashi remained as friends, Rin took it the worst when Obito died and Kakashi also took Obito's passing worst as well as he sees Obito not just his rival but also his best friend.

Sadly though Rin also died during the third great ninja war, she was kidnapped by shinobi  of the hidden mist village to be used as a hostage and Kakashi was assigned the rescue mission to rescue Rin from the hidden mist shinobi but unfortunately she died during the rescue mission and the details of the aftermath of the mission were very classified top secret where no one must ever know what happened.

Naruto was sad about the deaths of Obito and Rin when he read about the war and about them. How Obito sacrificed himself to save Kakashi and Rin and when Rin died during the war when she was kidnapped by the hidden mist. It took a toll on Kakashi losing his friends during the war and he promises his friends that he will always care about his comrades. It also affected Minato and Kushina sad seeing the two young shinobi's pass away from the war but promising to not have their friends deaths ever be in vain as shinobi are always ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their home, their families, their love ones and especially their friends and comrades.

Naruto flips to another page and sees a picture of his parents with one of the legendary Sannin named Jiraiya. Naruto read in the library that Minato was a student of Jiraiya and Naruto would say he's amazed that his dad was a student of Jiraiya's. 

Naruto flips through another page, he sees some people he recognizes in the pictures since they also cared about him, since his parents have their own circle of friends.

The next photo Naruto looked at caught his eye, the picture shows his parents standing next to a family, there was a man smiling, there was woman who was also smiling and a young boy smiling, this was Fugaku Uchiha and his family. Fugaku was the head of the Uchiha Clan when Naruto read on The Third Great Ninja War he read on Fugaku Uchiha, Fugaku was a strong shinobi like Minato The Fourth Hokage and the two of them were good friends and rivals. During the Third Great Ninja War, Fugaku earned the nickname "Wicked Eye Fugaku" they said his Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan is powerful too, if you are caught in his gaze you're already in his genjutsu and that it's over for you.

Mikoto Uchiha Fugaku's wife was also very good friends with Minato's wife Kushina. When the war was over Fugaku was a candidate to become the fourth hokage, so was Orochimaru one of the legendary sannin and finally Minato, the position was ultimately given to Naruto's dad Minato. Fugaku congratulated Minato for becoming the fourth hokage while Orochimaru was no where to be seen in the village after the news got out.

The young boy in the picture was Itachi Uchiha, Fugaku and Mikoto's son. Naruto has also read on Itachi, how he was a young prodigy genius at the academy and how he had a dream to become hokage. He graduated at the age of seven, mastered his sharingan at the age of eight, passed his Chunin exams at the age of ten and became an ANBU captain at the age of thirteen. Itachi was a young genius prodigy, he was very gifted and was wise.

Itachi had a best friend named Shisui Uchiha and he was very gifted like Itachi and he earned the nickname "Shisui The Teleporter" because of his speed at teleportation and was feared of his Sharingan, his Mangekyō Sharingan and teleportation speed abilities.

Naruto met both Itachi and Shisui when he was little, they would protect him and play with him. They both also see Naruto as a little brother figure and Naruto liked the compliment.

Unfortunately though when Naruto read about both of them in the library, Shisui committed suicide at the age of sixteen when he jumped off a cliff, falling into the Naka River and drowned, his body was neither found nor recovered, as there was no trace nor sign of where his body would be, a tragedy it was for the young Shisui who loved both his clan and his village. Shisui even left a suicide note on the night of his death, Shisui wrote down in the note by saying "I'm tired of the duties... there is no future for Uchiha... and for me... I cannot walk out the "path" any further". Naruto was very saddened by the death of Shisui Uchiha as he thought of Shisui as a big brother figure who cared about Naruto and never saw him as a monster but just an innocent little kid who wanted to be treated kindly. Shisui wished Naruto good luck on his dreams and goals, sadly that was the last time Naruto ever saw and heard from Shisui.

Itachi also wished Naruto good luck on his dreams and goals and that would also be the last time he saw and heard from Itachi. The next tragic event Naruto remembered reading in the library was the infamous "Uchiha Clan Massacre" by Itachi Uchiha. Itachi Uchiha was thirteen years old when he killed his clan, his family and even his own girlfriend Izumi Uchiha. The massacre was so bloody and brutal the way Itachi killed his clan members, his girlfriend and his family leaving no survivors. Itachi killed men, women, the elderly, the children and killed members of the Uchiha Clan Police Force. There was only one survivor from the massacre and that was Sasuke Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha's little brother. Naruto wishes to soon meet Sasuke to give him his sympathies and regards and would want to become his friend.

There was also a rumor that before Itachi killed his clan, his girlfriend and his family that he killed his best friend Shisui Uchiha but that was all just a rumor as there was no proof of Itachi killing Shisui, the next rumor was that during the aftermath of the massacre when Itachi left the village after killing his clan, his girlfriend and his family he unlocked the Mangekyō Sharingan and the last rumor was Itachi unlocked the Mangekyō Sharingan on the night of Shisui's death when he committed suicide at Naka River the night before the massacre. After Itachi escaped the village his current whereabouts remain unknown and is still now to this day is a wanted rogue S-Rank criminal ninja on the run and is in hiding.

Naruto thinks to himself why would Itachi do such an evil thing to kill his own clan, his girlfriend and his own family. He also wonders why did Shisui commit suicide, he wished that maybe if he talked to Shisui he could've stopped Shisui from committing suicide. Naruto ponders at what's the mystery behind Itachi and Shisui, but he knew that those theories would be for another time and he will understand in time when he's older when he finds out what really happened the night of Shisui's death, the night of the Uchiha Clan massacre and how Itachi unlocked his Mangekyō Sharingan.

Naruto then starts turning the pages in the photo album book and sees his parents in their wedding outfits, being happy and smiling on their big day. His dad Minato was wearing a traditional black Montsuki kimono outfit and his mom Kushina was wearing a beautiful white Shiromuku kimono wedding dress with a Wataboshi headdress hood with a white veil attached to it. Naruto had tears in his eyes seeing his parents wedding pictures and how amazing they looked at their weeding. He flips to the next page and sees his parents circle of friends at his parents wedding and everyone in the picture were having a good time, he notices in the picture there were some people he never seen before he thought maybe they were some plus one guests for some of the people that were invited to the wedding.

Naruto turns to the next page and sees his dad wearing the hokage hat and wearing his fourth hokage cloak, Naruto realizes this is his dad's hokage inauguration ceremony and in the picture he sees his parents together with their circle of friends and saw the same people he didn't recognize from the wedding picture that they were also there at his dad's hokage inauguration ceremony. Naruto's curiosity increased since he wanted to know more on who these mysterious people are.

He flips to the next page and sees something that gets his full attention. Naruto always thought to himself that his parents also have friends from outside of the hidden leaf village and the land of fire and that are in his parents circle of friends and he sees a picture of his parents with some people that he's never seen before in his entire life and these people were the same people who were at his parents wedding and at his dad's hokage inauguration ceremony. In the picture it shows his parents and the people at a different village, not the hidden leaf village or the land of fire but a different village and a different land, it was also at a Kage inauguration ceremony.

His mom was smiling in the picture she was wearing her green hidden leaf jonin flak jacket vest and her headband tied around her forehead with a ponytail also carrying her two swords behind her back.

She was standing right next to a woman who was smiling, the woman had shoulder-length, sandy-brown hair which framed her kind-looking face, and indigo-colored eyes. She had a headband tied around her forehead and was in her kunoichi outfit and was wearing a beige jonin flak jacket vest and had a yellow scarf draped loosely around her neck and was wielding a giant war fan that had three purple moons on the fan, Naruto was fascinated by the weapon.

The next woman standing right next to his mom and the woman with the giant war fan was a fairly tall kunoichi who was smiling and waving a peace sign. She was fair-skinned with pupils brown eyes. She had green hair that she tied in a bun on top of her head with a hair needle running through it and one short and long strands of hair with orange tips framing each side of her face. Her typical attire consists of a sleeveless, backless top and short tight pants, with two lapels on the front and the back. She wears an obi around her waist, as well as purple arm-warmers which extend up to her shoulders, and has bandages around her tights and ankles. She was also wearing a beige jonin flak jacket vest and also had a headband tied around her forehead.

In the picture Naruto sees his dad wearing his green hidden leaf jonin flak jacket, also wearing his fourth hokage cloak, his hokage hat, his hidden leaf headband on his forehead and smiling. 

Right next to his dad he sees a man with auburn hair and dark eyes who's smiling. He's wearing a simple black jacket and pants with mesh armor underneath. He carried a small canister strapped to his hip. The man is also seen wearing a green Kage hat with the kanji symbols translating to wind.

The next man right next to his dad and the man wearing the green Kage hat was a very tall man who was smiling. He had two distinctive, red markings on the right side of his face, the only visible part of his head, with the rest being covered by his turban-like head gear and by a sheet hanging from it on the left side of his face. He wears a standard ninja attire completed with a forehead protector and a beige jonin flak jacket.

Naruto looks more at the picture to try and figure out which village this is by looking at the area where this picture was taken at and the hidden village symbols on the headbands. The village symbol looked like an hourglass. He looked at the picture again and realized what village this was.

This was the Village Hidden In The Sand aka The Hidden Sand Village located in The Land Of Wind. Naruto knew that the hidden sand village and the hidden leaf village were allies during the third great ninja war. He now wishes to go to the hidden sand village and talk to his parents friends. He would wish to ask them about his parents and maybe they have some old war stories when they fought together in the third great ninja war and wondered how did all they meet each other.

Naruto then turns the page and sees the picture that he saw from the portrait in the picture book.

He turns the next page and it's just a blank page. Naruto went through the rest of the photo album book and all that was there were just blank pages.

Naruto was sad that was it but he knows he will be using this photo album book to put pictures in this book when he's growing up. He will put pictures of him with friends that he will soon make, him rising through the ninja ranks, from missions, his travelings, becoming hokage and when he eventually has a family of his own. Naruto closes the book and sets it down on the coffee table. After he sets the book down his keen ears picked up a voice from the outside calling his name, "Naruto".

"Grandpa must be back", he says to himself, he gets up from the couch, exits the house, heads toward the gate, opens the gate to let his grandpa and starts talking to his grandpa.

"Ah Naruto", he greeted, I trust that you have explored the house?"

Naruto nodded, smiling, "It is excellent."

Hiruzen chuckled, "Good. Now, as you said, I have found an apartment for you."

Naruto gave the smallest of nods, "So, can I go there and see it?"

Hiruzen nodded, "I'll take you there myself." Naruto then speaks "Grandpa wait!" Hiruzen puzzled asks Naruto, "What is it Naruto?" Naruto speaks,  "Before we go there's something I need to show you and ask you." Hiruzen nodded, "Alright Naruto lets head inside then."

Naruto and Hiruzen walk inside the house and they both go to the living room and sit down on the couch and Naruto picks up the photo album book from the coffee table.

Hiruzen says "Ah, you found your parents photo album book. Did you find anything interesting?" Naruto answers "Yes I have Grandpa. I saw a lot of pictures they have from my dad being a sensei to his team, my parents having a big circle of friends here in the village, my dad's hokage inauguration ceremony, my parents wedding, the picture of them together when my mom was pregnant which is the same picture as the portrait but here in the photo album book and them being in the hidden sand village."

Naruto opens the book and flips through the pages and grabs the three picture where the people from the hidden sand village are from. He pulls out the Hokage ceremony picture, the wedding picture, and the picture of them together in the hidden sand village. "Grandpa, do you know who these people are?" Hiruzen answers "Yes I do Naruto. I know who they are. They are very good close friends to your parents just like the others. They first met each other in the chunin exams, they fought each other during the chunin exams, they were at your parents wedding, they also fought together side by side during the third great ninja war and your parents visited them in the hidden sand village and always kept in touch with each other."

Naruto amazed and surprised about his parents friends from the hidden sand village that they have been good friends with each other for a long time.

Hiruzen looks at the pictures and speaks "That's Pakura, she is a very skilled kunoichi. She possesses a kekkei genkai known as the scorch style. It's a combination of fire style and wind style chakra to form scorch. She earned the nickname "Pakura Of The Schorch Style" and her other nickname she earned after the third great ninja war "Pakura Hero Of The Hidden Sand". She's good friends with your parents and especially to your mother and being a rival to your mother as well. The other one is Karura she is also a very skilled kunoichi with wind style jutsu earning the nickname "The Wind Mistress". She is also good friends with your parents and especially to your mother and also her rival plus she's also a close friend to Pakura as well . Now the man in the Kage hat is Rasa he is also good friends with your parents and is also your dad's rival. He possesses a kekkei genkai known as magnet style. It's a combination of earth style and wind style chakra combined to form the magnet style. His magnet style is gold dust. He's also the Fourth Kazekage Of The Hidden Sand Village. The shinobi right there that's Baki. He's very skilled with wind style jutsu, he's good close friends with Rasa, he's a member of sand's council and is good friends with your parents, he's also another one of your dad's rivals." 

Naruto stood there amazed that his parents close friends from the sand village were also their rivals as well, and Naruto was surprised with the Kekkei Genkai abilities that Pakura and Rasa possess in their arsenal. Naruto answers "Wow grandpa! They sound strong with all of the abilities they possess, especially the fourth kazekage he's a Kage level ninja like my dad, all of them are very good friends of my parents and they're also rivals!" Hiruzen nodded and speaks "Yes they truly are Naruto."

Naruto speaks "Grandpa? Do they know about me?" Hiruzen answers "Yes they do Naruto. They first heard about you when your parents told them when your mother was pregnant with you. They were very happy for your parents and couldn't wait to meet you. When your parents died they were all heartbroken by the news and were worried you died as well but I told them you are alive and I told them I had to keep your real name a secret because of your fathers enemies with the hidden stone village and the hidden cloud village and they understood that situation since they also cared about your safety as they also kept the secret as well so no one would go after you. I also kept them up to speed on how you are and they know about you living with me at my home. They still wait to soon meet you one day, Naruto."

Naruto answers "Interesting. Grandpa I wish to go to the hidden sand village to meet them."

Hiruzen answered "I can take you to the hidden sand village Naruto, because actually in one year we will have to renew our ninja alliances with them through negotiation. Official Kage business and you have a dream of becoming the strongest hokage so you can join me and you will learn what being a hokage is." Naruto surprised by what his grandfather figure just said and answers "Wow! Really grandpa?! Thank you!" Naruto hugs Hiruzen.Hiruzen hugs Naruto back and answers "Your welcome Naruto. Raza and Karura are married and they have a family. They have a daughter and two sons. When we soon go to the hidden sand you can finally make some new friends out there. Their daughter, she is the oldest and she is two years older than you, their son, he is the second to oldest and he is one year older than you and their youngest son, he is one year younger than you." 

Naruto answers "Wow I wish to meet them Grandpa!" Hiruzen chuckles "You'll meet everyone in time Naruto. Also their daughter is a skilled kunoichi and she is very good at wind style jutsu just like her mother, she also came up with a nickname for herself, she call's herself "The Wind Goddess". She could be "the kunoichi of your dreams" that you're looking for Naruto."

 Naruto blushes sheepishly red at the last comment "Grandpa, I haven't even met her yet!" Naruto said in a sheepishly voice, Hiruzen chuckles.

Naruto then speaks normally and with the blush now gone "But I soon wish to meet everyone and make friends out there like my parents." 

Hiruzen then says "In time you will Naruto, in time. Patience is an important virtue we must all have. Now do you still want to go see the apartment I found for you?" Naruto replies "Yes Grandpa. Take me there." Hiruzen replies "Alright let's go Naruto." Gripping Naruto's shoulder firmly, they vanished in a teleportation.

Appearing in front of a building, Hiruzen guided Naruto in. "I've already stocked it with what you might need", he explained as they arrived on the top floor.

Stopping in front of a door, Hiruzen pushed the door open and let himself and Naruto in.

The first thought that Naruto had upon seeing his apartment was that it was big, just big enough for him and his guests. The second was that it was perfect. The third was awe, seeing that it was stocked with a dining table, a kitchen with a stove, a refrigerator, some excellent furniture, four bedrooms with a bathroom and an attached balcony. The bedrooms even had four racks for clothes and other belongings.

Hiruzen gave a small smile seeing how Naruto was awed like any other child whenever something new given to them.

"You can stay here until you reveal your true name. After that, you can move into your home", he said.

He waited on the couch for Naruto to finish exploring the apartment, which was not long enough. He stood up when Naruto walked into the living room, "So, how is it Naruto?"

He was totally unprepared for Naruto to come bowling over to him, wrapping his arms around him in a hug sent all the air out of his lungs. Only bracing himself at the last second caused him to prevent falling over backwards. Instead, he wrapped his arms around the boy in a bear hug.

Naruto separated first, unshed tears in his eyes, "It's perfect, grandpa. Thank you so much!"

Hiruzen smiled, relieved that Naruto liked it. "Now, before I leave, here is your monthly stipend", he said, handing over a wad of notes, "This is 50,000 Rÿo. Spend it wisely. Is there anything else you need before I go Naruto?"

Naruto thought for a minute and said, his face the epitome of seriousness, "A cookbook would be nice grandpa."


Roaming the streets in the evening, Naruto thought back to the afternoon's conversation. The old man had almost face faulted at Naruto's request. When asked why he would want a cook book, Naruto responded with his signature "Making you feel stupid with just a look" look.

He made the hokage sweat for a minute before answering that he wanted to learn cooking because he did not want to waste his money eating outside, where he would be outrageously overpriced and ripped off by others, he even said as much as he loves to eat at Ichiraku Ramen he can't eat ramen all day and for the rest of his life as he has to eat other foods to bring up his strength, expand his tastebuds, stay in shape and be healthy. Hiruzen now understood Naruto's reason why he needs the cookbook.

That brought him to his main problem. Although grandpa had stocked his fridge with all the healthy food, it would eventually be finished and he would have to buy more. Which meant he would be overpriced for every item he bought. He sighed, shaking his head at the villagers' stupidity.

Really! Just because Kurama lives inside him doesn't mean he's Kurama, just like when you put candy in a box and close it, the box doesn't become the candy itself. And quite frankly, Kurama felt insulted because Naruto was called a demon instead of him. "I'm the only demon here, darn it!" he always said.

That, in turn, reminded him of another matter. He spoke inside, "Hey Kurama! I need your help!" It was almost a minute before the tailed beast responded, "With what, brat?"

Naruto honestly doesn't mind Kurama calling him a brat. He would prefer it over demon-boy any day. Also, it warmed his heart every time he heard it because the fondness in the voice was as clear as daylight.

"I need your help in unlocking my chakra", he replied. Kurama, now fully awake from his nap, raised an eyebrow, "Why now? You could unlock it when you enter the academy like everyone else."

Resolutely shaking his head, Naruto replied, "No Kurama! When I enter the academy, I want to be ahead of everyone else, not with everyone! And if I have to start my training to become a shinobi, with all the materials from my mom and dad, I will start now!"

Kurama released a sigh. He hated it sometimes when Naruto acted like his mother. Kushina was infuriating, the tomato brat that she was.

"Okay, head to one of the training fields", he instructed. Naruto nodded before changing directions towards the training fields. He entered the first one he saw and after ensuring that no one was around, he sat down in Indian position, entering a meditative trance and waiting for a pull into his mind-scape from Kurama. He didn't have to wait for long, but he didn't see a certain purple haired kunoichi looking at him curiously from the entrance of the training ground.

Training Field.

Anko Mitarashi was a special jonin of The Hidden Leaf, specializing in interrogation and working directly under Ibiki Morino, the famed interrogator of The Hidden Leaf. She was powerful, after all, being a former apprentice of one of the Legendary Sannin, Orochimaru.

Just because she was Orochimaru's apprentice meant she was given the kind of treatment that should honestly be reserved for the likes of Orochimaru. She was called the "Snake Freak" by the populace of The Hidden Leaf, but she took it head on and made a fearful reputation for herself, ensuring the villagers kept their distance.

She also knew that one another suffered the same treatment at the hands of the villagers. But she was not that stupid to believe that the blonde would be the Nine Tails in human form. He intrigued her, the way he endured the hatred of the villagers and never backed down. For a five year old, that was seriously impressive.

So when she saw the blonde going towards the training fields, her interest in him was peaked. She decided to follow him, to see what he was going to do. She saw how he observed his surroundings and decided to humor him, by simply being hidden at the entrance, out of sight for him, but visible to anyone else. "What the heck is this boy doing?" she thought with a raised eyebrow.


Naruto arrived in his mind-scape and saw Kurama resting at the shore of a very large body of water, one he knew was not there before. "Where the heck did that come from?" he thought as he approached Kurama.

Kurama sensed his approach and opened his eyes, looking at Naruto with an intense look, "Naruto, do you know what this is?" he asked, gesturing to the body of water.

Naruto shook his head.

Seeing that, Kurama explained, "This body of water is the representation of your chakra. But before we begin to unlock your chakra, I discovered a very interesting thing about your body" smiling at the end.

Naruto's tilted his head to the side, "What?"

Kurama was as blunt as a hammer, "You don't have chakra coils in your body, kid."

Naruto's reaction was priceless, "WWWWWHHHHHHHAAAAAAATTTTTT?!"

Kurama chuckled. Naruto's reaction to surprises was turning out to be very amusing. 

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