The Cowboys Mate

By daydream_bunny

38.5K 683 21

Cassi who believes in fairy-tales, and happily ever afters, thinks she found prince charming. But when her p... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 2

2.9K 78 1
By daydream_bunny

The song she's listening to is in the right :) click on it

Chapter 2

I followed Caden's truck  in my jeep, 'Sunrise', by Caroline Lufkin was playing, I could help but singing along with the beautiful melody. We entered a sprawling ranch, horses were grazing in pens, frollicing around, and basking in the sun. We approached a beautiful two story, ranch style house, surrounded by beautiful flowers of every kind. We came to a halt right in front of the house, and I climbed out marveling in the beauty

"This place is beautiful," I said in awe, I spun around trying to take it all in. "There are so many horses."

He laughed, "Yeah there are, do you ride?"

"No I don't," I sighed wistfully , " maybe one of these days."

" I may have to teach you if we have time," he gave me a heartbreaking smile. " We should head on inside." He turned to Katie , and lifted her in his arms, "Bet your mama's missing you by now, she's not used to having so much free time without you kiddo."

"Mama!" Katie called, as soon as we opened the door. A beautiful tall curvy blond with hazel eyes was walking twords the door. "Mama! Katie stretched out her arms.

The blond caught Katie in her arms, her smile was radiant you could see the love in her eyes. "How's my princess? Did you give your uncle any problems?"

"No she was an angel as usual," Caden said smiling. The blond turned to him, she saw me and looked at me curiously. "Now who's this?" she asked.

"Hello," I said making the biggest smile I could, even though I was nervous around new people. "I'm Cassandra Luna, but you can call me Cassi. Katie invited me for dinner, if that's ok?" I nervously played with my hair.

"Oh yes, it's fine. We love having guests, especially one my daughter invited," she said holding her daughter close. "My names Olivia " she smiled kindly at me "Now if you'll excuse me I have to get this little monster cleaned up and dressed."
"I'm not a monster," Katie giggled as her mom carried her away.

Caden and I stood there in the door way, I laugh softly. He looked at me like I was crazy, "awkward silence always makes me laugh." I explained.

"Oh," he laughed, "well that's one way to break the silence."

"Yes I'm sorry," I blushed 'Why am I so nervous' I thought to myself.

"So you want to check out the horses before dinner?"

"Really could I?" he nodded and I smiled and grabbed his hand pulling him along. I heard him chuckle, and felt his fingers slide through mine,then he was pulling me along. His big calloused hand fit so comfortably wrapped around mine. He lead us to a corral that had the foals all a rich mahogany color, the one of the mares came over and rubbed against the fence.

"Hey pretty girl, what a beautiful baby you have, yours is that little girl there isn't she? ." I pet the mare for a while before the other 2 mares came over, the fouls followed suit. One of the little boys started nibbling on my hair, I giggled. " Silly boy I can't possibly taste good," I pet his long neck, and kissed the top of his head. Caden tapped my arm, I turned to him he grabbed my hand and placed grain in it, I turned my attention to the horses, they all began nibbling the food out of my hand. After a while I turned to Cade, he was staring at me, a look in his eyes I'd never seen before.

(Cades POV)

She was beautiful, that was the only thing I could think. Long silky brown hair to her hips, a soft smile, chocolate brown eyes I could get lost in. I couldn't stop myself from staring at her, something about her drew me, gave me a sense of peace.

"Caden" I heard a  soft voice call,  my name on her lips sounded so right, it did snap me out my train of my daydreaming though. It was Cassi and she looked worried. "Are you alright?" She asked, she placed her soft fans on my arm and again I felt a tingling sensation that made my heart skip a beat.

"Yeah guess I was just lost in thought, nothing to worry about darlin'," my voice came out rougher then I'd intended.
She was nervously biting her lower lip, my eyes were transfixed there, her lips looked so soft.

"Cade! There you are bro." I turned around, John my older brother was walking towards us. "Oh wow, now who's this? You look like you jumped out of a rabbit hole." he said giving Cassi a devilish smile. "I'm John, Cade's older brother." he held out his hand, his eyes roaming down Cassi's body. I bit back a snarl, but it didn't stop me from glaring at him.

"I'm Cassi, it's a pleasure to meet you," she held out her hand. He took her hand in his and bent down to place a kiss on her hand.

"The pleasure is mine," he gave her a meaningful look.

She blushed and pulled back her hand stepping behind me . Her hiding instinctually behind me kept me from snarling and ripping out Johns throat but it didn't me from sending him a look that promised retribution later.

"Is Cade showing you around?" He asked Cassi, ignoring me. She nodded, her soft curls tumbling down her back. "Well if you want I could give you the full tour," he winked her. My hands balled in anger, 'damn womanizing bastard, can't he see she's with me.'

"No we just got done with these horses, what I really want is to take all this makeup off and change my shoes." She sounded like she had no clue about his intentions. 'Take that, I thought glaring at him.

"Come on darlin'" I said taking her hand and leading her away, "I'll take you so you can change if you want."

We walked in the house, my mother was standing in the kitchen cooking, 'No doubt Katie told her all about Cassi' I thought.

"Cade there you are I heard we have a guest," she saw Cassi behind me. "OH there she is, and would you look at her she does looks like a living doll. That dress, is beautiful, and your eyes, and nails. You look like your about to go to a tea party, with the hatter." Cassi smiled, she saw mother was being sincere and actually like her clothes.

"Thank you, I'm Cassandra but you can call me Cassi. I'll be sure to tell my friend Tori that you liked the dress," She smiled. " I'll take it you're Caden's mother?"

"Oh my yes," she said flustered. "It's a pleasure to meet you Cassi."

"Excuse us mom, Cassi wanted to freshen up."

Cassi smiled, "I'll be sure to lend a hand, when I'm done." we walked out of the kitchen and she stopped at the doorway. "I'll need to get my bag," I led her to her jeep, she grabbed a canvas bag and was fumbling through a suitcase, probably looking for clothes, she stuffed a pair of canvas shoes in her bag, then looked at me nervously " Would it be possible to let my dog out of the car ? She's been sleeping all morning since it was a long drive." Out popped a fluffy small blond dog stretching as she rubbed its back "good morning Marie" she crood, the small dog began wagging its tail as she picked it up and clipped a pink leash to it.

"She'll be fine" I smiled reassuringly as I took her bag in one hand and placed the other in hers .

We walked back in the house and I led her upstairs to the bathroom, "We will  be downstairs with my mom, when your done come find me."

(Cassi's POV)

I walked in the bathroom, and with practiced hands began removing the makeup and false eyelashes, taking out the brown circle lenses, I stripped off the dress next, carefully folding it, the petticoats, chemise, and bloomers. I slipped on pink shorts , and a cream knit sweater, I removed my shoes and headress, loosely braided my long hair,  rolled on my cream thigh high socks, I looked threw my bag and found my pink vans and laced them up. I applied a pit of light pink lip gloss and was out the door. My transformation required little under 5 minutes. I went downstairs dashed  to my jeep and carefully placed my clothes on the front seat, grabbing the paper bag containing the remaining boxes of freshly baked cookies I had in the back seat . I walked back to the house, I heard Cade and his mother talking softly, and quietly walked in. They heard my footsteps on the tile, both turned around to see me, without my lolita dresses, I looked like everyone else, it was like leaving a magical world and returning to some far off land where everything was predictable.

"Ummm I have cookies from my Bakery back home," I said softly. "Is there anything I can do to help? I know my way around the kitchen."

She took the paper bag from my hand and opened it "Oh these are wonderful she beamed."

I helped Caden's , mother around the kitchen, doing dishes, peeling potatoes, anything that needed to be done. We sat down to dinner, there I was introduced to Cade's oldest brother, Van (Katie's  father), and to Cade's father.

Van was teasing Cade about him being single, then turned to me and asked "What about you, do you have a man in your life."

I sat there instantly shaking my head "No, no man."I whispered

Cade's POV

A look of hurt crossed Cassi's eyes it was brief but it was there. Around us the conversation continued but she remained silent, pushing around the food on her plate distractedly.

After dinner was over and everything put away Cassi began giving her thanks "I should be leaving soon before it gets to dark, the friend I'm meeting up with is running late but he should catch up with me tomorrow after noon at the hotel" she said looking down at her phone. I couldn't get over the HE meeting her at a HOTEL, something about that made my skin crawl. "Where is the nearest hotel?"

"Bout 40 minutes from here if you continue on the highway. It's in the next town over, Spring Valley." John answered, my gut tightened at the thought of her leaving.

"Thank you ," she smiled "so I really should get going before it gets to late, it was amazing to get to spend the evening with you all." She smiled at everyone. She walked up to me and wrapped her arms around me, she felt so right in my arms, it felt like coming home. When she began to pull away, my heart in my chest tightened it felt like I couldn't breath.

She worked her way through everyone hugging and thanking everyone for a wonderful dinner. Seeing her in my brothers arms it felt wrong she didn't belong there she belonged in my arms.

She began walking to her car and I felt my heart breaking

Cassi's POV

"Cassi...wait," I felt someone grab my wrist as I was walking twords my jeep, again a tingling sensation as his hand touched me it was wield but not unsettling.

"yes? What's wrong Cade ?" I turned around.

He smiled his eyes soft his hand still on my arm, " Cassi I don't think it's safe to be traveling around so late. Why not spend the night here?"

"No," I shook my head. " I don't want to be an imposition, besides it's not that far."

"Cassi please stay, it gets real Dark out here and the sun is setting, I'd only blame myself if something happened to you." The honesty of that statement with visible in his eyes. " It would be fun, we could get to know you better, and hear some interesting stories about you."

"Please Cassi?" Katie looked up at me with her big grey round eyes, so like Cade's glistening with tears.

I sighed giving in , "as long as I'm not an imposition"


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