When He First Realized

By MultiPassions

16.2K 307 140

Many people say that Portwell felt rushed from the start but in all reality it was sparked way before Season... More

His First Glance
More Realizations
Reality Kicks In
Bringing Her Home
Authors Note
Something In The Air Pt 2
New Year, New Relationships?
What If?
Weekend Getaway
First Read Through
Valentines Day Fluke
Payback 2.0
Carlos' Celebration
Not Meant To Be
Many More Tests
Showtime Pt 1
Showtime Pt 2

Something In The Air Pt 1

715 18 4
By MultiPassions

So at this part in the story we are currently in the second semester of school BUT we aren't in school. This is during winter break before school starts. Gina is adjusting to her life with Ej and having fun in the process with more cute moments along the way.

Gina's POV

So at this point it has been almost a month since I've moved in with Ej and when I'm with him there is never a dull moment. He has kept his promises since day one. He's made sure I was comfortable, he informed me about Ash, I'm always able to talk to him basically about anything it's crazy. Considering how we first interacted compared to now is a huge amount of growth. That is something a lot of our friends mentioned when it was revealed that Ej bought the plane ticket. I feel like God was really in my favor this year by bringing me someone that cares about me a lot and I care about him as well. With that being said and done, Christmas is coming up and I have no idea what to give Ej. There is no way I'm going to live here without giving him something amazing in return and hopefully it will beat whatever he gets me (if he decides to). Maybe I can ask Ash for advice, after all she does know him better than anyone else.

Gina heads downstairs to find Ej chilling on the couch.

Gina: Hey Eej, what goes on?

Ej: Ok first of all, did you just call me Eej and secondly nothing. My parents left for their Christmas vacation so we are left house sitting until they get back.

Gina: Yes I called you Eej, it's honestly a cute nickname. I've heard Ashlyn call you that a lot and thought it was cute. And wow stuck house sitting, what a nice way to spend Christmas.

Ej: Well the plan was for Ashlyn to host an amazing Christmas party but she has not been feeling well since yesterday so it seems like we might be stuck here alone on Christmas and possibly New Years if she's not feeling better by then too. Which I mean I don't mind cause you're awesome. We can make the best out of this situation.

Gina: Man and I was just about to ask you to take me to her place. But what I needed can be handled through texts too so that gives her time to feel better. Does she have anyone taking care of her?

Ej: Yeah, Big Red has been coming over during every break while at work to see if she needed anything. He can't stay long since his work breaks are only half an hour but he makes sure to see if she needs anything, brings it, chills with her for like five to ten minutes then he's gone again. She tells me she loves the effort and she always feel a tad bit better after each visit so she's covered.

Gina: Awww that's so sweet that he does that for her. I hope to have that one day or another.

Ej: You mean to tell me you've never had this before. No way.

Gina: No I haven't Caswell. I mean when you move around as much as I do, you don't have time for romance and if I did it would suck since I could be with a guy one day then gone the next. Have I had crushes? Yeah I have but they never went anywhere and until I have enough time in one place, it sadly has to stay that way. I actually almost made my move on a gu- *she remembers who she's taking to* Ok well I've blabbing on for too long now and I'm getting sleepy so I'll be upstairs if you need me *she darts upstairs*.

Ej: But it's only 11 *door slams* in the morning.

Gina's POV

Wow that was close. The last thing I wanted to talk about were my old feelings for Ricky. I hope he didn't get any ideas about my last statement. Kinda feel bad and rushing up here but now it gives me the time to text Ashlyn and ask for Christmas present ideas for Ej.

Meanwhile Downstairs

Ej's POV

Well that was really weird. I wonder why she just ended the convo like that. Last thing she was saying was how she almost made her move on something. It sounded like she was gonna say something that started with G. She almost made her move on a....*sigh* guy. She was saying she almost let her feelings out for a guy and I know exactly who she's talking about. Ricky. Which confirms her hopefully old feelings for Ricky but I gotta remind myself that she said she only wanted to stay friends with him after that big fight they had and there is still hope for me in the future. I'm not going to ask her about it since clearly she's not comfortable talking about it and that's okay. After the way it went South, I wouldn't want to either. Now with that out of the way, Christmas is coming up and I need to figure out what to give G for Christmas and I know exactly who to go to.

Meanwhile at Ashlyn's

Right now she is laying in her bed with Big Red by her side. He has actually just got done with work so he doesn't have to up and leave her this go round. While they are chilling the texts of two people came in at the same time.

Ashlyn: Omg Biggie you have to see this *she shows him her phone*.

Fav and Only Cousin❤️
Hey Cuz, so I need help for Christmas. I want to give G something perfect but my mind goes blank every time I think of her. Got any starting points?

Sister from Another Mother💘
Hey Ash, I need Christmas gift ideas for Ej. I want to give him something great to thank him for letting me stay here but I got nothing. Any ideas?

Big Red: Wait are these two for real? Man honestly they are too cute for me. Ever since Ej bought her that ticket, I've been rooting for the two of them. Hope that's not weird considering the names on your phone *he laughs*.

Ashlyn: *laughs too but it grows into a cough* No it's fine Biggie, you're not the only one. Don't tell anyone else this but as you can probably clearly tell, Ej has the biggest crush on Gina and has for a good while and it's been so cute watching him grow with these feelings. I mean you remember how homecoming went.

Big Red: Oh yeah I remember. I was talking to Ricky when it all went down. Thought it was over for the two of them.

Ashlyn: And look at them now, wanting to give each other the perfect Christmas gifts. I can't with their cuteness sometimes.

Big Red: I can't with your cuteness all the time *he kisses her on the cheek*.

Ashlyn: Awwww *she blushes but since her face is already red it's hard to tell* thank you Biggie.

Big Red: You're Welcome. Now let's go and help these lovebirds. Has Gina talked about anything in particular she's wanted?

Ashlyn: No she hasn't. Whenever we got out and shop, her eyes don't ever get the glow they get whenever she really and truly wants something. She's never mentioned anything she's wanted either. The only time they ever do get that glow is whenever she talks to...her mom. This would be her first ever Christmas without being near her mom. Imagine if Ej flew her mom out for Christmas.

Big Red: Well I wouldn't be surprised if he did. He did it for Gina who he cares about a lot. He'd do anything to make her happy. I don't know how the FEMA program works but if he's lucky, whatever disaster her mom is working with will hopefully be settled down long enough for her to stay up here for at least a day ya know. You should seriously consider it.

Ashlyn: Well money is no object for us Caswell's so I know he wouldn't mind doing that for her again. I'll see what he thinks. Now what about Gina?

Big Red: Well Ej is your cousin, he mention anything he wanted lately?

Ashlyn: No because most of the time, if we Caswell's really want something we buy it ourselves. Maybe she can get him something customizable or handmade. I know he would appreciate the effort she puts into it. A cute photo book of all their memories would be super cute. I'll put the suggestion out there and see what she thinks.

Big Red: Good ideas. If Ej doesn't like those then I don't know what to tell him. If I got something like that from you, I'd cherish them forever.

Ashlyn: I know you would *she kisses his cheek* now time to send these ideas to them.

To: Fav and Only Cousin❤️
So I know this might sound far fetched but the only thing I can think about getting her is....her mom. This would be the first Christmas without her and we both know that feeling. I don't know how you could convince her but who knows, damage down there could be small and they could let her go for the day. It's worth a shot asking. Good luck.

To: Sister from Another Mother💘
So I can't think something he wants but one thing that I can think of is making him something with your hands. Whether it be crafty or cooking or customizable, I know he will appreciate the effort you put into it. Good luck.

She then hits send for both texts and hopes for the best. Now that she's done can continue resting with Biggie.

Back at Ej's

Ej and Gina's POV


They both jump out their beds and open their bedroom doors at the same time and looked at each other.

Gina: Oh uh hey Ej, where you heading off too?

Ej: Oh I was about to go hang with the boys for a bit. What about you?

Gina: I was about to ask if you could drop me off at the store. I need to buy some food and stuff.

Ej: Oh yeah totally. You ready?

Gina: Yeah I am.

They both head downstairs, out the door and to Ej's car. It doesn't take too long to get to the store.

Ej: So what do you plan on cooking?

Gina: I don't know yet, depends on what speaks to me while I'm inside. It could be variety of things so don't be surprised if we have a ton of left overs.

Ej: Ok I won't be. Also text me when you're done so I can come back and get you.

Gina: Oh no need, I can take a lift. Don't want to interrupt you from times with your friends.

Ej: My w- oh right right. Okay well if you're ok then I'm okay but if anything pops up please do not hesitate to call me. You're my priority while you're here okay?

Gina: *smiles* okay I'll keep that in mind.

She hops out the car and off he goes. She needs to make this meal as special as can be. If she's lucky, he will be out the house all day so the surprise doesn't get ruined. Now Ej obviously isn't going to see friends, he's going to the airport to get a list of flights that are coming and going from the area where Gina's mom is. He could easily look it up but he did that once and it was wrong so no more chances cause this is too important to mess up.

Gina's POV

So I've decided that I'm going to make Ej a special dinner for Christmas and a book filled with all of the moments we have had since I started living with him. I know this sounds like a lot but it took a lot for Ej to bring me back and live with him so he deserves this. I know exactly what I want to make for him. Baked Ham with Brown Sugar Glaze, a Pull Apart Cheesy Bread Christmas Tree, Roasted Brussels Sprouts, Roasted Red Potatoes, Mashed Potatoes, and the Classic Roasted Chicken. For dessert I'm going to make Gingerbread Cookies cause you can't go wrong with those, a Red Velvet Cookie Cake, and Cinnamon Roll Apple Pie. This is about to be expensive but totally worth it. For the memory book I'm going to need to get all the photos printed here at Walmart and the rest comes easy. This should be fun.

Gina has spent a good hour and a half shopping for everything she needed but she was now finally done and paying for everything. She decided to pay for a lift instead of getting Ej to come. She wants him to have as much fun as possible and it gives her time to bring everything inside without him being nosey and looking inside the bags. Ej on the other hand has also gotten the list he needed and is heading back home. He sees Gina has not texted so she must have gotten that lift instead.

Ej's POV

Well after today I was able to find exactly the flight that is needed to bring Gina's mom here on Christmas Day. I wish there was one in the morning but they are only available after twelve so she would be here around dinner time. I'll have to explain to Gina that her gift is still being prepared with the hopes that she isn't heartbroken since she can't get it right then and there. But I gotta do what I gotta do to make this work. Once I get back I then have to ask another big question and that is seeing if her mom can even make it out here on that day. I've been told that her mom likes me so that makes this less nerve wracking. Hopefully it should make things easier. I was given her number by Gina when she wanted to thank me for doing what I did so once I get home, time for the big ask.

Ej pulls up to the house and sees a shadow in the windows which tells him that Gina is safe and sound at the house. He hasn't seen her much today and he lowkey really missed her. He misses her no matter how long they have been apart.

Ej: *opens the door* Hey G, howww *he looks around confused since the kitchen looks just as empty as it did this morning* was the shopping? Although from the looks of it, not good.

Gina: Oh no it went just fine, it was just a lot of stuff and I didn't want to clutter the kitchen with my things so the stuff is in my room until it's time to cook.

Ej: Oh great great.

Gina: How was time with the boys? Y'all do anything crazy enough that you can't tell me about *she laughs*?

Ej: Nah we didn't do anything like that. Just the usual, playing of videos games and eating unhealthy *he laughs*.

Gina: Ok well glad you had fun and now if you'll excuse me, I have a little project I have to work on.

Ej: Project? We're not even in school yet and you're already working on a project?

Gina: Yeah I know but it's nothing school related cause this project is about to be a lot of fun and I'll actually enjoy it so don't be too noisy. Going to need total concentration.

Ej: Well can I help at least?

Gina: Eej you've already done enough for me, plus this needs to be done on my own but thanks for asking *she smiles*.

Ej: Ok G, let me know if you need anything while I'm here being totally silent *he laughs*.

Gina: You'll be the first to know, I promise.

She heads upstairs and closes and locks her room door while she takes in everything she bought today. She's so excited to start cooking in a matter of days. Yeah she could totally wait when it comes to the memory book but she wants to start early so she can make sure she can fix it later if needed. This is about to be a long but fun process.

Ej's POV

Man I wonder what's so important that she needs total peace and quiet to do it. Must be important so I'm not about to test her. I got an important thing to do myself anyways. Time to make the move and hope for the best...

To Ms. Porter🤍
Hey Ms. Porter, I have a very important question to ask you...

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