Collection Of Short Stories A...

By iceheartgoldsmile

361 21 38

Just a collection of fun short stories, from war to friendship! More

He asked for war
Just one night
She is
Daddy's girl
Being helpful
Two random fun shorts
Possessive royalty side story
Possessive royalty side story 2
Safe Haven
Freezer burn
Death over capture
Gone master
Appropriate reactions to common tropes
The Vronto, A rare treasure
Spared by the beast
Heidi the slave
The tragedy of the Yoro clan
Good and evil
Under threat
alpha cheese and the mouse shifter
Mouse girl
Captive test subject
Fox mistakes

Drowning lover

17 4 0
By iceheartgoldsmile

The sea waits longingly to drag him under, he shakes and takes a deep breath.

They'd wandered far, just hoping for fun. Enjoying their time alone to talk and laugh, maybe even go further.

Now he watches the boy, scream for help, the current to strong and dragging them under. He knows he can save the boy, yet he remains frozen.

Terrified of the ocean, his fear holding him back, tears leaking down his face as the salty wind hurts his eyes.

It's a beautiful day. The sun high above with only a few small clouds. The wind though strong, is warm. Yet still the boy struggles beneath the current, crashing towards the deadly rocks at the bottom.

The birds have gone quiet and there's noone in sight, the hot sand burning into his bare feet.

It was an unexpected turn, the boy had gone into the water to help him deal with his fear, only to fall victim to the water.

"I.... I'm going to get help!" He shouted, looking around desperately, they'd left their phones at home, not expecting anything to go wrong.

"Don't leave me! Pete, don't you fucking leave me!" Shouted the boy, struggling to say just that, coughing up water all the while.

"But we need help!" Shouted Pete, feeling the cold water lap at his toes, yet he still couldn't move. There didn't come a reply as the boy was dragged down again.

Why couldn't he fucking move!?

"No.... No.... No.... Please god, please! Please don't be dead!" He begged the blue sky, no response coming his way.

Some can find bravery even against their biggest fears, it's unclear if Pete is that kind of person. His love can only go so far.

Nothing but quaint countryside and salt water surrounded him, noone could possibly help in time. The boy still hasn't come back up.

"Please don't leave me alone, please" he begged quietly, falling to his knees and feeling the sand painfully dig into him, the cold water gentle against his skin.

His heart hollow and grey eyes empty.

He's a failure. A terrible, evil person who can't help someone he loves in crisis.

He cried loudly, his sobs being carried away in the wind. Why can't he be strong? Why can't he face his fears?

He'll be all alone. He'll lose the light to his life.

He stirred and stood up slowly, gazing into the seemingly harmless depths.

He will not be alone.

As if a zombie, he staggered slowly into the water, anxiety and fear consuming him, yet his feet unstoppable.

He will not be alone.

The water cold and gentle, the wind blowing his orange hair.

Deeper and deeper he walked, unable to stop, even as the fear consumed him.

He will not be alone.

He could feel a slight pull and continued on, ignoring the increasing current around his legs. Attempting to throw him off balance.

With a deep breath, he fell into the cold, icy water.

Slowly, his sanity arriving as he held his breath, he didn't want to die!

He began to struggle to breach the surface for another breath, the current dragging him down.

Through his low vision in the salt water, he could see a shape near him. The boy was fighting the current, unsuccessfully to get to Pete.

He held out his hand swiping at the water desperately. They latched onto each other as their minds succumb to their need to survive. The violently fought one another to use the other to get to the surface, no longer aware.

Their minds only bent on surviving, dragging each other down and reaching for freedom.

Sometimes love doesn't win.

Sometimes you'll be found in an embrace where people see one side of the story, they see the love and hope, not realising the dark human truth.

They still love and hope, but now, they're souls bound to forever be torn apart by the currents of time.

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