Unmasked (Dream x Oc)

By JaydenSorrows

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Authors note: Just to be clear, I have not been in the mcyt fandom for a year or more and don't actually know... More

New Years Special Cross Over!
Famous Birthdays - Fae
Famous Birthdays - Addy
Famous Birthdays - Zafar
Special Chapter! Pt.1
Special Chapter! Pt.2
!Author Notes!


606 23 31
By JaydenSorrows


"Wait tommy or baby zombies?" Dream laughs.

"ZOMBIES AGH! IMMA DYING" I continue to scream with no help.

"Getting philza Minecraft there" the blond brat dream called Tommy laughed out, I don't know how he got ads to add him to our new Minecraft server but from what I've heard he could get his way in anywhere i don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing but still.

"Philza?" I question.

"He made Minecraft" The child loudly announces which only confused me more.

"I thought his name of Jed or something idk" I get murdered finally but that fucking green brat... the only green brat I want in my life name starts with a D.

"Jed? Really please say your joking" dream wheezes.

"Dream your woman is weird and I am the big man woman lover so I know woman" Tomato boy adds.

"Your like twelve kid you don't know weird if it nibbled on your toes" I respawn at our house were the kid is trying to rob us blind.

"Yo kid whatcha think ya doin?" I hit his character.


"How the fuck did you a child get the crazy bitch known as my best friend to let you on our Minecraft streaming server? both myself and chat want to know" I ask.

"I added her into a call with Big Q, they talked about drugs and then she was like Big Man you are so funny and not annoying unlike other men so you can come on our server!" Tommy explains, British voice sound nice even from hormone filled teenager, I miss Georgie.

"Why does that sound half way believable?" Dream snickers.

"BECAUSE IT WAS WHAT HAPPENED!" Tommy loudly broke my ear drums.

"How did you and ads even get in contact? Like who put you in touch with her?" I question.

"Well I saw her fight with Dream on Twitter so I followed her and since I'm verified she followed me back, then I dm her like your poggers and she was like hey big man introduce me to big Q so we can hang in dark alleyways together" as the words leave his mouth I know for sure most of that probably is true, it sounds like ads.

"Plus Georgenotfound follows you both so now I the big man and Tubbo does too" he finishes off.

"Dream I think we are parents now" I joke.

"Fuck no! we have patches, Roky, basilisk,  Dragon and siren" he comes out of no where and murders Tommy.

"DREAM I WILL TELL PHILZA ON YOU!" Tommy screeches before both leaving the call and the server, Dream and myself burst into laughter. My chat fills with leave Tommy alone and then a lot of mean comments about the child.


"Does your voice hurt?" Dream snickers.

"Yes but I will not allow my fucking ass of stans belittle such a nice kid, Tommy has worked his British butt off to get this far and as mean as I am, I have to respect the work he has put into his career. So yes I know weird fae is tell people to not bully children on the internet but I got to say getting to know him and the others in the Minecraft fandom has given me a new view, as long as they enjoy it and it's legal then who has the right to stop them" I explain.

"Damn fae well put" Dream claps his hands.


"Do I really have to attend another party.." I mutter.

"Your my date so yes! Plus it's mainly streamers so it's a good thing, meeting other people and maybe planning future videos idk but it's gonna be super chill and as far as I'm aware only a few of my online friends will be there so you most likely don't even have to tell anyone who you are if It makes it more comfortable" Ads smiles at her, even if I say no again I will end up going anyway and we both know it.

"Ads if you haven't noticed with this so called soft and cute voice of mine, people who know Fae the Fairy Killer will know I'm me and lately a lot more famous and not as famous people have been following me because of my association with the Dream Minecraft gang, hell lil nas liked a tweet of mine the other day and I almost had a fucking heart attack" I explain.

"Well one I'm jealous and two it will be alright if George didn't realise you were you straight up then who knows" she shrugs.

"True but people like lily and poki knew I was me as sound as talking to me, maybe cause I've known them longer but Ahh" I feel like I'm getting shoved into a metaphorical box just think about it.

"If you do come I will delete the screenshots of you and schlatt from yonks ago, no more blackmail" she smirks.

"OKAY I WILL COME! Now delete them!" I loudly demand and surprising she deletes them both in camera roll and in the trash bin. She probably has copies somewhere but I trust my best friend enough to know she won't use them now that she agreed to this deal.

"Yay now get fucking ready, I bought you a edgy and hot outfit cause girl you need to show off even when the green boy ain't here" she smirks, I roll my eyes again before smiling.

"Addy I'm happy you could make it, this must be your plus one!" I tall woman smiles at us as she speaks, I have 0 idea who she is but I guess she's the host.. maybe?

"Yeah I told you I always get the best looking dates when I go to parties!" Ads smiles at me and back at the slender man lady, I normally fell short around other but this woman is super fucking tall like she must be schlatt's hight though it could be the heels she's wearing, though I still fell fucking short agh.

"I heard you had a few good looking guys as dates for you birthday party, I feel bad that I missed it" as she continues to speak to ask my urge to walk off and hide in a corner grows.

"Ads imma go grab us some drinks" I mutter and ads nods, I head over to the bar.. how rich are these people to have a bar in their lounge room like damn it's a decent sized one at that. I spot a familiar raven haired tiktok boy before I could avoid him.. he notices me too.

"Fae, it's been a while since I saw you" Zafar speaks as if the shit that went down on Ads's birthday wasn't a good enough reason to stop talking, I guess from what I could find out from the others Z didn't really do anything other then liked the post Amriel wrote for that gossip Twitter page shit.

"I guess.." I mutter out.

"Are you alright?" He honestly seems concerned, I don't know if I should even trust that now.

"Didn't really want to come since the last party I went to.." I sigh out.

"Yeah understandable what that dream guy did to you and Amriel was shitty" he seems annoyed now, wait what Dream did? Is he that utterly stupid or just trusts Amriel word like law?

"You have it wrong, Amriel kissed him.. he pushed her away" I annoyed retort.

"This is what I mean, he turn you against your friends. Thats a toxic relationship" he sighs.

"Zafar it isn't a lie that is what happened and from what I got told cherry and Amriel set the whole thing up to get Dream and me against each other" I explain.

"Why would two of you closest friends do that, we have known each other for years and the first time our group stops talking is because of a guy you haven't known for that long? What sounds more believable to you; your closest friends trying to get between you and a man who is newer in your life or a man you haven't known that long getting better you and your friends?" He is super headstrong about this, no matter what I tell him he's going to turn it back on Dream. Zafar might not of been involved that night but defending someone without knowing the facts.. I guess in his side those things he believes and has been told are the facts but still.

"Look who it is Fae the fairy queen" cherry scoffed as she and Amriel walk over to us. Wait that name...

"Who told you that name?" I question.

"Non of your business, are you hear tonight to find a new person to leech off?" Amriel crosses her arms, both Z and I are utterly confused.

"Upset that your plan to get between Dream and myself didn't work" I roll my eyes, I really just want to go back to Ads right now.

"You obnoxious whore, all you care about is your views! You aren't good enough for him!" Amriel announces to the whole room, but what got everyone's attention was her screaming but the sound of her hand slapping my face.

"You have never been good enough for anyone ever, your lovely sister found you out and got in Touch with us telling us all about Justin. Your own sister's man yet you went out of your way to always get his attention and one man wasn't enough but all the men in your school is what you wanted? Do they know the truth behind your name? Fae the queen of the fairies, you act all cute to trick those with pure hearts" cherry Adds, all around us were in pure shock.

"Amriel, Cherry what's gotten to you? She's our friend" Zafar mutters out.

"See even Z, the guy who your friend has feelings for is protecting you because of that stupid act you put on" Amriel glares at me as she continues, i knew this would go down as soon as I started to feel happy.

"Your nothing but a whore" Cherry rolls her eyes, why is no one else speaking? Where is Ads and Schlatt? My chest feels like it's going to burst, I've heard this all before but from them it hurts more then ever.

"What's so good about you? Why do all the boys just get obsessed with such a stupid introvert like you? He had me as an option yet he chose your ugliness" Amriel shoves my shoulder, all of high school flashed in front of me as I fall to the ground. After all this time I still can not defend myself, nothing changes.

"If you lay another hand on her, I will personally break every finger" Ads's voice cuts over all my bad thoughts.

"Ads are you blind, she's the reason you can get the one guy you obviously want yet you let her continue?" Cherry snaps back.

"You fucking stupid, you think the reason Schlatt and I never became more was because of her? No we just became friends instead, Fae gave me that so of course I want her by my side. You three make me sick" Ads grabs my arm helping me off the ground.

"Helping a whore like her will only make it harder for you to ever get him, don't you see that?" Amriel retorts.

"Let me make it clear, you touch a hair on her head you will have to deal with me." Ads glares then all down.

"Addy please realise what choice your making?" Cherry almost sounds like she is begging.

"I have and I'm sticking to it, also Amriel you met the guy once and you forced yourself on him. Honey you wonder why he didn't knew think about you after that moment, unlike you Fae actually built a relationship with him." Ads states as she grabs my hand ready to exit but before we even got the chance, Amriel throws her drink at us.

"Even covered in your cheap alcohol, both him and I would still chose her over you fake ass people" ads states as she storms out dragging me behind her, we stop once we got outside.

"No more parties!" Ads huffs out.

"you shouldn't of had to defend me inside. I wreck another party for you" I mutter.

"you didn't, those idiots did" she pulls me into a hug.

"Why are you all so good to me? I'm a mess always causing drama" I cry into her arms.

"Baby girl let me make this clear, you are amazing! All those with even one braincell knows that, no matter what you want to do or say... I will have your back" she hugs me tighter.

"Florida.. I want to go to florida.." I mutter.

"Okay then once we get back to yours we can book it all in" she pats my head as we continue to hug.

"Can we go now?" I mutter.

"Okay but we will have to stop by my place and yours, also ask Conner to look after our pets" she explains.

"I really am sorry" I mutter as tears fall quicker down my face.

"You never have to be sorry about being treated like that and while we are in florida I will drive to that small town that bitch Meg lives in and fucking introduce her to my steal capped boots, that Susan too and hell every single person in that town who ever made you feel like you were less then perfect" she hugs me tighter.

"I love you so much Ads" I hug back tightly.

"Fae I love you too also imma kiss that roommate of your man so much" she says snorting a bit.

"Pfft" We release from our hug and head to Ads's car, we didn't even get to have a drink tonight yet we are going home sticky.

"Fae next time we leave a party basically with our clothes wet and sticky let's make it the fun time of wet and sticky, and the fun type of a party" Ads smirks as she starts to drive.

"One I was literally just think about how we left sticky without even having a drink and two what is the fun type of wet and sticky... wait never mind" I roll my eyes as soon as I realise what she meant.

"I forgot you only recently had your first kiss lmao" she laughs.

"Shut up, at least I have someone who kisses me not as a joke" I huff out.

"Oh baby girl I am talented at getting men and women to kiss me, all you got to do is show off the girls and say you need them to make another guy jealous. It works every time" I hope my friend is joking but still.

"Show off the girls huh, sounds like you need only fans." I sigh.

"Dude just realised Cherry gonna lose her main income lmao" Ads snorts out.

I push play on Ads stereo to play whatever she already had in there which was Rick and Morty let's get swifty song, why am I not surprised. I skip hoping the next song is something more up my ally and it was Gangnam style. I keep skippy head the start of each song;
- The Pi song
- I am a gummy bear
- How bad can i be?
- Da Coconut Nut
- Witch doctor

"What the fuck is this CD?" I question.

"My crying mix, I play it when I need to cry." She smiles almost creepily, of course the girl who wants to date a killer clown cries to Gangnam Style.

"Okay im taking the aux cord, time to play horny sex songs or Dream and corpse playlist" I say plugging my phone in and clicking my Spotify playlist.

"Dude is this dreams new song? It's a banger!" She say not even five seconds in.

"It's with Alec Benjamin of course it is but dreams lyrics always bangs" I smile

"Damn wish he was my Minecraft boyfriend! he writes songs with one of my favourite singers, plays Minecraft with two others! God I'm jelly" she laughs.

"Dude we are friends with Corpse so does that really count?" I laugh.

"He might be my friend but STILL HES AN AMAZING GUY! Hell dreams even played with James Marriott and his music makes my heart cry, it's so good!" Ads explains.

"DUDE I KNOW! I have his music in my playlist, his voice is so fucking good" I laugh a bit.

"Two things, one it's nice seeing you smile again and two it's fucking so funny to me when I hear you simping for a voice" she smiles.

"I might hate when people call me a child for my voice but it doesn't mean I am not allowed to simp for my friends and other peoples voices! Fae is people too!" I smile at her before we both break into laughter.

"Fae how do you feel knowing Meg knows about your streaming and even contacted Cherry?" Her laughter turn to sorrow and worries.

"I always knew one day someone from that town would find out and tell everyone else, I took back the name my father called me and wore it with pride. They cannot take it back, Fae the fairy queen is no more it's why I became the fairy killer instead. I worked my arse off to get as far as I have, I might get dragged through the mud for shit I say but that's alright because I get back up and keep going. I'm actually happy with who I am becoming thanks to you, schlatt, Connor, Bec and Dream" I smile and ads starts to ugly happy cry.

"You call Connor while I grab my fluffy" ads whips her tears as we pull up outside her house.

"Wait I cannot believe it took me this long to realise but I never got my spare key back off Dream.. I'll have to give Connor mine and grab it when we return.. that's if Connor doesn't mind looking after our babies" I mutter.

"Girl it's all good, I'll only drop you off and stay one day and head back. Connor will only have to look after them for a day" she smiles.

"Then how will I get back?" I question.

"I'll drive back to get you, think of it like a field trip from school except you get laid" this smug broken mechanical pencil, for that comment I hit her.

"Ow Damn" she screeches finally getting out of the car and running inside her house. I dial Connor's number, hoping he's not asleep.

"Fae is everything alright?!?" Connor is quick to question.

"Connor I'm fine.. well sort of, ads and I are gonna drive out to Florida for a couple days.." I mutter.

"You need me to babysit?" His voice softens.

"Yeah sorry to put this on you suddenly" I continue muttering.

"Fae we are basically family, I don't mind plus Roky is easy and the others I only have to feed when they need it right" he questions.

"Sort of, if you look in schlatt's bed side table there is a list of things my babies need.. I'm still debating if I should take roky with me or not.. but you will also look after Ads Spider Hades if it isn't too much trouble" I feel bad throwing it at him so late.

"All good, I'll stop by your's tomorrow so leave Hades there too" Connor hums out.

"Coolies, Connor thank you.. also I'll drop the key in the mail slot at yours" I am honestly so thankful for Connor, we haven't been friends for long but he has always treated me with kindness and like family which I am not to use to, my other friendships took years to be this good but maybe it's because of schlatt and I's closeness that Connor treats me so well.

"Fae I'm telling you no need to thank me, well you can buy me lunch when you get back and tell me all that happened."

"Deal!" I smile out before we say out goodbyes, ads gets back in the car and hands me her spider moveable terrarium.

"Connor said to leave Hades at mine.. dude your so lucky I bought a new terrarium recently so hades will not be stuck in his tiny one while we are away.. anyway after we get my stuff from home imma throw my key into an envelope and put it in their mail slot" I explain.

"Why do you have a new terrarium?" She questions.

"So the person I bought Dragon off just had another bunch of babies and asked if I would like one and for a decent price" I smile.

"So have you gotten the new baby yet?" She asks.

"Nope I get first pick in a few weeks though! Ever since I bought dragon off them we kept in touch via text sending each other pictures of our babies! She is like 65 and has more lizards and snakes then I've ever seen, she also sends me food recipes for the lil ones" I excitingly explain.

"Of course the only non streamer friend you have is a crazy lizard person" he laughs.

"They are openly pansexual and Trans since they were 20, though we have only met in person twice when I was buying Dragon they always congratulate me on my birthday plus on dragon and say merry Christmas as well." I smile.

"My god that is so amazing, what other pets does she breed?" Ads questions.

"Most reptiles and some rodents like rats" I smile.

"Girl I've been debating getting 4 turtles and a rat!" Ads excitingly announces as we drive.

"Ninja turtles?" I question.

"UH YES!" She smiles out, she definitely drank an entire Monster energy drink while grabbing her clothes and essentials. After a quick drive we reach my apartment, we run up stairs to pack my bag and place hades in the recently set up terrarium. I grab roky's essentials as well as my own, packing two bags and fighting ads on what goes in these bags.

"Come on cute dog outfits and sexy you outfits are a need" she smirks.

"My girl I don't own sexy clothes so stop throwing my old shirts in, I will be wearing my onesie! I'll allow you to pack roky's bag but not my own." I explain.

"Fine but why do you have two Dream hoodies?" She question.

"Because each time we see each other I make him bring me one, I have the green one to game in and the black one to chill in! They are 5xl so on my short but sexy ass they are dresses" I smile throwing them back in my closet.

"Why not wear them?"

"Cause then I can steal another one.." I smile.

"especially if it smells like him" I mutter under my breath.

"Cough cough simp cough cough" she jokes as I grab the last of what I need, I push her out of my room so I can get quickly changed in to less sticky clothes just as ads did at her own place. I walk out to see ads giving her spider kisses, she's a dork but hey so am I.

"I'm ready" I hum holding the two bags as I grab Roky's food, water bowls and an envelope.

"Girl I might borrow your sugar momma money and get one of these fancy ones for hades" she jokes as she picks up Roky.

"For you addy, I will" I smile as we lock up and jump back in the car, Roky lays down in the back seat quickly falling asleep. I put my house keys in the envelope, after another quick drive we stop off out the front of Schlatt and connor's place. I slip the envelope in the mail hole thingo, before jumping back in the car to begin the long drive.

My eyes started to get heavy maybe because unlike my hypo best friend I'm not on monster right now and I'm very emotional exhausted. I give in to the sleepiness and close my eyes as we have a long 14ish hour drive.

"You bewitch my eyes with such grace m'lady" his rough tone drew me in, at first it was just the look he gave from across the hall and maybe it was because I had yet to see such beautiful eyes on a man in these parts.

"Oh you are too kind, what might bring you to these lands" I replied without taking a look away from those eyes, the rest of him hasn't bad looking either but something in those eyes that make me wish to never leave his side.

"To see such beauty these lands are known for, yet the land could not compare to the beauty before me now" his hand moves through his hair and such nice hair he does have. I wish that was my hand, if my father heard such a thought he'd send me away and this Man to the barracks in the middle of the bloodshed.

"Oh your words do flatter me too much, most know me by no other word then cute so hearing beauty does make me blush kind sir" I smile enjoying such a conversation.

"Oh but those were only men who feared your father never to tell you that your smile is more beautiful then any other in this whole banquet" his word were genuine and made my heart jump out of my chest.

"You must be as brave as you are handsome, most do not dare to approach myself especially so close to my father." I smile at him and begin to move onto the balcony, the handsome man followed only a step behind.

"My body and words seem to be listening to my heart instead of my head, some may call me brave but most say I am a fool" he leans on the railing next to me.

"The fool was always my favourite Tarot card, that and death" I smile.

"You wish death upon this fool M'lady" he questions without a single change in his charming tone.

"Death may sound scary but in the way of Tarot it means Change or new beginning which I would wish upon all those brought to our land by such war and bloodshed" I explain sighing at what my land had become.

"The stories gave you no justice, they said you were just the favourite pure young daughter of this land yet I only see a brave and beautiful woman who just wants this long war to end" he smiles as he places his hand on top of mine, I cannot tell if he has a hidden motive or actually see me in such a way but I don't mind.

"Kind sir, I don't believe I have learnt your name?" I question.

"Clayton of the Dream Clan" he smile moving my hand up to bend down and kiss.

"Dreamy man from the Dream clan, that does suit you very well. They call me-" I begin to introduce myself yet he stops me.

"Your title as the fairy princess spreads all the land but the name you were given at birth was-" he speaks as the world began to go black once more.

"So you awake" ads smirks.

"Kinda... how long was I out?" I ask.

"Enough time to mutter Dreamy in your sleep" she laughs.

"It was a good dream, I was a princess and he was a Knight. We became drawn to each other at first sight" I smile out.

"Lmao sounds better then real life" she laughs.

The call rings out for the third time, this man can like my tweet but not answer my call. He might be asleep again, that idiot can program as well as he can kiss.. maybe he made a bot to like all my tweets or like any tweet about roadtrip. Might cry a bit lmao.

"Still no answer?" She rolls her eyes, we have pulled over at a small park to stretch our legs and let Roky run around a bit.

"Nah this idiot apparently got a proper sleep schedule over night" I sigh, ads pulls out her phone and dials a number. It rings once before someone answers, to my surprise it was a curtain Texas refrigerator panda lover.

"Yo sexy is your roommate awake?" She questions clicking him on speaker.

"Yeah though he's crying cause he forgot to charge his phone and it's taking a minute to turn on" he laughs.

"Bahaha hear that girl your man just an idiot not a fool" she laughs.

"Was Fae crying too?" Nick and ads laugh together.

"Yo Clay! It's for you" I hear him pass the phone.

"Hello?" Dream voice makes my heart almost skip a beat, ads takes it off speaker and passes it too me.

"Hi.." I mutter.

"Fae!" His tone gets more high beat as if he was both happy and surprised to hear my own voice.

"I know it's a bit early and late to say but ads and I are half way to your house, we will be there in seven hours... I just really need to see you.." I mutter that last part to make sure he is the only one to hear.

"Are you alright?" He questions.

"Just a bit shaken up, I'll explain it when I see you... I just.." I mutter.

"I understand, as soon as I see you I'll give you a big hug or kiss" he chuckles a bit trying to cheer me up but god it kinda works.

"Why not both?" I bite a bit of my lip holding back a smile.

"Seems like we are role playing a call between ads and nick here.. especially using there phones" he wheezes a bit.

"Oh Nicky ahh kiss me like a clown would" I mock ads voice quietly making sure she cannot here me.

"You might not be my fiancés but damn girl you fine.." he laughs back quietly.

"We probably should stop before either hears right" I let out a soft laughter and he agrees, we talk for a bit long before ads and I say our temporary goodbye as we start to drive again.

"You sure we went to the right street" ads pulls over really confused on where we were thanks to the gps.

"I told you it's was two turns back" I laugh a bit.

"Yeah well from past experiences I trusted the gps off your lack of Direction" she turned the gps off before turning the car around, with a short drive we arrive at the right house.

"See I am sometimes right, just block their cars in cause way not" I smirk and ads pulls into the driveway.

"Hey Did you check if patches likes dogs?" Ads asked.

"I didn't but Roky is a good boy and gets along with jimbo so hopefully" I smile getting out of the car grabbing Roky, I'll get the bags later but with one swift grabbing ads had our three bags and Roky's bowls.

I head straight for the door, knocking impatiently waiting for it to open. God I am going to fucking kick this door down if it isn't open in 5... 4.. 3... 2.. Swing goes the door and there is the Texas Samsung Refrigerator Power Ranger.

"If it isn't a child and a dog" he smiles, this half eaten white crayon left in dog shit cause who fucking wants a white crayon let alone one that some two year old has bitten thinks he can smile because I'm a short bitch while this also short man just happens to be a bit taller.

"You know there is no vaccine for stupidity right?" I want to step on his foot just to be a bitch, okay maybe I'm a bit tired I probably shouldn't get into fights with the person who are letting me crash here for free for like a couple days.

"Damn Fae I'm hurt, thought we were close" he laughs.

"Long trip I guess" he smiles, I just nod as ads walks over.

"HOT STUFF HELLO!" She smirks as she screeches loudly.

"Ew" I push pass nick and walk inside placing Roky down, patches and him seem to not want to kill or eat the other.. they kinda just sit facing each other. I decide to find patches father to attack him since he didn't welcome me at the door.

I remember from my last time being here and walk towards his office, he has headphones on and seems to be talking to someone on discord. Hmm how do I play this especially since he could be recording or like the other person also could be and I don't need tweeter going off about 'Dream has woman in his room while talking to his boyfriend! Not clickbait!'.

I walk up behind him yet he doesn't seem to notice, I cannot do too much due to the situation and him have a chair back to me.. I'll just kiss his cheek, simple and quick. Hmm yeah let's do that. I lean over quickly pecking his cheek, he turns his chair hitting me a little but now he his facing me.

"Brb " he smiles at me clicking his mic mute button, removing his headphones just to properly face me and for the first time I can kiss him without high shoes or tippy toes. Might break his knees so I don't have to ever do that again lmao.

"That was a nice surprise" he smiles kissing me back.

"It was between that and biting your ear but I'd hate for you to moan on a stream cause that definitely make the whole Twitter world talk" i smile as he stands up to pull into a hug.

"Let them talk" he smirks.

"You said it" I get on my tippy toes for one last kiss before putting his headphones on myself and unmuting his mic.

"Dream is a bit busy he'll call you back later" I say very close to his mic.

"Fae?" I hear who if I am right is ranboo question.

"Ah so this is the Fae everyone has been talking about" This British man adds.

"Hope it's all terrible things" I joke, Dream is just watching me talk to his friends lmao.

"Nobody would tell philza bad things" A voice I recognise as Tommy's friend tubbo says.

"Ah so your the internet dad guy, nice to meet ya but sorry to cut it short but I've been driving for 14 hours and this dumb Alligator fighting Florida man owes me something..so good bye" I smile clicking hang up and taking his headphones off freeing my ears.

"So I owe you something huh?" He smugly asked leaning in to kiss me once more.

"As much as i am enjoying these kisses.. you owe me lunch not a good time" I smirk.

"I'm too busy to get you lunch" he kisses me this time for longer before giving me a nice long and comfortable hug.

"Why?" I question.

"Because I'm comforting this really amazing girl who definitely had a shitty day to make her spontaneously drive 14 hours to see a dumb Alligator fighting Florida man" his thumb is slowly and gently rubs in circles on my shoulder, I cannot help but let the tears run down my cheeks crying into his chest.

"Meg.. and cherry.. my worlds are colliding and the only thing they can all agree on is that I'm not good enough for..." I mutter out probably getting snot on his shirt.

"Okay start from the start" he sits me down on his gaming chair before kneels while holding my hands. I take a breath in before readying myself.

"Ads took me to a party.. I went to get a drink while ads was talking to the host and I ran into Zafar.. he thought you were the one trying to bring out friend group apart... I explain what actually happened and then Amriel with cherry walked over.. they called me Fae the fairy queen but the tone was just like Meg.. then cherry explain that Meg found out about my job and got in contact with her.. ads tried to defend me but Amriel just went off about how she better for you and threw a drink at us when ads said that we had a relationship while all there was between her and you was her forcing herself on you" I mutter it all out as I explain.

"For fucking god those women need a good blocking" he lifts my hand up and kisses it.

"Ads offered to send a few of her exes at them like the crazy ones.." I say which gets a small laugh from him.

"So all of them? Wait does schlatt know what they did yet?" He questions, gotta smile how ads crazy exes leads to schlatt.

"God no.. he's in New York for now.. I didn't even explain it to Connor when I asked him to watch our pets.. ads is gonna head back tomorrow and talk to him then" I explain.

"Well that's alright" he's doing the comfort thumb circle rub on me hands now but god why is he so kind to me.

"ARE YOU TWO WEARING CLOTHES?" Ads screeches down the hallway, which makes us laugh.

"Sadly, we can change that if that means I get food" I reply loudly.

"KEEP THE CLOTHES ON THANK YOU" nick joins in the screaming, Dream and I decided to walk out to them holding hands cause physical touch is needed.

"So what y'all want to eat" nick laughs.

"Each other" ads replies and they give each other a weird look.

"Have I ever told you how much I dislike you?" Dream questions.

"All the time" nick snickers.

"Do you have Instant Ramen?" I ask.

"You think these white boys would have instant ramen, girl their spice rack only has salt and pepper" ads laughs.

"Okay give me your fucking card, ads we need to teach these men how to live" I smile.

"We have more then just salt and pepper" Dream defends his honour.

"Sugar doesn't count" ads laughs.

"Well you have enough salt for all four of us" nick smirks.

"Pizza?" Dream smile at me while our best friends screech at each other.

"Pizza" I smile back.

"You two are disgustingly cute" ads hands me back my phone so I can finally use my private instagram account. Starting to feel like a teen girl with my main, private and meme instagram pages.

"Dream you can put me down now" I say yet the Florida man doesn't listen and continues to carry me bridal style.

"Clay trying keep you from running away" bob the no body asked man aka sapnap or whatever says.

"Please put me down please" I beg, he swings me around smirking.

"Nope I will carry you" he laughs, I try to kick him but my short ass legs do not help.

"Dream and Fae sitting in a tree" the refrigerator hummed.

"K I S S I N G" Ads sings out.

"Dream put me down so I can tackle ads while you get your dumbo roommate" I mutter.

"Why should I?" He smirks with biting his lip a little, with my arm that isn't rapped around his neck with that free hand I hold his face still to give him what he obviously wants from his aggressive lip biting.

"Damn well it's not in a tree but in the street" nick laughs.

"Keep it for the sheets my homies" ads joins in, these two need to be whacked before they start planning some evil scheme.

"Ignore them and just kiss me again" dream smirks.

"You are a stinky smelly dumbo" I hum before giving him another kiss.

"Yet you kissed me a stinky smelly dumbo" he continues to smirk, he enjoys this too much... I really want to get put down but it seems he won't but I have an evil plan.

I lean forward as if I was going for another kiss, as kisses add up and he seems to get in rhythm I know my timing is coming up. I slowly move the kiss down so his bottom lip was between my own lips giving a few more kisses before striking. With one quick moment I bite hard down on his lip, he flinches before almost dropping my arse.

"DREAM I KNOW I SAID PUT ME DOWN BUT I DONT MEAN TO DROP ME" I screech as he stables himself and safely places me down onto my feet before pulling me into a tight hug.

"Sorry but you shouldn't bite me without thinking I'll bite back" he whispers to my ear before getting his revenge, a quick nibble on my ear. Now I'm lip biting like a horny sixteen year old tik tok boy.

"Ads wanna make out?" Nick's joke cut both of us to reality.

"I'm down though this time I might follow their leads and do some biting" she evilly smirks proud of herself.

"God really, you two didn't have to watch" Dream start sexily wheezing.

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