Lucid nightmares save souls

By jennifermydarling

502 1 561

Why would I fall this time? Because I'm fucking stupid, that's why. A story about a group of friends who int... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 32
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
Ch. 36
Ch. 37
Ch. 38
Ch. 39
Ch. 40
Ch. 41
Ch. 42
Ch. 43
Ch. 44
Ch. 45
Ch. 46
Ch. 47
Ch. 48

Ch. 4

11 0 0
By jennifermydarling

'Alright, here's something about me: I'm Lars Jensen, I'm from Norway and I'm turning 17 in about two weeks.'

'Omg that means he's a Scorpio'

'We could've known that.'

'Nora, Lisa, now is really not the moment.'

'Thank you Eva, now, as I was saying, you four went inside our cafe which is actually not a cafe but an undercover office. We tried to make it look not really welcoming so there wouldn't be any random people who go inside. Most of the time they don't, but sometimes there are people like you and we get coffee from next door.' Lars started to explain.

'That's why it took so damn long to bring my coffee, WHICH I BY THE WAY STILL DON'T HAVE!'

'Well yes, we are actually the schools section which search for new students. Most of the time new students are easily to find. We have radars all around the word and The Gift is in your blood so it can only be passed down from generation to generation, although sometimes it does skip one or more generations.'

'Wait, what is "The Gift" you're talking about? That kind of came out of nowhere.'

'Good question Sadie, but I might need to explain a little more before I can answer that one. Let me try to explain with a little history. When the big bang happened, the universe exploded from nothing to everything in milliseconds. So much energy was lost that there was a surplus. You may be wondering how is that even possible in something that's only been around for milliseconds, it sounds weird but it's already happened. All that energy had to go somewhere, it gathered and floated through the universe like a ticking time bomb for billions of years. Until it met Earth, the first planet it had passed where life was possible. Because there were a lot of living things here, there was also a lot of energy here.'

'Rap this shit up alright? They don't have physics anymore, they don't understand shit about what you just said.' Eva interrupted him.

'Yea alright, basically what I was saying was the earth is the perfect place for storing the energy. Well actually it was, until the humans came, they were too curious for their own good. When the Egyptians found a large deep cave, they went inside. Inside they hoped to find gold or other commodities, but instead they found something much more precious. With the mining work they activated the ticking time bomb and there was a huge explosion, all the energy was released and it was looking for a new hiding place.'

'Can I like interrupt real quick cause this rope around my wrists is really uncomfortable, so can we like remove it or something?' Eva spoke again.

'I'm trying to tell my story here! Please stop interrupting, it's already hard and you're only making it harder for me.'

Eva rolled her eyes. 'Jeez sorry hoor, I didn't mean to make you mad or something.'

'...I'm just going to ignore the fact you just called me a hoe and continue my story.'

Her eyes widen. 'Oh my fucking god no I didn't mean it like that, in dutch you say like ja hoor in like yes sure I wasn't-, alright you know what fuck this shit.'

'Anyways as I was saying, the energy was absorbed by all people within a scale of a few hundred kilometers. It didn't kill everyone, only the weak ones died, everyone else only suffered from the side effects. You can understand that some people absorbed more energy than others, because they were closer to the explosion, that's why now some of us are also more powerful than others. There were four side effects, all the survivors suffered from one of the four, never more than one. Everyone who absorbed some of the energy gained the control over one of the four elements. In the times of the Egyptians it was common knowledge, these powers, and they used it a lot, building the fucking pyramids for example.'

'But as the time went by, the people spread around the world and The Gift became less and less common. The people were scared for the people with too much power, they were a threat in their eyes. They were hunted down and killed in cold blood. They hid their powers or tried to kill themselves, but as hard as they tried, The Gift always knew a way to get back into humanity. In the seventeenth century sir Elias Favre, his brother sir Felix Favre, his sister Lena Favre and his other sister Mila Favre were one the first documented Quattuornexus. They dedicated their life to helping other people like them and they decided to open a school. I know this might sound dangerously much like something we've heard before but where do you think J.K got her ideas from?'

'Oh my god, you're telling me J.K. Rowling is a-, wait, how do you call people like, I don't know you? Oh my god, are you also like- yea? And why are we even here, OH MY GOD, YOU AIN'T GONNA TELL ME WE- I don't think I understand anymore.'

'Me too Lisa, me too.'

*Me trying to invent my own physics like:

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