Fighter (Naruto Fan Fiction)

By Animate_Me

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SLOW UPDATES I'm sorry :( Ina is just a young girl who has been training to be a ninja... Except a few years... More

Chapter 1 Why I am a Ninja
Chapter 2 My team, and my Sensei
Chapter three Sickness
Chapter 4 Pressure Point
Chapter 5 Mr. Moomoochi
Chapter 6 My Dearest Brother
Chapter 7 and 8 Hurts Like Heaven
Chapter 10 Hear Me

Chapter 9

679 41 9
By Animate_Me

I'm gone.

It's cold.

The only thing I hear now is silence.

I'm in over my head.

I was no longer seeing darkness though, I was seeing light. I felt at peace almost. I felt so light and I couldn't help but smile at the peace I felt. Nothing would ever feel so at peace as right now, but the feeling subsided when I heard voices.

"Ha! Simple emotions like love are useless. It looks like 'you're' dead sister," Came a sly voice.

"Oh, why thank you for informing me of this brother, now will you just shut it before I bring Harmony into this!" Roared the familiar voice.

Then I could see. there stood the boy who I've meet before, and then there was a very pretty girl next to him.

"Look your awake! That's fantastic, so now I can let you choose," Said the girl smiling.

"Wha-What's happening? Who are you. Aren't I suppose to be dead?" I questioned the girl.

Now the thing about her was that she was almost see through, her skin looked so pale and white, but it was so flawless unlike my own. Then her hair looked almost like gold, and her eyes were the prettiest blue I had ever seen, they were pale and calm and so welcoming.

"Ina, I still am not able to tell you who I am because of Harmony's wishes, but I came here to tell you what you must do right now," Said the girl. "You have just died, but because of who you are, you must stay alive. Now the thing is. You have to choose. You possess many lives inside of you, now you will use these one day to save many, but you were given three so in the end you would still live, now with your role in the world you were given two lives because of how many people are after you, but you dying here changes that. Now you can either use one of the lives you were given, and possibly die at a young age, or you use one of the other lives that you hold, and let someone else have an early end."

My mind was racing. What was happening? Who am I? What am I? I have to choose weather I die, possibly soon, or someone else dies?

I couldn't let another die because of my decisions, but who would watch Rin? I was the only family she had left! I can't leave her! They said at an early age so I'm guessing that would be soon, but when?

"Just so she doesn't influence your decision, that pathetic girl you call a sister isn't actually your sister. You're parents aren't your actual parents also. You were given to them, not that their pathetic lives should even matter," came the boys voice.

That stung and then I was furious. "Never, I mean never talk about them like that. If what you say is true, and they aren't my family. It Does Not Matter. Family is family the blood running through your veins doesn't change that!" I shouted at him.

"Hm, She has a temper, your emotions have worn off on her sissster," said the boy again.


"OW! That just proves what I ju- OW! Will you stop hitting me you stupid mam-OW! Ok fine I'll stop!" The boy said.

I was having trouble holding in my laugher so I just put my face in my arm to muffle the sound.

"Now you made me of all people look like a weakling in front of her!" He shouted.

"Ya, does it look like I care brother? Sorry for misleading you because I really don't," The girl said putting her palm to her head. "Now let's stop messing around, we are suppose to be serious. Ina? Did you make a choice?" She questioned me.

Then two eyes were on me, and I just had no idea, but then I decided.

"I choose to-,"


~in the real world~

The red chakra was surrounding Naruto. The whips were spiraling out of control and off in Ina's mind it was feeding a certain evilness.

The fun loving boy, was now animal like hunched over his two comrades bodies.

All of the others around him noticed this. Leaving them unsure of what it was.

Naruto then bared his now sharp teeth and showed off his animalistic red eyes, "I'm gonna kill you!" he roared.

Nothing was going on then as Haku stayed and observed as Naruto's strength was increasing.

Naruto then stood up from his crouch with a growl leaving the others around him with shocked expressions plastered on their faces.

Kakashi was thinking over what was causing this, and then he recognized the chakra. " There is no way," he thought.

Kakashi then was starting to panic slightly, it was coming from Naruto, and at the time they are in, it was one of the worst for the seal to break.

"I have to stop it," Kakashi thought when he saw the red chakra flashing inside of the dome of ice mirrors.

Inside the dome Naruto was letting off dangerous growls and then charged towards Haku who readied throwing needles.

Naruto charged, but missed making Haku try hard to stop Naruto as his chakra was getting stronger and stronger, but when the throwing needles lodged into his skin they only came out, Naruto was full of rage and his eyes held blood lust as he lunged forward and broke one of the ice mirrors.

Haku then came down from above and planned on stabbing Naruto in the back only for Naruto to jump away and him to slap into the ground.

Naruto then snarled, then before Haku could jump back into the mirror Naruto grabbed his wrist.

Then outside of the mirrors Kakashi took out a scroll.

"Zabuza, I don't mean to spoil your fun I know how you like to stretch these things out, but how about we put an end to this now? Come on what do you say?" Kakashi said after he spun the open scroll around and put his hands together. "We're both busy people."

"I'm curious how you intend to back up such brave words. Show me Kakashi!" Zabuza's voice echoed.

Mean while all the ice mirrors were shattering with the amount of chakra Naruto was releasing. Then Naruto pulled back his hand which was covered in red chakra and slammed his fist into Haku's masked face causing him to fly and break through an ice mirror losing his mask in the process.

Naruto was about to land another hit to young Haku's face, but stopped right before realizing that he had seen Haku before.

Then it all came back to him. The boy in the woods was Haku.

~~~~~ Back to Ina~~~~~

"I choose to-" I couldn't finish though.

I really wanted to be selfish at that moment, I just wanted to run and go back to the village and take Rin and just run. I thought I knew what I was going to do, but in all honesty I have no clue. I'm scared. It's pathetic I was given a good life, even if my life is seen to be bad, or all those times I just sat and thought how unfair it was to be me, I knew that my life was good the way it was. Sure my parents were killed, but I had their love.

Many people have parents who they love and cherish. I still love and cherish mine even though they are gone, but with them gone it doesn't mean my life was bad, it just means that I have get to live for them. I may be struggling with Rin, but is that so bad. I still have Rin, before I thought that she was the only thing keeping me alive, but all the memories I had are, I want to live and that's the truth I want to live for the people who I miss and live for the people I love, but I know that I can't take someone's life away. It was horrible that I even thought about it.

"You know... When I was younger my dad always told me to be strong. His job in the family was to protect. He said he would die for all of us because his life was fulfilled. I never told my sister all of what he said because she is young, and might not fully understand, and mostly because it was hard for me to finish, but I can finish it now. He said his life was fulfilled because he had the best moments, he said even with just one of those moments he would die for anyone because why need so many in your life to be fulfilled, why can't we just cherish that one. I've tried to think of those moments after both him and my mom died, but just couldn't seem to figure it out. I realize now how naive I am. I had so many moments like that, so I know that if I die now it will be ok, I know Rin will be ok. I know that everyone will be ok," I said simply.

"So that means...?" the girl questioned.

"I choose to use one of the lives I have" I said sternly with a smile forming on my lips.

"I'm glad you did," she said before I fell back into the lovely darkness that awaited me.

~~~ Back to the real world~~~

Sakura was rushing up with Tazuna to where Sasuke was Lying, the ran past Naruto and stopped in front of his seemingly lifeless body.

Sakura fell to her knees beside him. After a few minutes though she broke down and laid across him and started to cry. This caused Naruto to break down then and start crying. It is hard to lose a member at such a young age.


Kakashi and Zabuza where fighting through it all, zabuza questioning why he couldn't keep up with the copy cat and then they kept fighting.

There was someone else there though.

"Well, well so this is how it turns out huh.."

---"Game over you lose," Kakashi said preparing to kill Zabuza at that moment. Only for Zabuza to swing his sword back stopping the attack. Making both of his arms useless.

Then the presence of the other person was reviled.

" Did quite a job on you didn't he Zabuza. I must say I'm disappointed," said the short man who had a large crowd of men behind him.

"Gato why are you here, and who are all of these thugs you brought with you!?" Zabuza questioned the him.

"Well you see there's been a slight change in plan," Gato said raising his cane and smacking it on the ground. "According to the new plan you die right here on this bridge Zabuza. That's right, You're too expensive, so I just decide to take you off your pay role. Of course even these thugs I brought with me cost something. So if you could manage to slaughter a few of them before they take you down I'd appreciate it."

'~~~~In Ina's Mind~~~~

I was expecting to wake up from this all right then, but I wasn't I was just there still feeling cold, but at peace. I was having annoyance radiating through my body though at the moment from the wait. It's not very fun to be dead and just have your soul sit there and not enter your body. I had no clue what was really going on, but I had a cold feeling going through me, almost like pain. It was like I was really sad because some didn't come and say hello. I didn't know why I was feeling that way though.

My mind was spinning and I felt almost lost at that moment, so I just closed my eyes and took a deep breath and started concentrating on the darkness around me to see if I can trigger anything to let me back into my body, but no I got nothing. I just felt cold.

~~~ Back to real world~~~~

After the fights that happened with Gato and the snow, and with Sasuke waking up things were looking better for team 7.

The Sensei noticed something though. He felt foolish he hadn't realized it sooner.

"Naruto, where's Ina?" The Sensei questioned.

Naruto visibly stiffened. How could he, how could he in the midst of it all not go to find her body. He jumped up then and started running around the area searching for the body of his team mate.

With his whole team and others watching he walked through the fog and then found the young white haired girls body laying lifeless at the side of the bridge looking as if some had just tossed her to the side like she was nothing.

Naruto just fell to his knees in front of her with a look of devastation all over his face as he moved her body it a more comfortable looking position.

"INA!" Sakura shouted.

Then team mates all gathered around even Sasuke to see their team mate.

"She did it again. She saved me. WHY COULDN'T I BE THE ONE FOR ONCE!" Naruto shouted angrily.

"Naruto what do you mean?" Sakura asked with tears streaming down her face.

"Why couldn't I have her back for her... When I knew just with the way she acted, that she always had mine. She had all of our backs!" Naruto said before breaking down even more and crying.

Naruto picked up the cold lifeless hand of his team member. Then he proceded by just saying he was sorry over and over.

Kakashi bent down and but his two fingers to her neck and checked her pulse just to make sure, but there was nothing.

~~~Ina's mind~~~

I felt warmth then. The peace I felt before was so strong at that moment and so nice I loved it and the further I went to follow the source of the warmth it just became better.

Then everything around me flashed and then I felt weighed down. Noises started to make their way into my ears.

My lips parted then as I heard the sounds of sobs and water rushing.

And then when I had the strength I let my eyes open.

Done with this chapter!!


I really wanted to apologize to everyone for the long wait for the update. I have been crazy busy at school. Unfortunately since I am going into another grade next year and still working to have good grades in school this year the updates will be slow so I really apologize!!! I will hope to post more soon when I have free time on my hands.

And thanks for getting me to over 2,000 reads!!!! That's amazing along with all the votes I really appreciate it and am very grateful.

Thank you all for those who have stuck with the story!!!


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