Chapter 5 Mr. Moomoochi

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Ina's scar to the side. (P.S) the picture is really only ment for the scar Ina doesnt wear the clothes at all like that and had longer white hair


"Naruto, I am a ninja. I protect. That is the whole reason I became a ninja. You don't have to protect me, but I know your too stubborn to listen to that, so how bout we make a deal. You have my back, and I have yours," I said throwing him a closed eye smile.

He just gave me a big goofy grin before I went over and helped him bandage up his hand and then we went on from there.

We walked for a while more (shocking right?), Naruto and I walked side by side in the front, but Sasuke and Naruto were doing this weird front of the pack thing which annoyed the crap out of me.

Then when I was just about to knock them both out with sebon needles we reached the shore where we got on a boat.

One of the boys were going to have to sit next to Sakura while Kakashi and Tazuna sat next to each other...

I'm switching it up.

I jumped in and sat next to Kakashi Sensei who rose and eye brow to me and I just looked infront of me as Sasuke sat next to Tazuna and Naruto being happy that he gets to sit next to Sakura, who was sulking...

I just sat there until I decided to ask something.

"Who's after you?" I questioned Tazuna after we left the shore.

"What?" Tazuna questioned with a look of shock on his face.

"I must say I have to ask as well Tazuna...." I spaced out when Kakashi started talking. NO MY FAULT HE TALKS SO LONG!!!!!

Hmmm the skin on my hand is slightly lighter that my arm... fascinating...

I mean you would think since my hands usually get more sun that they would be tanner, but no it seems to be the other way around.

OHHHHHHHHhhhhh Tazuna's talking now..

"His name is Gato," he said.

Oh I've her of that Man Child.... Stuborn short man (A/N: I mean no disrespect to short people! Just Gato)

My mind suddenly drifted when I heard him talking about a grandson.

You know it was sad when grandma and grandpa died, I thought that maybe I could go move in with them after mom and dad left, but when I found out they were gone as well. It just hurt, but it's not like I could stop death.

Sigh... My life is a bit downhill, but hey I have Rin!

Oh no, Rin. I need to get this mission over with quick, I need to make sure she's fine, but by the looks of things, this mission is going to be longer than I expected.

I started fidgeting in my seat when Kakashi said that we would help Tazuna out. I would do the exact same thing, but... my sister is more important, maybe I can help out with his bridge building and get things done faster.

When we came to the shore we all got out and started walking again.

I was on edge at the moment, I felt chakra, and the chakra was very strong. There was only a small amount which made me over think things like a ninja should do.

The chakra felt like a small amount, but it had a bit ok a kick to it. The person with this chakra was doing a very good job of canceling it since Kakashi Sensei didn't even notice it. The chakra worried me as it followed our every move.

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