Chapter 2 My team, and my Sensei

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I woke up in the morning and quickly got dressed feeling excited for the exams.

After I got dressed and woke up Rin and helped her get the small clothes on her little 5 year old body and made both of us breakfast.

Once I finished I gave her a plate and we ate in a comfortable silence.

Once we finished I took her plate and mine and rinsed them off in the sink and dried them off and put them to the side of the counter to clean better later.

I then took Rin to our neighbors once again and dropped her off there and then ran to the academy excited for today.

When I got there I sat back by Hinata who was already there and sat next to her watching the class pile in.

I had my face shoved in the bingo book and picked up to where I left off before, but as I was reading I felt a tug in the room, almost a slight chakra waver, but then it disappeared.

I then turned my head to the area where it wavered but then turned my head back to my book and kept reading. Something happened, but it was small so I don’t care.


The Hoage and jounin watched the students below but when the mysterious girl in all black look their way for only a few second, but that few seconds caused the room to grow curious.

"Do you think she can see us Lord Hokage?" One jounin questioned.

"No, no she cannot. Ina is her name Ina came from a family that hadn’t had any ninja's in previously, but when I've talked to her before she can sense things very well for a child of her age. But no she probably just felt a waver in the chakra of the room anyways....." The Hokage went on leaving the rest of the jounin interested in Ina....

(+A/N for some odd reason I was reading the Hokage's part in Dumbledore's voice XD+)


I then continued reading, but then the room fell silent and I looked over to where the crowd was and saw Naruto and DuckDuck getting some lip action.

My face turned red and I almost dropped my book trying to keep the laughter in, but my body started to shake and then I fell off my seat and burt out laughing causing everyone in the room to look at me.

"I KNEW THEY WERE GAY!!!!" I shouted while laughing.

This got the two boys to look at me and shout that they arn’t gay, but I knew they're little secret they are soooooooooo gayyyyy!!!!!!!

Soon Iruke came in and handed out the quiz which I finished easily and then he started calling in students.

Students were called into the room one by one and then finally my name is called and I walk in.

"Hello ina this is Mizuki who is going to also be here for the exams now all you have to do is make 3 clones," he said.

I tilted my head in confusion.

'Only 3?,' I thought.

I did the hand signs anyway and the three clones popped up.

Iruka's eyes widened at them.

"Are they solid clones?" He questioned.

I nodded and then came up and took a head band off the desk and left because if I stay in there any longer I would have exploded of happiness since I passed.

I then ran out of there and started jumping around feeling so happy and proud. I then looked around and saw that it was sun set.

I decided to take the day off from training and go home, but when I saw all the families congratulating the students who passed I knew I needed my family, my world, my little sister.

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