Chapter 6 My Dearest Brother

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I walked with Kakashi Sensei on my back for a while and the trip was very silent with the others rarely talking.

My inner self was screaming for some noise to distract my mind and aching limbs from carrying him on my back for a couple miles.

I know I have trained with weights up too 200 pounds, but Kakashi Sensei must be eating a lot of Ramen or something! He is heavier than he looks.

Finally we got to his house. We met his daughter, and I guess she was surprised to see all of us extremely tired and a bit beat up and a young freaky looking girl with an Adult Ninja on her back.

"Oh hurry in and come with me upstairs so you can set him down!" she said rushing me threw the house up a flight of steps ad into a room where I set Kakashi down on a bed.

I sighed in relief as my body suddenly felt as light as a feather, but it soon ended when my head was drooping and I felt extremely tired.

Soon I found everything black and my mind was emptied from all its troubles and I had a few hours of peaceful silence.

"How Pathetic, some how you are the one who beat me. How Disgusting Little sister. Some how you had greater knowledge to beat me! Ha, look at you. You are so weak you couldn’t even save those measly humans that you claim to be your 'Parents' in this human flesh you have now," Came a dark cool voice.

"Who's speaking," I called. "Show yourself!"

"How sad. My own dear little sisssster doesn’t even remember her own twin brother!" He hissed

Then I felt a rush of wind and then there was a boy in front of me.

I took in his appearance. He was my height and looked around my age. The one thing though that almost made me fall over was the fact that he looked just like me.

He had the same shade of white hair, but unlike mine his was short and wild, which mine was long and tamed. His eyes were different though, his were a fiery red that was filled with mischief and hatred.

"You say I am your sister. I have never seen you before. Why is that?" I questioned.

"Ha! Of course we have seen each other, just not in the human world. You are just like me, you are the Mammal in the sky, while I am the Reptile that is beneath your feet in Hell. We saw each other quite often, but I guess you have forgotten your time with me, but don’t worry. You will remember soon," He said as he poked my forehead with his index finger.

I almost fell back from this, not because of the small touch, but that he appeared in front of me in mere seconds.

"Tell me brother, why do you hate me?" I questioned.

He just laughed at this.

"It's quite funny to see you with no memory. Especially with you being raised by lowly human's when before you were raised by... much resourceful beings. To answer your question it's because when we were born we had much.. Different personalities. I was the one always getting into trouble while you were always the sweet little angle," He said giving me a smile.

"Is this a dream? I know I must be, but I feel as if I this isn’t my imagination. Can you help me? Refresh my memory," I asked.

"Oh Sister dear. I would love to, but I cant break the law or else I'll really be under worse circumstances than what I am in already. I can give you hints though until you fully remember. Now take my hand," He said holding out a skeleton like hand.

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