Chapter 4 Pressure Point

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I awoke from the peaceful slumber only to be welcomed by the war filled images of reality.

My body was stiff from sitting in a chair next to my sisters hospital bed all night and the night before since yesterday I had spent the whole day here with Rin.

I looked at my watched and noticed that it was 5 o'clock.

I sighed and sat up and stretched until I heard the satisfying cracking of my bones.

I stood up then and bend over my sisters sleeping body and kissed her forehead before leaving her room and going home to change clothes and get ready for our mission.

__--__Too lazy to write all the small details that don’t matter__--__TIMESKIP~~~~~~~

When I arrived at the training fields I didn’t bother with putting up my hood since I was just so tired I was trying to avoid anything I'd have to do even as small as putting up my hood.

I haven’t slept much lately since I've been kept up with the anxiety of how to pay for Rin's hospital bills.

I had already arranged another job from this little old lady I know who will let me come in and help her sell candy at her shop anytime I'm free.

Then I have my job at the restaurant and then being a ninja, but with the payment I've been getting with the restaurant and then nothing yet since I haven’t had a mission until today, but the money from the missions won’t be enough, I'll have to get a smaller apartment and sell some of my things, maybe even adding another job to the job I have just recently gotten.

I have no Idea. One thing I could do is only have one meal a day. I could save more money then.

I then snap out of my little mind discussion and looked around me to find Sasuke staring at me with one of his eyebrows raised.

"What?" I asked quietly.

"Hn," He just said turning his head to the side.

I just sighed knowing that to the 'great' Uchiha I will be nothing, but I don’t really care he doesn’t deserve my friendship or pity like the whole village basically gives him or the love from his annoying fan girls.

Then there was a yawn from behind me and I turned my head to the side only to see Bubblegum who just glared at me before barging straight up and basically walking through me causing me to fall and let out an," Oomf."

"Oh I'm sorry did I bump into you?" She asked me giving me a snide smile.

"Oh, no it was the wind," I said giving her a closed eye smile.

"You know you should have kept that hood of your up. It hides your hideous dull hair and the most ugly blue eye color I've ever seen," she said.

"Mhmm ya ok, thanks for the tip," I said to her dully as I had already pulled out my book and started reading ignoring her.


"Hmmm? Did you say something?" I asked her turning my attention away from my book. (A/N OHHHH Ina pulled a Kakashi)

After I said that I noticed DuckDuck had a slight smirk on his face as Bubblegum had a meltdown, but that smirk vanished as she went and talked to him.

"HI INA," shouted a yellow headed comrade.

"Ina! Where were you on Monday?" Naruto questioned running up to my sitting form.

"I had an urgent matter that needed to be taken care of," I said still reading.

"Like what?" He pushing my book down and smiling at me.

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