Chapter 7 and 8 Hurts Like Heaven

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After my time outside I got up and went inside.

I saw everyone had finished up breakfast and were talking. Kakashi Sensei looked alright; he was reading his book as usual. Naruto looked just as hyper as he always is, Sakura was fawning over Sasuke, Sasuke was.... looking at the wall with a bored expression I guess, Tsunami was cleaning up all of the plates, and Tazuna was drinking. This early in the morning and drinking? That just shows his dedication.

"Do you need any help Tsunami?" I asked her walking into the kitchen and grabbing one of the dishes she had washed and cleaned it.

"Why thank you Ina," She said smiling at me.

"Hey Ina, you’re ok to come and train with us right?" Naruto asked me from his position by the table.

"I'm perfectly fine! I was just tired I guess, that's why I passed out," I said with a smile.

"Alright! Let's go train then!" Naruto said jumping up and dragging me out of the house with the others in tow.

"Alright Training Starts now!" Kakashi Sensei said. "First we will begin with the review of chakra, the ninja's basic source of power. Understanding Chakra is essential."

"We know that," Sasuke said smugly with Naruto agreeing.

"I don’t think you understand what Kakashi Sensei is saying. We only learned the basics of chakra. He is going to further expand or knowledge of what we already know and help us get to the level he's at. You can to more with chakra than you realize," I said calmly.

"DONT CORRECT MY SASUKE YOU FREAK!" Sakura said while smashing my head with her hand.

"Ow," I said while getting up and holding the throbbing side of my head.

"So there's more about Catra to learn?" questioned Naruto.

"You mean Chakra... Take it away Sakura," Kakashi Sensei said.

"Alright Naruto, I'll explain it simply so even you can understand it," She then pulled out a scroll. "Chakra is the elemental life energy a ninja uses in jutsu. It's the source of all his power. Now this energy has two forms. The physical energy which exists in all the cells in their entire body working together, and Spiritual energy the primal source of power which is intensified through training and experience. As you see these two types of Chakra must be drawn out and brought together in order to perform jutsu. Notice the interplay between spiritual and physical power that’s the key. Finally hand signs focuses and unleashes the chakra," Sakura said...

Ya that's it Sakura give naruto a speech about it so he can understand because we all know that Naruto pays attention to those.

"Right on all points, Iruka Sensei really did have some excellent students," Kakashi Sensei said impressed by Sakura's knowledge.

"Naruto before you ask about long explanations, Chakra is what allows Ninja's to do jutsu, Chakra is created out of to powers we all have. Physical and Spiritual power, these two are combined allowing the ninja to do jutsu with hand signs that channel their chakra. So basically chakra allows ninja to not only perform taijutsu, but also genjutsu and ninjutsu," I said.

"Ohhh I understand now! Thanks Ina!" Naruto said smiling.

I just smiled back.

"Anyways, like Ina said earlier you all have not mastered this power, you've barely scratched the surface of it," Kakashi Sensei said.

"What do you mean?" Naruto Shouted.

"Calm down and listen. It's just like Sakura said you have to draw on physical and spiritual energies and then combine them within yourself," Kakashi Sensei said. "But how do you do that. Each types of jutsu require different types of chakra in different proportions. You must select and combine them exactly the right way. Up to now you have just guessed at the proportions hoping they'd come out right. Even if you produce a lot of chakra, unless you can balance and control it, it's all worthless. The jutsu won’t work at all or it will just be a joke. You waist so much energy that way. Then you are out of chakra and you can’t right at all. You're just a target. To change your ways you have to train so hard that controlling your chakra that it becomes second nature. To achieve this goal you must me ready to put your life on the line."

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