Wake Up To Reality

By NaniyoriMo

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Izuku Yagi, a sweet innocent boy who wanted nothing more than to become a hero, but life had other ideas, "Qu... More

Chapter 1: The Offer
Chapter 2: The Yagi' Crisis
Chapter 3: Izuku Uchiha
Chapter 4: Family Misfortune
Chapter 5: Time Flies
Chapter 6: The New Norm
Chapter 8: Surprise Attack
Chapter 9: A Stalemate
Chapter 10: A Hollow Victory
Chapter 11: Unravelling The Past
Chapter 12: Festival Build-Up

Chapter 7: The Cycle Never Ends

8.5K 168 195
By NaniyoriMo

"Love and hate are two sides of the same coin."

- Madara Uchiha

3rd POV

Madara Uchiha was never the type of person to leave his goals in the hands of others, so what changed exactly? Why did he leave his life's work to someone who many would consider to be just a random child? Well... I guess an explanation is needed then. After dying by the hands of his little brother, Madara, instead of moving onto the afterlife, appeared in a place unknown to him.

Madara: Where... am I?

He looked down and saw he was standing on top of oddly coloured water, and at the same time he managed to catch a glimpse of his reflection.

Madara: It would seem that I'm back to the way I was after my third death.

???: Yes, it would seem that way, Madara Uchiha.

Madara turned around and saw an old man floating in the lotus position.

Madara: Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki, pleasure to finally meet you.

The now named Hagoromo silently stared at Madara before deciding to speak up.

Hagoromo: What did you do Madara.

Madara: Hmm? What ever could you mean Hagoromo?

Hagoromo: Don't play dumb Madara! Because I know you're anything but that!

Madara continued to look at the now angry Sage and a chuckle escaped his mouth.

Madara: Ok, I'll bite, I'll tell you what I did.

Hagoromo relaxed himself before closing his eyes.

Madara: But before that, what are you doing?

???: Hey Six Path Super Gramps! What do you need?

Madara's eyes widened as he heard the familiar voice of an "Uzumaki brat" he fought before his third death.

Hagoromo: I need you and the others here right now, it's urgent.

As soon as Hagoromo finished speaking, a group of people flickered in front of him. The first person Madara saw was someone he immediately recognised as his friend/rival, Hashirama Senju.

He then laid eyes on another two people, they may look different from when he fought against them, but he quickly identified them as, Naruto Uzumaki, and Sasuke Uchiha.

He then turned his attention towards two people he had never seen before, however, he took notice to the fact they both wore the robes of the Ōtsutsuki clan and quickly pieced together that they must be the children of Hagoromo.

Sasuke: What do you want old man?

Hagoromo: Look for yourself Sasuke.

He pointed behind them, they then turned around and looks of complete shock washed over Hashirama, Naruto, and Sasuke.

Hashirama: Madara?!

Sasuke, without so much as sound, dashed towards Madara, sword in hand.

Naruto: Sasuke wait!

Madara waited until Sasuke was about to swing before sweeping the Uchiha off his feet, while Sasuke was momentarily airborne, Madara kicked him farther up before jumping after him, it didn't take much effort to overtake him in the air, and so, Madara sent him flying backdown to the ground with a kick. Hashirama was still in a daze from seeing his friend actually here, so he wasn't really focused on the fight. Naruto had a look of disbelief written on his face, Madara looked like he hadn't lost any of his skill, in fact, he looked even better than he ever was. As for the two Ōtsutsuki sons, they watched the fight with the same stoic look as their father, although they were somewhat shocked at how effortless Madara made it look. Sasuke attempt to sit up, but a hand wrapped around his throat preventing him from doing so.

Madara: Foolish child, running into a fight you should already know will end up in your defeat, I'm disgusted we share the same blood.

Sasuke thrashed underneath Madara trying to escape his grip, but Madara simply applied more pressure which stopped Sasuke's pointless attempt at escaping his vice grip.

Madara: Now~ I recall you having a very special Rinnegan, much different from my two, and I think an Uchiha as pathetic as you isn't worthy of owning such an eye, so I'll be taking it from you.

Madara stretched his hand out towards Sasuke's left eye, he swept aside the Uchiha's hair only to recoil in shock as he saw an empty eye socket.

Madara W-what? Where is it?!

He stood up, letting go of Sasuke as he gasped for air, before lifting him up in the air by the collar.

Madara: Tell me, Uchiha disgrace, what happened to your Rinnegan?

His tone was dark, threatening, and commanding. Sasuke swung his left hand at Madara, who was already waiting to catch it, so he was surprised when he felt nothing but sleeve as he caught it, he then saw Sasuke, once again, swinging his sword at him, only this time, there was no way to avoid it, so he opted for dropping Sasuke, disarming him, and kicking him back over to the watching group.

Naruto: That... wasn't your brightest moment Sasuke.

Naruto offered his hand to help Sasuke up, he accepted and stood up slightly dazed.

Sasuke: No shit. But it definitely feels like he's more powerful.

They looked over at Madara who was inspecting Sasuke's sword with a scowl on his face, he suddenly turned to face the group.

Madara: First the missing Rinnegan, then the missing arm, and now a cheap replica of your sword.

His glare hardened as he asked one question.

Madara: What happened while I was dead?

Hagoromo: We'll explain that after you tell us what you've done.

Hashirama finally snapped out of his daze and stared at Madara.

Hashirama: Madara, what is Hagaromo talking about?

Madara: ... Fine, I'll keep it short and simple, I cheated death once again.

They all gasped in unison, and disappointed looks followed.

Hashirama: Madara... I thought you were done with all of this, didn't you agree with me that everything should be left to the future generations?

Madara: I would have agreed... had it not been for one thing.

The group took immediate interest to the statement, even the two Ōtsutsuki' looked highly interested.

Hagoromo: Explain.

Madara: Ok, well, when I finally accomplished project Tsuki No Me, I was shown something when the light covered the world, four numbers, those numbers being 2170. I didn't think much of it at the time, but after being betrayed and used as a vessel, I had a bit of time to think about the numbers, and I came to the conclusion that they must have been a year. And so, I decided to, once again, use Izanagi and set it to go off just a couple of years before 2170.

Hashirama: But that's impossible!

Sasuke: You had absolutely no Chakra to use Izanagi after you lost!

Madara: Hmph, you're all fools if you think I didn't have contingency Chakra seals in case something went wrong.

Hagoromo: Also impossible, there's no way that not even one of us wouldn't have been able to see the abnormal spike your Chakra would've taken.

Madara: Well, let's lay out how you're wrong. Hashirama was too indulged in having a final conversation with me to even put his guard up, so he wouldn't have noticed. The Uzumaki wasn't focused on anything except the conversation between me and Hashirama. As for the Uchiha disgrace, he might've noticed, had he not been so fixated with the nine tailed beasts around us at the time.

Sasuke averted his gaze elsewhere, clearly ashamed at his past mistakes.

Madara: And you, Hagoromo, had no way to sense anything, considering you gave all your power away to the two brats.

There was no way they could say he was lying about any of the things he said, the information was too solid to just push away, but Sasuke had one last trump card.

Sasuke: If you used Izanagi, then what happened to your Sharingan?

Madara: Nothing happened, if you actually took risks, you would've found out that if you obtain the Rinnegan in anyway, the drawbacks of Izanagi and Izanami are no longer there.

To say they were all shocked would be an understatement, not even the two Ōtsutsuki sons, and Hagoromo, had this information.

Madara: Although, to my knowledge, I no longer possess my Sharingan.

Hashirama: Wait, why not?

Madara: Oh, this is where everything comes full circle. You see, after Izanagi went off, I waited until it was 2170, and something happened.

Madara sat down on the water and relaxed, a small smile gracing his face.

Madara: I was meditating that day, then I heard it, the sound of what, at the time, I assumed was an intruder, but when I saw this "intruder" all I saw was a boy, no older than ten, aimlessly feeling the exterior of my home, like he didn't know what exactly was in front of him. I asked him who he was, and with his eyes still shut, he turned around with this expression on his face that I wouldn't ever forget, the expression of "hope" and his voiced matched it as well when he said "Wait, someone's actually there? Where are you?".

Madara's smile faded, slowly turning into a frown.

Madara: I was standing in front of him the whole time. He had been blinded by bullies, bullies who considered themselves above him because he lacked what almost everyone had. After that I invited him in, he was remarkable from the get go, he made up for the his lack of sight by using his other senses like it was an everyday thing, I praised him for it. And they way he acted at the time, reminded me so much of Izuna.

Sasuke: A kid reminded you of the brother you stole a Sharingan from, how pathetic-

He didn't finish what he was saying because a deadly pressure started emanating from Madara, one that made them all back down in pure fear.

Madara: Don't even think about finishing that sentence! My little brother was THE most important person to me, if you think for even a second that I would do something that brings harm to him in anyway, you're a complete FOOL!

Hagoromo: C-calm down Madara! You haven't finished explaining yet!

The pressure soon eased up but still slightly lingered.

Madara: Fine, but be sure to keep your bitch on a leash from now on, especially around me.

Madara turned to face Hashirama.

Madara: He told me what the world has become, and let's just say, you were dead wrong, because it seems when we leave things to future generations, we get closer and closer to the day hell becomes our reality.

Hashirama face said it all, a look of pure disappointment.

Madara: So, as the only way to prevent that day from coming, I put project Tsuki No Mei back into motion.

Naruto: But you know that project was a bust! It was all a lie created by Black Zetsu!

Madara: I know it was a lie, but if you remember, the idyllic dreams weren't, and do you really think I'd make the same mistake twice?

Sasuke: But you're dead now, how do you plan on accomplishing your goals if you can't do them.

Madara: Who said I would be carrying out the project this time?

Naruto: ... No.

Madara: Yes, his name is, Izuku Uchiha, my little brother. He's by far the only person I'd pass my dreams onto, and while yes, Izuna is also my little brother, there's just something about Izuku that Izuna doesn't have. I taught him everything I could, and after he managed to defeat me, it was clear I couldn't teach him more than I already had, and so, I had him accidentally kill me so he could unlock the Mangekyō Sharingan, and told him how to unlock the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, so to my knowledge, I no longer have possession of my eyes.

Shock, was the only word that could describe what they were feeling, they couldn't believe what they heard.

Madara: Now, it's your turn to tell me what happened after I fell.

Naruto: Oh, umm, where to start?

Madara: Start with how you two are missing a proper arm.

Naruto: Wait, how did you-

Madara: It doesn't matter, just start.

Naruto: Well, after you kicked the bucket, me and Sasuke fought against each other, and by the end of it, we had finally ended the cycle of love and hatred.

Madara: The cycle of what?

Naruto: Oh yeah! You don't know! Well you see, the two people standing next to Six Paths Super Gramps are his-

Madara: I know they're his sons, now get on with it.

Naruto: Their names are Indra and Ashura, they don't really talk much, that goes more so for Indra.

Indra scoffed at the Uzumaki for such disrespect, while Ashura just silently giggles.

Naruto: They created a cycle of reincarnations after they died. Indra reincarnated into you and Sasuke, while Ashura reincarnated me and Hashirama. The cycle finally ended with me and Sasuke though, so everything is good now.

Madara: ... You're a fool, in fact, all of you are if you actually think a cycle ends.

They all look confused by his statement, not knowing what he was exactly talking about.

Madara: A cycle, even when broken, can easily be fixed by the very thing that made it in the first place! 'This could be troublesome if there's gonna be people like them in the way of Izuku's plans... no matter, I know he can handle it, he's my little brother after all' A cycle never ends!

Now that they understood since it was explained to them, they could continue.

Madara: Now, go on, let's here more about what life has been like after my third death...

3rd POV

We can now see a beautiful city covered in rays of sunlight come into view. Musutafu city, home to the most prestigious hero school in the country. I would say more about this city, but right now we should be more focused on someone familiar who's running a tad bit late to their entrance exam.

???: Come on, come on! Gotta go faster! But I can't use my quirk.

Izumi had slept in after finally completing the training necessary to hold her father's quirk, One For All, but that isn't the only reason she had slept in, she also had a scheduled rehab session with Kirisu that day, so she was completely exhausted by the end of it all, but to her, it was all worth it. As she saw the entrance of U.A come into view, she sped up as much as she could without the use of a quirk.

Izumi: 'I'm gonna make it by the skin of my teeth!'

But accidentally tripped when she had picked up the pace.

Izumi: 'Or I'll just die'

Luckily for her, someone managed to stop her fall, she turned around to thank whoever it was, but she was shocked to see nobody around her.

Izumi: That was weird... Oh shoot! Now I'm actually late!

She dashed off through the gates and into the building, little did she know, the person that had stopped her fall was watching her from a distance.

???: It's been a while... little sister.

Time skip

Izumi is now seen panting and sweating in front of giant, busted up robot that she had just stopped from crushing another examinee, she had definitely gotten enough points to pass so she wasn't worried when the examinee called out for help and she ran over to help them when the zero point robot had appeared. Izumi handed the examinee over to Recovery Girl so they could heal up, and she started to walk away when she suddenly felt an eye watching her, she looked up at a building next to her only to see a masked man staring down at her.

He backed up out of view, and Izumi decided to float up to see if he was still there. Once she got up, she saw the masked man standing there, unmoving, just staring at her.

Izumi: Sooooo, that's a unique uniform you got there, the mask is cool as well.

Izuku: ...

Izumi: Not much of a talker? That's alright-

Izuku: Soon...

Izumi: Huh?

Izuku: We'll meet again soon... Izumi Yagi.

Izumi watched as the masked man disappeared into his mask?

Izumi: ... That was weird.

Infinite: Sorry I haven't posted in so long, I have no excuses, I'm just shit at making chapters fast.

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