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chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40

chapter 16

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Shit… shit… shit!!! Could it be? It’s been a month, but Shit!!! Then my phone went off that class was about to start.

“Ugh! I HATE his class.”

I grabbed my books and headed into the hall where Tess was waiting for me.


She asks me the same question everyday and every day I would shake my head at her.

“Think she’ll ever come back?”

I shrugged, going into class. I avoided his stare every time I came in and every time he taught the class.

“Why does he always look at you like he’s waiting for you to tell him something?”

“Maybe because he has nothing better to do?”

She giggled and we sat down. Emma’s chair still stood empty and no one dared to take it or you’d get on his bad side which most of the girls here didn’t want to do due to the fact that they wanted him in their pants.

I once and a while sit in it just to piss him off and today was one of those days.

“Sit in your assigned seat Mr. York.”

“It makes no difference, she’s not coming back.”

“You don’t know that!”

“Yes I do! She’s gone and it’s all you and your bastard of a brother’s fault! She’s never coming back! NEVER!”

I got up then, slamming my hands against the top of the table.


“Mr. York!”

I closed my eyes and looked way as the head master came in.

“Outside now.”

I roughly took my tings and walked out of the room.

“Mr. York…”

“I’m sorry Head Master I just couldn’t anymore.”

“Perhaps it’s time you spoke to someone about it.”

I shook my head, wiping my tears.

“There’s no use, she’s not coming back.”

“No one knows that.”

I looked up at her and she forced a smile.”

“I know.”

I went back into the class and sat down on my desk. No one dared to say anything especially him.


I need a drink and a shower.

I tried to keep my focus on today’s lesson but I couldn’t. all I did was think about her and try to see if I could read her mind, but like always I was blocked off and too far to even hint that she was there. At night was the only time I felt close to her, but the nightmares were horrible.

“Mr. DeSantos?”

I snapped out of it and looked over at one of my students.


“You okay, you zoned out again.”


I went back to the lesson at hand, but still my head wasn’t all in it. After class I went straight to my room and forced myself to take a shower, shave and get a grip. I had to stop doing this, she left us.


I grunted and forced my wolf back, but he’s been pushing back at me ever since the last nightmare. She’d been pregnant, barefoot and beautiful as she walked along the beach until another man comes along and wraps his arms around her and her belly. He would tell her he loves her, but I would never get a chance to see who the voice belongs too. Ever since New York I haven’t stopped having the same dream over and over.

I was about to get back to class when my phone rings.


They hang up, they always hang up and always call at the same time, but they never say anything.

Could it be her?


I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t tell him it was me, but hearing his voice everyday was keeping my wolf happy and my sanity intact. He sounded tired, worn out even and of course he would be. From the pains I was experiencing during my mornings I knew he never slept alone.

‘You can’t keep doing this.’

I ignored her and went to class feeling sick to my stomach. Every time I tried to eat anything there it went and I had already lost ten pounds in the last month.

‘We’re going to be a mother.’

I shook my head and paid attention to the class, but I knew she was right. I just haven’t proven it yet and didn’t really want to know or have it for the matter.

“Alright class I have the results of last weeks’ challenge and the winners are… Emilia and Emiliano!”

Everyone started clapping while I just smiled and everyone praised Emiliano for his hard work and beautiful bead work.

“Emilia helped too.”

I could feel his gaze on me, but I just kept my head down.

“Emilia, you should be proud.”

I nodded and looked up at him smiling at me making his way over to the desk next to me and sat down. I shifted away from and got up, going to another seat. I felt bad for brushing him off like that, but I just couldn’t stand having a man near me. It’s why I didn’t leave my room and in class I sat as far away from another guy as possible. Even when we got partnered up for the challenge I just passed him a note letting him know that whatever he wanted just to let me know and I would do it. I just followed directions and stayed away.

‘It’s not his fault he just wants to be your friend.’

‘Well I don’t.’

“Alright class is dismissed, except Emilia.”

I stood behind and didn’t move from my seat, nor did Emiliano. He looked at me and smiled, but I looked away towards the teacher who closed the door. My hands began to sweat and I knew a panic attack was coming. She must have seen my reaction because she immediately re-opened the door.


I nodded taking in a deep breath.

“Emilia I just wanted you to know that you and Emiliano will be starting your new internship next week. Every day after school a car will be picking you two up and dropping you off every night before bed on Thursday, Friday and Saturdays.”

I nodded; I knew what it offered and exactly where it was at and who we were working for, White house. They were the largest wedding couture manufactures in the world and because of the market downfall they were recruiting interns with fresh new ideas.

‘The entire school was in the challenge and only the best were picked, unfortunately for me, I was picked. I was going to be forced to interact with people and go outside again.

“Are you going to be okay with that?”

I nodded and shrugged.

“You will have to talk during your internship.”

“I understand.”

I saw Emiliano smirk, but ignore it.

“Can I go now I have to really go to the bathroom?”

She let us go and I quickly got up and ran to my room throwing up whatever was left from my breakfast.


Man that was the third time today, what was wrong with me?

“Hey Xavier, what’s going on with you lately?”

“Man, I don’t know. It’s been happening every morning and now it’s like every time I smell or eat certain things, there it goes.”

“Man you sound like you could be pregnant.”

He laughed as he handed me a water bottle and patted my back.

“Very funny.”

“Just saying my wife use to throw up for everything when she was pregnant.”

“I’m a man, it’s impossible.”

“Well unless you found your mate, then you have nothing to worry about.”

I gave him a faint smile like yeah right and straightened myself out as he left me to think.

“It can’t be she can…”

Zander then walked in and gave me a look like he knew something I didn’t.


 “Nothing just thought you look like shit, but then again…”

“Well you don’t look any better.”

“At least I have a reason to be, you on the other hand don’t.”

That was it! I was tired of his smart comments and he was about to learn who I was.

“You don’t know anything! Regardless of what you think I’m as worried as you are!”

“Really and where were you when they were searching for her? Where were you when your brother got to her?!”

What? I stepped back and frowned, not understanding what he was saying.


“Exactly, Luke got to her again. The only thing left was her torn dress before she d disappeared, but how would you know that? You left her didn’t bother to look. You were supposed to protect her and instead you left out of your own PRIDE!

I growled and ran out of there. My brother was going to PAY!


“Mr. DeSantos?”

I turned to see my secretary at the door looking scared more than in the past when I was in a pissed off mood. I’ve been rather cruel to her since Emma disappeared and it wasn’t just because of Emma, Cecilia stopped sleeping in the same room with me ever since we got back from California. She wouldn’t even let me touch her let alone be near her and she was my wife for god sakes!


“Your wife is on line two for you.”

I nodded and took a deep breath, picking up the receiver.

“Hello love.”

“I’m just calling to let you know I’m staying a little longer.”

“What about…”

“It’s been three months; she obviously doesn’t want to be found.”


“Look I’m tired, okay? She’s been hurt enough and I think its best that if she’s gone to let be in peace. Mom and dad agree and if she is alive then all we can do is pray she’s alright.”

“So that’s it?”

“That’s it… I have to go, I’m tired and it’s really late here so I’ll call when I’m coming home.”

 She hung up before I could even respond. She did a lot of that lately and it was starting to irritate the hell out of me. She was my mate and my wife and I have needs! Now with Emma gone, she was the only one who could satisfy me, but even then I couldn’t get it!


I slammed the receiver down just as I felt the worst pain in my chest. It felt like my insides were being ripped apart. My heart felt like it was about to explode bringing me down on my knees. My wolf was about to come out when all of a sudden it was gone. What the hell was that?


I laid there looking up at the ceiling with tears running down the sides of my face. I missed my sister, but how was I to get close to her if she wouldn’t allow me too? I knew she wasn’t alright, something was wrong with her, I could feel it, but what? 

I’ve been staying here for the last couple of weeks on business and tried every day to see her, but they had told me she was gone for most of the day at work. When they told me where she was working at I was ecstatic for her. I knew that’s what she’s always wanted, but they said she’s been looking paler and skinnier. Her sickness has gotten better, but they suspect something else is wrong with her.

I turned to my side to look at the view from the house I was placed in and let out a breath. Something was up and I had to find out what it was before I had to go back home.

“Mmm…Corazon what’s wrong?”

“Nothing go back to bed.”

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