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chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40

chapter 15

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My heart broke, everything I thought was right was now so wrong and now all I wanted to do was run.

‘No! She needs us!’

‘She doesn’t want us! Didn’t you just hear her?!’

I ran and didn’t look back, if she didn’t want us then I wasn’t going to force her to and give her, her space.

I was just leaving our house when I felt a sharp pain in my chest like someone had dug a knife into my heart and twisted it.

‘She’s in trouble!’

The pain was so intense that I dropped down to my knees, struggling to take a deep breath. It wasn’t until I was about to pass out that it went away and I took off running.

When I arrived where I last left her, she was gone. I tried to sniff her out, but there so m any scents rolled into one that it was difficult to distinguish one from another, especially since Emma’s sent could easily change because of the bleach she used to scrub herself.

Then something caught my eye, it was hanging from the swing she was on earlier and I ran over, picking it up.

‘It’s her dress!’

It was torn and dirty, but there was only one scent I recognized the most. 

‘It can’t be she was in trouble!’

‘No, she was just…’


At that point I shoved my wolf aside. I couldn’t do it, my heart was broken. How could so do this, after everything she said to me?


I was just walking back from my house when I saw Luke by the tree house. I stepped forward when he turned and smirked at me walking away, but not before placing something on the swing Emma was known to be at when she wanted to be alone.

‘He got her.’

“What’s wrong baby?”

I snapped my head down to my mate and pulled away.

“Go back to the party I forgot to get something, I’ll be right back.”

I didn’t wait for her protest or questions and took off running towards where Luke had just been. My heart was pounding against my chest.

Please let me be wrong…please let me be wrong… please let me be wrong.

As soon as I got to the swing, my heart stopped. Her scent was faint, but it was here and her dress was hanging from the swing, torn and dirty.

“No! EMMA!”

I went up to the tree house, but she wasn’t there, so I took off running toward her scent that I knew I could only pick up.

It wasn’t until I came to her house that I saw her in her bed crying.

“Baby girl?”

“Go away.”

“Where Xavier?”

She didn’t answer she just cried, pulling the covers over her.

“Where is he?”


“What do you mean…?”

“GONE... He’s gone!”

I took off my shoes and opened up the covers to lay next to her when I saw her skin was redder than usual. That’s when I noticed that she had taken a shower, but this time there were claw marks along the side of hips.

“I’m going to kill HIM! BOTH OF THEM!”

She turned around then and when I saw her face, I lost it.

“Oh baby girl, what did they do to you?”

“Hold me please?”

I nodded and brought her into my arms where she cried her heart out. This was the last straw, I was tired of her suffering and I needed to get her out of here and fast.

I held her until she fell asleep and then slowly slipped away, leaving her sound asleep.


Where the hell is she? After I got that shooting pain in my chest, I called her phone, but it was turned off, I even got Xavier’s number from Luke’s phone and it kept going straight to voicemail.

‘They’re newlyweds of course they’re together.’

‘No, something is wrong, I can feel it.’


My heart jumped at Zander’s voice coming into the house, so I ran down stairs.


“Where’s your dad?”

“Everyone went out I’m all alone, why?”


“He said he had to go somewhere.”


“I don’t know, he just got a call and left, why where’s Emma?”

He looked pissed and ready to explode.

“Zander, where’s Emma?!”

“Gone! Xavier left her…and…”

He shook his head and grunted.

“Tell your dad we need to talk, that’s its urgent. Tell him I’m taking Emma away for a while.”

“Where? Why?”

“Because Luke got to her AGAIN!

“Oh my god!”

“Yeah, your precious husband got to her AGAIN! This time he went too far and tell him if I ever see him again I’m going to KILL HIM!”

“Take me with her!”

He froze and looked at me.

“I know everything; it’s why I made her marry Xavier, to protect her.”

He laughed, shaking his head.

“No, you made her marry Xavier because you didn’t want Emma to have Luke. You can walk around here like he’s the best damb thing in the WORLD, but we all know you’re flaunting him to Emma. You didn’t marry Luke to protect her; you married him to keep him away from Emma. He raped your SISTER, not only once in Mexico, but three more times right under your very nose! Xavier couldn’t even protect her!’

He was right, but I never thought he would be so stupid to do it again and I felt responsible, so I had to help. I quickly ran after him, catching him just as he opened the front door.



“I have a friend in Spain who can help.”

He stopped and turned around.

“She works for the CIA out there.”

He stared down at me until he nodded.

“How soon?”

“No more than an hour.”

“Call her while I pack her bags.”

“No, they’ll just follow her trail. I have a business trip next month. I’ll just buy her a bunch of things, but for right now, I’ll have her buy her some things.”

“Hurry up.”


“Get up Emma, we’re leaving.”

He gave me a pair of jeans and a t-shirt with my sneakers with a snap of his fingers. That only meant one thing, we were leaving.

I slowly got up, sucking in a breath as the cold air hit my wounds. These were deeper than expected and without being able to shift to heel, it was going to take a little longer for them to close up.

I slowly dressed and we waited in until he got the call he was waiting for.

“Hello? Yeah…alright…Yeah…Okay we’re on our way… No, wait for me and I’ll do it with you, alright bye.”

He looked over at me as I watched him and slowly came up to me, taking my hand.

“You’re going to be alright, at least for a little while until we figure out what to do.”

“I trust you.”

Next thing I knew I was being escorted by a service agent into a private plane. I didn’t even know where I was going, but Zander told me he would come see me very soon.

“I’m going alone?”

“For now until I settle everything here, but I’ll be there as soon as I can. You’re going to be alright, I promise.”

I nodded and got into the plane where I slept for most of the time until we landed.



I looked beside me to find a woman three years older than me standing beside me. She American as far as I could tell since her English was as American as it could be. She was about to touch me when I flinched, backing up against my seat.

“Sorry. I’m agent Delioni and I’m here to welcome you to Spain.”


She nodded and giggled, pointing me to follow her off the plane and into a car.

“That’s right, come on I’ll show you to your new school and dorm.”

“I’m sorry… I don’t understand.”

She pulled out a folder and handed it to me.

“Everything has been taken care of. Your new name is Emilia De Los Santos.”

“Now that’s ironic.”

She laughed and nodded.

“It’s easier for you to remember and if they do look for you, they’ll only think to look for your maiden name.”

I went through the file to find my school transcripts were changes as well… I didn’t have to start all over again.

“Now if you will follow me.”

She opened the door to the car and we stepped out to a castle, literally.

“Welcome Ms. De Lo Santos, if you would just follow me.”

I was shown around the school. It was enormous with stone walls, high ceilings, crystal chandeliers and large stair cases. I felt like I was in a Harry Potter movie.

We came to a large door to the right of the third floor staircase and stopped.

“This will be your head quarters for the remainder of your stay here”

She pushed opened the door with squeak and went up another flight of stairs.

“And this will be your room, No boys are allowed and lights are out at ten unless you’re working on a project and absolutely no fighting.”

I nodded and went into the opened door she pointed to, to find a uniform and supplies. I was in hell.

“Weekends are your free days to leave the campus, but other than that you are not allowed off the premises. Understand?”

“Yes ma’m.”

“Great, we’ll see you in class.”

I was handed my schedule and great I had a class in twenty minutes.

“Call me if you need anything.”

Once she shut the door I quickly showered in my own private bathroom of course and changed into the uniform that was skimpier than I expected it to be.

Maybe I’ll ask for one a little bigger.

I checked the clock above my desk and quickly grabbed my things before running out my door. Thankfully a map was given to me with my schedule so I wasn’t totally lost. I made it to class before the teacher closed the door on me.


“You Emilia?”

“Yes Sir.”

He looked down at my uniform and smiled.

“Everyone this is Emilia De Los Santos and she will be joining us for the rest of the year from America.”

He pointed to my seat and I gladly too it with a heavy sigh.

School was absolutely different from what I was used to in the states, but I learned quick and it would only be a matter of months before I graduated anyway.

By the month I received a letter from Zander to ask me how I was doing and that Cecilia would be coming to see me in a weeks’ time during a business trip.

He didn’t mention Xavier or my parents, but did mention New York wasn’t the same without me and that everyone missed me especially Tess.

“I miss you guys too.”

The letter went on about how he destroyed the tree house in an ‘accidental’ fire after I left. My car was nicely put away and that I should go out and have fun. He asked me how I was doing and how I liked the new school, but other than that no big news was mentioned.

I didn’t write him back. There was nothing to write back about. I didn’t leave my room unless it was to go to class or grab something to eat which right now wouldn’t be any different as I couldn’t hold anything down. Last week was worse, but I got a handle on things that I knew I couldn’t eat. I slept a lot more than before and I didn’t speak to anyone. The pain of not having my mate close gave me nightmares along with pains in my chest that were excruciating at times. 

When Cecilia came to visit, I refused to see her. It pained me to reject her presence, but I didn’t want to see the glow on her face or the smile that reached her cheeks or the pity when she saw me. I just wanted to forget everything and everyone.


I’m sorry miss, but she’s not receiving any visitors at this moment.

“But she knew I was coming and I’m her sister.”

“I’m sorry but she doesn’t want to see you or anyone.”

I looked down and nodded.

“How is she?”

I looked up at her and I could already see that Emma wasn’t doing so well.

“Sad, very sad, but an excellent student and a very polite young lady.”

I smiled 

“She’s been sick though, wakes up throwing up and doesn’t eat much.”

“Has someone checked her, made sure she was okay?”

“I’ve tried, but she refused and says she’s alright. May I ask what happened to her?”

I took a deep breath and shook my head.

“You don’t want to know.”

“She has nightmares. The other girls have heard her at night as well as myself.”

A lump started to form in my throat and I could only nod and look away.

“Please tell her that I love her and that I’m sorry.”

I had to get out of there before I caused a scene with my tears.

“Thank you.”

When I got to the hotel room I called Zander.

“Hey, how is she?”

“She wouldn’t see me.”


“What are we going to do?”

“Nothing, there is nothing we can do. This is her trying to figure out what to do next and we just have to let her. I’m still going to continue writing to her, maybe she’ll respond to one, at least I’m hoping.”

“The Head Mistress said she’s been having nightmares and she’s been sick.”

“What kind of sick?”

“Throws up and doesn’t eat very much.”

Then the line went dead.

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