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chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40

chapter 12

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I was watching my brother get ready with a smile on his face and everyone around him praising him about how lucky he is to have Cecilia, I couldn't be happy. He didn't deserve her after what he's done to my baby girl.

"Good news!"

We all looked up to see mom.

"Xavier is getting married too!"


Everyone ran out with laughs and with man hugs and pats to the back.

"Mom, NO!"

I looked at my brother and he looked away, closing his eyes.

"This is Cecilia's and my day."

"Well Cecilia wants to share it with her sister, so you both are getting married, you like it or not."

I tried to reach Emma, but she had me blocked sine the minute she left with her sister. I was about to pull out my phone when mom grabbed it, taking it from me.

"She's fine, just getting ready, probably just as happy as you are."

I smiled down at her and nodded not showing her that I was worried. She was determined to let this be her sister's day and not hers. I wonder what changed her mind.

"Congrats man!"

 I smiled when dad came in handing me a suit.

"Here change."

"Why am I not surprised?"

"You could never be too prepared."

"But dad..."

"Son, do you love her?"

"You know that I do."

"She loves you?"

"Yes, but..."

"No buts son."

"I'm serious dad; she deserves a proposal, not just a shot gun wedding because her sister said so. She's special and I'm afraid she'll hate me for this."

"You wanna see her?"

"Think they'll let me?"

He and I knew her parents were very old fashioned and see as we're getting married the last thing they want to do is ruin tradition.

 "Let me see what I can do."

"Thanks dad."

He patted me on the back and left while I changed and went into my personal bag, digging through it until I found the little blue box. I have been carrying this for a year since Zander told me it's what she dreamt about since she was a little girl

Three carat blue diamond set in platinum with twenty seven half carat diamonds surrounding the band and a flawless blue diamond. I even had the setting made along with my ring as well. 

Then I felt her wall come down.


My heart was pounding, I didn't know what he was going to do or think, but I needed to talk to him without seeing him or anyone knowing.


I had to keep my eyes closed because if he saw me, he might freak out.

'Xavier please don't hate me.'

'I'm here and no, why would I?

'We have to get married... I know that this isn't like you planned or myself, but...'

'Baby calm down, I'll do whatever you want me to do, okay? Whatever you want I'll do.'

'But this isn't how I pictured us... we just met and...'

'I know baby girl, but I love you and I know I want to be with you, if you don't....'

'No! I do, I just don't want you to think I'm trying to tie you down before you've had a chance to really know me.'

'It's not that...'

'Then what is it?'

'Cecilia knows, somehow when she touched me, she got everything from the images from the memories in my head and now she knows everything. She's the one insisting we do this with her.'

'Is she going to marry him?'

I was surprised; he wasn't freaked out about the whole image, touching my hand thing.

'I don't know, it looks like it, but I don't know. I have a really bad feeling about this and I'm afraid all hell is going to break loose.'

'But we'll be married.'

I laughed when dad came in to get me.

'We're ready baby girl."

I nodded and turned to look at him.

'Dad's here I have to go.'

'I'll see you at the altar then. I love you and don't worry I'll let you go.'


"Are you okay honey?"

"Ya mama, I'm fine and where is dad, with Emma?"

"Calm down... look there they are."

I turned and saw them coming up from the basement where I had left her to herself for a bit. I knew Xavier wanted to see her, but knowing my parents they would never break tradition and this one was one they would never budge on even if Xavier wanted to propose properly. Dad said he should have thought about that before he bedded his daughter.

I looked at her and landed on her redden eyes, she had been crying again and my heart broke. I knew she didn't want his, but I also knew if I didn't force her to do it, she would never do it and it would only make things worse. Luke could still get to her and I wasn't going to let that happen. It's why I still had to marry him and take him away. The plan was that they would be taking over dad's pack and Luke and I his father's. We would be in total opposites of the country, us in New York and them here in California.

I watched her as he looked down at her flowers, fidgeting from nerves. You'll be happy, I promise. He will heal your wounds, your heart and hopefully fill your soul with happiness.

Her eyes were still puffy and red, but other than that, she looked beautiful in the second gown she made for me. If I didn't know it, she had made it for herself and not me. She looked like a white and pink princess, a very sexy princess.

I smiled at her as she looked up and caught my starring at her, but she looked away. My heart dropped, but I went up to her anyway and handed her a box.

"Here, I bought these for you for your birthday, but I never was able to give them to you earlier, so here. Happy birthday."

She slowly took the box and opened it to find a silver platinum locket. I had placed a picture of each of us inside and had it engraved on the outside with 'Two hearts one soul' on the back.

She looked it for a second before taking it out and placing it around her neck.

"Thank you."

"Come on, let's get married."

I tried to sound as happy as I could for her, but I was latterly crying inside because my soon to be husband was now my sister's rapist and I was going to make him pay.


"Son relax, she'll be here."

I growled and shot her a look, making her step back. I knew she was my mother, but she was allowing my brother to take her! She was MINE! My wolf literally craved her and her submission. She was perfect for us, but her sister was our mate. I growled again turning around to look at my brother pacing back and forth, grinning from ear to ear like a dam goldfish.

He then stopped and looked at me.


"She'll never be yours you know that?"

"And why is that?"

"Because she doesn't belong to you."

He smirked and shook his head.

"Oh brother, but she already is mine."

My wolf growled and so did his.

"You stay away from her! She's MINE!"

I laughed, throwing my head back.

"Oh but little brother she was already mine long before you even knew who she was and mmm... was she tight when I took her for the time and still it."

I could still feel her grasp around my when I broke through her barrier and then proceeded to screw her so hard I knew she wasn't able to walk for a week!

I smiled, licking my lips.

"I could still taste her too, so very..."

I was suddenly again the wall, but I laughed, pushing him off because I was much stronger than him.

"She will never forget me! I am the ONE she's going to see and remember every time you take her. Everytime you kissed her, caress her, she will be thinking of me!"



I was ready to kill him, but dad came in and stopped us.

"What's wrong with you two?! This is supposed to be a glorious day!"

"Xavier just having cold fee. He doesn't like the fact that I pointed some things out for him."

"What things?"

"Oh just the truth."

I tried to get to him, but dad pulled me back using his alpha to make me submit.

"What things?"

"Emma will be his."

"She loves me and you just can't stand it because she will never love you just like Cecilia never will!"

He growled, but dad submitted him too.

"What is wrong with you two, you never fight?!"

 "Tell him big brother... tell him you want my mate."


Now if you ever met my dad, you'd think he was scary at six foot four, grey hair, tan skin and broad shoulder. I was pretty much built like him, but without the beer gut he's had since I was a kid. Now see him pissed off and you'd run for the hills because there is nothing like a pissed off alpha.

As soon as he growled, big brother wasn't so mucho anymore.

"Is this true?!"

"It was a long time ago, before I met Cecilia."

"Was this before or after you tortured her in school and RAPED her?!"

I knew this would just ruin everything, but dad had to know what kind of son he had, but dad just froze and looked me, I knew what he was about to ask.

"She's mine dad and I love her no matter what."

H looked back at Luke and grabbed him by the neck.

"You will stay away from your brother's mate or so help me I will kill you myself if I ever hear that you've touched her again! Do you understand ME?!"

He then quickly dropped him as mom came in.

"They're here!"

I smiled and walked out, followed by Luke and dad. 

We were met by our best men and made our way to the front of the church. As soon as the music started and the doors opened I let all the past drain away and focused on the future that was about to pass through that door.

They both came in together and my eyes landed on Emma. She was beautiful, but I knew this wasn't what she wanted or how she wanted it. Her eyes met mine and I smiled making her smile back at me, but it didn't reach her eyes. My heart dropped when a single tear fell from her face.


Once we came into view, there he was, starring right at me and I couldn't help but squirm. He smiled like if this was perfectly normal for him. I wanted to run, run away as fast as I could. I didn't want this, but I had to do this for her. I felt a tears escape and fall just as Luke stepped forward, giving me a smirk first before taking my sister into his hand. I looked at Xavier and I was given to him.

"You really don't want this do you?"

I sniffed and smiled.

"I promise I'm okay."

He wiped my tear and I couldn't help but close my eyes once his hand touched my face, caressing my cheek.

"I love you; I promise I'll take care of you."

I nodded and looked up at him smiling down at me as the father started the ceremony. Somehow there was suddenly two of everything and I knew had something to do with it, except when it came to the rings. I couldn't believe my eyes when he gave them to the priest to bless.

'Thank Zander later. I just want you to have the best; at least this is something I know you wanted.'

I looked up at him and smile.

'Thank you.'

He smiled and we look at the priest.

"Luke and Xavier, repeat after me... With this ring I thee wed. I promise to love you, honor you and protect you for all the days of my life."

Luke slipped his on my sister as Xavier placed mine on my finger.

"Cecilia, Emma, repeat after me... With this ring I thee wed. I promise to love, honor and submit to you for all the days of my life."

We slipped their rings on and I looked up to Xavier who was beaming with happiness.

'Don't get too carried away on the submit part.'

'Mmm...We'll see.'

I giggled and blushed.

"...I now pronounce you husbands and wives; you may now kiss your brides."

Xavier didn't waste any time and pulled me up to his lips, kissing me softly, making my knees feel like jelly. He smiled and held on to my waist.


She said YES! My wolf was jumping up and down inside and the minute I kissed her after knowing she was my wife I knew I'd never let her go, ever. I heard a growl from behind Emma and smiled.

"I love you."

She smiled, running her fingers through my hair.

"I love you too."

I kissed her again running my thumb on her mark, making her step a little closer.

"Don't start."

I smirked, not resisting kissing her again and pulled her back to my lips.

"So beautiful."

"Alright you four."

I looked up and saw that Cecilia was kissing my brother with not so much enthusiasm as Emma and I. I shook my head and looked back down at my baby girl.

"Come on."

We only needed one more thing before we were officially married and I was going to make sure nothing stopped us.


God, I'm married and I'm actually okay with it. My wolf smiled, but not of happiness, but of the things that it was planning on doing to him. Even though it loved him, we both knew we needed him to pay for he's done to our sister.

"I love you baby."

I looked and met his gold grey eyes, but still mastered a smile on my face.

"Me too."

He smiled and bent down bringing his lips back onto mine, forcing me to close my eyes and pretend I liked him kissing me. 

I pulled away after a quick peck and looked over my shoulder to see Xavier looking down at my sister with loving eyes.

"Hey I'm over here."

I looked back at him and he went for another kiss, but I gave him my cheek making him growl and pin me closer to his chest.

"Why are you mad?"

"Let me go, you're hurting me."

He slowly released me and looked at me.

"What is it? Why aren't you happy?  Isn't this what you wanted?"

But mom chimed in before I could tell him to fuck off and give him a piece of my mind of what I thought about all of this.

I pulled away and looked at mom who was waiting for us to sign. We all made it into the small room of the church and stood before the priest with our witnesses and signed.

"Congratulations to the four of you."


We made it back to the house after several hours of nonstop pictures down by the beach so that they could catch the pink of the dresses in the water and the sunset. I was now in my room looking down at the party going on down stairs, hiding from everyone.

"You okay?"

I quickly wiped my tears and nodded letting Zander come in.

"Yeah come on in."

"Why are you crying?"

"Come on... Really going to ask me that question?"

"Yes I really am."

He made a funny face making me laugh and came up to me, lifting my chin so that he can look into my eyes. 

"Now tell me."


He wiped a tear as it fell down my face and pulled me closer.

"We can run away... get away until New York or even better we can go to New York now."

I laughed pushing him away.

"Stop it; you know we can't do that."

"And why not? We've done it before."

"It's different now. I'm marr...ied."

I hiccupped and we both started laughing making me hiccup even more.

"Sto...pp. fu...nnnny!"

"I threw him a stuffed animal, hitting him square in the face.



I suddenly felt arms around my waist and jumped a mile high screaming. Of course Zander laughs even harder, tumbling over onto my bed with tears in his eyes and Xavier is right there will him.

"Both of you!"

I pushed Xavier away and walk out, but not before he grabs my waist and kisses his mark making me moans.

"Yeah, that's what I thought."

"Shut up... you're mean."

"But they're gone."

I smile, but try to pull away from him, but he only wraps his arms tighter around me.

"Oh no... I've got you all alone now; there is no way I'm letting you go now."

He turns me around and brings his lips to mine. I whimper and wrap my arms around his neck, running my hands into his hair.

"Oh baby girl... I love you."

I smile and about to kiss him again when we hear someone clear their throat.

"Not totally alone."

We both laugh and look at Zander.


"No worried and as much as it pains me to say this I'm happy for you two and they're waiting for you guys downs stairs."

I groan as Xavier laughs and takes my hand.

"Come on my love let's get this over with so that I can take you away."

He wiggled his eyes at me as Zander made gagging noises making me laugh.

We made it down just as Cecilia was coming up looking for me.

"There you are! What were you two doing? Ha?"

"We were having a threesome."


He laughed and walked out while Xavier wrapped his arms around me, pulling me against his chest.

"What no rump in the sack?"

"Oh god Sissy."

"What? You're married now!"

 "So?! Cheese its!"

"Oh stop miss modesty... come on you two, dance time!"

She pulled us into the dance floor and I was surprised how happy she really was. The rest of the wedding went great and I had fun, I really enjoyed myself. When it came down to the end, mom came running down with an overnight bag, handing it over to Xavier.

"Wait, where we going?"


"Have fun and remember I want grandbabies!"

I groaned and covered my face as I could feel the heat coming across my cheeks.

"Oh god mom."

Xavier chuckled pulling me back into his arms, something he did very often during the night, and said goodbye to everyone.


I turned and Cecilia came running into my arms.


"Have fun okay?"

I laughed and hugged her tighter.

"You too."

"I'll see you next week?"

"Of course."

We pulled away from each other and laughed because we were both crying. I wiped her tears away and hugged her again.

"I want you to try to be happy, please?"

"I'm trying."

"Good because if you're not then I won't be and then we'll both be screwed."

She laughed and squeezed me.

"I love you."

"Love you too sis."


"You take care of her for me alright?"

I nodded, pulling her into my arms.

"Don't worry Sissy."


"I promise, now con on. You be safe and we'll see you in a week in New York."


I could see Luke glaring at me and I could only smirk at him, but I knew we were hugging for too long and when I saw him look at my girl, I had to pull away.

"Go on he's waiting."

She whimpered and turned around going to him before he got any closer to Emma.

"Baby girl, you ready?"

She turned and blushed making me laugh.

"I won't bite, I promise."

'At least not right now.'

That just made it worse, I could smell her excitement and that was enough to make me want to take her away that much sooner.

"Get over here."

She pulled away from her parents and came right up to me, stopping as soon as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I growled and turned, pushing his arm away from me.

"Don't touch me."

"Oh come on little brother, let's not fight now."

"Last time I checked you're only half."


I turned without composing myself and the minute she stepped back I knew I had scared her. I quickly grabbed her waist and pulled her close, closing my eyes.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry."

"Man brother you sure know how to treat..."

I was about to pull away when she wraps her arms around me and pulls me in for a kiss. I was instantly smiling and picked her up bridal style.

"Take me away."

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