Breeding Dylan

De EmriWrites

70.5K 3.3K 486

Dylan meets Tareq; a tall, dark, and handsome man from the Middle East visiting Tucson to check on the new r... Mai multe

1: Meeting Tareq
2: Exploring His Space
3: Flying Away
4: Meeting Family
5: Becoming his Boy
6: I Need It
7: Mommy Issues
8: Here We Go
9: The Procedure
10: It's For the Baby
11: What's Growing On In There?
13: Reyk Me Up
14: Friends and Bodyguards
15: My Nipple, My Ring
16: Oh The Places We'll Go
17: Goof Balls
18: The Echo
19: Wes Learns Everything!
20: Mr. Zakar's Promise
21: It's For The Beans
22: The Caged Pet
23: Take a Hike!
24: Soccer Champs
25: The Immigrant
26: Crossing Over
27: Starve A Cold
28: Law & Order: Satra
29: Arabic Numerals
30: Better Together
31: Judge Almakri
32: Had Enough
33: It's Been Too Long
34: Chief Negotiator
35: Dinner Party
36: Out of Shape
Chapter 37: Carrefour
Chapter 38: Disappointing Dylan
Chapter 39: The Milk
40: The Fire is Lit
41: Honey & The Moon
42: Catching Up
43: The Mother of All Showers

12: Community for Dylan

1.7K 92 7
De EmriWrites

We got home and barely had time for a nap when Tareq's mother came to tell us to get ready for the formal. A worker came in behind her holding a hang up bag with my tuxedo fresh from the tailor.

"We can skip if you are too tired, my love." Tareq offered, but I kind of needed some excitement.

We went to shower and get dressed up together in his bathroom. A stylist came in and gave us quick haircuts. She applied a little eyeliner and powder on me that made my skin glow.

The tuxedo actually looked really hot on me. It was like high school prom if I'd grown up in a better neighborhood. The stylist fixed my hair in this smooth swoop style that I always thought about doing but didn't know how.

For the first time here I felt like a hot guy who belonged rather than the poor kid or the pregnant kid. Tareq looked so hot. He didn't need any help or styling. This was routine for him.

We got into the limo with his parents and went to a huge hotel complex built on a peninsula that jutted out into the bay or gulf or whatever this water was called.

"You look very nice," Mr. Zakar offered as we drove up to the entrance.

"Thank you, sir. Your wife chose for me. She has impeccable taste." It was time to mend fences with Mrs. Zakar if I was going to survive here.

"You look wonderful," Mrs. Zakar added.

"He does. I will keep him close to avoid predators." Tareq put his arm around me.

The celebration was on the top floor of the hotel. It was half indoors and half out with a huge rooftop patio that offered views of most of the kingdom.

"What is this celebration for?" I asked as we walked in. There was an elaborate set up with a bar, buffet, dance floor, and tables. A DJ was playing some Arabian music with a catchy beat.

"The son of a powerful sheikh, Omar Altani, is to be married. The couple is there." He pointed towards a tall nerdy guy with his arm around a bejeweled princess with a beautiful dress and gorgeous face.

"He's marrying her? Why?" I whispered though the music was loud enough to cover my tackiness.

"Her father is one of top tech developers in Indonesia. The sheikh looks to bring major investments and pay big for his connections." Tareq looked uncomfortable with gossip.

"I hope he's nice to her." I felt bad. She didn't look happy about this.

"He is nice enough to turn blind eye that she brings her female lover to live here with them," Mrs. Zakar was ready to dish. She pretended to straighten my bow tie while she talked.

"No way!" I looked over at her.

"That is what I hear. She is forced to marry man so she find one who will give her freedom. The girl is listed as her personal assistant. They know this country does not permit paparazzi so her privacy will be maintained until they make appearances abroad." Mrs. Zakar has all the details. She laughed at my shocked expression.

"Your mother spilled the tea with me! She likes me," I told Tareq when we made our way to the dance floor.

"She spills tea on you? I help you clean it. There is restroom here." Tareq started to walk back.

"No. She spilled the tea. That's saying she gossiped. It means she's really trying with me. Maybe she wants a good relationship between us for the baby. I'm so happy!" I was feeling hopeful.

"My boy is so innocent! I love this! You misunderstand. She knows she need new tactic. My father love you, I love you, and you carry my only heir. She plays smart. Is why my mother is queen of all social circle. She is very feared. You are kind to not keep the grudge. My boy is too good for that. She see you have value now." He kissed me and pulled me out to dance with him.

The dinner was served at the tables. I guess the buffet was just snacks. We ate while people got up and gave speeches in Arabic. I finished my plate and then Tareq gave me a game to play on his phone while he listened.

They finished up the speeches and dessert was served while the DJ turned up the thumping music. I passed on the cake, but picked one of the fruit bowls his mom chose.

His mom nodded approval and leaned over towards me.

"You see the unattractive red dress next to the ice sculpture?" She pointed at a nice looking lady across the room. "Remember that face. I'll tell you all about her relationship with the sheikh's son later, too many ears around right now."

Whatever she was doing, it was nice and I liked it.


"I'm going to stay here a while. His family is so nice to me and there's a good college here that is free to residents! Free college! I could use that," I told Aunt Hilda when I called her.

"Are you sure? It's so far away, kid. The pictures you sent look amazing though! And they live right on the beach? Is that the Indian Ocean?" she asked.

"I think so. Maybe. I didn't ask what the water is called." I was glad that she was taking this well.

"Well, keep me posted! And send a postcard or something. I hear they have good figs over there if you come across any!" She was excited for me.

"We will send a gift basket! There is amazing fruit here." Tareq had been listening from my side.

I put her on speaker phone and the two of them chatted for a few minutes. Aunt Hilda is surprisingly easy to buy favor with. A nice gift basket and she'd sell me to any part of the world without hesitation.

I promised to call her every week and wrapped up the phone call.

"That went well. She is so sweet. I will send her very special gifts." Tareq assured.

"She's the easy one. Wes is going to be the hard one. I should probably go somewhere private." I sighed.

"Why don't we bring him here? Call and invite. I will make the arrangements. I know you don't wish to tell him what happens to you with the baby..." Tareq started.

"He won't believe me, and if he does then he'll want to kill you." I knew either way it wouldn't end well.

"Then I will die for your peace. Is not good to keep a secret from all of your support persons. You can use a friend to help things." Tareq reached for me and pet my cheek.

"He would love it here. He's always wanted to travel. and he loves the beach. There's a beach right outside!" I nodded.

I texted him, "call me when you can," and sent it.

Wes called back about an hour later while we were finishing a video Dr. Rammat had suggested. It showed how the baby would grow and things to remember. Tareq would watch it five times and take notes. He promised to handle that stuff.

"You are not going to even guess what I found out! This is the scandal of the month! Robbie and Ryan split up!" Wes screamed when I answered the call.

"No! They are so perfect for each other! They were twin gays with matching initials! I thought they were solid!" I looked over at Tareq who eyed me like I'd transformed into a 12-year-old girl.

"Well Ryan sure was solid when Robbie walked in on him feeling up Derek Kim! They got water at Lake Havasu on his dad's boat! Robbie was ready to throw him overboard! Ryan and Derek had to take the bus home! A bus! Can you even?" Wes roared.

"Ugh! That's crazy!" I wasn't super interested in this.

"What airport are you at? Your flight comes in tomorrow morning? My mom is going to pick you up on her way home from the gym. She'll stink, but whatever! I need you back here, pronto!" Wes sang.

"About that..." I took a deep breath.

"No! No! No! You promised! I knew he'd trap you there! You can not stay in the Middle East. That is unacceptable!" He hissed, like literally hissed.

"We want to bring you here! Can you take some time off? Tareq will book the flight and everything. The big things happening here and I really need you." I meant that deeply.

"Are you getting married? Is that even legal over there? Oh shit. You're getting married?" His disappointment changed to elation.

"Maybe. I don't know. Yeah I think it's legal. There are tons of gay families here. It's not unusual. Just please come. We can go shopping, like the primo stuff stores! Plus, Tareq is friends with the big chief at work if you need time off." I tried to sweeten the deal as much as I could.

"Ok, fine. Twist my nut. I'll go. I'm just doing an online class for the next few weeks so that should be fine. And Muffin Manor can snack on my ass. I'm over Cheryl's attitude with the schedule. I don't even need the money right now. I got my scholarship!" Wes was excited.

"Yes! Ok I'll tell Tareq to make the arrangements. He really wants to see you too!" I felt bad for not dropping the bomb. But until he came and saw for himself, he'd never believe me.


Monday morning Tareq had me signed up for my first group meeting with the other new and finishing fathers. He offered to stay with me, but it was only supposed to be for the carrying partners.

Tareq dropped me off then went to work in his office for awhile. After the meeting, I was supposed to meet my new monitor anyways.

"You will text me if there is a need or you feel not comfortable. My office is only a few minutes away." He said as he walked me to the side of the meeting room.

"Yes, dad!" I laughed. He kissed me then left. He did a sad wave as the elevator doors closed on him.

He looked so powerful in a suit. I get this weird feeling of special when I see it because it reminds me that a man that hot chose to be with me. It's shallow. It's me.

I turned to the door and opened it to find a group of four guys sitting around a cheery, sunbright room in plush chairs. At the head of the circle was a lady who looked kind but professional. There was a coffee table in the middle with an assortment of healthy snacks.

"Welcome!" The lady called me. "Dylan, right?"

"Yes, ma'am." I squirmed as the guys all stared at me.

"You can call me Hani," she said with an accent on the last syllable of her name. "Please have a seat and help yourself to the treats!"

I sat down and tried to not look at their bellies. They weren't huge, but they were definitely visible. One guy didn't have a pregnancy bump, but he did have a baby sleeping soundly in a car seat next to his chair.

"Charlie will sleep right through this. But he'll wake up at midnight screaming for no reason!" The man, who introduced himself as Rupert, joked as he reached down to rock the car seat gently.

He looked to be in his mid twenties. While his stomach was flat, his tight tshirt revealed pec muscles that looked quite impressive. Was he weight lifting through his pregnancy?

The therapist introduced the other three guys as Samuel, Adnan, and Sunjay. The guys all appeared to be just a few years older than me. I was the new kid. Everyone went through and talked about what was going on at this stage in the process.

Samuel, a North African man not much bigger than me, talked about the urges he was going through with his husband. Apparently, after the irresistible sexual cravings of the first few months, he was going through a phase where his husband wanted constant physical interaction but Samuel wasn't feeling good about his body and just wanted to hide under the covers all day.

"Wait another week or so. You'll get these intense exercise cravings. I started going hardcore on the weights until my husband had them removed from our home gym." Sunjay laughed.

Adnan, a tall Saudi man with the most beautiful eyes, suggested a yoga program he'd been using that really helped him feel balanced and able to work through his feelings.

"And how is your husband doing?" Rupert asked Adnan.

"Mohammed does not let me leave the house. He is waiting in the cafe downstairs to take me back home. He thinks there is danger waiting for me around every corner. I know it is natural that the donor partner gets extra protective at this stage, but it's too much. I woke up this morning to find him checking my pulse. He said I sleep too quietly." Adnan shook his head in annoyance.

"It is normal and it will pass. My Kadan was the same. He still sends a guard with me to the yoga class." Sunjay seemed to have a lot of answers.

"How are things with you, Dylan?" The therapist turned to me when everyone finished talking about their week.

I didn't have much to say. I wasn't ready to be too open with these guys, and I didn't know who might know Tareq or his family. They seemed important here.

"Good. I'm just getting used to all this. I'm good." I nodded unconvincingly. "Things are good." 

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