Luffy's Past

By 2021Night

157K 4.2K 1K

In the middle of the war between the marines and the Whitebeard pirates, a bright light appeared bring the st... More

Chapter 1 - Intro
Chapter 2 - Family
Chapter 3 - Hostage
Chapter 4 - Break
Chapter 5 - Core
Chapter 6 - The Will
Chapter 7 - Decision
Chapter 8 - Message
Chapter 9 - Abilities
Chapter 10 - Plan
Chapter 11 - Death
Chapter 13 - Guiding Lights
Chapter 14 - Passing
Chapter 15 - Repeat
Chapter 16 - Demon History
Chapter 17 - Free
Chapter 18 - Epilogue

Chapter 12 - Darkness

6.2K 193 52
By 2021Night


"Is he ok?!"

"What the hell were those voices?!"

"Luffy's going to die!?"

"Chopper, he can't die. He's alive right now."

"Oh, right."

"Luffy-san has such terrible luck. YOHOHOHOHO."

"Brook! This is not the time to joke!"

"Enough, please quiet down." Silvia said over the noise. "This is an important part of little angel's past, so please do pay attention."

Ace exclaimed, "What does a light that hit him have to do with something important?"

Sabo placed a hand on Ace's shoulder. "Let her explain first Ace."

Silvia sighed and explained. "The light is his second ability. Remember in the message dream I was in with little angel? He is awakening his second ability, as he has filled the requirements to unlock it. He, at the moment, is filling overwhelming emotions, due to the loss of his loved ones."

"Poor Luffy..." Muttered Nami. Chopper only nodded along with some others.

Even though their captain was in such a hopeless situation, he was always bubbly and cheerful. It just gained him more respect to those who knew him.

The light shone brightly and Luffy looked up towards the sky. The barrier was torned down and by the light, letting Makino, who was waiting at the edge of the island, leave. She created a boat made out of her vines and travelled through the seas to reach an island. She watched the light glow with tears in her eyes. She bid farewell to the people she had loved and cared for, never looking back.

She disappeared into the sea, making others happy that at least one person escaped. Making Shanks happy knowing that she was going to meet him soon and safe.

Tears running down Luffy's face and

Kai stared at Luffy with a frown. He was able to read all the abilities on the island, yet he could only read one of the child's abilities. He could see that Luffy had two abilities, but he didn't know that he was that one.

Luffy's second ability, Angel.


"I'm not imagining it, right?" Ace asked as he rubbed his eyes and shook Sabo. "He's-He's... an a-angel!!"

"Ace! Stop shaking me!" Demanded Sabo, as he wanted to look back at the screen to confirm that he saw it right. Luffy with white wings. Angel wings. Isn't Luffy supposed to be human? Wait, but it was an ability, so he is human? Sabo didn't know. It was confusing and if it was confusing for him, then it was mind blowing for Ace.

The strawhats were panicking. How the hell did their captain get wings? If it was always there, then how did they not notice them? They all had many questions, but Zoro was the one who was asking multiple. Sure, the others had around the same number of questions, but Robin and Zoro, along with Sanji were wondering, why Luffy never used them in the fights that nearly costed them their lives.

"Wait, if Luffy has wings, doesn't that mean that he didn't have the do his rocket move to send us into the air?" Usopp asked.

Zoro grumbled. If that were true, then he didn't have to suffer that move. Usopp, still asking questions out loud, questioned, "Is that why you call Luffy 'little angel'? Since he unlocked his second ability when he was a child? Child means little and the angel... well, it's on the screen."

Silvia nodded. "I called him that because of what you have explained."

"To think that anchor was the thing they needed to kill Kai." Laughed Shanks.

Ace and Sabo frowned. If Luffy had this ability, then why did he not save himself when they were younger. Luffy was always in some sort of trouble, but he never flied or used any angel/holy-like abilities.

"Little one." Voices said in unison. The voices seemed to be talking from the sky, so Luffy stared up at it. "We have heard you. You wish to get rid of the demon, then do so. You have the power. You have been chosen, by us. This is your fate, your destiny."

Luffy thought back to the dream meeting he had with a time goddess. "Was me being chosen by the gods, had to do anything with all my family dying?"

The voices replied, "It is necessary for the elimination of the demon. To awaken your ability, it was necessary."

"What the hell. That's messed up!" Thatch yelled. "He had to get his whole family killed, just to defeat the demon. Couldn't they think of another way to do it? He's too young to see that kind of sight!"

Chopper whispered, "Luffy... no wonder he has trauma..."

Robin nodded with a frown. "To find your family dead, then see the last one die in front of your eyes and after you find out that it happened because you were chosen for something you never wanted to be a part of."

"I'm guessing that's why he had an angry reaction once seeing Silvia." Sanji said seriously without noddle dancing for the lady.

Zoro added, "Probably thought that something similar was going to happen again to us."

"Wait, how did the marine even know of the place anyway-yoi?" Marco questioned.

They all looked towards Silvia for the answers, which she only sighed to. "The gods lead him to the island."


"Why would they do that!? Their asking for the island to get destroyed!" Exclaimed Coby.

"That's what they wanted, sort of." Silvia answered, silencing the whole room. "We wanted to get rid of the demon, so we had to set it free. Obliviously, the villagers weren't going to set it free, so we got someone from the outside to do it for us. We started to plan this when the little angel was born, since he was the person who would get rid of it. He was chosen by the will and the gods."

"You planned this when he was born?" Whitebeard asked. "He would be too young to fight."

Silvia nodded. "We knew that, but the elders of the gods wanted to get rid of Kai as fast as possible. Some of us tried to stop it, but we could only delay the battle. Anyway, all of us knew what needed to be done to kill the demon. The chosen must have overwhelming emotions to unlock the ability, so the gods watched little angel as he grew up, noting down what he loved. Only to kill and destroy them to unleash the angel."

"That's sick!" Shouted Ace. Sabo, the strawhats and many others agreed. Just to get rid of a demon, they had to kill and destroy what Luffy cherished.

"But, if we didn't do that, the world would come to an end." Silvia reminded. "Their deaths were meaningful."

"But if you didn't led Zen to the island, then he wouldn't have released Kai." Sabo said. "Kai was sealed and couldn't do anything, yet you were greedy and tried to kill him, getting Luffy trauma, sadness, anger and hatred."

Silvia looked down. "That is also true. Though, I came here to save little angel to repay him for the sacrifices he had to make for that battle."

People clicked their tongues, but the conversation stopped there. Though the anger and disappointment towards the gods reminded. Ace hated his father and nobles, but now he hated the gods more. How could they just toy with people's lives?

Luffy clenched his teeth and fists with his eyes covered by his hair. He blamed himself for the lost lives of his family and friends, but knew that he now had the power to fight Kai, though he never wanted it. He had to make sure that their deaths weren't meaning less.

Luffy ignored the voices and turned towards Kai, wiping his tears. The demon was frowning and seemed to want to kill him before anything happened. Kai snapped his fingers, but Luffy dodged all the lasers and swords. He flied and moved closer to Kai with what seemed to be emotionless eyes. His eyes were shining gold and he had the golden aura around him. He was using the will of D., along with his abilities, upgrade, and angel.

Once looking at Luffy's eyes, where it seemed emotionless and a void, people frowned at it. The overwhelming emotion passed and now Luffy looked like an empty shell.

Luffy rushed towards Kai and snapped his fingers. He also summoned lasers, but unlike Kai's it had a lighter glow and pierced through Kai, without delay. It was a good thing that Kia was huge. It made him a bigger target. Luffy didn't really have to aim and since he wasn't used to his new ability, he couldn't.

Kai screamed in pain, but Luffy didn't care not hesitate. He continued and Kai couldn't heal himself, due to the beams being holy. Luffy covered his fists in holy energy and punched the demon multiple times, not giving his time to recover.

Kai, getting angry and serious, grabbed the child and threw him onto the ground. Luffy wrapped his wings around himself to protect him for the force, but he coughed up some blood.

Many people winced, but were amazed, as normal people would have died due to the pressure of gravity. Luffy was still alive and fighting.

Luffy got up from the ground and headed straight into battle without giving himself sometime to rest. Kai doubled clicked his fingers and the speed of the swords and laser beams went faster. Luffy dodged them but got wounded sometime. He didn't look back at his injuries, which made some doctors worry.

Lasers were colliding with each other, while the swords were stopped with holy swords that Luffy summoned. Kai was growling. The last angel he faced many centuries ago was weaker than this human. Maybe it was because the angel was too soft-hearted to kill him, and this one wanted to kill him for the revenge of his family.

Was this why the gods chose this kid to kill him? Was this the reason why the gods allowed the kids family and friends get killed? Probably, but he didn't have time for questions. He was losing to a KID!

Kai stomped on the ground and the earth started to shake. The island started to break, and the earth was forming shapes. Spikes to be specific. They were rising and aimed towards the flying angel. Luffy glanced down for a second and dodged. He was panting and sweating. It was taking a toll on his body, as he wasn't quite use to the ability and because when he was trapped in the demon, he had taken his energy, along with using his ability to make it stronger.

Luffy gained cuts and bruise all over his body, while Kai had holes and punches. It was getting tiring and if this battle of stamina was going to continue, then Luffy would be the one defeated.

Luffy retreated back to gain distance from the demon. He was going to do his last attack and pour everything he had into it. He lifted his arm up with his head down. His eyes were covered with his hair, and he was chanting.

"The light which brings justice and hope,
come and bring down this evil as he has made suffering.
The light which I command,
come towards this Earth and purify this creature."

The clouds cleared up to reveal the bright blue sky. A magic circle appeared above Kai, which he noticed and panicked. The demon tried to move, but chains were keeping him still. The vines which trapped the demon in place was still there and made sure that he couldn't move anywhere.

Luffy looked Kai in the eyes and brought his hand down. A great holy light, which was larger than Kai, shone down at the demon, and he screamed. He started to fade, which meant that he was dying, but Luffy didn't have that much power left in him. He needed to make it quick.

"AWO! That's SUPER!" Franky shouted looking at the light. He wondered if he could make a beam that large.

Usopp trembled. "Remind me to never make Luffy mad."

Chopper nodded his head while hugging Usopp. He was also trembling with his friend and the orange haired navigator.

"Ara~ Ara~ It seems that Captain-san is winning this battle." Robin stated.

"But it has costed him too much." Zoro added with aa grim expression remembering all the deaths of the people.

"It's all the gods fault." Ace cursed and Sabo smacked Ace's head. Ace rubbed his head and turned to Sabo with shark teeth. "Oi! What was that for?!"

Sabo whispered, "Be nice. Remember the gods control people and we don't want to get on their bad side. They could make your life miserable, or Luffy's. Ace don't be stupid."

Ace sighed and whispered back, "Fine."

Kai was disappearing and once he was gone, Luffy lowered himself onto the ground. He was kneeling on the ground while he panted. He had done it. Kai was gone and died. He had avenged his family and friends, but he didn't know what to do now.

He was by himself with no one around him. It was lonely and it hurt. Emotions were back in his eyes, but it wasn't the positive ones. Sadness and angry were what filled them. Luffy started to cry once more. He cried loudly. It hurt. It really hurt. Not the injuries he had gotten. It was the fact that he had no one by his side anymore. He was lonely.

Ace and Sabo had a flashback to when they were kids. Ace had asked him the reason of why Luffy didn't tell the pirates where their treasure was. It was because if he did, they wouldn't be his friends. Ace asked more questions and wondered why Luffy wanted to be their friend. His answer was 'being lonely hurts more than getting hurt.'

Now they knew why Luffy said that. He had experienced it. Right in this scene. Luffy was all injured after the fight with Kai, but he had lost everything. It hurt more emotionally than physically.

While Luffy was crying, he didn't notice a dark speck headed towards him. That small speck touched Luffy's wings, making them turn pitch black, and a dark aura wrapped around Luffy. The child cried out in pain. Something was happening to him. Something wanted to take over. Someone was trying to gain control.

Luffy held his head and continued to fight a mental battle. He was tired and along with his doubts, he was losing the battle. Kai had managed to survive his last attack and made his last move. If he couldn't keep his original body, then he was going to take a new one.

Luffy struggled, but he knew that darkness was going to consume him.

"How did Kai survive the last attack-yoi?" Marco asked.

Silvia shrugged. "I don't know, but he did."

"Luffy!" Ace and Sabo exclaimed. "What the hell is happening!? We have to help him!"

"You can't." Reminded Izou.


"No buts-yoi." Marco commented. "This has happened, so your brother has dealt with them somehow."

Ace growled but backed down with Sabo. The strawhats watched, but they really wanted to jump in and help their captain. Cheering him on and encouraging him that he wasn't alone. They knew, they all knew that this was their captain's battle, but they didn't know that he had help.

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