Clinging On (KARLNAP)

By sullydissappeared

365K 7.8K 41.5K

Sapnap has always had it rough at home, and his gpa was slipping away from him. Karl was recovering from ment... More

Ch 1 "Blue Raspberry Slushie"
Ch 2 "Fiji"
Ch 3 "Socks"
Ch 4 "Peanut butter And Bananas"
Ch 5 "Van and Tesla"
Ch 6 "Permanent Marker and the Ceiling"
Ch 7 "The Beach"
Ch 8 "Mr Brightside and Alcohol"
Ch 9 "Cereal"
Ch 10 "Security Camera"
Ch 11 "Scrubs"
Ch 12 "Deep End"
Ch 13 "Medusa And A Siren Combined"
Ch 14 "Pizza"
Ch 15 "Pinkies"
Ch 16 "Bubbles"
Ch 17 "Knight"
Ch 18 "Blankets"
Ch 19 "Constellations"
Ch 21 "Worn Down Guitar"
Ch 22 "Overcast Skies"
Ch 23 "Buttons"
Ch 24 "Halo"
Ch 25 "Cartoon Network Posters"
Ch 26 "Heads Up Seven Up"
Update 2.0!!
Update 3.0

Ch 20 "Shoelaces"

11.2K 215 1.8K
By sullydissappeared

TW: Self harm, Suicide, Sexual Implications, Domestic Abuse


I woke up at 3 am. Of course I couldn't stay asleep. I had Sapnap holding on to me, as I lay on my side, spooning yet again. When did he take his shirt off?

Now he's slept in my bed once without a shirt, and I've seen him shirtless multiple times when we were friends and not together.

He has quite a bit of chest hair, but it fits his scruffiness. It's strangely comforting being in his grasp, though I know it's an intimate position we're in. But yet I lay here under his arms, his hairy, scarred, and burnt-over arms. I couldn't help but move my hands so that I could trace his arms. The texture was something sad, but to me it proved to me his will to live. His bumpy and scratched skin was something I adored having around me. I love having his rough scars scratch against my skin. It means a lot to know he feels comfortable enough to show his scars openly to me. He wears short sleeves around me, and he doesn't make an effort to hide his arms, and now he's shirtless hugging me with his bare and visible arms.

The date he took me on was something out of a fairytale. It was so perfect.

The dinner, the view, the night sky, the quilt, the stars, the music, the dancing, the kiss, everything was perfect.

My first date, Nick.

My Boyfriend, Nick.

My Soulmate, Nick.

I'm so lucky.

My mom would have loved Sapnap, probably as much as I love him.

If these soulmate marks are real for me, like they were for my mom and dad, does that mean this is it?

My life will be with Sapnap's for forever...

Does this mean I'll marry Sapnap?

These are all such crazy thoughts, I just had a first date with him, I'm getting too ahead of myself. I don't need to stress about marrying him.

Though, what would our wedding be like?

How do gay weddings work again? Who walks down the aisle?

Ugh, I'm so uneducated.

I feel my eyes grow heavy, it's about time too. I finally close them and get some shut eye.

As I wake up, I can hear my dad getting dressed.

Immediately I got up, I felt bad for leaving Sapnap's arms but I wanted to talk to my dad about last night, I mean it was my first date, he should know about it.

I walked to my dad's room and he had just gotten done with putting his shirt on. "Hey." I called out to him at the doorway.

"Oh, hey, good morning." He says warmly as he opens his sock drawer to put socks on.

"Hey, I just wanted to tell you about my date last night." I felt my cheeks tug at a smile that I couldn't dare to force a straight face.

"You went on a date? Really? How'd it go?!" He asked as he unbundled his socks.

"Oh it was perfect. I've never been on a date so I have nothing to compare it with but I'm pretty sure that it was probably one of the best dates imaginable to mankind." I smiled and I could feel my face heat up.

"What did y'all do?" My dad asked with a smile that was fatherly, I could see his excitement shine from the slight smirk.

"We went on a little picnic. Oh, and we stargazed! It honestly was really sweet, and it made me remember how mom and I would go stargazing. It was so beautiful out too, the stars were so big and bright. Perfect weather, perfect food, perfect sky. Then we danced! We danced and it was so much fun. It also reminded me of Mom, do you remember how she'd get bored and all of a sudden would grab me and try to make me dance with her?" I looked to my dad who had completely stopped putting his sock on to listen.

"Yeah, I do remember. She would dance with you stepping on her feet and her complaining every five seconds every time you'd step on her big toe." He chuckled fondly in remembrance.

"The whole time I was trying to go to sleep I was thinking; man, Mom would have loved Sapnap." I sigh a sigh that is weighted with joy and sad nostalgia.

"You know, I could see Sapnap and her getting along. She would have loved his hair, she always liked boys with long hair, I was the only exception." He chuckled before continuing; "That date sounded great. Sapnap did a good job on it, that sounds like a date your mother would have loved for you to go on."

"Yeah, she would have loved it. She would have liked him." I sighed, still wearing a smile.

My mom would have given me the biggest hug before leaving for that date. She would have made sure I looked good and she would have calmed my nerves before going. I hate that she wasn't here to do that, and that she won't ever be able to do that. God, I miss her.

"So, have you thought about your sexuality? I felt like I should ask so that if I ever get questioned about you I should be able to answer for you. Also, is it ok if I post pictures of you and Sapnap on my Facebook?" My dad asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Oh uh- I don't really know. Sapnap is the first person I've ever really liked. I think you can say I'm gay, it seems fitting." I never really thought about it. I mean I've always been open to liking the same gender and possibly being gay, but now it's real.

"Ok, sounds good." My dad answered happily.

"Oh and what pictures of us do you have?" I'm not going to lie, I have no idea of what pictures he has.

"Here." He handed me his phone which was next to him on the bed and he continued to put his socks on.

I opened his photos and he had a picture of Sapnap and I dozed off asleep watching Death Note. He has another of Sapnap and I holding hands as we left the house. "How did you get these?"

"I have my ways." He slid one sock on.

"Ah, well, sure, post whatever."

"Cool." He says getting up after he puts his other sock on.

"Anyways, I'm going to go make sure Sapnap is awake so we can get ready for school today." I explained, I brush my hand through my hair as I sat the phone next to where my dad was previously sitting.

"Alright. Y'all get ready for school. I didn't prepare anything for breakfast today so you'll need to figure that out today, I'm sorry." He goes on as he puts his shoe on.

"Oh, don't worry, we'll get something figured out, are you leaving?"

"Yup, I think so." He says with his dad sigh.

"Alright, well, bye, love you." I told him.

"Bye, love you too, I'll be home late tonight."

"Ok, bye." I say as I walk out of his room and back into mine, where I find a sleeping Sapnap.

Not to be creepy but I wish I could sit and watch him sleep all day, his angry and tired self looked so soft and pure when he was asleep.

"Hey Sapnap, time to get up, we've got school to do." I shoved him lightly on the shoulder.

"Nooooooo.... School can kiss my ass" he said groggily through his pillow as he moved his face into the pillow.

"C'mon Sap. Don't you want to skip down the halls with me?" I joked as I took my hand and brushed it through his hair.

"I do, but we could skip down the aisles of the grocery store instead." Sapnap lifted his head out of the pillow and turned to me, his brown eyes opened barely.

"Look your eyes are already open, there's no going back. Come on, let's get ready and then go get some breakfast." I got up from the side of the bed and opened my closet. I'm going to wear a short sleeved shirt, it's too hot for anything else.

"Ugh, fine, I want waffles." He whined as he sat up and I quickly took my T-shirt off and put my button up on. I switched out of my pajama pants and to my shorts.

Shortly, we ended up leaving for school.

On the way there, Sapnap nommed on his waffle from Waffle House.

"So... Uh- I had a dream about you." Sapnap started with a slightly filled mouth of buttermilk.

"Really?" Now I felt my pitch in voice raise in excitement. It makes me feel so happy knowing that he dreams of me as I occasionally dream of him.

"Yeah, I don't want to tell you what it was about but it was a great dream." He sighed with a weighted yet sweet smile.

"Oh come on. It's not like we haven't already told each other about our weird dreams and our weird thoughts." I try to convince him.

"I can't tell you cuz then when I make that dream come true you'll know exactly what I'm doing. And I can't have you knowing my plans, Karl." He smirks charmingly but annoyingly.

"I guess that's fair."

Quackity wasn't here today which I find to be humorous because I feel like he would have had a field day talking about our date. Since Quackity wasn't here we walked straight into the hallway. Sapnap and I walked, hand in hand, which was nice. You know I think I like Sapnap's possessiveness of me in public. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

I find Puffy and Dream talking in the hallway. Puffy sees the two of us and waves us over.

Puffy wore an intelligent smile that was playful and cheery.

"Hey guys!" Dream holds his right hand out to Sapnap to dap him up as I'm sure he knows and notices that his other hand was occupied in the grip of mine.

"Hey! How are you guys?" I asked as Dream shifted his weight on to his other leg slightly as he crossed his arms comfortably.

"I'm doing good, but it seems like you two are doing better." Puffy speaks with her eyes referring to the hands intertwined with mine.

"Oh yeah." I laugh, I could feel myself getting flustered.

"Are y'all officially..?" Puffy asked kindly.

"Dating, yes." Sapnap answered. When I look at him he has a glint of pride in his eyes, I think he has a lot of fun telling people I'm with him. It makes butterflies stir within me seeing how he's proud to have me as his boyfriend.

"Awwww!!! Y'all are so cute. I'm so happy for you two!" She hugs the two of us quickly and returns back.

"Thank you." I grinned, and with that the bell rang and I ruffled my hand through Sapnap's hair as I walked away from him to go to class.

In class we didn't have a teacher, on days like these we have the next door teacher checking in on us but other than that we chill.

Wilbur, walked over to my desk and crouched in front of it.

"So, I heard, from a little birdie, that being Quackity, that you aren't single anymore... do tell." He smiled that very Wilbur smile.

"Ah, so you know about Sapnap and I-"

"Sapnap and you?! You're with Sapnap? I'm shocked and happy for you! Oh my god I bet y'all are cute together. Honestly I'm not shocked now that I think about it. I mean it makes sense." Wilbur tapped rhythmically on my desk out of excitement.

"Yeah, we're actually soulmates. So that's cool." I feel myself grinning.

"Aw man, I'm happy for you! It all makes a lot of sense, I mean at that party, you looked like you could be lovers the way you two danced with each other. I mean, I don't think I've ever seen Sapnap have that big of a smile until that night." Wilbur recalled, I remember the face Sapnap had when I took him by the hands and made him dance with me.

"Yeah, that was a good night besides some other things." Minus my seizure, it was great. I remember showering and Sapnap sitting on the lid of the toilet, talking to me. That was the first night I watched Sapnap wrap around my body to sleep intentionally. He held me, and it was comforting.

I can feel myself blushing.

"Your cheeks are going red, aww." He pointed out which made me giggle.

Dream walked over from talking to some dudes from football and talked to us.

"Hey," he smiled, dragging a chair to sit on.

"Sup." I look at him and he can see the blush on my face.

"I see Karl went all pink, what were y'all talking about?" Dream inquires.

"Oh just him and Sapnap." Wilbur answered.

"They're cute blah blah blah, anyways what exactly were y'all talking about though?" Dream asked.

"Oh Wilbur brought up the party and stuff." I itched the back of my neck.

"Ah ok, did y'all already talk about your lovely date you went on?" Dream pushed with an eating crap grin.

"Oh it was amazing. It was quite possibly the best date ever. It was great." I thought back on the lovely night fondly.

"I'm glad. Y'all didn't have sex did ya?" Dream instantly broke whatever train of sweet remembrance I was having.

"What the honk! No!" I felt myself laugh as did Wilbur with the sudden question.

"Hey, I mean I don't know what you two have or haven't done. Just wanted to know." Dream backs himself up. "Anyways, does your dad know about you two?"

"Yeah, he walked in on us whilst we were in an awkward position." I knew I shouldn't have said that because then Dream had a sly look on him.

"Now you can't blame me for asking when you say stuff like this." Dream chuckles, and he puts his phone on the desk.

"What kind of position, Mr. Karl Jacobs." Wilbur asked in a stupid voice.

"Well, Sapnap had me sit on his lap and we both got startled by the door handle, and the chair fell backwards and then boom! We're on the floor and I'm on top of him. My dad walked in on us and laughed it off and apparently, he already knew we were together, and he even knew that we're soulmates as well. I'm still not sure how but he did. So yeah, he knows, and he's chill." I answered before reaching for my bottle of water and taking a sip.

"That's funny." Wilbur states, as he stands up. "I'm going to go get some homework done, I'll talk to you two later."

"Ok, sounds good," I turn to Dream and Dream looks at me with his eyes foggy.

"Hey, do you think we could talk in the bathroom about something real quick?" He asked, shifting his tone of voice to a quiet and serious rumble.

"Uh yeah sure. Let's go." On days with no teacher you just sign the bathroom sheet and go, so we quickly did that and down the hall to the bathroom we went.

"Hey, so, did Sapnap see his mom any time recently? Be honest don't worry about Sapnap because he'll be fine with you telling me if you know." Dream asked, I'm not too worried about Sapnap getting angry about this because I know he doesn't get angry at stuff like that.

"Uh, yeah we went like a couple days ago. Why?" I asked with concern that I didn't even care to hide.

"Yeah so his mom has been texting me recently and I don't like her, if you didn't know, but that's not the point. The point is that she's been texting me telling me to try to convince Sapnap to go see her and just her. She was saying how she's been trying to text and call but he won't answer. She said that she didn't mind if you or I came, she just wanted to see Sapnap. Look, I don't like her but I feel like Sapnap should see her she's been spamming nonstop with some dumb vent-like messages that don't make sense. Honestly, it's just a whole situation." Dream informed.

"Yeah we went there last time it was going somewhat good at first until Sapnap blew up at something Katie did... I'll talk to Sapnap about it. I'll let you know whether or not we go." I let the taller man know.


After school Sapnap meets me at the student parking lot and immediately runs towards me and hugs me. "W-woah, what's into you, hot stuff?" I ask with a chuckle.

"I'm done with High School. I'm getting my diploma!" He jumps in my arms making me jump too.

"No way! I'm so proud of you!" I squeeze him and Sapnap grabs my chin gently and pulls me into him and he kisses me.

Right on the lips in front of anybody by the student parking lot, and I'm not the biggest fan of PDA but he's so excited.

His hand held my chin and he kissed me sweetly, as he leaned me up against the front of the car. Quick kisses exchanged as he caught me off guard. He pulls away, not making the kisses uncomfortably long for those who may be walking by.

"The only reason why I get to say that is because of you, Karl. Thank you." He gushed as his hands reached for mine.

I put my hands in his, "yeah but you powered through it and I'm so proud. I love you so much."

"I love you too."

How do I ask him about his mom when he's so darn happy.


I have to.

We got in the car and instantly Sapnap started examining my facial expressions.

"Hey, you ok? You look a little worried, Jacobs." Sapnap asks, putting his hand on my thigh.

"I really don't want to bring down this great vibe we got going on cuz now we know you'll graduate but- Dream talked to me about something and I think we need to make a decision right here, right now." I took a breath in.

"You're worrying me. Why right now in a student parking lot?" He asked, I hate everything that I have to say next.

"Your mom has been trying to text and call you and she gave up on texting you so she went to Dream. She really just wants to see you. According to Dream, he thinks that we should go and see what's up. If you want to go we need to go now, but it's up to you." I finally let the weight go once I've said it all.

Now it's my turn to examine Sapnap's facial expressions.

"Let's go. If she went out of her way to text Dream to try to get to me maybe it's actually worth doing. But you gotta promise me we can go home and you can give me a fat blowjob." Sapnap finished with a smile of dirty charm.

"Shut the honk up you idiot." I laughed as did he, bringing up the mood.

"Fine! I tried! Maybe we could cuddle instead?" He asks as he plugs his phone in.

"Sure, I can manage that." I pulled out of my parking spot and navigated around other cars.

"Oh so is it cuz you don't think you could manage my dick." He went on with a dirty mouth but this one caught me off guard.

"I'm not answering that! And you know what I meant! I'm driving so stop it or I'm going to crash." I laughed as I pulled on to the main road just to be stuck at a red light.

The road felt shorter than last time. We drove up to the street that the house was present on, and the mood shifted in the car to an anxious silence.

We pulled into the driveway, and I watched Sapnap inhale.

"Sapnap, we got this, ok? If you need to leave we'll leave." I reassured him, and I leaned over him and kissed him on the cheek.

"Alright, let's just get out of here." Sapnap takes his sweatshirt off and reveals his arms that I love so much but tells a more brutal story.

"Are you really just showing your scars to her off the bat? There's nothing wrong with you doing that-"

"Yeah, I want her to see all that I am now." Sapnap responds, opening his door as I follow him.

We walk hand in hand to the door and we ring the doorbell.

We backed up and we heard the door unlock and it opened with Katie standing at the door with a growing smile. She wore sweatpants and a t-shirt with a messy bun. It wasn't what I was expecting.

"Oh I'm so glad you two came! Please come in, come in!" She invited us in.

We walked in and she led us to her living room. We sat on the couch and she sat in the love seat across from it.

"I've been trying to contact you forever, Nick! I'm just so glad you came over. David, Jessa and Bella are out Shopping and Ben's still at school, so I thought this was the perfect time to see each other because I'm also off of work today. But enough about me, how are you two?" She asked us, sipping from her coffee mug, she already had two waters out for us.

Sapnap answers; " We're good, I just got confirmed that I'll be able to graduate this year."

"Oh that's great!! How about you Karl?" She smiled, she seemed like she was trying so hard to keep it together.

"I'm good, I'm just waiting for summer." I answered plainly.

"Nice, and what are you two doing college wise?" She asked

Sapnap laid his hand on my thigh, I watched how Katie's eyes followed his hand when he did that. "Yeah, Karl hasn't committed to a college yet, he's staying in state though, we're both going to get an apartment and we're splitting rent, I'm going to sign up for online community college and I'm going to get a job to help with the apartment rent. Those are our plans for right now." Sapnap answered for me, thinking about college stressed me out but now it's starting to feel like we can do it and it'll all be alright.

"Ah ok. So how long have you two been together?" She asked kindly

"A while" I answered, Sapnap played with the seam of the inside of my thigh.

"Ah ok. So I just really wanted to talk to you about your father. The cops were called on him and he's legally having to get clean or else they're going to evict him and us from that house. I didn't know if you knew anything about this." She explained as she put her coffee mug down, her coffee mug didn't hold coffee but orange juice, hmm strange.

"Wait really? So what are they going to do about Dad?" Sapnap asked, I put my hand on top of his.

"Well, he was stripped of all drugs and they're giving him two months of sobriety. If he fails to have two months of sobriety by October he gets evicted. Now, some other news, I filed for divorce and he signed the papers, now we just have to wait to get our marriage appealed." It made me feel kind of good about Katie, I mean she listened to Sapnap last time and here she is, having a divorce file signed by her.

"Really? So you're divorcing him?" Sapnap asked, I could tell he didn't believe it.

"It's about time, it feels really good to cut ties with him." She sighed, she sounded happy.

"Are you happy about this?" Sapnap asked.

"Yes, I'm ready to move on, me and Bill's marriage was great at first, but it was these past four years that got rough, and once I left 6 months ago I decided I'm not coming back to him." She crossed her legs and looked at us with more of a face of fogged memories.

She continued; "You do know that Bill was horrible to me too right? He would take my money to spend on poker, he didn't use the money to pay the bills and he got angry every time it was brought up, and he became very aggressive with me, it was never anything too bad but I'd get bruises from him, that's when I realized I had to leave. I know cheating on him wasn't smart, but I cheated with my boss only to get a higher pay to keep for myself, but David put an end to that immediately once he found out I was still married. I was so desperate for more money I told him what was going on. It was only a coincidence that I gained feelings for him. I know it wasn't smart for me to have feelings whilst married, but David- he gave me a place to stay and he took care of me. He offered to get me an apartment but I turned it down because I didn't want to be alone. I'm sorry I fell in love with David, and I'm sorry it wasn't in good timing. I'm sorry I never went back for you, I just couldn't do it given your father, I didn't know how he would have reacted. I thought he wouldn't be aggressive towards you. I hate knowing I could have stopped-" She looked at Sapnap's arm. "I could have stopped that. I've been beating myself up about this, and when David offered me a place I have to be honest, I was just so grateful and happy I wasn't thinking about you. I was thinking about myself." She started to tear up, I turned to Sapnap, he wasn't giving away his thoughts through his facial expressions that's for sure.

"I didn't know, I'm sorry." Sapnap began, I think he's probably wrapping his head around this. "I don't forgive you for leaving me behind and kind of forgetting that I existed, but I do understand your circumstances more. Thanks for telling me."

"You don't have to forgive me, I just, I want you in my life, Nick. I don't care if you live with Karl, but I just want to be able to see you. Do you think you could hang around here some more? Karl is welcome to join us anytime as well, I know that y'all are close. I just- I miss you, Nick and I'm sorry I pushed you away." She finished, wiping her eyes from a stray tear as her eyes water.

"Sure, I'll visit more often, besides judging by that ring I should be around to get to know David more." Sapnap pointed out, I just noticed the chunk of diamond on her finger.

"Oh yeah, David and I are getting married! We're not sure when we're getting married yet but I'll let you know. I hope it's ok for me to marry him, I didn't really console you-"

"Don't worry about it, you seem happy so I don't really care." Sapnap says bluntly, it's interesting to see this situation with the both of them.

"Ok, I'm glad." She sighs with relief.

"Well, we'd love to stay and chat but Karl and I have some plans we have to get to." Sapnap stands up and gives me his hand so I can stand up.

"Oh ok! Thank y'all so much for coming! I hope to see you two again here soon." She stands up and walks us to the door.

"It was nice seeing you." I replied, this time it was all genuine, I do think it was nice to see her and clear the air from last time.

"Can I hug you, Nick?" She asked, it was kind of awkward that it got to the point where she had to ask to hug her son.

Sapnap nodded and hugged her, it was a light hug.

"I love you, Nick, now y'all get going." She pulled away and got the door.

"Will do, bye Katie." And with that, Sapnap and I both were gone.

"Well how do you feel?" I ask whilst driving out of their street.

"I'm not quite sure, I'm honestly glad she opened up about what my dad did. I'm not the biggest fan of David knowing that my mom was married and paying her like a prostitute but I think it evolved into something better. My mom seems really happy now, and I'm glad. She seemed pretty accepting about us two being together so that was also nice. I don't really know what to make of it. It just makes me feel a bit better about her." He opened his book bag and pulled out a granola bar.

"I'm glad, I feel like she's really trying to make an effort with you, I mean she filed the divorce paper after the night at dinner when we blew up at her, she listened. David seems like a good guy too, I mean it was just the way he was introduced to us was rough considering the fact he was aware that your mom was married. But they seem like a family." I eased my gas before going to 50.

"Yeah, and David and his family seem alright." Sapnap adds.

"Yeah." I agree before taking this curve.

"I still don't like Jessa though." Sapnap said through a smile.

"Oh yeah? Is it because she thought she could get with me?"

"Dude, first she comes out in her bathing suit just to show off, then sits next to you at dinner and the whole prayer, yeah I watched her, she was twiddling with your hands over there." Sapnap recalled, getting me to wheeze a bit.

"Dude I swear she sat next to me just so during that prayer she'd have to hold my hand." I laughed.

"Oh and she'd bring up your car every five seconds! It's like she was sizing you up. And she knew it." He went on.

"Oh and the look on her face when you said we were together. That was priceless." I joined, lowering the windows to let air fly through my hair.

"Yeah it was!" We pumped some Ariana Grande on the speakers and rode home.

Returning home, I got out of the car. It was a pretty day, but way too hot.I grabbed my bookbag and I started walking towards the porch.
And I all of a sudden tripped and fell down onto the concrete.

How the honk did I trip?

I think I scraped my knees.

"Oh shit, Karl!" Sapnap was just a tad bit behind me, he ran up to me and set his stuff down.

"You ok?" He helps me sit back. "Oh shit..." Sapnap says before I even got the chance to react. Both my knees were scraped, one was worse than the other.

"Ah-" I say quickly heaving in, gosh I hate scrapes, they always burn.

"You're ok, let's get you cleaned up." He took the keys from me and unlocked the door before picking up my bookbag and his bookbag and he sat them down inside, not in their correct spot, though right now it didn't matter.

I looked at my hands and the palms were scraped up just not bleeding. Now everything burns.

Sapnap turned around and walked to me before lifting me up by the shoulders to help me stand.

"How'd you even trip?" He says as I walk inside ignoring the pain.

"I don't even know, we have first aid underneath the sink." I say as I hobbled on to the porch and into the doorway. "I'm gonna kick my shoes off." I get my shoes off, and I waddle awkwardly to the kitchen counter and I push myself on to it. Sapnap turned to me with the first aid in hand.

"Oh sweet, your first aid comes with a spray bottle." Sapnap says out of nowhere. He goes to the sink to fill up the spray bottle.

"Yeah it's great for stuff like this." I say and I blow on to my hands.

He turns back to me and he has paper towels in hand. "Ok, sorry but this is going to sting."

"Just do it fast." He uses the paper towel and he presses down on one scrape, the biggest one. It did hurt, but it had to be done.

He sprayed the spot and pressed down again. "Ok now hold that there, I'm going to do the next one."

"Ok." I held onto it though it stung and he pressed down on the smaller scrape on the other knee. It was sweet seeing Sapnap take care of me. Usually it's the other way around when it comes to these things. It was nice though.

Once he finished with both of them he got a band aid and put it on the smaller scrape. Once done, he went to find another band aid for the other one. "There's not any good band aids for the bigger scrape, but luckily, I got you." Sapnap says, with a caring tone. He bends down and he unties an anklet he wears. "Here," he gets a cotton pad from the kit and he presses it onto my scrape and he wraps it with the thing he wore around his ankle.

"Is that a shoelace?" I ask, noticing the aglets.

"Yeah it's my shoelace that I tied around my ankle last year cause I got bored and I never took it off. It's coming to good use now!" He smiled, something about the fact he kept a shoelace tied around him made me swoon for the boy even more.

"It's coming to great use." I hopped off the counter and I washed my hands though they stung like crazy.

We both walked upstairs and it burned to bend my knees so I barely bent them which took me longer to go up the stairs.

Sapnap gets upstairs before me and looks down at my bedroom door and starts laughing, "hey, Karl you got a gift."

Once I got upstairs Sapnap stepped aside, still laughing, and there at my door laid a bottle. I carefully bent over and picked it up.

"Oh my gosh." I read the bottle, Shine Lubricant, great, and there's a sticky note on the back of it. "This isn't to encourage sex, but if y'all do have sex I just thought you should at least have a nice experience. Love, Dad." I read, Sapnap was still cackling as I felt my cheeks burn red.

"This is the funniest shit." He says as he looks over at the note with a hand on my shoulder.

"Shut it!" I hand him the bottle and he looks at it.

"Do you feel like putting it to good use?" He grins a dirty and cheeky grin.

"Um no." I spewed. I'm so embarrassed, but also at the same time it's all hilarious to me.

Sapnap puts his arm around me and gives a kiss on the cheek. "Damn it, maybe next time." He laughs as my face is still a hot red.

"Oh come on." I open my room door and I take the bottle from him and I put it in my nightstand drawer.

"Why come on, when I can cum in." Sapnap continues.

"Sapnap! Gross!"

"What?! I think I made a valid point!"

ART CREDIT: @colorful_kooks

A/N: ok look I hope Kooks' amazing art made up for this chapter coming out so late! I hope y'all enjoyed! Y'all don't even know but things are all slowly coming together and it's greattttt! also, it wouldn't be an authors note without this: AYOOOOO HOW THE HELL DO I HAVE 105k READS?!?? WHICH ONE OF YOU HAVE 500 SEPARATE ACCOUNTS?!?! Seriously I don't know what else to say other than thank you and that I'm so so so so so so thankful for y'all. This is definitely my least favorite chapter but it's alright because I know the next chapter will make up for it!

AGAIN PLEASE CHECK OUT @COLORFUL_KOOKS on Instagram! They're absolutely amazing! They have great art and they are hilarious.

Word Count: 6120

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