Luffy's Past

By 2021Night

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In the middle of the war between the marines and the Whitebeard pirates, a bright light appeared bring the st... More

Chapter 1 - Intro
Chapter 2 - Family
Chapter 3 - Hostage
Chapter 4 - Break
Chapter 5 - Core
Chapter 6 - The Will
Chapter 7 - Decision
Chapter 8 - Message
Chapter 9 - Abilities
Chapter 11 - Death
Chapter 12 - Darkness
Chapter 13 - Guiding Lights
Chapter 14 - Passing
Chapter 15 - Repeat
Chapter 16 - Demon History
Chapter 17 - Free
Chapter 18 - Epilogue

Chapter 10 - Plan

6.2K 205 25
By 2021Night

Yuko tried to reach for the chest of the demon, but it wasn't easy. He was pushed away with the wall of earth coming below him. Yuko smashed right into the wall, which earned him a bloody nose. Yuko fell back touching his nose and looked at the blood.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Whined the fire user. "My first injury in this battle is a bloody nose because I ran into a rock wall?!"

"That's because you're stupid." Comments his twin slicing the wall in half. "Hurry up and go!"

Yuko replied, "Yeah, yeah."

Yuko raced full speed ahead and got his fists into fire balls, just in case he was going to have another run in with a wall. Yuki and Chris supported his back while Lea and Tony were keeping Kai distracted from the small group. Maria and Makino were defending their healer, while also helping the distractions.

Lightning lost its effect on the demon, so Chris decided to do a different approach. He created lightning, but instead of just sending it to the monster, he formed the bolt into a weapon. The lightning bolt was shaped into a lance and the wielder fought alongside the ice sword.

"So, he can do that?" Muttered Sanji. "That's going to sting and hurt."

"That's going to cause a lot of damage." Shrieked Chopper while he was running around. "Someone could die from that weapon."

"Really!?" Nami and Usopp looked horrified and hugged each other, while they were pale. They didn't want themselves getting hit with that weapon at any cost.

Zoro sighed. "Have you forgotten that he is fighting a demon and he's on Luffy's side?"

Chopper stopped in his tracks and started to head over back to his seat. "Right! Forgot about that."

Shanks whispered, "He also got as powerful as an emperor of the sea."

Whitebeard nodded. "Very powerful brats. They must have trained a lot to control that raw power."

Shanks nodded and kept his eyes on Makino. He had so many questions running in his head. Why did she keep her abilities hidden? Why did she move to Dawn Island? Why was she alone? Did she have someone with her on Dawn Island? Was she with her lover- wait, what? Lover? Why would he care if she had a lover? Was it true? Was it true that he had fallen for the sweet, innocent Makino on Dawn Island? It seemed so. He was truly in love with the woman. He wasn't going to deny it anymore.

The red haired smiled to himself as a faint shade of blush, which a few of his crewmates saw. They snickered and smiled knowing that their captain was going to accept his feelings fully.

"Yuki! Let's attack together and then stab the chest to reach Luffy!" Chris suggested getting a strike in the demon's thigh.


They both charge. Tony and Lea were fighting in front of the monster as the others were attacking from behind. Yuko joined them, but only dodged the attacks heading his way. He had to save Luffy. That was his mission, and he was going to make sure that he was going to fulfil it.

They all got the message and charged together. Kai was just standing there though. It was weird, but they were going to take the chance to attack. Yuki created another ice sword, Chris charged up the bolt lance, Lea was growing stronger claws, Maria was lifting ice spikes that Yuki created, Makino and Tony were keeping the demon from moving and Yuko was readying the lasers. Clare was watching with her green eyes. She couldn't fight since her ability was healing. She could only stand back and watch the battle unfold.

Yuki slashed his weapons upon the demon's skin, along with Lea, Maria and Chris. Yuko gave Kai a huge laser beam through the stomach, piercing through him completely. Kai screamed out in pain as blood platted all over the land. Some landed on the warriors, and they were disgusted, but didn't show it.

"Good job Yuko!" Cheered Lea, but it was interrupted with another loud scream from the enemy.

"You humans dare to fight me!" Kai touched the hole through his stomach and used his ability. He healed the wound and it closed up, causing dread through the people's heart. "You shall perish!"

Kai pointed his finger towards Yuko and a beam was headed straight to his direction. Yuki quickly reacted and pushed his brother out of the way, replacing his spot. Yuki screamed in pain as the beam went straight through his shoulder.


Yuko was on the ground and attended his brother. The group all glared at Kai. Yuki winced in pain as he covered his shoulder with his hand. It was covered in blood. He didn't mind, but the people around him did.

"Yuki, go to mum and get healed." Yuko ordered.

Yuki shook his head. "I can still fight, and mum should probably save her power."

"You could bleed out and die!" Yuko stated. "Get healed and get back into the fight. Mum can get her energy when she watches us battle Kai. We need all of us to defeat him."

Yuki sighed in defeat and made his way to Clare, where she immediately activated her ability. The wound started to close slowly, but it didn't go away completely. The wound had shank, but Clare wanted it to be gone completely. So, the mother focused more energy into the wound, but it still didn't close completely.

"Why isn't it closing?" Clare was sweating, but the wound didn't heal. There was a black flame on the wound, and it wasn't radiating any heat. It more like prevented the wound from being fully healed. "It should be closed."

Yuki touched his mother's hand because it had been 10 minutes since he had come over to her to be healed. "Mum, it's fine. I can still fight. I'll warn the others and explain to them what the flames do."


"Mum, it's fine." Yuki got up and winced at the pain in his shoulders, though he did try and make sure that his mother didn't see it. "I'll be going now."

Yuki dashed back onto the battlefield, ignoring the pain in his shoulder. Summoned two ices swords and went back-to-back with Chris. While Clare could only stare at her son helplessly. She couldn't fight and now she couldn't even heal them properly. She was useless in this battle. She sat there with tears in her eyes, but she quickly wiped them away. She might be useless, but she could still heal the wound a bit, making them led serious than they were. It was the best she could do, but it was better than nothing.

'Clare...' Dragon thought while disappointed with himself for not being there and helping them, but he was glad that she was able to pick herself back up. She had the determination that a stronger warrior had. She stuck to her beliefs and encouraged his, knowing that they couldn't be together after he left the island. 'You did a great job of raising our kids.'

Garp had fondness in his eyes as he stared his daughter-in-law and grandsons. No one noticed, but Garp was clenching his fists. It was disgraceful knowing that someone having the same job as him, caused this much destruction on the island his family lived on.

"Hey, what do you think the black fire is?" Asked Nami with her head tilted at the screen.

"I don't know Nami-san." Brook replied also tilting his head. "I think it means trouble for the group though. Yohohoho."

Robin responded, "It seems that the flame is preventing Clare's ability to heal the injury, which like you said Brook, will cause trouble for the group. They must not get injured, since they won't be able to heal themselves, while Kai can heal himself. They don't know how many times Kai can do that, but he will."

"Luffy..." Whispered Ace while he listened to Robin's small explanation. They knew that Luffy was going to get rescued, but his brother was covered in many injuries.

"They will get Luffy out, Ace." Sabo whispered back to him.

Ace frowned. "I know, but what was the cost?"

Sabo's expression grimed. At least a few of them had to die in the battle, but who. Makino was still alive, so she survived, but that was all they knew. The rest was unknown.

The marines all felt ashamed as they were also in the same job as Zen was. He was supposed to be a hero of justice, yet here they were, watching a memory that cursed that suppose 'hero of justice'. Coby was also clenching his fists along with his mentor. He had his dream crushed once when he first met Luffy but, yet again, it was being crushed by someone with a higher position than he was in. No wonder Luffy never became a marine. He wouldn't want to work with the people who destroyed his home. If he was in Luffy's shoes, he knew he wouldn't.

Zoro and Sanji were surprisingly silent. They had their eyes on the screen like they were studying it, which they were. They didn't forget their true objective. Silvia had said something about understanding their captain and maybe the people around him when he was younger would help them. Though, it was very unlikely. They were also learning some fighting styles from the battle.

Sanji was watching Lea, as she fought with both her fists and legs. He watched her do her powerful kicks and how she dodged the attack with her foot movement. Zoro was watching Yuki, Chris and Maria. Yuki had the same graceful sword play, which looked like he was dancing. Chris was switching in between a lance and a sword. The sword play of the man was a bit rough. It had the power, and the swings were all over the place, though it did have some thought in them. Maria was controlling multiple swords with her telekinesis, but there was a style in them. She wasn't just throwing them. The swords moved in a similar way to Yuki's sword play. It was graceful. They both knew that they had some ideas for new moves.

The battle continued, but the lasers had hit people. They grunted in pain but didn't go down. Yuki had explained to them what the black flames did, and they all agreed to try not to get hit, even though they were trying that before. The people who got injured the most went to Clare to close the wound, slightly, but it was enough for them to fight.

Kai was getting annoyed. The little pests were running around and actually hurting him. He had been stabbed, electrocuted, pierced through with a laser and been slashed with claws. He was angry. He was the all mighty demon, who could destroy the world in a few minutes, if not seconds.

"THAT'S IT!" He yelled releasing a huge shockwave, making the heroes stop in their tracks. "I've had enough! I'm going to get serious!"

Kai snapped his fingers and the clouds started to turn dark. The group looked up at the sky with paled faces, but they were all on guard. They weren't going to back down without a fight. Once the sky had gone all dark, there was a sick smile on the face of the demon. He snapped his fingers again and lasers were shot down to the island.


"What the hell is that?!"

"When could he do that?!"

"What are they going to do?!"

"How are they going to dodge?!"

There was uproar in the room and chaos. They all worried for the brave group and wondered what they were going to do to survive the attack. Silvia was the one who let their uproar continue, since she was annoyed to do it every time. They would have this type of reaction when something is going to happen.

"Oyaji, how would they counter the attack?" Questioned Thatch as he glanced to his father figure.

Whitebeard shook his head. "I do not know. This demon is too powerful for them to face. They need some help."

The atmosphere darkened and the whole room was gloomy. Silvia had a tick mark on his forehead. How long have they been here? The little angel was alive, so that means they rescued him. Makino is also alive, so they ended up defeating the bloody creature. Silvia just sighed to calm herself, then faced the screen.

"Watch out!" They all warned each other. They tried to dodge all the lasers, but of course they couldn't dodge all of them. They all got hit at least once, screaming out in pain when the laser pierced through their skin.

"This is the worst!" Cursed Lea as she held the side of her stomach while continuing to dodge.

The dodging was getting the group tired, but Kai continued, not letting them get any rest. In the middle of the 'fun', he wanted to see some despair. He wanted to kill them off, one by one. He turned to the direction of their healer.

If she was still alive then the pests would continue to get up, even with the injure they had gotten. Kai smiled a creepy grin. The woman didn't know how to fight, and she was probably tired of dodging all the lasers.

Kai snapped his fingers again, alerting the whole team. They all cursed knowing whatever the demon was planning, wasn't good. The lasers all stopped, confusing the team, but then it suddenly changed courses. It headed to the raven haired, green eyed woman, Clare.

She was panting and the lasers shot to her in all directions. She couldn't escape. All of their eyes widened and shouted for her to get away.


Her sons yelled for her, but in the end, she knew her fate. Before the lasers shot her, she gave them a warm smile with tears in her eyes. She mouthed four words. 'Protect Luffy. Love you.'

All the lasers hit her body and there were holes in her. Her sons crying in sadness and frustration at the loss of their mother. They screamed as they rushed to their mother's body. Multiple holes were seen as the warmth in her body disappeared. She was not moving, nor breathing. There in their arms was the lifeless body of their beloved mother.

Tears ran down cheeks of the audience as they looked away from the scene. Dragon kept his eyes on the scene though. He saw the lifeless body of his wife. Tear kept running down, though there were no signs of sobbing. Now he knew how his lover died. She died in the arms of their twin sons and was killed by the demon a marine released.

The strawhats let tears fall and sobbed at the death of their captain's mother, but the ones who didn't bowed their heads in respect of the woman. She had brought their captain into the world, which saved them. They were grateful to Clare; she had created the captain they all loved and cared for. Without her their captain wouldn't have been born and he wouldn't be able to save them. They would be dead.

Ace and Sabo thanked Clare silently as she died. For the same reason as the strawhats. They were happy that Luffy was their brother, but they wished that he didn't have to come to them in such a way of losing his mother. Though, they were kind of thankful that she didn't die in front of Luffy's eyes. He would have been devastated.

There was laughter from the demon's mouth. "That's it. Fall into despair!"

Tony rushed towards the now silent twins. Their eyes were still wide open, whiling staring at their mother's body. Tear were in their eyes, silently dripping onto the ground.

Tony grabbed their shoulders, and the brothers didn't even wince at the pain from the injury Kai had given them in the last attack. "We need to fight. Clare wouldn't want you just sit here and moan over her death. Fulfil Clare's last wish. To protect your younger brother that is trapped inside Kai. Get up!"

Yuki was the first on to get out of the pit of despair. He got up and wiped his tears. Hatred was clear in his eyes as he was getting back to get revenge. He punched Yuko on the head, snapping the fire user out of the trance. He copied what his twin did and now charging back into battle once more.

"We have lost Clare. We can't get any more injured than this." Chris reminded them as they all regrouped. "We will fulfil Clare's wish and get Luffy back no matter what. We all knew that some of us will die, Clare just had to be one of them."

"At least she's with the others." Maria warmly smiled at the thought. Clare wouldn't be lonely. She had everyone else in the village who were killed by the marines.

Lea busted her bubble. "But how are we going to explain to Dragon that his beloved wife is dead?"

Tony gulped. "Well, we just will. Just make sure that he doesn't lose his sons as well."

Dragon smiled softly. At least they were thinking of him and how they were going to explain the events, though his father was the one to do it.

"If the time comes, we'll be the ones who explain to dad about what happened." Yuki stated as they dodged Kai's foot. "We have to be the ones who tell him."

The adults looked at each other and just nodded. Yuko asked, "How are we going to defeat Kai anyway? He can just heal himself when he gets injured, while we can't. We obvious have the disadvantage here."

There was silence as they ran dodging all the attempts Kai made to step on them or smack them with his hands. Makino answered, "Kai is a demon, and they are from the darkness, what we need the light. Holy light. We need to summon an angel."

"That makes sense." Yuko replied as he shot a laser to defend himself. "He did mention that the first chief summoned a pest. I'm guessing that he meant the angel, but the problem is, how are we going to do that?"

"I'm sure Rune had the methods on a scroll in his room." Makino explained as she made a vine dome. "The scroll should tell us how to summon one and defeat Kai."

Maria jumped in. "Didn't the angel fail to kill Kai though? What happens if it doesn't work?"

"The angel sealed it and it was good enough for hundreds of years. It's good enough." Lea smirked.

"Then that's the new plan." Tony announced. "We will try and get Luffy out before you summon the angel. Maria, you look for the scroll. Your telekinesis should help you get to the scroll faster than anyone of us."

Maria nodded and Tony continued. "Yuko, you still try and get to Luffy. Yuki and Chris support him. Lea, Makino and I will help you to fight the demon head on. Once we get the scroll, we use it immediately and summon the angel. Ask for them to save Luffy and ask it to kill, if not seal Kai. Is the plan clear?"


Their plan started and the big group split into two with the one person heading back to the destroyed village where they all used to live peacefully. 

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