The Truth Untold

By Redtailedhero

10.8K 448 41

Ki Yuri and Lee Rang stumble upon a female in danger but she's more than she knows. Parings: Lee Rang x F. OC... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 1

2.1K 47 11
By Redtailedhero

Trigger Warnings for this chapter: Abuse, mention of attempted rape

Chapter 1

It was a late September evening, the air was still slightly warm from the day but temperatures were dropping quickly. There was a pleasant scent of petrichor in the air, threatening the night with possible rain. Street lights were lit but there weren't many people walking about under them. Most homes and businesses were dark for the night.

For some time the only sounds that filled Lee Rang's ears was the soft click clacking of Ki Yuri's heels on the sidewalk and her gentle talking every few minutes. He knew the blissful silence wouldn't last much longer as they were nearing the lounge bar they were going to for dinner.

There was the sudden sound of a commotion coming from a nearby alleyway. It piqued the interest of Yuri as she started to increase the speed of her steps lightly. Rang sighed and shook his head while sliding his hands into his pockets. "Just let it go, Yuri. It's probably just a bunch of drunken losers fighting each other over something stupid."

The vixen pouted and rolled her eyes knowing that her friend was most likely right. She was just bored and looking for something fun. Pausing in her steps she waited for the male to catch up to her. A chill ran down her spine as she heard a female voice yell out in distressed anger.
The foxes looked at each other before walking toward the loud alleyway together.

"Let me go you son-of-a-bitc--!

As the foxes rounded the corner they witnessed a woman getting smacked across the face, cutting off her screaming. She whipped her face forward again, a fire was burning in her eyes as she struggled against a large, thuggish looking man.

Lee Rang wasn't one to be helpful to the human race but he could tell the woman was giving it her all and still wasn't going to get away. He surveyed the surroundings, taking in all details around the alleyway. The fox noticed a second male, thinner than first; he stood to the side taking a long drag from the cigarette that rested on his lips.

The woman was pushed; her back making rough contact with the brick wall behind her. A pained yelp escaped her lips and the sound made the hairs on the back of Lee Rang's neck stand up as a wave of anger he wasn't expecting came over him.

The thinner man took two steps forward, closing the gap between himself and the woman. He blew his long drag of smoke into her face causing her eyes to water slightly in irritation. Finally he spoke, his voice filled with boredom. "Listen honey, we paid for you. Best to just give in and give him what he wants. It will be less painful for you if you do." He took another drag from his cigarette.

During this time Rang and Yuri were quietly moving closer to the scene. None of the other beings had taken notice of them. Yuri grit her teeth, ready to attack and pounce. She wouldn't mind sinking her teeth into one of the vile men.

"I wasn't for sale! That prick doesn't own me!" The woman growled fiercely as she struggled to free her limbs.

Yuri perked up as she took in the female's features, she was pleasantly surprised to see the faint blue outlining glow of ears and a bushy tail. In a hushed whisper she spoke, "Lee Rang, she's a -"

"-wolf." Lee Rang finished. "That just made everything more interesting." Curiosity got the best of him and he held his hand in front of Yuri, pausing her advancing footsteps.

With some difficulty the larger male was able to move the female's wrists to one of his hands and raised them above her head. With his now free hand he pulled viciously at her top, tearing the fabric and exposing her under garments. "You're mine, bitch."

Rang and Yuri tensed suddenly, ready to rip the man away from the female. The woman had yet to stop trying to fight the man off. She was able to free one of her legs and kneed him with all her might. The victory was short lived, the man howled in pain and held himself while the thinner man stepped up quickly and grabbed the female's hair tightly smacking her head into the wall twice.

"I've grown quite tired of you already. You better learn your place real quick." The man threw down his cigarette before pinning the female against the wall again.

The larger man groveled as he tried to make a quick recovery. "You stupid bitch! Now you're really gonna get it!" He barked a laugh as the thinner man started to unbuckle his belt, the female struggling to push the man away as her head swayed with dizziness.

It was at this precise moment that Lee Rang signaled to Ki Yuri. He has let this go on long enough. He cleared his throat loudly, making his presence known. "I'm sorry boys, but I think it's time to let the girl go."

Both men whipped their heads toward him. The larger man scurried to get back on his feet. The thinner turned his attention back to the woman. "You should probably mind your own business and we won't have to get your lady involved in this. So let's be smart shall we?" He grabbed the girl's wrists in one hand, she barely struggled as she whined in pain. "Take care of them, Chul. I'm gonna teach this bitch a lesson."

Chul picked himself off the ground and faced Rang, raising his fists and switching his stance into attack mode. "Should have stepped away quietly buddy."

Rang rolled his shoulders and smirked back at Yuri. The latter let her hair down, pulling out her hidden weapon. The two moved in tandem, no words needed to be exchanged. Yuri easily took down the larger of the two men as Rang went right after the smoker. He ripped the man away from the woman, her body slid down the brick wall. Rang overpowered the thug and had him curled in a ball next to his friend.

Yuri added a few injuries to the pile before standing up and shaking the blood off her weapon. She smiled at Rang, feeling much better that the vile men were cowering in the corner of the alleyway now. She then looked over to the other female who was holding her head while curled in on herself.

Rang still had his eyes on the men as he chuckled. "How pitiful." His left eye started to glow a golden color. "I can promise you that if you survive your wounds, you'll never forget this night. You'll be plagued by horrors that even your worst nightmares will be afraid of." He grinned as the men started screaming and throwing their arms around as if trying to swat things away from them.

Yuri was now kneeling in front of the girl, placing her hands gently on her arms. The female swatted Yuri's hands away, terrified of being grabbed again. The vixen tried to look at the girl in the eyes but they were clouded over with thoughts that raced through her mind.

Rang frowned as he looked at the two females. "She's dissociating." He stated while moving closer and crouching down in front of the girl. "Hey," he called out to her first. Her body paused for a moment as if focusing on his voice. "Alright Wolf," he kept his voice gentle as he noticed her eyes start to focus on her feet. "You're okay now. They're not going to be bothering you anymore." Holding his hands up to show that he meant no harm he continued to speak. "Would it be alright if one of us looked you over and checked your injuries?"

The woman didn't answer his question. Instead she tried to press her body into the wall behind her while forcing herself to look up at him. "Wolf?" She questioned before grasping her head in pain as a sudden pain shot through her skull. Her eyes snapped shut and she grabbed her hair tightly as if trying to grab the pain out of her head.

The fact that she seemed confused worried the fox slightly. He hoped it wasn't anything serious that the men did. "Hey, don't do that. It will just cause you more pain." He gently pulled her hands from her hair, ignoring the way she flinched when he touched her. "What's your name? Do you remember it?"

"Mae Eun-ji." She replied as she opened her eyes. She didn't look at him this time, instead focusing on the woman next to him. She pulled her hands away from and allowed her body to relax a little at the sight of the female.

"Mae Eun-ji." Lee Rang tested it on his tongue. "I'm Lee Rang and this is Ki Yuri. Would it be okay if we helped you back to your place?" He questioned and immediately knew it wasn't the right question to ask. Her entire body froze up, muscles tensing up and eyes widening in what he could only assume was fear.

She looked over to him, her expression almost pleading for something he wasn't sure of. "I can't go back there." She whispered as her breathing increased. Her mind was racing, she didn't even have time to understand her own thoughts on everything that had happened. It all went too fast but she knew home was no longer a safe place.

"Move over Lee Rang, I think she's having a panic attack." Yuri nudged him out of the way and kneeled in front of the neugdae. "Mae Eun-ji, are you okay? Do you want to talk about what happened?"

The girl shook her head. "No!" She tried to slow her breathing but it wasn't working. She needed to get away. Shifting, she tried to dust herself off so she could leave, only to cover herself back up again forgetting that her shirt was ripped to shreds.

Lee Rang slipped off his black dress jacket and quickly draped it over her shoulders. "It's a little big, but it will do."

Warmth surrounded her body suddenly. It was a welcomed feeling and she finally took in a deep shaky breath. She slipped her arms into the sleeves and held the jacket closer to her frame. Once she felt a little more stable she looked up at her saviors. They seemed to be having a secret conversation with their eyes. "I'm sorry. Thank you both for all your help. I hate to have been a burden and don't want to waste anymore of your time."

Yuri smiled at her. "You're not a burden."

Rang knew he wouldn't feel comfortable leaving Eun-ji anywhere that wasn't with Yuri or himself at the moment. "Yuri - let's get her back home. We can get her cleaned up and give her a pair of your clothes to borrow."

Eun-ji's head snapped over to him. "Oh no, I couldn't-"

Yuri shook her head. "Nonsense. Please, eonni, come with us. Lee Rang will protect us from any dangers. Plus you said it yourself, you can't go back home. Don't expect us to leave you alone like this. You're one of us." She slipped her arm under the neugdae's arm and helped her to her feet. She began to guide her gently toward the exit of the alleyway.

Eun-ji suddenly remembered that the men were still in the alleyway too and turned her head to look back at them. Instead her vision was blocked by Lee Rang, he just shook his head and motioned forward.

"No need for you to worry about them anymore little wolf."

While walking with her saviors, Mae Eun-ji couldn't help but tug the jacket closer to her, seeking comfort in the warmth it provided. Her nose gently sniffed the fabric, the scent of sandalwood and cedar filled her senses, comforting her. Glancing over at her saviors she was finally able to take in their features. Ki Yuri was stunning; flawless light skin that glowed, long luscious black locks of hair and the most gorgeous hazel eyes. She wore gold hooped earrings and a fitted short sleeved gray dress. Eun-ji could tell she had impeccable taste.

Lee Rang also looked well maintained. Black hair with jet black eyes and there was an intense aura around him but surprisingly it didn't scare Eun-ji off. He wore a black chain necklace that peaked out from under his red dress. His pants were also black and matched the dress jacket he gave her.

Eun-ji felt small next to the two of them, they were strong and mysterious in a comforting way. The two of them made a beautiful couple. The thought made Mae Eun-ji frown knowing that their date night was ruined.

Eun-ji slowed her steps, lost in her thoughts. She should excuse herself again - she didn't know where she would go but she could figure it out. It wasn't right to continue to take up their time. She was already a burden as it was.

"Eonni," two hands grabbed her upper arms. "Are you okay? Do you need to rest a bit?" Ki Yuri asked her gently.

"No, I'm sorry. Just thinking. We should hurry so I don't waste anymore of your time."

Lee Rang 'tsked', spinning around to face her while he shook his head. "If it was bothersome we wouldn't have helped. Though maybe one day you'll repay the kindness. Remember that well pup."

Mae Eun-ji met his eyes momentarily before looking down at her feet. When he stared at her he was very intimidating and she felt a shiver run down her spine. She didn't understand the nicknames he kept calling her by, but she decided to ignore it for now. Instead she nodded her head and looked back up to Ki Yuri, forcing a small smile.

Once they arrived at their final destination, Mae Eun-ji was led quickly through the house to Ki Yuri's room. The girl stood awkwardly next to the bed while clothes were being picked out for her. The room was nicely sized and elegantly decorated. "Ki Yuri," she spoke out softly. "I'm sorry again. I hope your date night wasn't ruined too much."

The fox stopped rummaging in her closet and looked back at the neugdae. "Do you think Lee Rang and I... do you think we're a couple?"

"Aren't you?"

Yuri laughed for a few seconds before letting out a soft sigh. "No, at one time it would have been all I wished for. However, that is not the case with us. Lee Rang saved me, just like he saved you. I'm glad we found you." She smiled at her before digging back into the closet and pulled out a comfortable looking nightgown.

The fox looked between the girl and the gown before frowning. "I'm sure you could pull off any of my clothes but I'm sensing you'd want something more comforting right now. Hold on," she moved to the door. "Lee Rang!" She called as she stepped out.

Two moments later she returned with a pair of black sweatpants and a plain black t-shirt. "They might be a little big as they are Lee Rang's but I think you'll be more comfortable. Oh, I just got some new undergarments too. I will give you a new one until we can figure out what the next step for you is. For now, please feel free to shower or bath. Lee Rang and I will be in the main room. I'll order some food, what can I order for you? Don't even try to protest - Lee Rang will just order something for you if you don't choose."

Mae Eun-ji sighed in defeat, sagging her shoulders while she bit her lip, thinking for a moment. She wasn't really hungry but she didn't want to make anyone else mad at her. The thought of glass noodles and vegetables peaked her interest. "Can you order Japchae for me, please?" The fox left the room after getting her answer and Eun-ji shuffled to the bathroom.

She decided on a hot bath, turning the dial to the hottest settling she would be able to handle. She was reluctant to remove the black jacket at first, taking in one more sniff of the cologne she felt her body relax again. Once the water level was high enough she undressed, placing the dirty clothes in a small pile of the floor and sank into the heat. There were multiple bottles of shampoo and conditioner and decided on a light floral scented one to wash her hair with. Once her hair was clean, she scrubbed her skin until it was red, trying to make sure she got all gross feeling off of her.

"Well, to put it blunt I got tired of you, so I sold you. You're not my problem anymore."

Eun-ji grit her teeth as she felt the tears of sadness and anger well in her eyes. She didn't want to cry over that asshole but it hurt so much on how he betrayed and abandoned her like that. It made her angry that he could have done that to her after all this time. She drained the dirty water and refilled the tub again with hot water. She started to notice the bruises on her wrists and arms from trying to fight off the two men earlier, she felt disgusted again.

There was a sudden set of soft knocks on the door. "Eonni, are you okay in there?" Ki Yuri's voice spoke from behind the door.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I must have zoned out. I'll get out now." She quickly scrubbed her body again, just for good measure, before pulling the plug and wrapping herself in a white fluffy towel. Drying off quickly, she started to get dressed. The pants were a little long so she rolled them at the waist twice so as to not trip on them. The shirt hung slightly loose on her and again smelt like cologne.

Mae Eun-ji started to towel dry her hair as she exited the bathroom. Yuri was sitting on her bed waiting for the girl. "How was your bath?" She took note of how comfortable the wolf looked now.

"It was nice. Thank you again. Is there any way I can repay you for all your help today?"

Yuri smiled. "Don't worry about that right now." She motioned for Eun-ji to sit next to her. The latter did so before Yuri pulled out a comb and started to take care of the girl's hair. "Do you want to talk about what happened? If not, that's okay too."

Eun-ji shook her head. "No, not right now... thank you for doing my hair." The two females continued to sit there in silence as Yuri started to place an intricate braid in the wolf's hair.

Lee Rang stood at the door, just watching them for a moment. After a moment he knocked on the door to alert them of his presence. "Food is here, let's go eat."

Yuri was the first to move, grabbing onto Eun-ji's arm, tugging her gently to lead her out to the dining area. The food was already laid out on the table, filling the air with its delicious scents. Eun-ji's stomach rumbled softly at the smell, reminding her she hadn't eaten since breakfast at work.

They ate in a comfortable silence, enjoying their meals. Eun-ji took the time to mentally reflect on her day instead of all the bad that happened in the past few hours. Her day was great at work, the weather was beautiful and she met two wonderful people who saved her from what would have been a truly horrible fate.

Dinner ended up being absolutely delicious and she must have been more hungry than she thought as she finished the entire meal. Once done, her bowl was taken from her by Yuri to put in the sink. "Oh, I can help clean up."

"Actually, we need to talk about a few things. If you don't mind, we can do this from the comforts of the couch." Rang spoke suddenly as his eyes watched her closely.

The wolf nodded her head and followed Rang from the room to the couch. He sat first and patted the cushion next to him. She followed his unspoken instructions and sat quietly choosing to stare at the coffee table in front of her.

It was quiet for a moment, the sounds of Yuri clinking glasses in the kitchen was all that could be heard. "Lee Rang," the wolf spoke softly. "I don't know how I can repay you and Yuri for all your help and kindness. I don't know what you did to those men and I don't want to know. I am, however, eternally thankful." She twisted her fingers nervously as her thoughts strayed back to the alleyway.

"I thought I told you not to worry about that." Yuri stated as she placed three glasses on the table. "I'm glad we stumbled upon you. Beings like us need to stick together, am I right?"

Eun-ji thought about her words but remembered that Yuri stated that Rang had saved her as well. Maybe she was talking about damsels in distress, though Yuri didn't look like she was distressed." I suppose so." She finally replied.

"So, what happened out there pup?" Rang asked suddenly.

'Again with the weird nicknames.' Eun-ji barely had the thought in her head when Yuri sternly spoke to the male.

"Lee Rang! Maybe she doesn't want to talk about it."

"I gave her some time. I should have asked her before bringing her into the house. I don't need the whole story - just enough information about why she was in the situation before she spends the night. We need to know something about her besides her name."

"We know she's one of us, that should be enough for the night."

"It's okay Ki Yuri." Eun-ji spoke softly but it was loud enough to quiet the female next to her. She didn't want there to be trouble between her new acquaintances. She dragged her eyes up Lee Rang's frame, stopping when her eyes connected with his. Pulling in two deep breaths, she forced herself to relax. "Today was just like any other day. I woke up, went to work, enjoyed my breakfast, relaxed outside after work for a couple of minutes and just overall had a good day. That was until I got home. My boyfriend and I got into a small argument because he got my shift wrong and thought I was two hours late coming home. He accused me of seeing someone else. The fight was loud, mostly on his end when suddenly he just stopped. He apologized and asked if I wanted to go to dinner. Stated that he was just so hungry and that he didn't mean to snap at me."

Eun-ji looked away from Rang and back to the floor. Her anxiety started to flood into her veins. She was used to talking about the fights between Kyong and her, it was very common - but this was different. This was a whole new level for him and it made her feel sick to her stomach more than usual. She was used to being told the truth in how she was useless, how she was lucky to have him and how quick he could turn her to the streets. She never thought he would try to sell her. She squeezed her hands into fists three times in hopes to ease her nerves.

Lee Rang could feel the wave after wave of anxiety from her. He almost felt bad about asking but he needed to know who this wolf was before letting her stay any longer.

"He kept looking at his phone and texting someone on the way to the restaurant. But also was being abnormally nice and holding my hand. Then he turned down the alleyway saying it was a shortcut that he knew. I could tell something was off but I didn't get time to question it before the other men came up from behind us." Eun-ji's whole body was tense, there was a dip in her voice suggesting that she could possibly start crying.

Yuri placed a hand on her shoulder with the intention to tell her that she could take a small break. The girl however flinched away from her touch.

"I thought we were about to be mugged but instead he pushed me toward them. Told them, 'Here's the whore' and demanded his money."

Lee Rang clenched his teeth, not only did he dislike foul language but he felt a need to wrap Eun-ji up in a blanket and keep her safe on his couch. He brushed the feeling aside.

"I was so confused. I started to question what he was doing. If this was a sick joke of his. No, he told me that he was done with me and that I wouldn't be welcome back at the apartment. He collected his cash from one of the men and told them they could do whatever they wanted to me. He told them..." tears were now flowing down the girl's face. She let out a soft sob as the reality of it all began to hit her. "He told them that they 'could probably get a few good fucks' out of me before it gets boring. And then he just walked away like nothing happened."

Yuri had pulled the girl into her arms, and the wolf welcomed the embrace. "Oh, Mae Eun-ji, I'm sorry that happened."

"Let me ask you something. Why did you use your powers on him or the other man?"

Eun-ji looked up at him, sniffing and wiping tears, with a confused expression. "What powers?"

"Are you not a wolf?" Lee Rang asked.

"I don't even know what that means. You keep calling me wolf and pup but honestly I don't know why."

Rang stared at her. There was no way she didn't know she was a wolf. "She-wolf. You are a she-wolf. Did you forget?"

Eun-ji's head started to pound. "Are you on drugs? Do you think I'm an animal or something?"

Yuri could sense that Eun-ji was utterly confused. "Oh, it's just something he refers to women. He thinks all of us have a wolf inside, ready to defend our families and ourselves. He forgets not everyone is raised to feel that powerful. Ignore him and continue your story." She nervously chuckled trying to change the subject.

Eun-ji looked over to Yuri. "The worst part of all is that Kyong is really all that I have. Besides my name, I have no memories of my life before two years ago. Kyobg tried his best to help me find my family or at least where I came from. He never had any luck - I was such a burden on him. And now... now I have nothing." Her voice was emotionless as she came to her realization. "I'm free." She whispered a small smile graced her face.

Rang watched her for a moment, frowning as he looked over the bruises on her wrists and cheek. "Mae Eun-ji," her eyes snapped to him. "tomorrow, I want you to show me where you lived with this guy. As for now, you may stay with me. Yuri and I will help you figure this out."

She bit her lower lip gently. "Lee Rang, why do you want to know where he lives?" He gave her a smile that should have made her feel uneasy, but it didn't in the slightest bit.

"I'm sure you know the answer to that one, darling. While I take care of some business you'll be able to grab any things that you want."

Eun-ji relaxed her shoulders and nodded her head in agreement. "Okay, thank you Lee Rang."

"I'm sure you're exhausted. Let's get you to bed, okay?" Yuri asked as she stood from her seat. "Rang, show her your room."

"My room? What about your room?"

"Mae Eun-ji needs some good sleep after her night. Plus, where would I sleep?"

"You can go to your actual home with your parents."

Yuri made a face. "No, all they want to do is talk about the Moze Department Store. I'll be spending the night as a guest here."

"It's okay, I can just sleep on the couch."

Lee Rang ignored the woman. "Follow me, Mae Eun-ji."

She went to protest again. She didn't want to be a burden on them after they did so much already.

"Now wolf." He called from the hallway.

Eun-ji quickly jumped from her spot on the couch and shuffled down the hallway after him. "Please Lee Rang, let me sleep on the couch. I don't want to put you out of your bed." She followed him into a room and he started pulling clothes out for himself.

"Listen, it's quite alright. We will figure it out tomorrow. At least for tonight you'll stay in my room. Make yourself comfortable." He stated before dipping into what Eun-ji assumed to be the master bathroom.

The wolf sat down on the bed and immediately felt comfort like she never felt before. As intimidating as Lee Rang is, he brought a type of calming aura around him as well. She should scold herself for being so comfortable around the two of them.

Kyong always taught her that you couldn't trust anyone. His lessons were always harsh but truthful. What was she going to do without him? Though he wasn't the best in the world he kept her company and gave her a roof over her head.

Eun-ji curled into herself, pulling her legs up on the mattress and to her chest. She was free but also alone. Not sure which demon was better to weather. Could she really survive without Kyong.

Rang came from the bathroom, dressed in comfortable pajamas and noticed that Eun-ji was lost in her thoughts. "You know where Yuri's room is and I'll be on the couch if you have any issues. Do you need anything before I go?"

"Stay." Eun-ji tried to capture the word before it left her mouth. It was her lonely thoughts breaking through. "Sorry, I mean could you stay for a little while. I don't want to be alone right now."

Rang frowned at her, watching the whimsical outlining of her ears and tail droop down. Her traits did not reflect a wolf and it had him wondering just what happened to make her this way. She definitely had more fire in her when she was trying to fight off the thugs in the alleyway.

"Lay down she-wolf. I'll stay until you fall asleep. Does that work for you?" He sat down on the opposite side of the bed. He watched her ears perk up and held back a smile.

"I couldn't ask that of you. Just a few minutes would suffice."

"I'll go when I know you're ready. Now relax."

She followed his instructions, pulling back the comforter and climbing in. His smell overpowered her senses, instantly relaxing her. She may have just found her new favorite scent. She'd have to scope out his cologne to buy it herself. "Lee Rang," She whispered as she looked up at him while he sat there. "Thank you again for today. Are you sure it's okay that I have your bed?"

He gave her a bored look. "Yes, now close your eyes." He commanded as he laid back on top of the comforter.

Moments of silence passed between them when he finally heard her breathing change, slow and steady. Rolling to his side he looked over at her again. The bruise on her face made him angry again. Reaching out he traced her cheek, heat flaring in his fingertips at the contact.

The fox moved to her wrists, they were darkened horribly from her struggling. He was gentle as he rubbed the marred skin. He thought for a long time about what he was going to do to this 'Kyong' man for doing this to her. Eventually, he wasn't sure how long, sleep washed over him.

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