Fix You (DabixOC)

By nikkidijock

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Yui Homura was born with a quirk that people saw as a blessing though in her own view, she saw it as more of... More

Author's Note & OC Information
Chapter I: Routine
Chapter II: What am I?
Chapter III: Traitors
Chapter IV: Debut
Chapter V: Mixed Messages
Chapter VI: You're Not Weak
Chapter VII: A Promise
Chapter VIII: Eri's Hero
Chapter X: Sweet Revenge
Chapter XI: Just a Hookup?
Chapter XII: Fuck Me, Right?
Chapter XIII: Why?
Chapter XIV: Addiction
Chapter XV: Things Are Not Looking Up
Chapter XVI: Empty Threats
Chapter XVII: Mind Your Business
Chapter XVIII: Not So Different After All
Chapter XIX: Drunken Thoughts
Chapter XX: Whiskey and Wings
Chapter XXI: Desire
Chapter XXII: Only You
Chapter XXIII: An Unexpected Secret
Chapter XXIV: Regrets
Chapter XXV: More Similar Than I Thought
Chapter XXVI: Time for Some Fun
Chapter XXVII: Tetsuya vs Yui, Clashing Swords
Chapter XXVIII: Old Scars
Chapter XXIX: Memories
Chapter XXX: Yui Homura

Chapter IX: Villains Can Be Nice Too

200 10 0
By nikkidijock

"That little girl, Eri... she reminded me of myself when I was younger-- when I had hope for this world and dreamed of becoming a hero."

   (Yui Homura)

"I need you to grab Eri and follow me now. We have to get her to a more secure location."

"Why, what's happening--"

Overhaul made it clear that I wasn't in a place to be asking questions as he quickly closed the distance between us, his gloved hand putting pressure on my neck threateningly before pulling away.

"Next time you ask questions when you're not supposed to I'll disassemble you without a second thought. Now get moving."

Shaking off the fear that had risen in me from the close call with Overhaul, I brought Eri's sleeping form into my arms, the commotion causing her to sleepily open her eyes.

"Yui-san, what's--"

"It's nothing Eri-chan. I'm gonna take you somewhere safe so just sit tight alright?"

I felt Eri hug me tighter as the sleep left her gaze when she realized Overhaul was standing nearby, glaring at us to get moving. Nodding her head, Eri stayed silent, avoiding Overhaul's gaze as she buried her head in the crook of my neck.

"She seems to really have taken a liking to you."

"Yeah it's called not being an asshole, you should try it sometime."

Despite my sass, Overhaul beckoned for us to follow him, the roll of his eyes being the only sign to see that my words annoyed him.

"Aren't you supposed to be an asshole? Can't say I know many villains who would heal a random little girl when it doesn't benefit them at all."

I felt Overhaul's golden eyes run up and down my body as he gazed at the wounds that were once Eri's that were now littering my body. 

"Villain, hero, yakuza-- it doesn't matter who you are. I think most people would try to help a little girl who is being abused-- wouldn't you?"

"I don't get involved in matters that don't involve me, you shouldn't either."

Scoffing, I continued to follow Overhaul, picking up the pace as he led us through the winding hallways of the yakuza's base. The sounds of fighting could be heard both above and around us causing me to grin to myself-- the heros found their base quicker than we had anticipated. 

"Are you threatening me Chisaki? It seems you have more pressing matters to worry about rather than little old me. Don't forget I am your new teammate-- so what do you want me to do boss?"

Stopping in his tracks, Overhaul faced me, eyes blazing as he glared at my figure. 

"Stop fucking talking and follow me closely. Keep Eri away from those damn heros with your life or I'll make sure to turn you into trash just like I did your comrade. Understood Yui Homura?"

Despite the now trembling Eri in my arms, I nodded my head obediently towards Overhaul, breaking into quick strides in order to keep up with him as he moved through the maze of hallways. 

As great as it felt to talk back to Overhaul, I had to keep up appearances until it was my time to act. Just a little bit longer and then I could really show the bastard what kind of heartless villain I can be. 

I have a promise to keep to Eri after all-- a pinky promise.


"Excuse me, but can I ask you some questions?"

It didn't take much longer of Eri and I following Overhaul and one of his lackeys who joined us along the way for the heros or-- a single hero to show up. I felt Eri's hands tighten around me at the sight of the young hero, her small voice whispering in my ear.


That whisper of recognition from Eri was all I needed to hear to know she'd be safe with him and that I-- could finally get my revenge. 

"You shouldn't have been able to get here that fast."

"I took a shortcut... I'm here to rescue that child."

"Now that you know the situation, you're putting on your hero mask huh-- Mr. Student."

Overhaul's words made me wait before enacting my plan, my curiosity getting the better of me as I learned that Overhaul and the student had previously met before.

"Back then you were pretending not to see, weren't you? This girl doesn't want you to rescue her. To her-- you're not a hero."

"That's why I'm here."

Seeing Overhaul's annoyance rise as the student refused to back down, I began to get ready, slowly moving one of my hands to one of the daggers that were strapped to my waist. 

Using the student's distraction, I leaned closer to Eri's ear, giving her a reassuring squeeze as I whispered in her ear. 

"Eri-chan, I'm gonna let the real hero take you from here alright? Things are about to get a little messy and I don't want you to see. Go live your life and be happy okay?"

"Will I not be able to see you again?"

Despite her fear for the situation, Eri still cared about me-- a villain who has known her for not even twenty-four hours.

She truly is the strongest person I know.

"I don't think so Eri, but I promise-- I'll keep my pinky promise alright? After today, Overhaul will never hurt you again."

Even though she was young, Eri seemed to understand the current danger of our situation as she bit back whatever it was she wanted to say, instead simply nodding her head.

"Thank you, Yui-san."

Smiling at her thanks, I redirected my attention back to the matter at hand, noticing another one of Overhaul's lackeys appearing from the shadows, about to take the young hero off guard.

Guess it's finally time to show Chisaki what I'm made of huh?

"Hey hero, catch!"

As if my voice suddenly reminded everyone in the room of my existence, I saw Overhaul's face overtaken with fury as he reached out, unable to stop me as I ran past him, throwing Eri into the young hero's arms while at the same time throwing a dagger towards the new lackey's figure as he emerged from the shadows. 

"What're you--"

"Just shut up and get out of here! It's your turn to be the hero now, right? So you better protect Eri-chan with your life!"

Despite my warnings the young hero known as Lemillion watched with wide eyes as I protected him from his hidden attacker, my vision beginning to become blurry as the bastard activated what must be his quirk, pouring copious amounts of sake into his mouth despite my dagger that had been embedded in his thigh. 

"Fucking go already will you!"

My second yell seemed to break the hero out of his trance as he ran past Overhaul with Eri in his arms, giving Overhaul and the lackey who had been with him earlier no other choice but to pursue, Overhaul's glare causing my smirk to widen.

"After I get Eri back, I'll make sure to find you and kill you myself-- Yui Homura."

"I'll be looking forward to it- Kai Chisaki!"

I couldn't help the manic smile on my face that continued to grow as I heard Overhaul and his lackey run off after Eri and Lemillion, leaving me with the drunk quirk user. 

"He won' have to kill ya sin' I'll be the one doin' the killin'--"

Despite my drunken state, I managed to embed another dagger in the man, this time hitting him in the gut. He seemed to be shocked by my coordination as he fell from the pipe he was hanging on to the ground, labored breaths leaving him as I walked towards him with another dagger in hand.

"How-- are ya resistin' my quirk?"

"Ever hear of a high tolerance? Besides, the Commission made sure I was able to fight in all conditions-- blindfolded, handcuffed, drunk... looks like I'm a bad matchup for you huh?"

"The Commission'?"

"Oops, that slipped my tongue, didn't it? Sorry, but it looks like I'll have to kill ya-- can't have you spilling my secrets to anyone."


Ignoring the man's pleas, I closed the distance between us, quickly driving the dagger between his eyes, shattering his mask and driving through skin and bones simultaneously. Warm blood splattered across my face at the action, but it was a sensation I had already begun to get used to, wiping the blood nonchalantly from my face with the back of my sleeve.

"You can't be a villain! You're too nice."

Eri's words replayed in my head as I looked from my now bloodied sleeve to the man who now laid lifeless on the floor, blood flowing from the multiple wounds I had given him across his body. 

"Too nice, huh?"

Before I had a chance to get lost further in my thoughts, I felt two arms wrap around my shoulders from behind, my body immediately relaxing at Toga's all too familiar voice.

"Ahhhh Yui-chan! You look even prettier with all that blood on your face!"

"The Commission had you train blindfolded, drunk, and handcuffed? Where are those bastards so I can beat them to a pulp!?"

Shrugging Toga's arms off of my shoulders, I turned to face both her and Twice, surprised to hear that Twice overheard me.

"You heard that? Wait, were you guys watching the whole time!?"

Toga giggled, ignoring my question yet giving me an answer at the same time as she walked past me to get a closer look at the drunken quirk user I had just killed.

"No of course we didn't, yes we did!"

Facepalming, I couldn't help but scoff in amusement at the both of them.

What great teammates I have, am I right?

"Why did you give that little girl to the hero?"

Toga's question caught me off guard as I faced her once more, her bright eyes already staring at me, waiting for me to answer. I could tell Twice was intrigued as well as he nodded along to Toga's question, turning to face me as well. 

Taking a moment I found myself staring at the man I had just killed, his gruesome corpse still not bothering me in the slightest.

"That little girl, Eri... she reminded me of myself when I was younger-- when I had hope for this world and dreamed of becoming a hero. She's only caught up in all of this because of a quirk she never asked for, yet her will to fight and live wasn't destroyed. I found myself healing her wounds before I could even think against the idea and she saw me-- as her hero. I don't know, I guess I just wanted to protect her innocence and give her a shot at a better life. There was just something about her... maybe it's because she reminded me of my younger self so much, I just didn't want her innocence to be taken away."

Toga and Twice stared at me in silence making me realize that I may have said too much, causing me to rub the back of my neck with my hand awkwardly, quickly spitting out a few more words making sure I got my full point across.

"It's not like I want to be a hero anymore, that dream died a long time ago. A cold-blooded murderer could never be a hero anyways."

At my words, both Toga and Twice looked back towards the man I had just killed in silence before staring once again at me. I was about to try and undig the hole I thought I had dug myself in, but Twice's actions stopped me as he suddenly broke into tears, his figure flying towards me faster than I could process as his arms wrapped around me in a bear hug.

"Awe Yui!!! You were just trying to help her since she reminded you so much of you-- I get it! I'd do the same if I saw a little boy split like me! This shit sucks!"

"You have to introduce me to Eri sometime Yui-chan! I want to see what a little you was like-- I'm sure you looked even cuter when you were little, especially when you were covered in blood from healing wounds!"

Expecting them to be angry at my moment of heroism, I felt the tension leave my body at their words, breaking out in genuine laughter as I gladly returned Twice's hug, extending my arm so that Toga could jump in on the moment too. 

"What's wrong Yui-chan, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I thought you were sad, but now you're laughing! It makes no sense, I understand completely!"

Pulling away from our hug I marveled at the two villains in front of me. 

Sure, they may be murderers-- but, I don't think they're bad people. 

They have a heart like everyone else-- like myself.

We may be villains, but at least we have a heart.

At least we can be nice-- isn't that right, Eri-chan?

"It's nothing you two, just grateful to see you both is all. Now let's head to go watch the main event shall we? I believe we owe Kai Chiaski some payback."

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