5,160 Miles [Billie Eilish]

By biladdiction

250K 5.9K 4K

Reese is awoken by a FaceTime call in the middle of the night. She had no idea that the call would lead to he... More

Learning you
5160 miles
Its been over a month
What's an ocean or two?
First date
I know her, but do i?
Im sorry
They picked me to love
Remain calm
I love
Whatever you want
Everything i wanted
Is this real?
In with the new
A special moment
Broken trust
He's never late
I know fear
Maniacal laughter
I'll miss you
Dont say it
She gets me
Completed checklist
Last meal
See you later
This is it
Do not overthink
new book
new book


5.5K 109 123
By biladdiction

Flashbacks of the previous night ran through my head as I prepared a couple of coffees. Everything about last night was just perfect, the twinkly lights that made me feel like a Disney princess. The lake that convinced me I was part of a romance movie, the kiss that I wish could've lasted forever, her speech and our most special moment yet. Then, of course what happened when we got home.

I was right about her having a rough side. Of course, initially she was gentle with me since it was our first time, but her dominant side took over once she got my clothes off. I was a complete bottom I won't lie. I loved every second of it though, which was many, many seconds. She was fucking insane, if I didn't know any better I would've thought she'd been with girls her whole life. It was definitely hard to believe that last night was her first time. She has talent.

"How much will that be?" One of the two young customers asked, dragging me back into reality. My face burned red as I put their order through the register, "six, forty please." The girls thanked me then walked over to their chosen table.

"You look flushed." Ria laughed as she walked through the coffee shop door, I quickly rolled my eyes at her. "Shut up."

Ria walked over and sat herself down on one of the bar stools in front of me. "Where is Billie anyway?"

I swear my heart stops at the mention of her name. "She's just chillin' at mine."

Ria quickly nodded, "so are you back at work now?"

"Well, Jules gave me a week off fully paid, and told me to come in whenever suits me after that, at least til Billie goes home. Still need to pay the bills." I sighed at the thought of Billie not being here anymore.

"That's good of her." Ria grabbed a freshly baked donut from the counter and shoved in in her mouth.

I smiled, grabbing the donut off her and taking a bite myself. "She's always good to me."

"Yeah, she really is." Ria furrowed her brows as she angrily snatched it back.

We had a quick catch up before Ria went over to sit in the corner, earphones in, laptop out. Ria is a model, literally. Her job is being beautiful. Lately she's been getting some really good opportunities, clothing websites and such. She's never off her laptop talking to companies, girl needs an assistant.

My shift finished an hour later. I boxed up a vegan sandwich for Billie then said my goodbyes to Ria who was still busy with work shit.

As I was unlocking the door an excited Billie swung in open from the inside. "I've missed you so much!" She wrapped her arms around my waist and lifted me as if I were feather light. My arms tightened around her neck, of course making sure to keep her sandwich safe. "I missed you, I'm sorry I had to work..." I sulked.

Billie laughed, "its fine angel, I watched the office and took a bath." I still felt bad though. "I picked out an outfit for tonight too." She added before I got chance to fit a response in there.

About a week ago Tom asked us to a family dinner. At the time it was kept secret, but Tom eventually confessed that this one was far more special than the rest. All the others were planned, and I was invited. This one Tom planned in my honour, and invited his family. They do this when someone gets in a relationship, they have a party to celebrate the beginning of a pair. I never thought I'd be loved enough to get one, and I don't mean by a significant other. I didn't think I was that important to Tom and his family.

"I can't wait to see what you chose baby." I smirked at her innocently. "I can't wait to show you." She pulled me into the kitchen and pulled out a dining chair for me. "What flavour?" I laughed a little, she'd learned how to use my coffee machine a few days ago and ever since she's made me one. "Caramel please."

She brought over my coffee, and then quickly turned to get herself a glass of water. She says my house has the best water. I guess I understood what she meant, all water does taste different in her defence.

"How was work?" She asked as she slouched down into the chair next to me. "Work is work" I winked, remembering the response I gave her forever ago when she first asked, and she clicked on pretty quickly. "Shut up, seriously was it a good shift?"

"It was good. Ria was there but she was busy with work stuff." Billie nodded understandably, she knew all about rias occupation. "I got you a sandwich." Billies eyes lit up as she thanked me.

We sat at the dining room for a while reading through comments together on my Instagram. "Half of them think we're best friends, the other half are sure we're a thing." She laughed. "Yeah, they argue about it in my comments, then there's the few that say it doesn't matter they love us either way. Cuties." I added, stealing a bite of her sandwich. "They're adorable aren't they."

Twenty minutes later I ran upstairs to take a shower, dinner was at five and it was already half three. Not that I had to do anything crazy with my appearance but still, it's Tom.

"Will Rose be there?" Billie shouted from the bedroom, I think she was slightly nervous to be around toms family. He's a well presented, well spoken man, his family are similar to him. I was scared at first, but when I met them I realised they'd accept you no matter who you are, what you are or where you came from. "I'd imagine so. She'll probably be waiting for us outside with juices." I laughed in response.

When I came out of the shower Billie was dressed all black. She wore a t-shirt with a vampire face on the front, black combat pants paired with white and red Nikes. This. This was my favourite outfit.

I went a little more colourful wearing a red Nike vintage jumper, of course cropped. I paired it with black combat pants too, and all white Nikes.

"That fit is absolutely killing me." I sucked my teeth as I looked her up and down. She blushed slightly. "Shut up, you look insane."

Once we were completely ready we locked up the house and jumped in the car. It was a five minute drive there, or a fifteen minute walk and we were feeling lazy.

As expected Rose stood at the doorway of the bungalow, two juices in hand. "Hey! I missed you both." She hugged us both and gave us our drinks. "We missed you." I spoke for the pair of us.

"Hello Reese!" My favourite old man cheered from the kitchen, which was right in view of the front door. I ran over to him and stole a big bear hug from him. "Hey! I missed you." Tom let out his famous belly laugh as he wrapped his arms around me. "I missed you too cherub..." he paused for a moment, "Billie! Hello love, welcome to the family." I think my heart just melted. "Hi Tom, it's good to see you! Thank you so much." Tom opened his arms for Billie to join the cuddle that I wasn't ready to let go of just yet.

"This is Grey, Roses dad!" I introduced Billie to the tall grey haired man. It was a running joke every Christmas how fitting it was that Grey, is getting greyer. "It's nice to meet you." She held her hand out and Grey let out the same belly laugh that Tom has, "it's good to meet you love!" He pushed past her hand shake and took her straight in for a hug.

We walked around the room a little, hand in hand. "This is Elma, Grays wife. Lovely woman." Billie sent the red headed, slim woman a wide smile. "Hey darling, it's good to finally meet you! Take it from me, you'll be loved beyond words entering this family. They're amazing." Elma knocked down a gulp of her wine before embracing Billie in for a loving hug. "It's so good to meet you. I can tell already."

I spent the next half an hour introducing Billie to the family. She got on with everyone really well, and they all loved her.

Finally we sat down to eat, Tom always looks for vegetarian options to cook for me, this time he'd also gone way out of his way to muster up some vegan options. He made her about eight different options, even whipping up a bowl of mashed potatoes just for her.

"So, have you met everyone now Reese?" Tom asked, naturally my eyes darted up to him. It took a minute to process that he'd made a mistake with his words. The whole table laughed a little, everyone apart from Tom. "Did you mean to say Billie?" The old man nodded my way in response. Billie quickly cleared her throat, "I think I've met everybody now."

We finished up dinner but before everyone dispersed Tom stood from his chair and raised his glass in the air, I could feel a speech coming on.

"I'd just like to say a few words about my granddaughter Reese..." he paused as he sent me a fatherly smile. "Reese, you've spent years listening to stories of me and Sal, the good and the bad of my great love. You've done so much for me, you helped me the day she passed away, and you've helped me every day since. I will never forget each individual time you've brought me flowers and treats to cheer me up. Nor will I forget any of our breakfast dates. I could never forget how you helped me with the house move, emotionally and physically. You are a part of my family Reese, I love you as my own. That being said, I want to let you know that because you are my family, as is Billie. I'm so thankful that I got to play a part in you two meeting, and I cant wait to watch you live your great love! Welcome to the family Billie!"

The whole family stood tall and began clapping before jointly screaming, "welcome to the family Billie." I was full blown happy-sobbing at this point, and looking over at Billie I noticed she'd let a few tears escape too.

About half an hour later we decided to leave. A few people had left already, and it was getting late. We gave Tom a huge hug and said our thanks, then we said goodbye to everyone else.

As I was driving I noticed myself being quieter than usual, I just couldn't put my finger on why. "What's wrong angel?" Billie questioned as she placed her hand on my knee, clearly she'd realised I was off too.

I huffed, "I don't know, something is bugging me."

"Do you need to pull over baby?" She kept her voice soft, her fingers now drawing patterns on my leg to comfort me.

"I'm probably just being sensitive. I'm sure it's nothing." I replied, more talking to myself than her though.

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