Luffy's Past

By 2021Night

157K 4.2K 1K

In the middle of the war between the marines and the Whitebeard pirates, a bright light appeared bring the st... More

Chapter 1 - Intro
Chapter 2 - Family
Chapter 3 - Hostage
Chapter 4 - Break
Chapter 5 - Core
Chapter 6 - The Will
Chapter 8 - Message
Chapter 9 - Abilities
Chapter 10 - Plan
Chapter 11 - Death
Chapter 12 - Darkness
Chapter 13 - Guiding Lights
Chapter 14 - Passing
Chapter 15 - Repeat
Chapter 16 - Demon History
Chapter 17 - Free
Chapter 18 - Epilogue

Chapter 7 - Decision

8K 230 36
By 2021Night

Rune stared eye widen as he saw the transformations of the twins. He looked at the twins and back to Luffy, who was only staring in awe at the sudden change of their appearance. Ice and flames were used together to get the monster pushed back. Ice slicing the demon's skin and the laser and beams of fire, but they were still tried.

Luffy's upgrade may have boosted their abilities, but it doesn't heal their injuries. Their transformations also take a lot of power as well. Their burning their fuel to use it and they have already passed their limit.

They made some damage on Kai, much more then before, but nothing that will kill him. Kai was getting angry and started to use his abilities. The demon had many abilities, as he wasn't human and the twins immediately backed away from him as he shoot out multiple attacks.

The cave was collapsing due to the destruction inside. The whole room seemed to shake and Rune could only hold onto Luffy as tight as he could. The twins dodged the rocks, but not all of them. They were all coming down quickly and Yuki had gotten stuck underneath some rocks.


Yuko ran over to his brothers' side and tried to lift the rock on his twin. When he did, Yuki was free, but he had broken his leg. Yuko noticed this and lifted Yuki. At this point, they both transformed back to their original appearance and headed their way over to the hole, but they were smacked away with the hand of Kai.

"NI-CHAN!" Luffy cried as he got free of Rune's grasps.


"LUFFY, GO BACK IN THE HOLE!" Screamed the brocons, worried for their reckless little brother.

Even though they all knew that they were watching a memory, they still screamed. It was forgotten at that moment. They were concerned for Luffy's safety, as they couldn't help it. They all seemed to care for the boy.

Silvia could only smile underneath her mask as she was happy that the little angel was able to meet great people. She could now only hope that they would be able to fix him and save him from the darkness that consumes him.

Luffy dashed to his brothers' sides, but Kai seemed to notice him. The demon watched as the boy ran and smirked at an idea. Kai reached down his hand and grabbed the running toddler. Luffy was lifted in the air by the hand, but he tried to get back to his brothers. As he struggled, he released the will of D, trying to get himself out.

Yuko and Yuki watched their little brother getting lifted in the air in the grasps of the demon.

"LUFFY!" They cried trying to get up, but the pain seemed to be stopping them. The audience who were watching also screamed the boy's name.

Rune climbed out of the hole and made his way to the twins without getting noticed by the demon, though he could see that the twins were anger and wanted to jump back into the battle. They were too injured to do so, though.

Yuki made some ice and used them to support the two of them. They were both activating their abilities, but they seemed to be weak and small. They didn't have that much power left and they were too tired to release a full-on attack.

"What are you two doing?!" Asked Rune as he tried to get both of them to sit down again.

Yuki panted and answered, "We have to get Luffy back."

"You're too injured to be moving!"

"But we need to save our baby brother." Yuko countered. "We promised to always protect him."

Kai was bringing the kid closer to himself, and he seemed to open his chest. He placed Luffy inside him and it formed a cage around the boy. Once the cage was close, locking the poor boy inside, vines started to wrap around him. His eyes filled with tears and his screams for help were heard through the cave. When the vines were wrapped fully around the struggling boy, his light started to dim down.

"Ni-chan!" Luffy screamed as he looked towards the three.

"LUFFY!" They all seemed to scream, along with the audience once more.

Luffy's eyes shone a bright golden light, as the demon started to grow and evolve. There were crackles from Kai as he grew and grew. The villagers could only watch in terror as he evolved. He not only grew in height, but he also grew another 2 pair of arms and multiple eyes all over his head.

"Yes! That's it!" Kai laughed as Luffy's conscious was slipping away from him.

Luffy closed his eyes and the light around him was stilling dimming. His tears had stopped, leaving tear stains on his cheeks and his breath was shallow. The demon was sucking out his power with the vines. His body couldn't handle it as he went into the darkness.


"Oi! What the hell is happening!?" Ace questioned.

The whole room was filled with terror while they looked at the creature on the screen. Some were in disgust and throwing up in a place, others were looking away to unsee the thing they had seen, while they did that, the brave ones continued to look at the screen.

Marco answered in disgust, "I think your brother upgraded the demon-yoi."

"Why would he do that!?" Exclaimed Ace as he was trying his best not to throw up.

"He didn't want to do it." Robin explained. "As the vines wrapped around him, his glow weakened, so I'm guessing that the vines are taking his ability and making the demon evolve."

"I get why he wants to evolve but come on!" Nami complained as she was in a corner throwing up with others. "Can't he have a less disgusting transformation?"

Sabo replied, "I don't think you get to choose your transformation."

Thatch added, "If he did maybe he would want something more disgusting. Let's just be grateful for it not to grow another few tongues and noses."

"Can you not say that!" Izou shouted. "You would make us visualize it!"

"Sorry, but I was stating facts." Screamed Thatch as he couldn't hold it back anymore and threw up.

The people around him backed away and let Thatch to get all the stuff out. Dragon and Garp just stared at the screen wanting to know what happened. They knew the aftermath, but they wanted to watch the battle go down.

"You need to leave now!" Ordered Rune as his hands started to turn a light violet colour.

"But we can't leave our brother behind!" Protested Yuko.

Rune shook his head. "Leave and warn the others. Your mother will heal you and you will be able to fight again."

"If we do that Kai would be able to follow us and attack the others." Yuki reasoned. "We have to fight it to delay him."

Rune sighed and smiled sadly. "You're right. That's why I will stay here and fight him."

"UNCLE!" Ace screamed.

"What is he thinking!?" Kid questioned in outrage. "He's a big old for fighting a demon. What is he? 50, 60?"

Silvia confirmed Rune's age. "He is 63 in the memory."


"He's too old to fight a demon!" Most of the crowd exclaimed and another two people agreed with them.

"Elder! You're too old to fight!" Said Yuko as he tried to convince the old man to rethink his decision. "Please rethink this."

Rune shook his head. "I will delay him while you warn the others. It's my job as village chief to protect the village people. You boys are young and have a future in front of you. You both will be able to warn everyone faster than this old man."

"Elder, please don't do this." Yuki begged as he felt tears forming in his eyes, while Yuko was already crying.

Once they agree, there was a very slim chance that Rune was going to make it out alive. They had lost many people in the village due to the marines; they had failed to protect their brother and now they were going to lose their elder.

"I'm not going to take it back." Rune stated. He faced his hands, palms outwards, facing the twins and his violet light engulfed them. Rune smiled softly at the twins and spoke. "Warn the others and get off the island. Space: teleportation."

There were cries from the twins, but they faded as they disappeared. The light disappeared with them, and Rune got into a fighting position.

"What was that?" Chopper whispered.

Zoro answered, "That was probably his ability. I don't understand though. Why say space and teleportation?"

Silvia explained. "Someone people have an ability that can be used for multiple things. They are called open range abilities. They are under a big topic, but it could be called something different. For example, Rune's ability is called space. He can move objects with a portal or teleportation, and he could also get things from space."

"Oh, I see." Zoro muttered. "That's a powerful ability to have."

Usopp nodded his head. "It would be very useful for when Luffy decides to get into trouble. We could just run away."

"That wouldn't be any fun though." Zoro commented as the cowardly trio looked at him as if he grew a second head.

"Are you kidding!?" They screamed. "It's better for us to get away without getting hurt!"

Sanji did his noodle dance and went to Nami. "You don't have to worry Nami-swan~ I will protect you!"

"Shut it ero-cook."

"What did you say moss head?"

Then an argument started. The rest in the room sweat dropped at the antics of the strawhat pirates, but the people who knew them added a weirded-out smile.

"Oh? You're still here?" Kai questioned now looking at the elder with an evil glint in his eyes.

Rune didn't respond as he faced his hands above his head and shouted, "Space: Meteor."

A portal appeared on the ceiling of the cave and out came a huge fire surrounded rock. It crashed into Kai, but he managed to dodge it. Rune continued to repeat the attack as he didn't want any time for the monster to recover and start attacking him.

Meanwhile, the twins were teleported with tears in their eyes. They were sobbing as they had lost their brother and their village chief. While they were sobbing, they didn't notice that the rest of the survivors were teleported to the same place.

They were the ones to notice the sobbing, injured twins. All of them rushed up to them and their mother panicked and began to heal them.

"Thank god you're alright." Clare mumbled as she frowned at the injuries her sons had gained.

They were all silent as Clare healed them and the twins were finally able to dry their tears. Once Clare was done healing them, that was the time for the questions.

"Mum," Yuki called out. "What happened?"

Clare sat back wiping the sweat off her forehead and explained. "Well, we were all finishing up tying up the marines and then we were teleported to this place, only to see you two crying. I'm guessing that Rune was the one who teleported us here, since he should be the only one to be able to."

"Why is Rune anyway?" Asked Tony.

Yuki's eyes darkened while tears started to form in Yuko's eyes once more. This concerned the others, but they decided to wait for them to answer.

"He... stayed behind." Yuki answered in a gloomy voice.

"Why did he stay behind!?" Exclaimed Makino.

Yuki looked over to his brother and saw that he was barely holding in his tears. He sighed knowing that he had to be the one who explained the situation to the rest.

"He stayed behind to fight Kai." Yuki stated with his head down.

A woman shouted, "The demon in the core? The one written in the scrolls?''

Yuki nodded. "That's him. The marine set him free with Roger's blood and we fought him but... we didn't stand a chance. Now he has been upgraded and more powerful."

There were a lot of horrified gasps and sobs, but something that concern Clare was the word 'upgraded' and that there was only 2 out of her 3 sons in front of her.

Clare grabbed Yuki's shoulders and shook them a bit with a worried expression. "Yuki, where's Luffy?"

It was silent once more, all waiting for their reply and Yuki was the one who was now tearing up. Yuko took that signal for him to be the one to tell their mother.

"Luffy's... inside Kai." Yuko whispered, but everyone could hear him. There was another around of gasps and terrified expressions. "Mum, we're sorry... We couldn't protect them..."

Clare grabbed both of her sons and pulled them into a tight hugged. She whispered in their ears with tears in her tears. "It's fine. You tried your best. I'm sure that Luffy will understand."

They were in the hug for a while, but they were interrupted by Tony.

"We should fight back!" He suggested. "We have to save Luffy and defeat or seal Kai once more. He could destroy the world if we don't. We could be the only one who can fight him. We have the ability to stop him, so let's do it."

The others looked at each other, while Yuki and Yuko thought back to Rune's wish to get everyone off the island. They both never they couldn't do that. The barrier was still up and they all knew the destruction Kai could cause. They had no choice but to fight. Maybe Rune wanted all of them to fight together.

"I'm with you Tony!" Agreed Makino as she stepped forward. "I do not wish Rune's sacrifice to be in vain. We also got to save Luffy! He's just a kid with a bright future a head of him. We can't just leave him there."

Shanks along with his crew and the brothers who have met Makino, were quite surprised to see the cheerful and innocent Makino wanting to head into battle. The thought only got Shanks worried and made him fall harder for her.

"Who would have thought that Makino could fight?" Yasopp laughed while looking at his daydreaming captain.

Sabo muttered, "Makino can fight?"

"Apparently." Ace whispered back.

"I guess we're doing this, Chris." A woman said with a smirk.

The man known as Chris smiled back and replied, "We have a kid and the world to save Maria. You're helping out, right Lea?"

"Of course!" Grinned a woman with winking her eyes at the others.

"It's settled then." Announced Tony. "The 8 of us will save the world and get Luffy back."

They all stood up straight and smiled while looking at the sky as if it was going to be the last time they do. They raised their right arms with a fist and shouted, "YEAH!"

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