Luffy's Past

By 2021Night

156K 4.2K 1K

In the middle of the war between the marines and the Whitebeard pirates, a bright light appeared bring the st... More

Chapter 1 - Intro
Chapter 2 - Family
Chapter 3 - Hostage
Chapter 4 - Break
Chapter 5 - Core
Chapter 7 - Decision
Chapter 8 - Message
Chapter 9 - Abilities
Chapter 10 - Plan
Chapter 11 - Death
Chapter 12 - Darkness
Chapter 13 - Guiding Lights
Chapter 14 - Passing
Chapter 15 - Repeat
Chapter 16 - Demon History
Chapter 17 - Free
Chapter 18 - Epilogue

Chapter 6 - The Will

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By 2021Night

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?" Screamed the crowd.

"It's a demon." Stated Silvia, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Ace started to panic. "Why the hell is there a demon on Luffy's island?"

Sabo added, "Demons aren't real! It can't be a real one."

Sighing, Silvia replied, "You have fruits that grant people abilities, have huge monsters in the seas called sea kings and have many different races, yet you can't believe that there aren't demons out there? It's only there because it was the cost of granting people of the island powers. It was sealed by the first people of the village."

"I guess that makes sense..." Whispered Sabo as he stared at the image of the demon on the screen.

"Don't worry, it's gone and there aren't any more out there." The goddess cheered happily, but once it died down, she whispered to herself. "for now, at least."

"Ni-chan..." Luffy called out as he trembled and held on tight to his brother.

"What a wonderful sight!" Exclaimed Zen as he strolled up to the demon and touched the stone the demon was trapped in. "Now I can have more power, I just need to release it!"

"What! You got to see the core, now leave the island!" Ordered Rune. "It was what we promised."

"Did I?" Questioned Zen while tilting his head with his mocking smile plastered on his face. "I don't remember."


Zen ignored them and took something out of is pocket. It wasn't the button he had shown them before, it was a tiny container. It contained a red liquid substance and Zen had opened the lid. As he poured the liquid over the stone he spoke.

"With the blood of D, I'll be able to awaken this creature."

Rune's face paled. The blood of D was the only in the blood people with the middle name D and most of them were on the island, but there wasn't a lot of people with D initial. It was only himself and the children with him that had it on the island. Outside the island, there was only three people who had the blood. Dragon, Garp and... his younger brother, Roger. Garp and Dragon wouldn't give their blood so carelessly to someone, and Roger was dead.

'Dead...' Thought Rune and it clicked. "You didn't..."

"Hm?" Zen turned around to Rune and got the message. "Oh, I did. While others were cleaning up after the execution, I collected some of Roger's blood. I knew I had to have the blood of D if I wanted to gain the power."

"That's sick." Mumbled Coby as he turned away from the screen. He was ashamed that this person was a marine. He was worse than Morgan and he had thought he was bad. "How could he ever have been a marine."

Ace stared at disgust of Zen. Sure, he hated his father, but it was disgusting to him that his blood was taken by that sick marine. He should be able to rest in peace. The freckled boy seemed to forgive his biological father a bit, since he had Whitebeard as a father now. He was happy. He had his brothers and his nakama, who came to save him at the war, but if he didn't have things the way it was, who would have known what his path would be.

"He shouldn't have stolen Captain's blood." Growled Shanks as he was glaring at the marine. His former captain was like a father for him. He had died and should be resting in peace. The thought of stealing his blood to release the demon, made him angry.

"Shanks calm down!" Benn said as he was keeping his captain from getting up and rushing at screen marine. "It's a memory remember? In the past?"

Shanks clicked his tongue and slumped into his chair. People around him were shocked at the reaction. Shanks was always outgoing and cheerful, but here he was. Angry and wanted to murder Zen. The strawhats sighed as Shanks was very similar to their captain.

Luffy was always happy, but once someone has angered him seriously, he would want to fight them. They could understand why Shanks was Luffy's idol, while at the same time, not really.

"You sick basterd!" Yuko screamed.

The ground started to shake and all of them were losing their balance. Yuki looked around for thr cause of the shaking, and he was looking straight at the demon. Its eyes had opened and the stone that sealed him was breaking.

Zen looked behind him and saw the demon arising. He started to laugh manically and he the others were staring at it in fear. Rune fell onto the floor, but Yuko carried him on his back as they started to run. Luffy was watching the scene unfold over the shoulder of the ice user.

Tears were running down his cheeks and he watched as all of the stone that contained the demon, disappear. Once freed, the monster roared, making the ceiling collapse and the exit was blocked. Rune, the twins and Luffy couldn't get out. They had to dodge the falling rocks and Zen was strolling up to the monster.

"Ah, hello. My name is Zen and you will be working under me." Zen said as the demon turned to face the marine.

The demon didn't hesitate when he sent Zen flying. Zen was sent flying by the monster's hand. It was if the creature had slapped him, but then again, he was huge.

"I will never work under a human." Stated the monster as Zen was on the wall unconscious.

"Is he dead?" Asked Usopp.

Ace and Sabo mumbled, "I hope so. He's the one who made Luffy suffer."

All of them heard their mumble, since it was quiet and all of them had the same thought. 'Brocons.'

The demon's attention was now on the villagers. He was scanning them and analysing them. He knew what their powers were as he was scanning them, but there was one person who he couldn't get a clear reading on. It was the youngest of the group.

The creature could see that he had two abilities, but he only knew one. The other was hidden.

"You. The youngest kid," The demon pointed out, "How can you have two abilities?"

The others were shocked. How could the demon know about Luffy having two abilities? It was kept hidden in the village. Other the elder, Makino and his family knew of it.

"Luffy has two abilities?! So cool!" Exclaimed Chopper, but Garp and Dragon frowned with their eyes widened.

"It's not!" Snapped Dragon but gained him all the attention.

Koala tilted her head. "What do you mean Dragon-san? Having two abilities will make Luffy stronger and more powerful."

Dragon sighed and explained. "Having two abilities isn't good because it could destroy the user from the inside out. That happens because the abilities are too much for the small body. Normally when a person is born with two abilities, they would be dead or if they survived childbirth, they would die in a year or so."

There were horrified expressions and the brother looked at each other.

"How the hell is he still alive!?" Kid shouted.

Silvia answered. "He is a miracle child. I'm pretty sure the people who know him know what I'm talking about."

The strawhats nodded. Luffy had come out of situations that seemed to be useless and there was no hope. He would do the impossible. He even had the best of luck in the nastiest situations. He had created many miracles. It would make sense if he was a miracle child.

"What's his abilities?" Questioned a marine.

"That is something you will find out in the memory." Smirked Silvia.

Yuko got in front of his twin and younger brother. "How do you know that!?"

The creature laughed. "I have many abilities, as I am not human, and one happens to be reading others to see what they are capable of. I know all your abilities."

"Kai. He is a demon who has been sealed into that stone b the first chief." Explained the elder, eyes not leaving the demon, who was introduced as Kai. "He was a part of our history when the devil fruit user blessed this island with people with abilities. The first chief and his friends couldn't kill him, so they sealed him."

"They tried so hard as to summon a pest." Laughed Kai. "But it didn't work."

Kai's laugh made the cave shake and rocks started to fall from the ceiling. Once Kai had finished with his laugh, he smirked and said, "Now, let's fight!"

Kai swung his hand, but the group dodged. Yuko and Yuki placed Luffy and Rune in a hole in the cave to protect them.

"Elder, please look after our younger brother." Yuko pleaded as the two were placed into the hole.

"But I could get us out with my ability." Protested Rune. "We can get out of here and leave Kai."

Yuki shook his head. "He would only come out and attack the others. We will fight him. I'm sure the rest have gotten rid of the marines and are now trying to get out of the island."

Rune couldn't give back a response as the twins rushed to the battlefield, activating their abilities. He held a sobbing Luffy in his arms and watched as the two younger boys fight the demon. Luffy looked over to see his brother fight, but he was frozen. He wanted to get away and run, but he wanted to protect and help his brothers. He felt so useless.

Yuko surrounded himself in flames and his hands were on fire. Yuki had two ice swords in his hands. There were ice spikes around the hole where their brother and chief were in to protect them. They both dashed towards the demon with their attacks in hand. Yuko stuck first, setting the demon on fire and Yuki slashed the demon with the swords.

Zoro and other swordsmen and women were watching how Yuki used the sword in interest. The ice twin's sword style was something that hasn't been seen before. Just like Zoro's style, Yuki created his own style. The style Yuki used was like he was dancing. It was graceful, but it had a powerful impact. They had never seen something so beautiful but deadly.

'I wonder if Luffy can teach me some of his brothers moves.' Zoro thought as he studied Yuki's style to come up with more moves of his own.

"YOHOHOHOHO. Yuki-san has very graceful sword play." Stated Brook as other swordsmen and women nodded their heads.

Yuko had his grin, but there was sweat coming down his face, while Yuki's was calm, but he was sweating as well. They both were trying to control their breathing, but they both could see that their attacks weren't doing as much damage as they had hoped.

Kai didn't have any fatal wounds, while the other two were bleeding. The twins were at a disadvantage and they knew that. They were both tired, while Kai wasn't. They were both panting and injured.

The monster attacked, smashing them both into a wall. Yuki sent ice daggers towards the demon, stabbing him. Yuko sent massive waves of flames, but it didn't have much effect. So, he focused all the fire into a single beam, and it had pierced through the skin of demon's shoulder. It shrieked in pain and punched in the wall, hitting both the twins.

"NI-CHAN!" Screamed a terrified, crying toddler.

He crawled out of the hole and Rune tried to stop him but couldn't the boy. Luffy ran towards his brothers and saw them panting and struggling to get up.

"Luffy! Go back to the hole with Rune." Demanded Yuki.

Luffy shook his head grabbed the hands of his brothers. While still crying, he looked up and stared them in the eyes. "I want to help."

"Luffy, listen to your brothers and go back to the hole. You won't be able to help them!" Exclaimed the coward trio of the strawhats along with Ace and Sabo.

"What the hell was that idiot thinking?!" Sanji cursed as he also wanted his captain to be safe.

Although they all knew it was the past, a memory, it felt real and they all couldn't help but worry for their idiot captain/brother/pirate they cared for.

"Luffy! You can't help! You're only 6! You can't fight!" Exclaimed Yuko as he wanted his brother to be safe and away from the danger.

Luffy shook his head. Even though he was crying, there was a determined look in his eyes, which the audience had seen many times. Luffy wasn't going to take no for an answer, he was going to help his brothers, weather they liked it or not.

"But I want ni-chan to grow stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger than that so we can go back to mum." Luffy said as there was a glow around him.

His eyes started to glow golden as more tears fell to the ground. Luffy's hair was starting to float and he, himself started to glow. The glowing spread across his body and it covered his brothers.

"What's going on?!" Asked Ace as he stared, along with everybody else at Luffy.

"GURARARA. I think the brat is using his ability." Whitebeard answered.

Sabo studied the glow. "What is the ability though? It doesn't seem to be an attack type."

"It's called Upgrade." Silvia explained. "It allows the user to upgrade the thing it wants. For example, the scene we're seeing. Little angel is upgrading his brothers' ability to make them stronger. By wanting them to get stronger, little angel was able to activate the ability," Silvia paused, and Ace had a flashback to when he was on the cliff facing the sea with Luffy. Luffy was crying over the 'death' of Sabo, saying that he was going to get stronger and stronger. Was Luffy trying to use his ability? The goddess added, "but at this moment he is using something else."

"What?" Questioned many people.

The time goddess sighed and said, "You'll find out later."

Rune stared at the child with wide eyes. The glow was in the strolls of history he had read once becoming the chief of the village. The golden glow was described in the strolls as a sign of something powerful.

"The will be D." Whispered Rune as he continued to stare in awe. "Luffy had been chosen. The one who will carry out the will."

"The will of D.?" Questioned both Law and Robin. "What is it exactly?"

Silvia answered, "The will of D. can strengthen the holder and what he wants to do. In the strolls, it is described power to change fate. The last person who had it before little angel was the first elder of the village, which was many years ago."

"So... it's a good thing." Ace stated.

Sabo smacked his head. "Yes, it's good thing."

"Why did you hit me Sabo?" Asked Ace as he had shark teeth and rubbed his hand on the spot Sabo had hit him.

"Because your stupid." Sabo replied.

"Oi! It's job to be the mean brother." Ace complained.

Sabo rolled his eyes with a grin. "Well, someone has to be mean to you, or it won't be fair."

Ace growled and sulked looking at the screen. His brothers and crewmates laughed as they all looked at the screen as important information was coming.


The glow surrounded the brothers, but they had a different glow from Luffy. His was a golden light, Yuki's was a whitey-blue light, while Yuko's light was a reddish-orange light. The twins could feel their power growing and their stamina expanding.

It was the first time they had felt something like this. They looked at the source as he was still crying, but he was smiling.

"Ni-chan forgot that I also have an ability."

Yuko replied, "Sorry, we forgot, but now Kai knows your ability."

Yuki spat. "Baka! You forgot he said he could read abilities and said he knew all of ours! That means he already knew from the start!"

"Right, I forgot about that." Yuko muttered. "Luffy, you have to return to the hole, understand? Go back to Rune. You have helped enough."

Luffy shook his head and the glow got stronger. His will and resolve were getting stronger. Yuki sighed and grabbed Luffy. He walked over to the hole and handed him to Rune. "Make sure that he doesn't escape again, please."

Rune nodded and held tight onto the struggling child, who wanted to get out. Yuki smiled fondly and headed back to Yuko, who was dodging and blocking attacks from Kai. Luffy struggled, trying to get Rune to let go of him, but it seemed that he wouldn't, so as he was trying to go to his brothers, he watched them fight.

The twins gained some distance from the demon and started to release all the power they had gotten from their brother's upgrade. They both closed their eyes and began to focus all their powers at once. Then same light that surrounded them before when Luffy was touching them, came back and engulfed them.

Yuki made an ice sword and stabbed it to the ground, earning a few confused expressions from the audience. His clothes started to change into air armour and there was a figure behind him that had an icy aura around it and Yuki himself.

Yuko's clothes didn't change like Yuki, but he had his aura around him, making his look more serious. He didn't have a figure with him, but he seemed to have more destructive power than Yuki. He had a full blast orb of flames ready to be thrown at any time.

"WHAT. THE. HELL!!" Shouted people in the room.

"They're so strong!"

"I can feel their power from the screen!"

"Is this the power Luffy has?"

"I want to fight them."

There were many comments to the twins' transformations and the crowd was in uproar. While that was happening, Shanks and Whitebeard were having a mini contestation.

"They're on the same level as us, or even more." Whispered Shanks staring at the screen without taking his eyes off it.

Whitebeard nodded, also not taking his eyes off the screen. "Those brats would be trouble. I think that the cheeky brat was responsible for their sudden transformation. His ability is called upgrade."

"Hey Sabo, do you think I can do that?" Ace asked.

Sabo shook his head. "You're too weak."

"Oi, I'm not weak!"

"Yes, you are. Compare yourself with Yuko! Maybe if you can get Luffy to upgrade your powers, then you might, but Luffy never told us about this and never used it." Sabo responded. "He has to have a reason for not telling us."

Ace huffed and continued to argue with Sabo, while the strawhats were having a contestation of their own.

"I want to fight him." Stated Zoro.

The cowardly trio looked at him as if he was crazy. "Are you crazy!? You want to lose your life?!"

"YOHOHOHO." Brook laughed. "I'm sure that Luffy-san's brothers won't kill Zoro-san or us, since we are his crewmates. Ah! But I'm already dead. YOHOHOHOHO!"

Robin frowned. "I wonder why Captain-san never mentioned he had blood related brothers."

"Well, he never did mention he had brothers in general." Sanji stated as he went for another cigarette and lit it up, so he could smoke. He placed it in his mouth and puffed out some smoke. "We didn't know he had another brother than Ace and if Ace didn't come to Alabasta, I don't think we would know he had brothers in general. We didn't know about Garp or Dragon, though Luffy didn't know Dragon himself. Luffy never told us about himself that much..."

Sanji trailed off and the crew had finally realized that they didn't know much of their captain. He was a goof ball and helped them with their problems, yet they didn't know his. What a crew they were. Luffy knew them, but they didn't know him.

"You know... we don't really know much about Luffy." Muttered Nami as she tried to remember at least one-time Luffy had said something about himself that wasn't 'I love meat'.

Zoro frowned and sighed. "Looks like we have to get to know Luffy better through the memories."

"But we're going into his privacy." Usopp complained.

"Well, the woman said that he needed saving and knowing him, he wouldn't want to be saved." Zoro countered. "Is losing our captain better than getting him upset? We can always apologize to him later and he might be mad, but I think it's better than letting him die or something."

"That wouldn't be SUPER!" Franky agreed as the other strawhats nodded slowly.

"It's decided. We will save our captain even if he won't forgive us." Zoro commented then pointed his thumb towards Ace and Sabo. "I'm sure that the brocons will also help us if things get worse."

The crew smiled and nodded. They had found a new determination, to save their captain from whatever was happening to him and getting to know him better. Understanding him was the first step. 

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