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By -regblackslvt

64.3K 1.5K 229

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2.4K 29 2
By -regblackslvt

I could be a better boyfriend than him
I could do the shit that he never did
Up all night, I won't quit
Thinking I'm gonna steal you from him
I could be such a gentleman
Plus all my clothes would fit
- Boyfriend, Dove Cameron

If I had a pound for every hole
I saw punched in a wall
I'd be a rich girl
And love is something that you'll never be
It got progressively
Harder to miss you
And you should take this personally, mmm
- Boy, Maisie Peters

Then she started dancing, sexual romancing
Nasty but she fancy, lipstick on my satin sheets
What's your nationality? I wonder if there's more of you
She's got my attention, she's confident
- Confident, Justin Bieber

Sure I would kiss you, I'll lay with you
You're broke, no, I can't fix you
I won't, no, I won't diss you
But babe, yeah, I might miss you
If you're cold and needed shelter
I'd hold you but not sweat ya
- What I Need, Hayley Kiyoko

Cause I can tell that she was a wild one
That's why I was shy at first
But I finally worked up the nerve
And I said hey there pretty brown eyes
Whatcha doin' later tonight?
Would you mind if I spend time with you?
- Pretty Brown Eyes, Cody Simpson

Strawberries on a summer evenin'
Baby, you're the end of June
I want your belly and that summer feelin'
Getting washed away in you
Breathe me in, breathe me out
I don't know if I could ever go without
- Watermelon Sugar, Harry Styles

Rise up this morning, smiled with the rising sun
Three little birds pitch by my doorstep
Singing sweet songs of melodies pure and true
Saying, "This is my message to you"
Singing, "Don't worry about a thing
'Cause every little thing is gonna be alright"
-Three Little Birds, Bob Marley

Doin' it all night, all summer
Gonna spend it like no other
Now I've found another crush
The lush life's given me a rush
Had one chance to make me blush
Second time is one too late
- Lush Life, Zara Larsson

I'd be the prom queen if crying was a contest
Make-up is running down, feelings are all around
How did I get here? I need to know
I guess I maybe had a couple expectations
Thought I'd get to them, but no, I didn't
- prom dress, mxmtoon

I explode, I explode
Asking you where you want us to go
You've been riding two wheelers all your life
It's not like I'm asking to be your wife
I wanna make you mine, but that's hard to say
Is this coming off in a cheesy way?
- Training Wheels, Melanie Martinez

Make you never wanna leave
So don't, so don't
Gonna wear that dress you like, skin-tight
Do my hair up real, real nice
And syncopate my skin to your heart beating
Cause I just wanna look good for you, good for you
- Good For You, Selena Gomez

N-E-O, O-M-G
Gee whiz, girl, you're the one for me
Though your man's bigger than I am
Oh my days, he disagrees
Oh, no
Well, my left hand's free
- Left Hand Free, alt-J

'Cause you've got me and you know
That I've got you and I know
If the tide takes California
I'm so glad I got to hold ya
And if the sky falls from Heaven above
Oh, I know I had the best time fallin' into love
- Till Forever Falls Apart, FINNEAS & Ashe

I likе to say, "What if?", but if
We could kiss and just cut the rubbish
Then I might bе onto somethin'
I ain't givin' you one in public
I'm givin' you hundreds, fuck it
Somethin' we just gotta get into
- Kiss Me More, Doja Cat

Your eyes crashin' into my eyes
Was I accidentally falling in love?
Your words didn't mean to heal the hurt
We're coincidentally more than enough
All these days, I never thought
That I would need someone so much
- On Purpose, Sabrina Carpenter

We watched the sun go down as we were walkin'
I'd spent the rest of my life just standing here talkin'
You would explain the current, as I just smile
Hoping that you'll stay the same and nothing will change
And it'll be us, just for a while
- Malibu, Miley Cyrus

Girl, put your records on, tell me your favorite song
You go ahead, let your hair down
Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams
Just go ahead, let your hair down
You're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow
- Put Your Records On, Corinne Bailey Rae

What if it's not Ken but Barbie?
Why should she have to say sorry?
Tell me, do you even listen
To all the dumb shit you're slippin'?
We can love who we want to
Don't say she's not supposed to
- barbie&ken, kate gill

I'm in the corner of your cage
Mascara running down my face
The door is open, but I'll stay
You think you can keep me, keep me afraid
You're twisting screws inside my head
I won't just lie down and play dead
- keep me afraid, Nessa Barrett

I met her when I was still with my ex but
Her lipstick was blood red, she wore her hair messed up
She was my best friend when I had a boyfriend
But she was on my mind when I was in his bed
- More Than a Friend, GIRLI

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