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𝘼𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙤𝙣'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

The first day of the new school term arrives much faster than I hoped it would and I sit in a dazed state at my kitchen island in my uniform, staring at the half eaten toast on my plate.

My mind is clouded with nothing but thoughts about how horrible today is going to be without Sarah by my side and I barely got any sleep last night due to all my overthinking.

"You okay, princess?" JJ asks me, bringing me back to reality and I look up at him as he sits across from me.

"Just tired" I half lie and he frowns, not convinced at all.

Before my friend can argue with me two loud beeps are heard from outside and we both jump to our feet, grabbing our bags.

"Have a good day, kiddos!" Dad calls out from the living room as we pass it, the man lounging since today is his day off.

"Will do, Dean!" JJ chirps and I wave at my dad with a smile.

JJ and I exit the house to see two vehicles waiting outside, the van which Kiara and Pope are leant against and Makoa's car right next to it.

Makoa climbs out of his car, sharing a playful grin with Kiara and we make our way towards our friends, JJ throwing his arm around me.

"Ready for hell?" Makoa calls out to me and I roll my eyes with a smile, happy to have him with me today.

I'm abruptly pulled from under JJ's arm and spun around by Kiara who looks me up and down as she spins me. My girlfriend whistles lowly and I giggle at her, my cheeks dusting with a light pink.

"You look good in that uniform, sunshine" She winks at me.

"This old thing?" I tease, patting down my pleated skirt that is a little shorter than the dress code allows.

The girl's hands fall to my hips and she gently pulls me towards her, placing a sweet kiss on my lips that makes my knees weak. She then lifts one of her hands, twirling one of my curls around her finger and leaning in, her lips brushing against my ear.

"I'm coming over tonight. Keep it on" Kiara whispers and it sends shivers down my spine.

"Even the socks?" I murmur, glancing down at the white knee highs under my black heels.

"Especially those" She nods, grinning at me mischievously.

I glance at the boys who all seem to be chatting away and not even paying us any attention before looking back at my girl.

"I'll be waiting for you" I assure her and she presses another kiss to my lips.

"Good girl" She praises me and my heart skips a beat.

"Okay" Makoa claps to get our attention "time to go, lovebirds"

I peck Kiara's cheek before I go and she slaps my ass as I walk away, causing me to gasp in surprise. The boys all chuckle in amusement and my cheeks flame red as I hurry towards Makoa.


As I'm sat in the middle of English class and my teacher drones on about a piece of poetry I'm not all that interested in, I let my mind wander into a vivid daydream.

In my daydream I'm at the beach, relaxing on a sun lounger and watching the Pogues as they surf in the ocean. Kiara surfs a perfect wave and then she runs up the sand towards me, leaning down and pressing a kiss to my lips.

She tastes like her honey lip balm and salt water as she drips water onto my warm body, making me gasp at the cold sensation. My girlfriend chuckles at me while I sit up and she slips onto the lounger behind me, wrapping her arms around me and letting me lean back into her hold.

In my perfect daydream I sit in the arms of the girl I love and we watch our friends in the water. Makoa, Pope and JJ surf to their hearts content while John B and Sarah splash water at one another with big smiles on their faces.

My dreaming is shattered when my arm is elbowed and I look next to me to see Topper looking at me in concern.

"Are you good?" The blonde boy questions quietly.

"Yeah. Why do you ask?" I hum in response.

"Your phone has been buzzing in front of you for the past five minutes" He informs me.

"Shit" I mutter, grabbing my phone and turning the screen to face me.

JJ's contact flashes across the screen and I discretely answer the call, slouching down in my seat so the teacher doesn't spot me.

"JJ, I'm in class" I whisper.

"Check your messages" He demands "We're on our way to get you and Makoa"

"Right now?" I frown in confusion.

"Yes. Now go look at the texts" He retorts, hanging up on me.

I glance at Topper who looks at me in confusion and I merely shrug, causing him to shake his head as he looks back to the teacher.

Bringing my phone under the table, I pull up my messages and I see that there is a thread with the Pogues and an unknown number. When I click on the texts the first thing that pops up on my screen is an image and my heart drops, my breath catching in my throat.

Staring right back at me from my phone screen is a picture of Sarah and John B, smiling widely in a tropical looking country.

WTF is this you???

Is JJ there?

I'm here Bree

Did you pimp my short board?

Laying super low in Nassau

Can you clear my name?
Wanna come home
Oh my God
I'm right here, Tink

Tears immediately well up in my eyes and I let out a shaky breath as relief lifts a crushing weight from my chest.

Be in touch. P4L

I jump to my feet, my chair scraping across the floor loudly as I pocket my phone and grab my bag from the floor. Everyone in the class turns to look at me and the teacher stops mid sentence, looking at me in surprise as I race to the door.

"Miss Blake, class is not finished!" The woman calls after me but I ignore her.

The classroom door slams behind me and the door opposite me swings open to reveal a frazzled looking Makoa. The boy's eyes find me and a grin breaks out on his face, my lips mirroring his as I let out a watery laugh.

"Let's get the fuck out of this place" Makoa declares, sweeping me off my feet.

"Mr Asterix, stop this instant!" The teacher from his class yells angrily.

My friend runs down the hallway with me in his arms bridal style as both our teachers shout at us and some students spill out to watch us escape.

"Suck my dick, sir!" Makoa hollers over his shoulder and I let out a giggle.

𝙎𝙚𝙡𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙝 ⇝ 𝙆𝙞𝙖𝙧𝙖 𝘾𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙚𝙧𝙖Where stories live. Discover now