Izuku Yagi - All For You

By Prttygoodnoob

478K 9K 4.2K

Izuku Yagi was once a bright and happy kid. Until he was diagnosed quirkless. There his life fell into darkne... More

Quirkless Loser
What is this Power
What Now
Did I miss Something
You Don't Deserve Quirks
The Gang
The Shadow Kid
Blood Sucking Teen
Himiko Toga
Vigilante Duo
I Understand Now
Crazy Blondes
Birthday Brawl
Facing The Past For The Future
Just Before UA
First Class 1-a
Class 1-b
Class 1-a Quirk Assessment
Problematic Class 1-b
Himiko has fun with 1-a
What Was That
Sports Festival
Undeserved Chance
Nomu Attack
Public Appearance
Still a Child
Fight For Your Life
New Term
Improving Heroes
Quirk Limits
Final Exam - A
Defeating Shigaraki
Thrive to Survive
Burned Ashes
The Rescue Mission
All For One
Dorm Rooms
Answers To Why
What The Past Has Become
The Pressure is on
One For All
Invitation For War
Head In The Game
Children In War
Burning Defeat
All For One Is Gone
The End?

Old Friends

14.7K 276 138
By Prttygoodnoob

Izuku was going to his job in his friends café. His quirk Pitch really helps with singing and it's kind of a breeze to do so. Himiko's following him as they arrive in. They got there about 15 minutes so Izuku had time to prepare.

They've been a vigilante duo for slightly more than a weak now which has been awesome. Izuku has increased his quirk limit to ten and has given so many people quirks. They've all looked so happy having a quirk that'll make them normal like everyone else. Izuku also has received five new quirks from it as well.

Two of them aren't that special. He has a quirk called horns that gives him red horns on his head. He can extend them and make them sharp but it causes pain to his skull. Izuku hasn't used it as it really has no usefulness unless he needs to stab someone who is on top of him. The next one is retardant that blocks electrical attacks from his hands. It is useful because of his heavy skeleton quirk makes him susceptible to electric quirks but other than that. It's got nothing. 

But his next three quirks are awesome though. The first one was a simple strength enhancement quirk but he could combine that with a quirk he already had, strong impact. Strong impact was a weird quirk. Izuku could increase his punches and kicks to devastating power but he had a limit on how many times he can do it. It started with twice a day but now Izuku can do it eight. He wants so he'll have to train that quirk a bit more. The strength enhancement quirk was definitely helping.

The next one was missile teeth. Izuku could fire his teeth out like missiles and cause a surprisingly powerful explosion. Mainly as shrapnel cutting skin but it is still effective. The reason he has this quirk is because the guy who had it couldn't use it. Once they fired their teeth, they wouldn't grow back. But thanks to Izuku's quirk, he could and since his teeth were metal, they hurt a lot more. Unfortunately he had run out of space. Izuku wishes he could trade in one of his other quirks for it but for now he'll have to wait.

His next quirk has the same problem. It's awesome but unfortunately Izuku has run out of space. It's called adapt which means if Izuku takes damage from something, say fire. He will become increasingly resistant to it. The quirk is quite specific but it would still be a strong quirk. It was unfortunate it ended up in the hands of a murderer.

Izuku walked into the café and immediately spotted his friend Akito. He was sitting next to his older sister Nomi, who unlike him with black skin, she had pure black hair and eyes. She is apart of a villain rehabilitation program since she has used her quirk to go invisible in dark areas to steal things. Izuku has only met her a couple of times but knows she's nice, just defensive of her little brother. 

Izuku hasn't told her about his quirk. The only people who know are Himaki, Akito and Himiko. Since Izuku's appearance likes to change with what quirks he receives, Izuku has had to find a lie to explain. It was hard as one day he could have horns and the next day they could be gone. But Izuku was able to land on one. Mutation, he can gain a random attribute to his body. They can appear or disappear whenever with no pattern. She seems to take that explanation, as well as curious children on the street.

Izuku walked over to them with Himiko in toe. They sat down with the two shadow twins smiling at their arrival.

"Hey guys? You ready for your gig Izuku?" Nomi asked. Izuku smiled brightly.

"Yeah I am. How have you been with the whole, villain program?" Izuku asked. Nomi sighed, brushing the hair out pf her face.

"Yesterday was shit. The person in charge of that day is sexist as hell, the only reason it was barrable was one of the volunteers," Nomi answered. 

"Why? Are they cute?" Himiko asked, trying to tease her. Nomi scoffs with a smirk and leans back in her chair. Izuku has heard a bit about the volunteers. She has to go to two different locations for her villain rehabilitation and depending on the location or the day, the volunteer is different. Except, Izuku has only heard bad things about the volunteers from her.

"Wait, I thought you didn't like any of them?" Izuku questions which Nomi responds with a shrug.

"No, I like one, the other four are awful though. Thank god the one I like was there though, our supervisor was being a real ass," Nomi said.

"What did they do?" Akito asked. 

"Oh he yelled at them. Basically calling them a sexist pig and why are you hear to help them if you aren't even going to bother to do your job. He's reporting that douche so hopefully we don't have to worry about him again," Nomi said with a satisfied smirk.

"So I'll restate it, are they cute?" Himiko said. Nomi face palmed and looked at Himiko with a dead look.

"I'm gay Himi, so I don't care," Nomi said. Himiko blinked at her before laughing nervously, then started cuddling up to Izuku. Izuku blushed but let her do so. Nomi and Akito smirked at the two as they watch Izuku pat Himiko's head.

"What about you two? You both seem too close to be just friends," Akito says, smugly looking at the two. Izuku freezes, his face suddenly sparking red. Himiko shrugs and smiles wider as she squeezes Izuku closer. 

Izuku then starts to think, are him and Himiko more than friends? Well they do live together and fight crime together which is more then just regular friends. But as, partners. Izuku never really has thought much about it as everyone has always either mocked him or ignored him. But Himiko has always been attached to him by the hip, never leaving his side. Maybe they are more then friends.

"Wait guys I want to grab a milkshake," Izuku hears a voice says. A voice that is familiar. Nomi obviously recognises as well as she turns her head around to look at them. Izuku tenses, he becomes unmoving as a wave of paranoia and fear. Izumi had just walked into the café. 

Her blonde hair and shining blue eyes walk into the store with a happy smile. Izuku shudders at the memory of her face, the sinister and evil smile she barred at him multiple times while hitting him with a chair or a block of ice. 

Himiko sensing his distress looks up and notices what Izuku was looking at. A girl with straight shiny blonde hair with a nice shirt and skirt walked into the store. Himiko pouted before she felt Izuku shake slightly. Looking at Izuku, Himiko remembered what caught her attention. Izuku was scared. 

Himiko has known Izuku for a while now and she knows he isn't a scaredy cat. Izuku is anxious and cautious but he isn't scared. Brave and courageous in all situations. So Izuku being scared of just looking at a person doesn't make sense. Unless it's one of the five people Izuku has mentioned to her. 

Now Himiko doesn't know their names. Izuku calls them by childish nicknames and purposefully hasn't elaborated on their actual names. Probably knowing that she would go after them. She knows that she can't do that, but it doesn't make her any happier. But which one is this? Himiko knows that there is three girls and two guys, with one of them being his sister. 

Izuku then watches as another four people walk into the store. He recognises all of them. Katsuki, Shoto, Kotsumi and Zyato all walk in. Kotsumi has the same, sneer and bored look on her face, her hands shoved into her pants pockets and walking with a hunch yet keeping her head high to try and look down on anyone. Shoto has his same, neutral look on his face as he looks reluctant to really do anything for others. Zyato is next to him, trying to hide behind any kind of spot light yet observing everyone else with a slight glare. The Katsuki who. 

Who doesn't look angry, frustrated or annoyed. He doesn't have his signature hunch as he stomps to any location where he sees to be his personal playground. He seems oddly calm, an expression Izuku has only seen a few times. It becomes even clearer when their eyes meet. Katsuki seems to be look over him. Izuku thinks he would sneer or laugh at his appearance, he does look strange with all of his quirks. But instead he sees something that Izuku hasn't seen since they were kids. A small smile. One that wasn't full of malice, pride or degrading of others. It was genuine, one that Izuku only his glimpses of before they got their quirks. 

Katsuki quickly turned away and he no longer had that smile. But Izuku couldn't get that thought out of his head. That isn't the same Katsuki he remembers. What happened?

The group walked to the counter and Izumi bought a milkshake but Katsuki lingered behind the group. He was glancing at Izuku's table every once in a bit. The group then started to leave but Katsuki didn't go with them. Kotsumi turned around and gave him a glare which Katsuki returned.

"You coming?" she asked her rude attitude seeping into her voice. Katsuki rolled his eyes and put his hands in his pocket.

"I'll catch up, I've got something to do," he said. Turning around to the table where Izuku sat. Kotsumi and the rest of the group all turned to the table. Nomi smiled at them and gave them a wave. Kotsumi scoffed and turned around. 

"Your not fluking on us again. You better catch up in 10 minutes otherwise I'll beat your ass," she said. 

"Sure you will," was all Katsuki said before he started walking over to the table. Nomi smirked and turned to them.

"Speak of the devil. Those are the five volunteers and this is the only good one," Nomi said. She scooted over on the chair. Katsuki then sat down in it. Izuku was tensed, he was as stiff as a rock. He was trying to calm himself. Katsuki was acting different, way different then his usual hot tempered attitude from how he had been before. Himiko meanwhile was glaring at Katsuki. Who for some reason, didn't seem to mind.

"Hey, this is Bakugo. He comes to the villain rehabilitation program to help out. Bakugo these are my friends," Nomi said. Bakugo flipped his head up.

"Sup," Bakugo said. Akito smiled and waved his hand.

"Hey I'm her younger brother, Akito," Akito said. Izuku then realised it was his turn. He couldn't come up with a fake name, Nomi was right there and he's not sure if she'll question it or not. She knows that Izuku and Himiko are run aways, who currently lives in a junkyard. But it wouldn't make sense that they were willing to tell her that but not Bakugo. Izuku smiled nervously as he realised his fate was sealed.

"I-I'm I-Izuku. N-nice to meet y-you," Izuku said. Himiko was about to answer but she yelped when Akito kicked her leg. He saw what her face looked like and kicked her to try and get rid of her hatred filled expression. Himiko growled at him before forcing a smile and purposefully barring her fangs. 

"Toga!" she said with forced happiness. Bakugo nodded his head, his eyes lasting on Izuku for a little to long. Izuku was scared that he would recognise him. He new it was outlandish for him to do so. He now had several additions to his appearance that a quirkless person like him wouldn't have. White hair, red horns, purple patches of skin, metal teeth. It would be crazy for Katsuki to know who he was the only way he could know that if he was actively searching for him which would be ridiculous. He wouldn't know anything about All For One so there is no way he would know. Right?

Luckily for Izuku, he caught something at the corner of his eye. Looking over, he saw Himaki waving him over, telling him that he needed to go. Izuku sighed in relief as he quickly stood up. 

"Sorry, looks like I'm starting," Izuku said. Himiko's smile changed from forced to genuine as she waved at Izuku.

"Good luck Izu-kun," she said happily making Izuku smile. Izuku waved and left for his singing gig. Katsuki took this opportunity to leave, knowing the rest of his gang wouldn't be happy if he just ditched.

Izuku's job eventually ended though and him and Himiko had said goodbye to their friends and left. But the atmosphere as they walked was tensed. Izuku was still reminiscing on Katsuki. He seemed so docile compared to the violent and brash boy he had grown up with. He was different. Still rude and loud but no longer so up front and angry as before. If it wasn't for Himiko huffing as she walked, Izuku may have gone into a muttering storm.

"Those were the people who hurt you, weren't they?" Himiko said, looking over at Izuku. Izuku flinched at the accusation before sighing in defeat. Himiko looked stern, an expression he's never seen on her before. Izuku reluctantly nodded his head. He was scared at what was going through her head. No matter what it was, it was never good.

"I'm going to kill those assholes," she said. Izuku quickly started flailing his hands everywhere.
"What no Himi you can't do that!" Izuku said, but then he stopped. Himiko still looked stern as she looked up to him, but tears were at the edges of her eyes, threatening to spill.

"No! They hurt you, not just a little. They got away with everything because of their parents and powerful quirks and are going to become heroes! If they aren't stopped, they'll never stop! If they are willing to do all of those things to someone who they once saw as a friend, what do you think they'll do to a stranger!" Himiko yelled, she had gripped Izuku's shirt tightly as she held onto him. Izuku could only stare in shock as he looked Himiko's in the eyes.

She looked distraught and desperate as a few tears had fallen from her. Izuku didn't know what to say. Izuku started working the gears in his head for an answer to give her when another voice spoke up.

"I agree with that," a raspy voice said. Izuku's head flipped around. Himiko looked at who had spoken and immediately became defensive. The person who had just spoken to them had a smug smile. He was leaning against the wall of an alleyway with his arms crossed over his chest. 

The man had icy turquoise eyes and shaggy black hair. He had a large leather black jacket and a few silver decorations. He had large combat boots and the man had several peircings. But the most concerning part about him was he had staples on his face that held the flaky parts of his skin to the burned patches of it. 

Izuku got into a fighting stance and Himiko got in one too, she had her hand in her pocket ready to grab a knife. The man laughed at their actions and pushed himself off the wall. The man put his hands in his pockets as he smiled at the two.

"You know I've had trouble finding you. This whole time I've been trying to find a quirkless bush head, but look at you now," the man said. Izuku suddenly became scared. How did this stranger know who he was. His parents who were top pro heroes looking for him who now had All For One couldn't find him, but this random thug could? Himiko growled and moved in front of Izuku, she pulled out her knife and was ready to attack.

"Who are you?" she asked angrily and threateningly. She was ready to strike as soon as the man made a move. The man smirked and raised his hands as a mock surrender.

"Carmilla, or Toga? Which do you prefer? Are you going to kill me to keep me silent?" the man asked. Himiko growled but Izuku quickly put a hand on her shoulder and pulled her back.

"Calm yourself, he's just trying to antagonise you," Izuku said, looking at the man. The man hummed and put his hands back in his pockets.

"Guess I can't call you bush head anymore huh?" the man said.  Izuku paused as he looked at the man.

"Huh?" Izuku said. Can't call him bush head anymore? There's only one person who ever called him bush head and unfortunately. He's dead. The man smirked wider, causing the staples on his face to stretch. The man then outstretched his arm and Izuku watched as he ignited a brilliant blue flame.

Izuku wasn't dumb. Fire quirks are quite common but they all are pretty similar. The main difference being where the person can activate the quirk. Endeavour's quirk is an anomaly in his unnaturally hot fire and the only people who can match his heat are people who can charge their flames before producing them. Only one person has ever had a fire quirk hotter than Endeavour's. But he was dead! Wasn't he?

"Hey Izuku, it's me," the man said, his smirk turning soft as he extinguished his flames. Izuku gasped at the man. Touya. That man was Touya. Touya was the one person after his diagnosis who protected him. Who saw what was going on and didn't care that he was quirkless and wanted to help him. He was alive.

"Touya?" Izuku said shakily as he took a few steps towards him. Touya smiled, out-stretching his arms to Izuku. Izuku cracked out a sob and ran to Touya and hugged him. Touya laughed as he grabbed Izuku and embraced him.

"Sorry I left kid," Touya said as he bent down and hugged Izuku tighter. Izuku cried softly into his shoulder as he returned the hug. Himiko was in the corner, slightly confused but accepted whatever was happening. She put her knife away and watched whatever was happening in front of her. Izuku sobbed as he gripped Touya as much as he could.

"I-I thought y-you, y-you," Izuku shuddered. He felt Touya nod and rub the back of his head soothingly, trying to keep him calm. 

"I did, well tried. I didn't succeed but I couldn't face what I had just done. So I ran. I was to scared to come back to even see my father so I didn't. I'm sorry I left you alone. I had hope they would change but knew they wouldn't. I'm so sorry," Touya said, his voice becoming strained. 

Izuku choked and hugged Touya tighter. They stayed in a death grip with each other for. Eventually, the two backed off with each other and Touya straightened up. he laughed and walked over to Himiko and pulled her in. He kept one arm around Izuku's shoulder and put his other around Himiko. He bent down and pulled them together.

"You two have been have been getting up to a lot of things lately," Touya said with a devilish smirk. Himiko looks at him confused.

"Excuse me but how do you know me and Izu-kun?" Himiko asked. Touya laughed and shook his head.

"My biological name is Touya Todoroki, the eldest son of Endeavour and Ice Queen," Touya said. Himiko gasped. She didn't know what the names of the two kids who tortured Izuku but she did remember Izuku saying that they had Endeavour and Ice Queen as parents. "I know shocker. Anyway I go by Dabi now. You call still call me Tou-chan if you want Izuku," Touya said, winking at Izuku.

Izuku basically gleamed in happiness and smiled widely. Himiko looked away at the sheer brightness of his smile. Touya or Dabi was more interested in his shiny metal teeth. He didn't know they were there.

"Anyway, how I know is simple. I'm an underground informant. I'm powerful, I exchange protection for money or information and sometimes attack a few abusers and rob them. I found out that you hung out with a guy that had multiple weird features and manage to connect them to the rumoured kid with multiple quirks. Now at first I was sceptical about it as the only person who has the quirk is a guy named All For One I think?" Dabi says, looking over to Izuku as confirmation. Izuku nodded and Dabi continued. 

"But when people started missing there quirks I knew it was no joke. The they became a vigilante which wouldn't make sense if they were evil. After doing a bit of looking around and, small bits of stalking, I found you two. Even with all your new shit I can still see the same old bush head from all those years ago," Dabi said with a shit eating grin. Izuku laughed but then a thought came to mind.

"Wait, how do you know about All For One?" Izuku asked. Dabi sighed and removed the hand around Himiko. He looked down at the ground. Dabi then looked up at Izuku with his now free hand pointing at him.

"You know who you're parents are right?" Dabi asked. Izuku nodded.

All Might and Green Tornado," Izuku said. Dabi nodded his head and looked away.

"Thought so, you always were smart. Anyway, yeah so how I know is from my father. He originally had a relationship with my mother just to have a strong child, which was me to over pass All-Might. But then Endeavour found put about One For All on all his digging to see of All- Might had any weaknesses and I wad kinda there. So yeah. Look I really wanted to tell you, I really did. But I was worried I'd hurt you even more. All-ight was your entire world and me telling you he was your dad wouldn't have helped. I'm sorry," Dabi said. Izuku nodded and gave Dabi another hug. 

"It's okay, you did everything you could for me Tou-chan," Izuku said. Dabi nodded then looked over to Himiko who was apprehensive. He leaned over to her and whispered.

"Take care of him for me?" Dabi asked. Himiko smiled widely and nodded her head vigorously. Flashing Dabi a thumbs up. Dabi smirked and then bopped Izuku on the head. Izuku yelped and quickly recoiled and rubbed his head. Dabi rolled his eyes and ruffled Izuku's hair.

"Well looks like I've got to head off now," Dabi said. Izuku immediately saddened at the prospect of Dabi leaving so soon.

"Wait why?" Izuku asked. Dabi huffed and smiled although it was kind of sheepishly. He put his hand up to the back of his head and started rubbing it.

"Well the police found out that you had powerful painkillers and deduced that I was the only person who could have given them to you," Dabi said. Izuku's eyes widened.

"Wait you were the one who gave me all the medical supplied. Dabi grinned and gave Izuku finger guns.

"Yep, you ran off and I knew more shit would happen to you after that so I went to your house and gave you some supplies. The pain killers I gave you were strong but I had a feeling you'd need them," Dabi said.

"Wait are you being arrested?" Himiko piped up, asking Dabi a question. Izuku paled at that prospect but that quickly washed over as Dabi shook his head no and put his hands in his pockets as he turned to over to Himiko. 

"They'll certainly try, but as long as I know All-Mights secret identity, they can't lay a finger on me. That information is to powerful to not be used," Dabi said with an evil smirk, one that Himiko matched which concerned Izuku a little. (More than a little).

But then a thought sprung into Izuku's mind. If Dabi pulls that card to get out of jail, then All-Might would be after him. He'd use Dabi to try and lure him out or just straight up kill him to try and hold the secret. Even with Dabi's incredibly powerful quirk, All-Might could still kill him quicker than how Dabi could kill All-Might. Izuku couldn't just let something like that happen, but he can't keep tabs on Dabi twenty four seven. Unless he gives him something.

It is unfortunate yes. It is a strong quirk that would have been really useful for Izuku in the long run but Dabi needs it more. Not only will it help with his quirk, but it could save him against All-Might or any other person trying to kill him.

"Wait Dabi before you go," Izuku said, quickly running up to Dabi. Dabi turned around and looked at Izuku with a raised eyebrow. 

"Yeah Snow cone, what is it?" Dabi asked. Izuku frowned at the nickname which made Dabi smile wider. He rolled his eyes and continued with what he was going to say. 

"Well you know about All For One right? How I can steal and give quirks?" Izuku said, Dabi nodded.

"You want to give me a quirk?" Dabi said.

"Exactly," Izuku said with a large smile. Dabi huffed but smile none the less. He reached out his hand for Izuku who then grabbed it. 

"Izuku focused on his quirk. He grabbed adapt. It felt, intelligent. Susceptible to change, survivable and knowing. A quirk that could do a lot of things. He then pushed it into Dabi. While Izuku was there, he thought he may as well check out Dabi's quirk.

On the outside it felt hot. Elegant and angry at the same time. Despite how common they were this was the first time Izuku had come into contact with one so the feeling was kind of over-whelming. It may have just been Dabi's quirk though as it was way to powerful for his own body. Izuku decided to dive deeper into the quirk but instead of finding complexities, he found cold. It was freezing, no warmth or light anywhere. Izuku didn't understand what was going on, he tried going deeper but the cold was just to much and it forced Izuku out.

Dabi groaned as he felt the unnatural force enter his body. Dabi then leaned against the wall as he tried balancing himself. Izuku was panting as he looked at his hands. He hasn't had All For One for that long but he has traded and gifted quirks several times. Why was this time so different and why did it hurt going into Dabi's quirk?

"Ugh, so what quirk did you give me kid?" Dabi asked. Izuku tried recovering himself but it wasn't working. He used fat Inflammation and instantly whatever sensation of pain he was feeling was gone. Ignoring it for now, Izuku quickly got up and went over to Dabi.

"It's called adapt. If your hurt by something, you'll gain a resistance to it, like fire or cutting. But before you head off I need to check it the quirk is suitable for your body," Izuku said.

He knows most people can't handle two quirks. Some people can't even handle combination quirks, but with how powerful Dabi's quirk was Izuku thought he'd be able to handle a completely different quirk. 

After placing his hand in Dabi's chest Izuku was glad to find that Dabi was fine. However, what was happening was weird. It seemed like Dabi's quirk was attacking the other quirk. It seemed to have injured it but now it was no longer taking damage. Izuku tried to take it back so he could heal it but something was stopping him from doing so, same with Dabi's original quirk.

Strange, Izuku had no clue why this was happening. But he can't keep Dabi around forever, he has to go. They'll discuss this more when they see each other again. Izuku sighed and nodded his head.

"You're all good," Izuku said. Dabi seemed to be in pain but he was loosening up a bit. He pushed himself off of the wall and stood up. 

"Alright Snow cone, vampire, I'll see you two later. I know where you two live so expect a surprise visit," Dabi said and waved off. Izuku and Himiko watched as he left, but Izuku couldn't help but get a gut feeling that something was wrong when he went to look into Dabi's quirk.

Izuku's Quirks.

Underline = Combine.

Bolt, Heavy Skeleton, Tentacles, Constellation, Fat Inflammation, Pitch, Energy Spear, Horns, Retardant

Not active: Strong Impact, Tooth Missile

Himiko's Quirks.

Transform, Hemomorphy

(Authors Notes): The next chapter will be Dabi being interrogated, so there will be no Izuku next chapter. But there will be All-Might, Green Tornado, Endeavour and Ice Queen.

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