Luffy's Past

By 2021Night

148K 4K 987

In the middle of the war between the marines and the Whitebeard pirates, a bright light appeared bring the st... More

Chapter 1 - Intro
Chapter 2 - Family
Chapter 4 - Break
Chapter 5 - Core
Chapter 6 - The Will
Chapter 7 - Decision
Chapter 8 - Message
Chapter 9 - Abilities
Chapter 10 - Plan
Chapter 11 - Death
Chapter 12 - Darkness
Chapter 13 - Guiding Lights
Chapter 14 - Passing
Chapter 15 - Repeat
Chapter 16 - Demon History
Chapter 17 - Free
Chapter 18 - Epilogue

Chapter 3 - Hostage

12.8K 310 86
By 2021Night

The marine was tall and had raven black hair. He wore a suit that was underneath the marine coat that all the high ranking officers wore and he had a merciless smile plastered across his face as he continued to make his way to the main square, where all the surviving villagers were at. He was followed by other marines, which quickly surrounded the frightened people, pointing their guns to them.

"So this is where you have been hiding." Zen said as he stared down at the villagers. "I've always been searching for this place, you know?"

Clare spat with a murderous glare. "What do you want from us?"

Zen crouched down to her level and gave her a mocked confused face with a head tilt. "I heard that you could gain powers from this place, even if you had a devil fruit." That mocked confused face, slowly turned to one of pure insanity. "I want that power. I need it."

The man stood up and looked at all the remaining people of the village. "Now, where is your chief? I believe his name was Gol D. Rune. Brother of Gol D. Roger, no?"


"ROGER HAD A BROTHER?!" The whole room screamed, while Ace's scream was mixed into the rest, but it was standing out. "I HAVE AN UNCLE?!"

"How come I never knew of this?!" Exclaimed the Fleet Admiral as the Admirals were also wondering why they didn't know that Roger had a brother.

"We must kill him!" Declared Akainu as some of the marines agreed with him by nodding.

Aokiji stated in a lazy tone, "But we don't even know if he is alive, or where he is."

Akainu clicked his tongue and settled down, but he was in a pissed mood.

"How come Luffy never told me that I had an uncle?" Asked Ace as he was slightly angry at his little brother, but Silvia popped out of nowhere and scared the group.

"Simple, it's because he promised someone to keep it a secret." She explained, which only got her more curious looks. "But, let me tell you. He really wanted to tell you, but he knew he had to keep the secret. Even if he didn't, I don't think he would tell you, or maybe he would. Who knows?"

The lady crossed her arms and said before she disappeared again, "Anyway, you're supposed to watch his past and try to understand him, to save him. Remember that!"

Once she was gone, there was another silence. Usopp broke it, by saying, "I wonder if Luffy's alright. I feel guilty for watching his memories."

"We all do." Nami stated, knowing that she didn't want others to know her past.

"Get over it. It's the only way to leave. We can apologize to Luffy after getting out of here." Zoro said, but then frowned remembering what Silva said before. "The thing that concerns me is what that woman meant by saving him and the chosen thing."

The rest of the strawhats nodded. Others were listening in on their conversation and they agreed. Of course, not all of them wanted to save the pirate, but they were still curious. Ace and Sabo frowned, very concerned about Silvia's introduction at the start. There was no problem with Luffy when they met him, so it had to been before they did and that concerns them.

Luffy never talked about his past before they met him, except for the training Garp gave him, but other than that nothing. After all this time, they just thought that he was living a normal life before they met him and by so far watching his past it seemed that way before the marines showed up. They wanted to help save their little brother, so they were going to understand him better. Maybe this was the clue of knowing why Luffy acts the way he does sometimes.

"How do you-!" Shouted a villager, but he was silenced with a gunshot in the side.

There were screams in the village and the group that was watching Luffy's past could only frown or cover their mouths as they watched the scene in front of them.

"Be quiet!" Yelled a marine and the victims could only be quiet as they didn't want to get shot.

"Clare! Please help him!" Begged a woman next to the man who was shot.

Clare nodded as she knew that the man in front of her knew about the powers and she had to help one of her friends in need. She quickly rushed over to the man as he grunted at the pain he was in. Clare placed her hands in front of the wound and her hands began to glow.

The marines watching in shock as the wound began to heal itself and close. There was no scar there and once she finished healing the man, he thanked her.

"It's no problem Tony." Clare said with a smile, but she immediately stopped when there was a gunned point to her head.

"How did she do that?" Asked Chopped with wide eyes like everyone else.

Silvia sighed and appeared once more in front of the group. "You guys keep asking questions!"

"Well, we need answers to the questions so we can understand –yoi." Countered the first division commander of the whitebeard pirates.

"Fine!" Silvia replied. She had decided that it would be better for her to just stay in the room and answer their questions, if she needed to or wanted to. It was all to help her little angel after all.

"Remember that the marine said something about powers on the island?" Questioned the fox mask. She got the respond with nods. "All the people on the island have a power or an ability. That's what they call it. Right, Dragon?'

The sudden call out gained Dragon all the attention of the group. He only sighed and confirmed the statement with a nod.

"Does that mean Mugiwara have powers?" Asked Smoker as he puffed out some smoke.

There was an outburst from the marine side. They were saying things like 'does that mean he's stronger?', 'can we defeat him?' and 'how do we stop his power?'

"Luffy-bro has powers? SUPER!" Franky said as he did his pose with Chopper and Usopp.

"YOHOHOHO, Luffy-san is truly full of surprises." Brook commented.

Nami shook her head and muttered, "He really is a monster."

Zoro, Robin and Sanji frowned along with a two certain brocons.

"That doesn't make sense." Sanji stated as Zoro nodded.

Zoro added, "This time I agree with the dumb cook. We have been in multiple situations where we're all in danger, so why did he never reveal is powers then when we're about to die? Why not at Loguetown when he was about to be executed?"

Remembering that past event, Smoker also frowned. The strawhat boy was about to die, yet he was smiling. If he could have gotten out, he should have used the 'ability' he was supposed to have to free himself while he was struggling to get out.

Ace and Sabo remembered all the times Luffy nearly died, yet why didn't he use his ability? Like that time he was eaten by a crocodile and the time they were battling the tiger. Shanks also thought of the time Luffy nearly dies thanks to the bandits.

"How do the people have abilities anyway?" Asked Robin as she looked at the goddess of time for an answer.

"Long ago, there was a devil fruit with an ability to give people abilities that weren't a devil fruit, meaning they were able to swim." The time goddess explained. People were horrified by the power of the devil fruit and all hoped that it didn't exist anymore. Like reading their minds, the goddess sighed and continued. "That devil fruit is long gone. Anyway, the user of the devil fruit blessed that island and whoever was born on the island will have an ability, though it come with a cost. The people on the island could never leave. There was a barrier preventing them to."

Interrupting, Ace asked, "Then how is Luffy here?"

"That is something you can find out by watching." Silvia said. "There was another cost. There was a creature on the island that held power. A lot of it."

"What is this creature you speak of?" Robin questioned as she was wondering what the creature could do and what it looked like.

Silvia replied, "You will find out later. Now continue to watch."

All of them faced back at the screen.

"Oh wow. I was correct. You have powers." Zen said as he looked at the wound that was once on the man named Tony. "I need that power, give it to me."

"It cannot be given." Stated Clare as she glared at the man.

"I'm sure Rune would know. But I still have to get the real power I came for." Zen commented as he walked up to the twin brothers. He grabbed Luffy out of the grasp of the brothers by stepping on them. Then he pointed a gun to Luffy's head. "So, where is Rune? If you don't tell me, the kids dead."

Luffy was crying at being held hostage and was calling out to his brothers.


"LUFFY!" The whole village seemed to yell, especially his mother and brothers.

"LUFFY!" Screamed the people who cared for the strawhat in unison to the screen. All the strawhats were up and trying to get to their captain, but Silvia stopped with a flick of the finger, holding them up, not letting them on the ground.

Ace and Sabo were being held back by the whitebeard pirates. They were struggling to get out and when they did, more people held them back.

"Calm down." The fox mask was shaking its head. "Remember this is the past. It has already happened."

"You damn basterd! Let my brother go!" Demanded Yuko as he was getting up along with his twin, but was held down by an unknown force. They were back onto the floor and they looked around to see Tony using his power. Gravity.

"Tony, let us go!" Yuki shouted.

Tony shook his head. "If I do, you guys will go charging and if you do, you will get all of us, including Luffy, killed."

Biting down on their lips, they gave in, but they glared at the marine.

"I ask again. Where is Rune?" Zen repeated his question. There was silence. All the villagers had pained expressions not knowing what to do. "Oh well. This one dies."

As he was about to pull the trigger, all of the villagers had panicked faces, but a voice spoke up making the marine stop.

"Enough!" It ordered. All the attention went onto a man with raven hair that looked like he was in his 60s along with a green haired girl beside him, who looked like she was in her 30s. "I'm here."

"MAKINO!?" Screamed Shanks as his eyes were out of his eye sockets

"Why is Makino there?" Questioned the brothers who had met her long ago.

Thatch looked at them. "Do you know her?"

"Yeah. We met her when we were younger." The two answered.

"She works at a bar in the East Blue." Shanks added. "She looked after Luffy when Garp wasn't there."

All of them stared at the marine hero and he just stated, "I never knew she was on that island."

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" People yelled, annoyed with the answer Garp gave.

"Putting that aside." Yasopp grinned evilly. "Shanks likes the woman."

Shanks turned into different shades of pink and his crew laughed at him. Sabo also got an idea and grinned.

"Really?" He asked. "Well, I guess that you have a rival then. Ace also likes her."

Ace turned red when people started laughing at him and his crew started to comment. He yelled, "OI! I DON'T!"

Sabo laughed. "Well, you were always shy around her when we were kids."

"That was because I didn't know how to nice to people back then! I also never talked to people, so of course I would be shy!" Countered Ace as he smacked his brother on the head. "Either way, she was the one who taught me manners."

"Did she teach any to Luffy?" Questioned Sanji with a raised brow.

"Nope." Ace answered. "He didn't learn. He went hunting while I had my lessons. I also used those lessons as an excuse to get away from shitty gramps' training."

"Why couldn't she teacher him as well." Muttered Sanji.

"Ah. Rune, it's nice to finally meet you." Zen greeted as he faced the man. "I want to talk to you."

Rune huffed. "Let go of the child first, then tell me what you want."

Zen clicked his tongue and threw Luffy to the ground, but the brothers were able to catch him. They glared at him, but did nothing. Zen rolled his eyes. "Happy?"

"How can he just throw a child like that!?" Exclaimed Nami.

Smoke puffed some smoke. "He didn't care for woman and children. He would kill them without a second thought."

"Then, how was he a marine?" Asked Coby, who was angry that a marine was attacking like this. He also thought that they should be the heroes of justice, but he would always smile knowing that Luffy was a hero even though he wasn't a marine. Luffy was a different type of pirate. A unique one that the world had never seen before.

Sengoku explained. "He was a strong and at that time, he hadn't done anything wrong and others thought that he was good to protect the people and civilians. Though, after gaining more power, you can say that he was obsessed with it and wanted more. That's when it all started."

"See. There are corrupted marines out there." Stated a pirate.

"Enough, look back onto the screen." Silvia ordered before an argument could break out.

Rune huffed and stood where everyone could see him. "Now, what business do you have here?"

Zen smiled a sick grin. "I just want you to take me to the core of the island, so I can get something there."

Eyes widened for the villagers as they knew that no one was allowed go near the core, and never go to it. Rune frowned and replied, "I cannot do that. No one is allowed to go there. Not even me."

"Well, too bad. You're going to take me there, or on three all my men will shoot everyone here." Zen said as he looked at his men, who only nodded ready to do as he commanded. "Now knowing what I'm going to do, what are you planning to do?"

The people who lived on the island gritted their teeth. Luffy was back in the safe arms of his brother, but he still had tears on the corner of his eyes. He didn't know what was going on and what the marines came here to do. All he knew was that it wasn't something good.

The very moment he had looked at him, he could tell that they meant harm and they were not to be trusted. Sure, Luffy be too trustful, wasn't good at lying and could be tricked easily, but he always had a good gut feeling when it came to people. Though, his gut feeling told him that something bad was going to happen.

"So, Luffy has a good gut feeling about people, but can get tricked easily? That doesn't make sense." Nami raised her brow trying to comprehend the new information she now knew.

Zoro frowned. "I guess it makes sense. After all, when Luffy was told that you 'killed' Usopp even though he trusted the person who said it, he refused to believe you 'killed' Usopp. You even betrayed us, remember? Yet he decided to help you. It goes the same for Robin."

All heads turned top Robin as she had he head down and had her eyes closed. She had a smile and replied, "That's how Captain-san is. He trusts too easily, maybe because he had a good feeling about them. And I think we all know to trust the Captain's gut feeling."

The rest of the crew nodded, but the others didn't understand a thing they were talking about.

"Um... What do you mean?" Thatch asked.

Sanji took out his cigarette out of his mouth and explained. "Whenever the shitty captain has a bad feeling, something always happens, but that only happens when it's something big. He is an idiot trouble magnet after all."

"Did you just call your captain 'shitty' and an 'idiot'-yoi?" Questioned Marco as the rest were wondering the same question. Marines were also confused. Didn't the captain get the most respect out of the whole crew?

"Well, that's what he is." Shrugged Usopp as the rest of the strawhats nodded. Others outside the crew had their jaws drop onto the ground.

"Don't pirates respect their captain?" Asked an unknown marine. The whitebeard pirates, shanks crew, Law and Kid nodded as the strawhats looked at each other, not knowing how to answer. "If you don't respect him, why stay on his crew?"

At that question the whole crew grinned.

"We're not his crew. We're his nakama and his family." Announced Usopp.

"He saved our lives and guided us through our darkest time." Robin stated as she smiled remembering her wish she had screamed to the whole world as Luffy rescued her.

Chopper cheered. "We have different dreams, but we work together to reach them!"

Franky did his pose and shouted, "AWO! We will stand by him, as we know he would do it for us, because he is SUPER!"

"YOHOHOHO." Laughed Brook. "He makes life brighter and fun."

Nami grinned. "He is a captain and he may be stupid, but we wouldn't want him another way."

"We may insult him, but he knows we don't truly mean them." Sanji said as he fondly smiled and shook his head.

Zoro finished up the speech. "If it really bothers him, then he would have told us to stop and we would listen. We respect him in our own way. We will respect him when things get rough. Right, Usopp?"

The long nose nodded. "I may have tried to overthrow him in the title, but I now understand that being Captain is not all fun and games."

After hearing Zoro finish the speech, others were smiling, but after hearing Usopp's statement of trying to overthrow his captain, they were in shock.


"I tried to overthrow him to become the captain." Repeated the sniper. "Though, it didn't work and I'm glad it didn't. I mean, some of us tried to overthrow him 3 or so times anyway."


Vista started, "Why'd you try and do that?"

The phoenix placed his hand on the shoulder of the pirate and shook his head. "They're just weird. It's their crew and it seems to be fine."

"Yeah!" Chimed Thatch as he smiled to the 'weird' crew of Monkey D. Luffy. "After all, their captain didn't kick them out of his group and I'm sure they had a good reason, right?"

The strawhats turned away from his gaze and that made the rest in the room sweat drop. Zoro fake coughed and said, "Don't we need to continue watching?" trying to direct the attention away from himself and the crew.

"Fine. I'll take you to the core." Spat Rune with a dark expression.

"Chief!" Makino whispered as the hostages had their unsure and denying expressions. "You know that's there."

"I know." He whispered back. "We have no choice. I don't any else to die. If you haven't realized the people here are the only survivors now. That means that out of 100 people, there is only 10 of us including us. They already killed 90 of our people. I will not let any else die because of me."

"But chief!" Makino tried to protest, but Rune made her stop when he walked up towards Zen.

"You just want me to take you to the core, right?" Rune said. "After going there, you must leave!"

"Very well." Zen agreed.

Rune started to walk away with Zen, but the marine had signaled to get some marine to follow and grab three people, which so happened to be the only three children that survived the attack. Luffy and his brother. The twin brothers were dragged by the marine and Luffy was in the arms of the blue-eyed twin.


"What are you doing?!" Exclaimed Rune as he heard the screams of the people. He turned and looked at Zen in anger.

Zen smirked. "I'm taking them with us. You know, if you try and kill us or lead us the wrong way. It's just in case you try anything and if you do, you have one less chance and a dead body. Now let's go, before you lose the youngest."

Gritting his teeth, the village chief headed towards the core, leaving the rest of the survivors in a worried state. Luffy was watching as he was moving further away from the people he knew and he was only able to keep calm, thanks to his brothers comforting words.

They walked past trees and Yuko and Yuki seemed to glare at the marines the whole time. Then the groups saw a cave ahead and just by looking at, Luffy shivered. It may look like a normal cave, but he could tell that something sinister was in there. He didn't want to get anywhere near the cave, but they all had entered.

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