Ain't it fun (Paramore/ Tayle...

By thepretyreckless

10.4K 250 35

Completed! Hayley and Taylor have been best friends forever and had been there for each other during the roug... More

Let's take it from the top
Hate to see your heart break ( over coffee and suitcases)
Now i walk under a pink sky
Youll trigger a landslide
I think we have an emergency
I had to stop myself
Im not the same kid from your memory
I' m content with lonliness
Be alone
Be alone (part two)
I'm sitting in a room, filled up with only big white walls.
But darling
All I wanted
We get along/for the most part
Caught a bus
Competiton time
Why do we like to hurt so much?
No need to apologise
Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba
She lives in a fairytale
To come out the hero
Can't deny your worth it
Tell me where our time went
I don't want to start over again
Let the flames begin (part one)
Let the flames begin (part two)
Let the flames begin (part three)
Let the flames begin (part four)
The wires were cut and I'm alone
All we know is falling
The distance inbetween us
You meant to say goodbye
We must get more aquainted
Ticking like a clock

Maybe you should tie me up so I don't go where you dont want me

249 7 0
By thepretyreckless

An: sorry but this chapter is quite short and rubbish but hope you will enjoy it anyway. I am also writing a five sos fic and paramore make a quick appearance in chapter two and three which is set the weekend before the first chapter of this fic.
Hayley's pov
The first time Ashley hit me was a few months after I moved into his Appartment over on the east side of town. I was late home from a band rehearsal;

Flashback to October last year
" bye" I yelled to jeremy and Tay as I left the studio and the cool night air hit my face, refreshing. I was glad I had chosen to walk home and declined Taylor's car offer as the night sky was lined with beautiful twinkling stars. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and chuckled slightly to see that it was almost one o'clock in the morning. Hey, sometimes when you get a lyric or a tune in your head you have to act on impulse and try to fit something together around it, the others jotting in with little tips and helping you figure out the melodies.

It was a fifteen minute walk to Ashley's so it was about 1:15 am when I finally unlocked the flat door and walked in, dropping my bags down with a quiet sigh, I was tired. The lamp was still on in the living room and at the desk sat a tired looking Ashley.

" aww thanks for staying up babe. Sorry I'm late, we got started on a new song and lost track of time" I explained.

" you really expect me to believe that" he hissed, his eyes glowing in the dark.

" why wouldn't you?" What else would I have been doing?

" oh please" he snapped, rolling his eyes

" why wouldn't you believe that?" I said again, except this time more forcefully.

" because your clearly cheating on me" he snapped.

" whatever. I'm tired and I'm going to bed, we will talk more in the morning when you have had time to think about it" I mumbled, I couldn't be bothered with the argument right now, plus it was half one in the morning and we had neighbours. I set off walking to our bedroom but Ashley grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me back

" where do you think your going? This argument is over when I say it is bitch"

"Fine you want an argument I'll give you an argument. I can't believe you would think so little of me that I would cheat on you" I snapped. At first his eyes filled with hurt but he quickly masked it with anger and hatred.

" yeah actually I do. You have been having all these rehearsals yet what exactly has your band done recently. No new albums to say your working on all these songs"

" It takes time you prick " I screamed

" don't you dare call me that"

" whatever I'm off to Taylor's" I said, picking up my coat.

Ashley pulled me back by my hair and pushed me into a wall, causing me to scream. He then threw me to the ground and kicked my stomach so hard it wouldn't surprise me If I couldn't have children now. He then punched my face three times before leaving me crying on the sofa as he went to the pub

The next day

I could barely stand, my stomach hurt that much but somehow I managed to trudge up to the studio. I needed to put on a brave face for the others, if they knew what happened they would think I was weak and besides it was my fault for provoking him.

I got there early so I could apply my makeup, I didn't want to stay in that flat any longer. I thought nobody would be there that Early. Until I bumped into Taylor.

" you ok?" He asked looking at the bruises lining my jaw line and I knew that I had to get an excuse ready

" yeah I just walked into a lamppost" I muttered. I was clumsy enough to do that and he would have believed me if it wasn't for the fact that I was a terrible liar. He didn't look convinced but he let it go.

I managed to tell myself that last night was a one off and that it would never happen again. But it did. Several times

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